Top 5 things I saw in America which, as a Canadian, freaked me right out

I’m back from my vacation down in the United States, and will return to blogging with regularity as soon as possible.

To celebrate my return to this frigid, yet comparatively sane country, I felt it worthwhile to relay a list of five items which I saw during my travels which the locals thought was perfectly normal (I presume), but which freaked the heck out of me as a Canadian.


A trucking company which hauls all manner of freight throughout the deep south of the U.S. which calls itself a “Christian company” (the very idea of which seems as bizarre to me as a “Christian dog”) and which requires that its trucks to carry religious and political messages. The messages I saw included:
It’s not a choice, it’s a child
God loved us so that he gave his only son.


A breakfast creation in upstate New York called “Stuffed French Toast”. What does “Stuffed French Toast” entail, you naïve non-American might ask? It’s French Toast (which, keep in mind is cooked in butter) stuffed with bacon, eggs and processed cheese (which they proudly call ‘American processed cheese’, I presume, to distinguish it from real cheese which could, after all, be French and/or offer unAmerican nutritional content). But here’s the kicker: on top of your “Stuffed French Toast” cooked in butter, you will find… a square of butter.


A massive billboard in South Carolina just outside of Georgia which read:
“Victory is great, but honor is greater. Defend your Southern heritage.”


A letter to the editor pasted proudly on a business door in Key Marathon, Florida by the business owner discussing how immigrants today are a disgrace to immigrants from the start of the 20th Century. The letter details how people need to read history because in 1901, when the business owner’s grandfather came to the country, he didn’t ask for any government handouts like modern immigrants are asking for. So modern, non-English-speaking immigrants are greedier than the immigrants from 100 years ago and thus do not recognize the value of hard work and don’t appreciate why America is great. (I’m not concocting a straw man here, this is, as best as I can recall, the structure of the argument). Apparently, nobody told the letter-writer that in 1901 NOBODY got government handouts (other than cheap land which WAS aimed at immigrants) because there weren’t significant government social programs until after World War II.
I guess the purpose of the letter was for other people to read history, not for the letter writer to read history.


Casa D’ice, a restaurant located near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania which features political messages as their signature claim to fame.  Among the political messages they put up under their restaurant’s name and proudly reproduced on their website include:







1324 Responses to “Top 5 things I saw in America which, as a Canadian, freaked me right out”

  1. 1 Kenn Chaplin 10 January, 2008 at 12:01 am

    Wow, makes me glad I can’t go there without first trying to get a waiver. Why bother?

    • 2 planetzebo 10 June, 2010 at 8:08 am

      Because like all countries with more than 100 people we have VERY diverse opinions and beliefs. It’s too easy to just cherry pick the more rediculous or fringe ones. At least in America you know you can express whatever you want and the biggots and racists show themselves too often that way. I’d rather know who they are up front.
      Besides, this type of stuff brings spice to the melting pot. You don’t have to agree or partake. Just sit back and enjoy a good laugh :)

      • 3 Ramon 11 June, 2012 at 3:41 pm

        It would’ve been quite funny if all you diverse people were not massacring innocent people round the globe, with your wonderful sense of democracy…. To loads of people, this is too close to home for them to laugh.

    • 4 vlad 15 January, 2018 at 11:28 pm

      you look like you have aids anyway,you wouldn’t be welcome you spotted dying fag.canadian whites better get allied with American whites or they will be outcasts in their own lands.wake the fuck up.

  2. 5 Cody 10 January, 2008 at 12:20 am

    As an American, all five bother me greatly as well. Well, not so much the French Stuffed Toast bit. I’ve seen worse on the menus of the dives in my area. But the Casa D’Ice boards…they’re enough to make me want to move to Sweden. I’d rather live in another country than share this one with closed-minded bigots. Or maybe the rational Americans should just make them move to another country…

  3. 6 ian in hamburg 10 January, 2008 at 12:33 am

    Agree with Cody. Many Americans are ashamed and angry at the way the loud-mouth right gets all the attention overseas, so everyone thinks the whole country is as redneck, bigoted and stupid as the casadice sign-maker.

    About #3: I believe that one’s called The Coronary Triple-bypass Special.

    • 7 planetzebo 10 June, 2010 at 8:13 am

      C’mon Ian, be fair. Our far leftists embarrass us overseas just as much with their own brand of idiocy. Don’t sell our fringe population short. Only in the American society where most things are just handed to you can you grow people who believe their little closeted world is reality :)
      I loved Hamburg. Lived in Germany for 2 years. Great experience!

    • 8 Patrick Condon 7 September, 2010 at 10:35 pm

      I love how you so quickly vacate the highly valued quality of tolerance from the Left. Many actually is Some in your statement Ian in Hamburg. 20% of Americans are Liberals. So your dynamic is off kilter. Then again, you’re in Hamburg. Stay there.

      As for the needle-neck blogger that visited the US: I’ll make you a deal – you stay North of the fence line and I stay South of it. We have a really big country and you have a really narrow mind. Good luck with that disability.

    • 11 vlad 15 January, 2018 at 11:31 pm

      what kind of white man are you ian in hamburg?youre a damn disgrace,stay in Germany you can convert to islam and live happily ever after asshole.signed “the right”

  4. 12 Rod 10 January, 2008 at 12:35 am

    Ah, free speech. That’s what makes America great. BTW you missed the point of #2. His grandfather was a legal immigrant and worked hard on his own to make it. Today, you have to offer spanish services because today’s illegal immigrant think they are entitled to come here and have us cater and give everything to them. Americans are tired of trying to buy something but can’t understand the clerk because they don’t speak english. No other country requires it’s citizens to conform to illegal immigrants customs instead of required the illegals to conform to the countrys customs. It’s gotten so bad an english speaking only cheesesteak eatery owner got sued because he requested all orders be made in english.

    • 13 planetzebo 10 June, 2010 at 8:20 am

      Rod, until America passes a Constitutional ammendment making English the official language we have an obligation to make our society fair to all by our own Constitution. If we have no official language then we have to provide opportunities in other langauges. I don’t like it and I think it hurts our economy but we are doing this to ourselves.
      It’s a bit ironic that the author of this article trashing America is from a country who has an official language and expects it’s citizens to know it. He attempts to lump Americans into the same category as the extremists he uses as his examples. As soon as America makes one language the official langauge we will have put up a wall between the US and immigrants who would then HAVE to be able to use english just to funtion in our society. Peace.

  5. 18 evgen 10 January, 2008 at 12:35 am

    Re: #5: Some American’s are very vocal about their supposed personal relationship with Jesus, get over it. Most of us think they are freaks too.

    Re #4: “poutine”. Nuff said.

    Re #3: You need to understand that the “traditional” South has a _huge_ chip on its shoulder regarding that little dust-up in the late 19th century. They have been taking shit from the North and West for more than a century (rightly so I think) and respond by a retreat to faux-nationalism. Consider a true son of the South to be something akin to a Quebecois, but at least the rest of us are not forced to pretend their linguistic eccentricities are anything more than another reason to laugh at them :)

    Re #2 & #1: Yeah, we have assholes down here. Plenty to go around. Want us to share a few with you? I would happily duct-tape the case d’ice guy and throw him over the border if you want him..

  6. 22 zorn 10 January, 2008 at 12:48 am

    I have lived in upstate NY all my life (35 years) and have never, ever heard of that french toast thing…

    just pointing out it’s not like this is what New Yorkers always eat for breakfast, just some diner, I assume, that was shooting for the ‘worst breakfast’ award or something…

  7. 23 Stephen 10 January, 2008 at 12:53 am

    Seriously? A Canadian complaining about *our* grease-laden food?? Have you looked at your own cuisine lately?

  8. 24 Dr. William Bennett 10 January, 2008 at 1:36 am

    #5 – I’ve seen those trucks. It’s a privately owned company, if they want to put religious messages on their truck why is that any worse than Yosemite Sam on the mudflaps, or the old clunker covered with Wicca and Veganism stickers.

    #4 – Yeah, that fried stuff is gross everywhere, even at McDonalds. Solution is to be willing to pay more than $3 for a meal so they can hire a decent staff and buy things like vegetables.

    #3 – I see nothing wrong with Southern Heritage, or Northern for that matter. Let people be proud of their NASCAR and bow hunting and maybe they will tolerate your ice hockey in return.

    #2 – Dang man, you found some silly letter to the editor by some random dude and that’s what you find #2 most wrong with the entire country? Holy cow. I can find better stuff wrong than one person’s opinion.

    #1 – Those marquee signs are pretty funny. At least you know not to eat there, right?

  9. 25 Edison Maxwell 10 January, 2008 at 1:40 am

    It aint good Stuffed French Toast unless it’s also been deep fried.

  10. 26 Shawn 10 January, 2008 at 1:58 am

    Oh my god, I live in Pittsburgh and am hiding my head in shame over those awful Casa D’racism billboards! I want you all to know that those views are not the views of many us who live and work in Pittsburgh.

  11. 27 EmptySet 10 January, 2008 at 2:00 am

    Bitching about Mexicans at a place called Casa? That’s just how stupid the jingoists are in the U.S.

    • 28 vlad 15 January, 2018 at 11:41 pm

      whats stupid about that?we can have Mexican restarants and still be racist,its the American way asshole.if were so stupid take us’ll lose no matter what the competition.

  12. 29 Matt Edlund 10 January, 2008 at 2:07 am

    Dr. Bennett,

    What you don’t seem to understand here is a concept called “Hate Speach”. In Canada if one would publicly say the things that were posted on that billboard, there would be serious legal concequences. It comes down to the old saying;

    “Your right to extend your arm ends at the tip of my nose”

    IE, say what you want, but if you advocate violence towards a group of people based on sex, religion, sexual orientation, medical disability or nationality you have committed a crime. We take that kind of thing pretty seriously here, so you simply wouldn’t see it.

    I have heard all the “Free Speach” arguments but comming from ANYONE in the US at the moment they all sound pretty lame. From what I can see on the news your government is arresting people for simply protesting, as is there right (The US firefighter who keeps getting stopped at the boarder and being asked by US boarder guards about his letters to the editor comes directly to mind).

    As for the trucks.. well that would freak me out as well. How is Christian fundimentalism any different from any other religious fundimentalism? They all are completely intollerant of anyone else’s views and therefore dangerous. They can say what they want as long as they don’t hurt anyone, or advocate anyone else doing so; however, it is time for you Americans to wake up and realize that in the rest of the western world such religious extremeism is looked upon in a very dim light. Such signs on a comercial vehicle wouldn’t just freak out Canadians, but it would freak out most of the population of the west!

    The letter about immigrants on the other hand I am ashamed to say is something that we are dealing with in Canada right now in Quebec. We are hardly perfect, we just don’t try and twist our imperfections somehow into a distorted virtue.

    As for “Canadian Cuisine”… we don’t have any. However I can go down the street and get food from every courner of the world, made with better quality produce in any city and town in Canada. There are advantages to having over 10% of our population borned NOT in Canada. That means that a significant portion of the people here are recent immigrants. How would rants agaist immigrants but the desendents of immigrants NOT freak out a person from a multicultural country??

    The US has completly forgotten what America is and until you can regain the dream, you first have to admit that there is something wrong.

  13. 31 Matt Edlund 10 January, 2008 at 2:09 am

    PS. Sorry for the spelling =P

  14. 32 Voideka 10 January, 2008 at 2:09 am

    I really don’t understand the complaints about American cheese, that’s it’s name. It’s not like freedom/French fries.

  15. 33 jcy 10 January, 2008 at 2:11 am

    you’re a smug judgmental prick. please don’t come back.

    for the record, i’m a republican immigrant to the US who isn’t bothered by a trucking company business owner with religion in his heart and mind, have never eaten stuffed french toast, and also think that there is no need to accommodate to immigrants because my parents never took a dime and they’ve prosperous regardless.

    also, your stupid little list of things that you pointed out and want to basically tar the rest of america with just reveals how small minded you are, not us.

  16. 34 Z 10 January, 2008 at 2:12 am

    It’s easy to believe all the stereotypes about America, but it’s also ignorant. In any nation, the closer in towards populated urban city areas, the average education level will increase. The further out in the sticks you go, the redneckitude will rise. This is in any part of the globe. Get over it.

    French Toast is not cooked in butter, its battered in egg and then cooked in a pan, covered with maple syrup and sprinkled with powdered sugar. People may add butter to it afterwards, but your idea of French Toast is a little sensational.

    The signs at the end are obviously in some far-right bible-belt area. If that sign were in any normal metropolitan city in America, it would be continually swiss-cheesed by rock-throwers.

    In conclusion, sifting through American things to find the stupid/embarrassing/stereotypical parts is really getting old. People who fall for this are even stupider than those they are trying to portray. Take the film where they ask all the Americans about the map and get a bunch of stupid responses – if you honestly believe they didn’t edit the hell out of that to paint Americans as utter morons, then the joke is on you.

  17. 35 Daniel 10 January, 2008 at 2:13 am

    So you are freaked out by stuffed french toast?

    What about Poutein, it’s pretty much considered a national treasure in Canada. It’s fries, covered with gravy and cheese curds! I mean, pot-kettle-black folks, if you’re freaked out by stuffed french toast.

    My list of things I hate about Canada.

    1) Poutine, what a way to ruin fries! ( Actually, I’d probably eat it, but since he dissed stuffed french toast w/o trying it, I get to do the same ).
    2) It’s “About” not “Aboot”.
    3) They continually whine about Americans.

  18. 36 Larry Gambone 10 January, 2008 at 2:20 am

    JCY, your attitudes are an example of why the world is hostile toward the USA. Thankfully, there are lots of Americans who 1. would be offended by a commercial truck with religious nit-wittery plastered on it, 2. Think fast food is crap, 3. Don’t pick on immigrants 4. Don’t tell critics they can stay out of the USA.

  19. 37 drunkyGriffin 10 January, 2008 at 2:23 am

    i like american process cheese food. it melts evenly and without becoming greasy. oh and as far as greasy disgusting american food goes, allow me to bring up the New Brunswick NJ regional special the “Fat Cat” two burger patties, american cheese, fries, mozzarella sticks, lettuce, mayo, ketchup all on a long sub roll. drunk college kids eat them by the thousands. gotta love america.

  20. 38 Dr. William Bennett 10 January, 2008 at 2:24 am

    The Casa signs are certainly highly offensive, but they are so outrageous and over the top that they are funny. Not against ‘camel jockeys’? That’s fine, the sign is a warning for sane people to stay away from the restaurant.

    But you folks complaining about the privately owned trucks that have religious statements on them, you guys are incredibly intolerant of those with beliefs different from your own. Don’t you see that that makes YOU the fascists and bigots here? Well no, you don’t see that at all because you can only see things from one point of view – your own, which is dangerous to society, and every bit as frightening as those Casa signs.

    • 39 Eric 21 August, 2012 at 7:56 pm

      “Don’t you see that that makes YOU the fascists and bigots here?”
      umm… no. No it doesn’t. I think you should look up the words: fascist and bigot.

      “you don’t see that at all because you can only see things from one point of view – your own”.

      I can’t speak for the author, but I think he probably can see things from more than one point of view, just not from EVERY point of view, which is the case for everyone. The stuff on the trucks certainly would raise my eyebrows. And don’t forget that this is a blog, the point was to be entertaining. It would be kind of boring to post about all the reasonable people he met in the US… that’s not entertaining!

  21. 40 jp 10 January, 2008 at 2:32 am

    “As for “Canadian Cuisine”… we don’t have any. However I can go down the street and get food from every courner of the world, made with better quality produce in any city and town in Canada. There are advantages to having over 10% of our population borned NOT in Canada. That means that a significant portion of the people here are recent immigrants. How would rants agaist immigrants but the desendents of immigrants NOT freak out a person from a multicultural country??”

    Seriously? That is a silly argument I see all the time. For all the jacked up things we have in America, I am not sure at all why people keep trying to say this is one of them. I live in the middle of nowhere and I can get food from all over the world. I am totally baffled by this comment except to think that maybe people outside of the US have decided that our successfully exported fast food chains are all we eat here?

  22. 41 guy 10 January, 2008 at 2:34 am

    I love how reactionary Americans can be. You just *need* more people to call “morons that always whine about Americans” don’t you?

    Reminds me of the joke:
    “Guy is riding down the highway when he hears a warning on the radio that some crazy is driving the wrong side of the highway. He thinks to himself: one guy? They’re all fucking driving on the wrong side!”

    And this applies to the people who go out in blaze of fury of “not all americans are…”. Well tough bitches. You sure ain’t doin’ anything about it are you.

    Also, Dr William Bennett. Being shocked by some backward behaviour is fascist and biggot is it? Oh… let me think… oh yeah. At least we’re not burning down abortion clinics, and sending military expeditions halfway across the world to ‘teach em camel jockeys a lesson in tolerance’.

  23. 42 Dr. William Bennett 10 January, 2008 at 2:35 am

    That Casa place is in Pennsylvania of all places, in a highly unionized, democratic voting working town.

    I bet some of you guys find yourself agreeing with many of their signs actually:

  24. 43 Dr. William Bennett 10 January, 2008 at 2:37 am

    “Being shocked by some backward behaviour is fascist and biggot is it?”

    So, you are defining someone expressing their religion as ‘backward behavior’? yes, I do find that to be fascist and bigotted. Hitler had issues with those with religions different from his own as well, so you are in fine company, young Fuhrer. Sig Heil!

  25. 44 Strisi 10 January, 2008 at 2:44 am

    I’m not surprised by the sentiments at Casa D’Ice in North Versailles, PA. Several decades ago, an “Impeach Earl Warren” sign had a prominent spot along the same highway, less than a mile to the west. (Earl Warren was the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1953-1969). It appears that a new generation of the local John Birch conservative culture has added xenophobia to it’s agenda. In balance, there are nearby communities where election day vote tallies for Republican candidates struggle to reach 3 digits.

  26. 45 Andrew 10 January, 2008 at 2:47 am

    I’ll go ahead and be the one who says that this is not only a good thing, but it’s actually a great thing. But probably not how you think.

    I value free speech. I believe in it so much, that I think that the day you no longer read anything that offends your values, beliefs, sensibilities, taste, and intellect is probably the day that real rights to free speech are dead.

    Do I agree with any of those? Heck no. Most are in very poor taste, lack intelligence, and are generally tell me that those who posted them are idiots. But I applaud their right to add to civil discourse. Think of all the places in the world (including the U.S.A.) where discourse has turned into savagery.

    No one is blowing up these signs. Hopefully no one is defacing the truck with religious speech. They are causing us to reflect, think, and speak about it. It gives me the opportunity to engage the person in discourse. It also tells me whether I want to support that business or not.

    Think of all the closet racists and bigots. I find them far more disagreeable than those who are open and clear about their thoughts and feelings. At least they own what they say. I’ve met plenty of Canadians who have no problems spewing out hate in online gaming where their anonymity allows it, while pretending in public to be open minded.

    Bring the hate and ignorance out in the open. Let it be challenged and shown to be flawed.

  27. 46 Cody 10 January, 2008 at 2:59 am

    Andrew’s got a good point. People will censor their peers much more effectively than a government ever could.

  28. 47 Murphy 10 January, 2008 at 3:16 am

    Things that freak me out about the USA….

    Your laws. Establishing an internet casino in the Cayman Islands will get you charged in the USA. Even though it’s completely legal in the Caymans. You lock up people for possession of a single joint. There’s a guy in California who is serving “Life, No Parole” for shoplifting 2 AA batteries under the 3 strikes law.

    Only, when it comes to rendition, disappearances, torture, and detention without due process, well, there’s no laws at all. The conditions and treatment at Guantanimo were considered barbaric and inhuman at the Hanoi Hilton, and the USA executed a Japanese POW camp commander for waterboarding.

    Yes, there are many educated and worldly Americans, but there are also an appalling number who can’t locate THEIR OWN COUNTRY on a world map. There’s a saying, “If it weren’t for war, Americans wouldn’t learn geography at all.” Seriously, guys, stop showing up in Canada in July asking where all the snow went.

    And Imperial measurements, you know, pints, miles, etc. It’s called Imperial, because it’s part of the British system of measurement, and even THEY don’t use it anymore. Guys, there’s over 6 billion people on the planet, and 300 million Americans are the ONLY people who don’t use the Metric System.

    There’s more, but I don’t want to get into a rant here. To all you informed, educated, openminded Americans, please, try to bring the rest up to speed.

    To all you closeminded, right-wing, bigoted obnoxious jerks, please stay in the USA. It’s really the only place you’re welcome.

    Now I think I’ll book a vacation to Cuba. It’s the only place on Earth where you’ll never see a bloody American tourist.

    And I’ve lived in Canada for 46 years, and have NEVER heard ANYONE pronounce it “aboot”

  29. 48 Willfe 10 January, 2008 at 3:16 am

    Ye gods, I find myself shaking my head at all five of these disgusting displays, but I’m stunned at the apologists here actually standing up for this crap. I’m seriously hopeful most (if not all) of the “dissenting” opinion in these comments is satire or tongue-in-cheek humor, because if these folks are for real, ye gods we’re all in trouble.

    I love the delicious irony in someone proudly proclaiming “First Amendment, man!” in defense of the bigoted, hate-filled bile on those signs, trying to beat *you* over the head with the first amendment because you dared to express *your* opinion.

    My own take on all five of these disturbing trends:

    #5: I’ve seen them here in Florida, too, and it disturbs me. You have to be a *seriously* insecure person with major emotional issues to fly a religion banner *that big* everywhere you go. Sure, they’re completely within their rights to establish a religious trucking company. The rest of us are completely within our rights to ridicule these nimrods for it.

    #4: We can only hope that eating enough of these things will kill the most obese of us :)

    #3: On a recent road trip to Virginia (we had to run through the Carolinas and Georgia), we saw amusing things like this, too. All I can say about these confused, disturbed people is that with a little bit of luck, within a few generations, that kind of deep-seeded ignorance and hatred will be naturally bred *out* of the human genome. There really *will* be a point when they’ve fallen so far behind the rest of human civilization, intellectually and technologically, that they just won’t be able to survive.

    #2: It shames me (as an American, and on behalf of America) that you as a Canadian know more about our history than most of us do. *Everybody* in this friggin’ country is an immigrant or a descendant of one, barring the natives that lived here before we popped in. Social welfare is a relatively modern innovation in America — you can bet if those handouts had been around in the 19th century, immigrants and Americans alike would have their hands right out there.

    #1: Isn’t it funny how these signs contradict themselves? “Take the oil” versus “Bring the boys home.” The only thing the signs’ author gets right is “what a crock of shit.” Why can’t *these* people enlist to go overseas to “fight the good fight?” A dose of reality would be a great thing for them all.

    On behalf of America, I’m sorry. We’re not all insane like these folks are :( The sane ones are just hiding more these days while the nutjobs get all their frustrations out of their collective system.

  30. 49 Adam Burnett 10 January, 2008 at 3:32 am

    Great points Andrew, couldn’t agree more. It is great that people are free to express their beliefs, no matter how bigoted they are. It is sad when people retaliate against these same beliefs because then they gain credit and support. I would agree and hope that the majority of Americans do not think or act the way portrayed in this article. I’m positive that we could find just as shocking billboards, menus, and articles from our ‘friendly neighbors to the North.’ I doubt their’s is a country devoid of racism, bigotry and gluttony, but we will see. Just know that this article is not America. Not close.

  31. 50 Kwan 10 January, 2008 at 3:42 am

    So Canada is the land of tolerance eh? I had the misfortune of being in Vancouver around a month after the US invaded Iraq. My truck was keyed and covered in anti-war leaflets simply because I was American. If the cowards had the guts to confront me in person they would discover I disapproved of the war as much (if not more) than they did. Instead, I was treated as a stereotype.

    Several years later, I was at the Blaine border crossing with my girlfriend who is black (I’m white). I was refused entry because Canada “does not approve of relationships of your kind.” I also heard them refer to her as a “coon” when they thought we were out of earshot. I doubt such behavior is government approved, but what difference does that make — these guys were official representatives of the Canadian government and they were rcist rednecks.

    Finally, let’s not forget that Canada has no equivalent of the First Amendment. Canada can, and does, routinely censor speech that is considered politically incorrect.

  32. 51 Kenn 10 January, 2008 at 3:49 am

    > They all are completely intollerant of anyone else’s views and therefore dangerous.

    Oh, the irony.

    > They can say what they want as long as they don’t hurt anyone, or advocate anyone else doing so

    Tell me, how do either of the truck quotes hurt anyone or advocate such? Perhaps you could make an argument about the abortion opinion, but it is a highly subjective controversy.

    >“Your right to extend your arm ends at the tip of my nose”

    There’s another old saying: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” There are no words that have ever, ever hurt anyone’s nose. Silencing opinions is a slippery slope. You may not mind that opinions you find offensive are made illegal, but you’ll feel a lot different when your own opinions are made so.

    Look, we can’t all be as perfect as Canada. Besides, if the US were perfect, who would you have to look down upon to feel superior and prop up your fragile ego?

    Tell us also what you found non-shocking or even impressive about the US. Otherwise you’re just a bigot.

  33. 52 Kes 10 January, 2008 at 3:51 am

    You know, I was going to write a huge rebuttal of the points you made, but it’s obvious you came to the US to be offended and of course you were. So, I’m just going to call a spade a spade and say you’re a xenophobic bigot, no better than the southerners you malign. No use arguing with someone who’s already made up his mind. Have a nice day.

  34. 53 Harald K 10 January, 2008 at 4:17 am

    Stuffed french toast? That’s nothing to deep fried Mars bars. And no, it isn’t an urban legend:

  35. 54 Lulu 10 January, 2008 at 4:18 am

    Do I laugh or cry???

  36. 55 Mark 10 January, 2008 at 4:24 am

    This discussion is fantastic! It’s going absolutely nowhere!

    Remember folks: You are _all_ wrong!

  37. 56 Ant 10 January, 2008 at 4:24 am

    I think any country has this sort of thing – in the UK a chip shop was selling a 6000 calorie deep-fried kebab, any cab driver worth his salt gives you his racist opinions condensed down to bullet points for the 5 minute journey. I’m only glad we’re pretty anti-religious by default over here so we don’t have to put up with the christian drivel America would appear to have plastered over walls and billboards across half its states!

  38. 57 Ugly American 10 January, 2008 at 4:44 am

    I spent most of my life simply ignoring what other people do. Live and let live I figure.

    The problem is while I was playing video games, an alliance of corporate and religious fascists hijacked my country.

    Because Jesus was all about mercenary armies torturing people for oil.

  39. 58 West Coaster 10 January, 2008 at 5:00 am

    I read this and think to myself how disgraceful it would be to be an American in this day and age…then I remember just because I live on the West Coast of the United States it does not disassociate me with the retards that inhabit and run the rest of the country. Damn, Can we just make everything from CA to WA its own country…

  40. 59 stoked 10 January, 2008 at 5:28 am

    Re: the fragile Canadian ego, a funny bumper sticker comes to mind. It depicts the outlines of CDN and the U.S. and beneath it states “We’re bigger, and we’re on top. If this were prison, you’d be our bitch.” LOL!

  41. 60 Stu 10 January, 2008 at 5:32 am

    Comging from England numbers 2-5 don’t really freak me out at all i’m pretty sure you can find examples of that all over the western world. #1 is however shocking you’d be in Jail before you’d finished writing the first sign over here.

  42. 61 Philo 10 January, 2008 at 5:48 am

    Proper french toast is not cooked in butter – it’s dipped in eggs and fried. Just so you know. :)

  43. 62 man 10 January, 2008 at 5:52 am

    Those are nice, thanks for sharing. Lol

  44. 63 Reid Carlberg 10 January, 2008 at 6:16 am

    Where was that stuffed French toast sold again? I’ve got to try that! Please tell me you didn’t find it @ Casa Dice.

  45. 64 Uh huh 10 January, 2008 at 6:48 am

    I’ve traveled the world, and the conclusion I’ve come to is that stupidity is universal. Take an introspective look at your own country and I’ll bet you could come up with a list that’s equally entertaining.

  46. 65 jacques 10 January, 2008 at 6:51 am

    being half french, half american and having studied for a bit in Quebec, I’m happy to comment on this: even though there are much more things I dislike about the US than Canada, I must say that putin is the most atrocious culinary creation I have ever seen (&tasted, cause it matter too). The inventor’s brains were seriously fried long before his chips. But to say that Canada has no cooking of its own is not exactly true. It’s not stereotyped and it’s regional more than national but it’s there, it relies on maple syrup and greasy things sometimes but it can be very good.

    I think what people in the states need right now is a good deal of love from their own government to do away with fear-inducing speeches, war speeches and hate speeches. Don’t trust someone who tries to scare you.

  47. 66 Olivia - down under -au 10 January, 2008 at 6:58 am

    I visited the USA in May 2006, after not having been there for almost 20yr’s. I don’t know if it is me or them but, I reckon Americans 20yr’s ago were less theologically inclined and way more positive and upbeat. And, I have to say America and Americans spun me out for very similar reasons. Added to this horrid mix was the fact most Americans didn’t seem to comprehend how awful their lives are compared to the rest of the western world. If you don’t believe me check the statistics for health care, holidays, accident cover, voter participation, happiness, well being and life satisfaction. Olivia – Australia
    P.S Humour was sadly lacking!

  48. 67 Nick 10 January, 2008 at 7:02 am

    Maybe the international community should set up a cordon around America and then unleash the T-Virus. Any American who can provide evidence that he or she is not, in fact, a religious nutjob, a warmongering hypocrite, or a racist will be permitted to leave and can return and re-populate that once great land after the zombies are cleared out.

  49. 68 bah! 10 January, 2008 at 7:02 am

    I have relatives in Canada and have visited many times, it is a beautiful and culturally diverse country. There are a lot of people up there who are very critical of immigrants and foreign visitors especially Pakistani and Chinese people. Some are rude to Americans. My wife and a few of her friends where in Toronto for a visit, having a conversation in her language of birth(Lithuanian) and some guy over heard and starting shouting rude obscenities at them because they where foreign. How rude! Personally, I do not care for those type of people and will steer clear of them. The same goes for the religious nuts. I will happily tolerate them when I have to because it is there opinion but tend to steer clear.
    I do not think you can go anywhere, any country without running across some form of radicalism. I think the author of this page has nothing to complain about and needs to open his eyes, take a look at his own beliefs.

    We are only human ya know………

  50. 69 Kim 10 January, 2008 at 7:09 am

    The US has for many years pushed a tribal ‘ us and them ‘ culture . It causes a lot of problems . It shouldn’t take World and regional wars , Nazism , Communism , business failures and dysfunctional U.S.A. etc. to prove just how bad the culture is . The World – where it has an effective culture – actually has a Communitarian culture . Hence why people both in the US and outside can be quite rightly shocked by what goes on there . And quite understandably see the damage it causes .

  51. 70 Paul Goris 10 January, 2008 at 7:23 am

    In case you were having any doubts: you sound (Canadian) like a perfectly normal person to me (Belgian).

  52. 71 Jeff 10 January, 2008 at 7:24 am

    About the stuffed French toast…..

    Aren’t Canadiens the ones that decided it would be great to take french fries and cover them in GRAVY?!?!?!? Just sayin’….

  53. 72 Athiest Bastard 10 January, 2008 at 7:29 am

    Quick lesson. They’re, their and there. Please learn this, people. THEY’RE going to wave THEIR flags when they get THERE. That’s how you use them.

  54. 73 Henry Doyle 10 January, 2008 at 7:33 am

    Quit being a divider. I’m a Canadian who’s lived in America for 9 years. There are more similarities than differences and it’s no coincidence that most of the things that “freak you out” are from the South or have Southern overtones ie: racist. It seems that part of the country is “special” ie: mildly retarded and they kind of get a pass. Canada’s loaded with creepy things too, from interbreeding Newfie’s to white supremists in Southern Alberta to Huterites to French seperatists. I love Canada and the USA. America is going through a hiccup right now but it’ll be sorted out. So FUCK OFF!!

  55. 74 Carole 10 January, 2008 at 7:34 am

    God it’s embarassing I live in this F*’ed up country. Especially those right-wing lugnut signs.

    • 75 The American 27 February, 2010 at 8:49 pm

      If it’s so embarrassing for you? Get the fuck out. Otherwise, grow up. Realize that we are just another country of humans. We all have pro’s AND con’s. At least here you have the right to leave. Really. We won’t stop you.

      Sounds like some of you would rather be Canadians? Go be one. If you like the UK, go there. Really, it’s that simple. Damn Skippie you will no doubt find something to bitch about there also.

      If this country is so fucked up why does it matter to all you bacon stains what the hell we do. Go find a country that is more deserving of your attention and just ignore us.

      In a short period of historical time we have risen to the top of the ranks. But everything we do is wrong? Well here’s an idea. JUST DON’T TRY TO BE LIKE US! Stay up there and we’ll stay down here in our ass-backward country.

      This is MY country and as screwy as it sometimes gets. I will stand against ANYONE!!! American or other who debases it. So…

      Fuck all of you who imagine you are better than others.

      PS For all you history experts. When the next WW happens. Don’t call, begging us to send you ANY of our evil firearms so you can protect your own ass. Pick up a pen and write ’em some harsh words!!!!

  56. 76 Dan Howes 10 January, 2008 at 8:02 am

    #12 your an idiot, just because theres a Spanish word doesn’t mean people can’t poke some fun at the illeagles. All of you who are appalled to see the signs, have no concept of the First Amendment, or legal immigration for that matter.

    The letter to the editor again First amendment.
    #59 you are embarrassed by the United States Constitution?

    Ron Paul for President!!

    Course all you Sheeple probably want Billary, or Mr. Greater Israel Obama.

  57. 77 Connor 10 January, 2008 at 8:12 am

    None of those things have anything to do with America except that they are created by Americans. By “Americans,” I don’t mean ALL Americans, but only a few Americans. I’m sure the owner of those signs will be sued or put in prison. Hate speech is not protected in this country.

  58. 78 Christian 10 January, 2008 at 8:24 am

    BFD… these are all forms of free speech. Hateful / bigoted people exist, news at 11:00.

  59. 79 John Patterson 10 January, 2008 at 8:25 am

    When you lose the right to be different you lose the right to be free – Charles Evan Hughes

    This is the USA. As long as you are not hurting anyone live how you want to live.

    God bless America and all these kooks you ran into :)

  60. 80 John Rohan 10 January, 2008 at 8:26 am

    So on one single vacation, he visited the “deep South”, upstate New York, Key Marathon Florida, South Carolina, and Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. That’s quite a lot of traveling for one vacation in the United States.

    It’s more likely he did some of this “traveling” through google searches instead.

    If #5 freaked you out, then you are pretty culturally insulated. You will find many similar businesses in Asia and the Middle East. Oh, I forgot – it’s only creepy if the USA does it…

    I don’t see what’s even slightly strange about #3, and #2 is more of a editorial opinion on your part. You can find disagreements in many Canadian newspapers. I’ve been there myself.

  61. 81 draki 10 January, 2008 at 8:27 am


    • 82 The American 27 February, 2010 at 9:00 pm

      Here is a classic example of a culturally advanced worldly kind of individual. Wish I could be like this.

      But I guess I’ll just have to settle for being a “Pretty Hot And Tempting ~ fuck.”

      Thank you draki!!!

  62. 83 Alf 10 January, 2008 at 8:31 am

    I think most Americans miss the point about demonizing immigrants. It’s a ploy, immigrants have become the scape goat for the government to blame for the piss poor economy. Illegal immigrants work for cash under the table and don’t even make minimum wage.

    If you want to stop illegal immigration, get rid of the minimum wage!!!

    If you want to improve the economic outlook for low to middle income people in the US, then re-adopt sound money and the gold standard!

  63. 84 jason 10 January, 2008 at 8:40 am

    You are off on the french toast bit. French toast is lovely. Who is scared of butter, french toast, bacon and eggs? (I mean you are canadian aye? WTF?)For the record, we have some of the best cheese in the country made right here in upstate new york, yes we really have dairy farms, if you would like, Ill send you some.

    Otherwise, I agree with the scary christian truck drivers, especially the ones with like the arms that look like hamhocks all tatted up with jesus on a cross. But its another great thing about america, freedom of religion. Even that mongoloid Genghis Kahn understood the value of this. – Sounds like you spent too much time in the bible belt.(SOUTH)Im just a effing Yankee, so what do I know.

    And while I dont agree with some Casa D’Ice sentiments, I would love to see you be able to express yourself like that in another country. Its one of the great liberties that we have – FREEDOM OF SPEECH. (unless some ignorant cop decides you are a terrorist, these guys could get in some serious shit especially if Al Sharpton sees it)

    I would also suggest to any American citizen, that if they dont like it here to A. participate in government and make a change,(you know seriously stop being so ignorant) or B. Take your Effing Ass someplace else.

  64. 85 Jack @ The Tech Teapot 10 January, 2008 at 8:42 am

    The restaurant signs look like good marketing to me. Choose an audience and then become remarkable. It doesn’t matter that 99% of people passing think the signs offensive so long as the intended audience (the remaining 1%) of more conservative people find it remarkable and spend lots of money there knowing the owner will give them a warm, comradely welcome.

    The owner must have been reading some Seth Godin books.

  65. 86 ascus4 10 January, 2008 at 8:49 am

    Your blog entry does an unjust service to the States. As with most news articles or blogs about the US that originate outside of the States, they project the worst and the stereotypes. That seems to be fashionable.
    Your blog is a prime example of exactly that. There are obviously things you like about America or you wouldn’t go there for vacation. You chose not to write about those things, only the bad.
    People like you that propagate the bad are part of reason the world views the States the way they do.

    There are good things and bad things about the US. Only the bad gets foreign press.
    There are good things and bad things about Canada and in fact, any other country.
    I have a whole page of links to news articles about ridiculously stupid things happening in Canada.
    Should I post them here? No, that would make me petty.
    The religious right gets all the press while the majority of Americans think they are fruitcakes.

    A ‘merkin.

  66. 87 Aminorex 10 January, 2008 at 8:50 am

    Wow, that Casa D’Ice person is seriously unhinged. But I’d like to try the french toast.
    As an American in Canada what freaked me out was the lack of freedom of speech. That’s
    why you guys toady to the US government, and send your citizens to be tortured in Syria, &c,
    I think: You can’t have effective democracy without freedom of thought and speech. When
    the government is allowed to intimidate the people so that they can only think permitted
    thoughts, the result is uniformly bad. That, and the Queen.

  67. 88 Ken 10 January, 2008 at 8:52 am

    Isn’t it nice that the people who prefer Canada to the US also live there?

  68. 89 Doug 10 January, 2008 at 8:56 am

    I don’t think the message is what is important. I think the fact that we have the right of expression is. I’m sorry for Canada, but we can’t all live in a truly free society

  69. 90 sara levin. 10 January, 2008 at 8:56 am

    [comment deleted as spam]

  70. 91 Modtri 10 January, 2008 at 8:57 am

    While this makes for an interesting blog post, you are basing your opinion on a few extremes. As an American I bet I could sterotype Canada as the plaid wearing, labatt blue drinking, Pot producing, backwoods capital of the world. Of course Canada is a great country and great people, and I think you missed the point of your travels if all you did is look at the extremes that America allows.

  71. 92 steve 10 January, 2008 at 8:58 am

    About that 800 mile wal-mart, I wonder how many drugs stores they’d have per mile? And the parking…

  72. 93 Mike 10 January, 2008 at 9:11 am

    Well now you’ve been here, you NEVER have to come back, honestly I don’t think there are any laws that mandate you come here. I’ll make you what we, here in the south, call a “square deal” – I won’t come up there (even if Hillary wins) and you never come back.

  73. 94 Mark Stoneman 10 January, 2008 at 9:12 am

    Instead of being freaked out by these things, might I suggest you take them as peculiar examples of the country’s (and continent’s) diversity? And maybe you could also learn to laugh? Finally, do you seriously mean for these five things to be representative? It would seem so, insofar as you celebrate your return to a “comparatively sane” country.

    Look harder at home too. I’m sure you’ll find some pretty funny stuff there too. The thing is, though, we usually notice this stuff when traveling. At home we tend to move in more limited areas, all within our comfort zone. In Washington, DC and the surrounding area I ignore a great many things, but if I ended up in a city I didn’t know, I would probably see all kinds of things I wouldn’t if I actually lived there.

  74. 95 Black Bellamy 10 January, 2008 at 9:18 am

    The only thing that should freak you out is our GIANT AMERICAN PENISES.

  75. 96 acmc 10 January, 2008 at 9:18 am

    Hardy har. In other news… French people are rude! The English have bad teeth! Asians are good at math! To paraphrase Jerry Seinfeld, I’m not offended as an American, I’m offended as a comedian.

  76. 97 Chuck 10 January, 2008 at 9:20 am

    Gee, everyone, it’s humor with an edge- Get over it, (both sides).

    There are 300,000,000 people in America, some are assholes, some are not… Over-generalization of any population is an error that feeds upon itself and causes all kinds of problems.

    Most everyone here takes themselves -way- too seriously.

    Great way to drive traffic to a blog, btw.

  77. 98 Sharkey 10 January, 2008 at 9:21 am

    Fuck you Canadian. America is great, Canada is not. You are a pussy.

  78. 100 Chris 10 January, 2008 at 9:31 am

    Re: 19

    Exactly. “Oooh, I’m so glad I don’t live there.” Get over it. Go somewhere actually fucked up and then write about it.

  79. 101 Chris 10 January, 2008 at 9:32 am

    Heh. That should be Re: 9.

  80. 102 Heidi 10 January, 2008 at 9:34 am

    I’m a second generation immigrant–my parents are from Germany. They came to the US in the 1950s, and they do get frustrated with the way immigration is handled in the US. I want to point out first though, that there were always places in the US where a non-English language would be predominate. My parents immigrated to Cincinnati, and lived in the German district–only German was spoken there, and very few people knew English. However, people dealt with it and there wasn’t really a push to make German a second language in the US. I am not sure why suddenly Spanish is such a push WITH THE EXCEPTION that maybe many people feel it’s time the US expanded it’s language requirements. It is unusual, not to mention a little embarrassing, that many Americans can only speak English, whereas many people, even in 3rd world countires, often speak at least two (albeit sometimes a bit crpytic, but still beats out many Americans). Why is this significant? Besides challenging yourself (or your children) to learn a second language and therefor expanding your/their education, you actually become smarter–yes, smarter. It opens a new world to you, which is where I think the problem is. People fear what they don’t understand, and Americans are notorious for this. I won’t justify whether they have reason or not (I’m sure a good argument can be made for both sides), but it causes a crippling effect in the US. It’s fairly obvious many Americans will not willingly choose to learn a second language (students, business travelers, etc. are exceptions of course), so now they are being forced into it, because the people coming here are … I don’t want to say refusing, because many are willing and genuinely want to learn English … but are not compromising to give up speaking their language entirely in favor of speaking English. It’s not good or bad–I think more good can come of this in the long wrong, and frankly, in native English-speaking people favor. It is less important to able to speak Spanish with an American (we’ll say mid-eastern US accent, to stave an argument) accent, than for a native Spanish speaking person to speak English with a Spanish accent. Why? Simply put, there will be more tolerance toward for the former than the latter–but this will not happen if Americans are stubbornly, and frankly childishly, obstinant, in learning a second language.

    And as for the French Toast–that is NOT a-typical American cuisine, and I agree with the poster who said it sounds as though the restaurant was aiming for the worst breakfast award.

  81. 103 Justin 10 January, 2008 at 9:34 am

    Um, everything you mentioned that was so freaky about America was pretty tame. Canada must be a very boring place. #5 was hilarious.

  82. 104 Andy 10 January, 2008 at 9:39 am

    “clerk because they don’t speak english. No other country
    requires it’s citizens to conform to illegal immigrants

    How about YOU learn some grammar Correct: “… requires
    ITS citizens…”.

    Have a nice day.

  83. 105 Miguel 10 January, 2008 at 9:43 am

    Ahah and the most ironic part is the name of the restaurant!

  84. 106 Craig 10 January, 2008 at 9:44 am

    One thing you see if you travel a bit, is that there are idiots in any group of people (and more than a few that aren’t idiots but just disagree with you).

    I’m a Canadian who worked in the US for a few years, and I found it was very similar in culture, with occasional differences that really stuck out. I was just down there, and the one that got me was a sign in the hotel bar that declared it a firearms free area. You just don’t see that up here.

    I’ve been down in the US three times this year (3 different states). Honestly, there are a lot of differences between states too, but I found everyone very friendly, even chatty.

    We probably make too much of the ‘ugly American’ here in Canada.

    Still found this an interesting post.

  85. 107 Aaron 10 January, 2008 at 9:44 am

    Yes. Canada does not have any intolerant/close minded/bigoted people within her border. Not a single one. Yessir!

    To quote the signs “What a crock of shit!”

  86. 108 Max 10 January, 2008 at 10:01 am

    This is something that sometimes even we don’t get. We’re a big country with lots of people, we have just about everyone you can imagine here. That’s what makes us great. The best part is everybody else points to the dumbasses and thinks we’re a country full of morons, completely missing the point.

    And Justin’s right, these irrelevant, insignificant things bother you that much? Seriously, stay in Canada. The fact that you can’t recognize those guys are just a bunch of loudmouth morons and let it go means you come from a pretty boring place.

  87. 109 Jen 10 January, 2008 at 10:04 am

    Wow. It’s really interesting to listen to the differences betweeen people. Oh, wait. That’s what makes this country, well, this country. The true meaning of free speech is the right to say what is on your mind, but it is the responsibility to understand what you are saying and who is really listening. Unfortunately, ignorant folks like Casa D’Ice sink to the lowest possible level of this right and just spout thier verbal diarrhea for the whole world to see. If we are to be truly free, we should be able to just hear this and realize their idiocity.

    I am an atheist, but I believe a private business can call itself and do what it wants on its own property, like fight abortion, or believe themselves better than “today’s immigrants”. It’s always been my belief that if you see or hear something you disagree with, talk to the person or establishment. MAKE them defend themselves. You usually learn that they are just angry because they were somehow denied the “rights” other people have received. Ignorance may be bliss, but only for the ignorant.

    As for this hatred for illegal immigrants, I only have one thing to say. If INS was so worried about the “insurgance” they should consider enforcing the laws that have worked for decades. Physical barriers will not work, even animals can find their way around a wall. I have absolutely no doubt that a man, woman or child who are hungry, tired, and poor will do the same. The problem isn’t so much the people who need shelter. If people need someone to be angry at, try our president, who doesn’t seem to care what happens within the borders of this country…unless it lines his pocketbook of course.

  88. 110 Steve 10 January, 2008 at 10:04 am

    I enjoyed the article… and yeah, people ALL OVER THE WORLD are batshit crazy.

    The only thing I don’t like is it seems every Canadian/French Canadian always has to initiate a “look at how stupid people from the USA are” discussion.

    How about showing me some fools from your culture, and I’ll show you some of ours. I’m sure there are plenty of backward lumberjacks in your neck of the woods too.

  89. 111 TC 10 January, 2008 at 10:08 am

    Seriously, it gets worse here everyday, and no new president from any party is going to change that.

    Do you need nurses in Canada? Cause I don’t mind the cold…

  90. 112 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 10:12 am

    Steve (#93) you’re absolutely right that we’ve got PLENTY of our own fools up here in Canada. I do write about them all the time (in fact, I write about them more than I write about the American fools I encounter). It’s just that whenever I write about American idiocy, it gets reddited to the front page and everybody reads it.

  91. 113 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 10:15 am

    Aaron, (#90) you might want to read through the rest of this blog before you criticize. I talk about our homegrown idiocy plenty. You just read one article that happened to be about your country’s brand of idiocy and thought the sky fell on your head.

    Seriously, get some context.

  92. 114 Travis 10 January, 2008 at 10:16 am

    Its called Freedom of Speech u pussy mother fuckers…

    You dont have to agree with it… but shit…

  93. 115 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 10:20 am

    Anybody else notice that several people keep writing with the exact same phrase “That’s what makes us great”?

    I don’t even think the people who use that phrase even know what it means. It should really be “That’s what makes us great (TM)”. The Americans would think that they invented freedom of speech or something and that no other country can say anything without the King of England coming into their living room and bossing them around (to borrow a phrase from Homer Simpson).

    So, just to clarify, yes I support free speech because (and this may be news to the more reactionary people who’ve posted on this blog), Canada has a long tradition of it as well. But I don’t think I have to apologize for being genuinely disturbed by what I saw to be a large segment of the U.S. population who has become so rabid as to spout white-supremacist or christian-supremacist venom.

  94. 116 Kay 10 January, 2008 at 10:25 am

    “look at how stupid people from the USA are” isn’t really a discussion, just observation. simply compare news broadcasts.

    we have fools in canada too. except our population is lower so we have a quite lot less of them. hell, our entire government are fools. more the bumbling kind, less the new-world-order-the-world-thinks-were-dicks-economy-collapsing kind like you have going on down there.

  95. 117 Qyn 10 January, 2008 at 10:28 am

    I bet “Travis” is from Texas, and thinks USA is the only place that has freedom of speech. I can picture his accent now.

  96. 118 Kalvin 10 January, 2008 at 10:31 am

    If you came to the US without looking for negatives, you’d probably have a pretty good time. I grew up in Alaska, so spent a fair amount of time in Canada, and had a lot of dealings with Canadians. I could easily create a “5 creepiest things about Canada”. To start with, how about the incest in your country?? We heard about it all the time. I just searched Google, and found plenty of info including this:

    “It is not unusual to find different prevalence rates of incest for males and females, as in the study conducted by Renvoize who reported that as many as one-third of all girls and one-fifth of boys have experienced incest.”

    Should we judge all of you based on a few idiots, as you are doing??

  97. 119 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 10:32 am

    ascus4 (#69),

    I wouldn’t be offended if you posted some of the stupid news from Canada. I’m more than happy to oblige. In fact I write about it all the time.

    You’re absolutely right though, I did find much of my vacation enjoyable and not the least of it was your country’s beautiful climate. Keep in mind, my ancestors were the ones who came to this continent and said “We’ll take the frozen half.”

    However Americans really get up in arms when you criticize their country. So I do find that part of the reaction here to be interesting because I couldn’t give a crap what people say about Canada because I realize that patriotism and nationalism are antiquated and designed to stop critical thinking.

    I’ve met many Americans who agree, but unfortunately, you still have an abnormally large proportion of the population that still believes hyper-nationalism to be a virtue.

    • 120 The American 27 February, 2010 at 9:28 pm

      That paulitics is because you are jumping on what seems to be an “International wagon” of criticize America. Nothing but foul crap to spout about us. Unless we are providing comfort or safety to your sorry ass.

      How about this – Just in general, If you can’t think of something nice to say about someone or something. SHUT THE FUCK UP.

      • 121 Tim 10 March, 2013 at 10:12 pm

        LOL @ The American, this “International wagon” that you speak of, I guess you mean like a “bandwagon”. Like it is simply “trendy” to criticize America? I personally have no problem with Americans, I have had some great times with Americans. I think most of the world is none too impressed with your foreign policy, with “America”. I wonder why the rest of the world wouldn’t absolutely adore America?

        Right now, the thing that disgusts me the most about American foreign policy is their use of drone strikes. It is ridiculous! The people in those countries (the peaceful ones, not the terrorists) must think that this is the most cowardly act ever!

        Think about the scenario;
        You know where the bad guy is and you have two options, send in a drone that will kill him and put at risk 20 or so other INNOCENT lives, OR, put boots on the ground and go and risk your OWN lives to kill him. Which solution shows the most resolve? Which one shows the most cowardice and least respect for life?

        Britain has a lot of experience in their past wielding imperial power and nation-building. They do not engage in these type of cowardly tactics (often), as they know how short-sighted any gains are. They have no problem assassinating foreign heads of state, if need be, but understand that everyone is watching and their is something to be gained from at least maintaining the appearance of ethical and moral high ground, even in matters of war.

        Which does the executive branch of your government choose?

        Every time one of those blows up, America gains a few dozen more people in the world who hate it…..potential terrorists.

        Actually odd that you are so scared of terrorists when you have so much more to fear from your own armed citizens, but I guess that is because the terrorists don’t have nearly the same number of lobbyists as the gun manufacturers and the NRA.

        Not sure that you guys have any more crazy people than anywhere else, might be that you just allow them to wander around and get worst because of a broken health care system? Oh, and your unwillingness to tell them that they are wrong in their views so that they can learn what is socially acceptable for fear of hampering their free speech (or from fear that they are armed).

        What is so wrong with pointing out that some things are socially acceptable, and some are not?!?! When did this become a bad thing? Suddenly wanting to be polite and courteous to the general population makes you some kind of “facist” who wants to take away people’s right to free speech?

        American’s are great people (most of the ones I have met).

        America is F’ed up!!

        Get your country back on track, people!!!!

  98. 122 Jen 10 January, 2008 at 10:33 am

    I want to apoligize straight up right now if anyone took what I said about our take on freedom of speech as what makes our country great. I’m pretty sure it is what makes us the butt of jokes across the world, a.k.a, not great. But I’m also a supporter of it. I know that someday education will be important again, and we might actually have something good to say. I’ll keep living in the most optimistic place my mind can find until that day.

  99. 123 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 10:36 am

    Kalvin (#101) – you seriously think I came to the U.S. looking only to see bad things? How lame do you think I am.

    Also, are you seriously arguing that America can look down on Canada because of incest of all things? Or are you seriously thinking that somehow I’d take offense to the suggestion? You see there’s one important difference to be learned here: You criticize an American and you get 29,000 hits on your blog in 13 hours and over 500 comments saying “Fuck you Canada” split across Reddit and this blog. You criticize a Canadian and we are more likely than not to join in.

  100. 124 Kalvin 10 January, 2008 at 10:41 am

    Americans get criticized ALL the time by the rest of the world because of 10% of our population. My point was that you can find that 10% in ANY country. Your post was only about negatives, I didn’t read anything positive, what am I supposed to think??

  101. 125 aj jones 10 January, 2008 at 10:42 am

    I am an American and I am very Happy and Proud that I live in a country we truckers are free to put religous messages on there rig, and I am even happy that restaurants can put uup nasty sayings on their marquis. That my friends to the north is what real Freedom is.

    I always told my kids that you dont have to like everyone or agree with everyone but you do have to tolerate everyone. I think if all people on the left and the right would just quit trying to make everyone change to be like them we all be better off.

    As far as the French Toast, I wouldnt eat it but then again I dont have to.

  102. 126 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 10:43 am

    Okay, I’m still reading up on the comments, but here’s another case and point of an American who thinks their unique in the world in enjoying freedom of speech.

    Jason (#67) wrote:

    “And while I dont agree with some Casa D’Ice sentiments, I would love to see you be able to express yourself like that in another country. Its one of the great liberties that we have – FREEDOM OF SPEECH.”

    Does anybody else find this funny that these Americans actually think they’re somehow special in this regard?

  103. 127 Michael J. 10 January, 2008 at 10:45 am

    Please. Every (And I do mean *every*) country on earth has wackos. Why do you try to categorize all Americans?

    My second point is about your first “crazy” example. Why can’t a private company put slogans on their own trucks? In America, any private company can do that. Muslim owned companies can quote the Koran. Hindus, Buddhists … any company owner can push whatever philosophy they want on their own equipment. It’s called freedom. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?

  104. 128 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 10:48 am

    Kalvin, you wrote:

    “Americans get criticized ALL the time by the rest of the world because of 10% of our population. My point was that you can find that 10% in ANY country. Your post was only about negatives, I didn’t read anything positive, what am I supposed to think??”

    Surely you’re not suggesting that in every post I have to say absolutely everything about the subject.

    So if I do a post about crazy/stupid stuff in Canada (which I’ve done hundreds of times), by your logic I also have to write:

    -But here are some good things about Canada…
    -And Canada is not the only country with crazy/stupid stuff…
    -America has some crazy/stupid stuff too…
    -But America isn’t all crazy/stupid stuff…
    -America has good things too…
    -Here are some of the good things about America…
    -Here’s what I think about the good things about America…

    The point is that this is what this post was about. If you want to read what I think on subjects other than this one, read the blog regularly and you’ll see me write about dumbass shit in Canada too.

  105. 129 Tara 10 January, 2008 at 10:51 am

    You’re kidding, right? It was in Canada that I was introduced to the fries, gravy, cheese curds combiniation. (I think there is something else in there too, but I have tried to block the whole experience out.) At least in the case of stuffed french toast, all the ingredients go together.

    Otherwise, it is a funny blog entry, even if it thrives on nothing but silly US stereotypes that have nothing to do with the majority of people in this country. To all my fellow countrypersons who are getting all bent out of shape: Relax! You are feeding right in to the silliness..

  106. 130 Chris 10 January, 2008 at 10:55 am

    > And I’ve lived in Canada for 46 years, and have
    > NEVER heard ANYONE pronounce it “aboot”

    You must not get out much. We have a place in BC, and I hear that pronunciation daily. Not that I care.

    Oh, and to Jacques: “putin” is the head of the Russian government. “Poutine” is the dish in question.

  107. 131 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 10:56 am

    Tara – I agree with you completely. The venomous attacks are definitely feeding right in to the silliness.

    Although, just to be fair, poutine (not poeutine or poteine or however else the Americans seem to be spelling it) is a Quebec invention. I’ll bet you that a majority of Canadadians West of Ontario have never tried it.

  108. 132 george hayduke 10 January, 2008 at 10:56 am

    stay in canada with your socialist friends.

  109. 133 Mike 10 January, 2008 at 10:57 am

    #3 A massive billboard in South Carolina just outside of Georgia which read:
    “Victory is great, but honor is greater. Defend your Southern heritage.”

    There is nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage. Or should Southerners be ashamed of who they are because they aren’t from Canada? You sound like more of a bigot than anyone I know south of the Mason-Dixon line. It also sounds like you are in favor of silencing anyone who you disagree with. How open minded of you.

  110. 134 Jacob 10 January, 2008 at 10:58 am

    Glad this doesn’t hold true to all Americans, or at least not me. I can still find humor in it though.

  111. 135 Kalvin 10 January, 2008 at 10:58 am

    Now I get it, you’re just trying to generate American interest in your blog-site. Post something negative about the US, create the expected frenzy, at least a few will look at your blog. Shrewd move.

  112. 136 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 10:59 am

    Chris (#111), actually, I’d have to agree with Murphy (#29) over on that one.

    I’ve lived in Canada my whole life and I’ve never heard anybody pronounce it “Aboot” either.

    Moreover, I just spent two weeks down in Florida and only two people guessed that I was Canadian (and one was because I gave him my Royal Bank of Canada Visa card to pay for a t-shirt and I guess he put two and two together).

  113. 137 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 11:01 am

    Kalvin, to tell you the truth, I wasn’t even trying to generate American interest in my blog (although I’m certainly not upset that I did). I already have a pretty substantial American reader demographic who read my international politics stuff.

    The post was primarily just to inform my regular readers that I’m back from my vacation.

  114. 138 Tessa 10 January, 2008 at 11:02 am

    For everyones’information, “Casa D’Ice” is not Spanish, it is Italian. Means “House of Ice”. Casa is not just a Spanish word. will help with language translation.
    Also, anyone can tell you, that the Fench Toast thing is relatively common at most diners. They are by no means a healthy place to eat. They are one step above fast food and that is only because you can sit and be served.
    From what I can see, this person ONLY posted things about the U.S. that he could make fun of. Too bad he didn’t bother posting anything worthwhile. This is why people in other countries think the U.S. is full of right-wing, conservative nationalists who believe that they should run the world. Good Job in continuing to promote that view.

  115. 139 american 10 January, 2008 at 11:04 am

    first, get a sense of humor. second, stop being such a pussy. you’re completely living up to the canadian standard with that post.
    you whine like a little girl about benign things that ‘freaked’ you out. here is a suggestion, grow a pair of balls and stop being so darn sensitive.

  116. 140 Phillip Tribble 10 January, 2008 at 11:06 am

    Please forgive American politics. The evil right has taken over our image.

  117. 141 Tara 10 January, 2008 at 11:07 am

    Hi, Paul –

    A expat friend of mine just moved to Windsor. It was during a visit with him when I had the poutine experience. He has embraced this dish (and an additional 15 lbs of body weight) along with everything else “Canadian” with a zeal that is a little scary. Obviously, this is because he hates freedom. (“U-S-A, U-S-A!”)

    I can’t make any jokes about the cold, though. I live in Minnesota. It is sort of like Canada, without the universal health care.

  118. 142 kelly 10 January, 2008 at 11:09 am

    Seriously? You’re freaked out by a truck on the highway with religious sayings on it? By a modified version of French toast? By a letter to the editor pasted on a door somewhere? You Canadians must be pretty delicate.

    In this country, it’s perfectly okay to express yourself on a piece of your own property, whether you’re saying “Jesus loves you” or “The South will Rise Again”. Sure, some people will disagree with you, and that’s their right. (I just love the comment above which rails on and on about how intolerant someone must be to put something like “Jesus loves you” on a truck, and then says they’re dangerous and must be stopped. Yeah, that’s real clear thinking)

    Not everyone in the US is a redneck, just as I’m sure not everyone in Canada is a whiny religion-hating toast-fearing tuke-wearing baby. Pipe down, eh.

  119. 143 Nicole 10 January, 2008 at 11:16 am

    Whether there is much wrong with your interpretations or simply with the findings you’ve had, what seems silliest to me is the overabundant attacks and criticisms.

    How can we expect our country (its ills included) to be tolerated and respected if when one man’s position is not given that same consideration?

    Even if you don’t agree with the observations of our Canadian neighbor, berating him for them won’t bring enlightenment, but instead it encourages people’s distaste for “combatant, egotistical Americans”.

  120. 144 Brandon 10 January, 2008 at 11:17 am

    I hope you realize that your list has no credibility and is only a gag for a few laughs. Taking the opinions, albeit ignorant and/or insulting, expressed by a few Americans should actually be seen as a compliment to the USA, where free speech truly is tolerated. There are some real problems here that need to be addressed, such as an oversized, overly bureaucratic government, growing national debt, and social security and medicare.

    I think you Canadians need to look at your own problems, for which I have two words: socialized medicine.

  121. 145 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 11:20 am

    Brandon, Canadians are extremely proud of our national heathcare system. That’s why we voted Tommy Douglas (the ‘socialist’ leader who brought our universal healthcare system into effect) as the Greatest Canadian of All Time a year or so ago.

    That’s also why I had to hop on a plane immediately after my toenail got ripped out because I can get healthcare in Canada but healthcare in the U.S. would have bankrupted me.

  122. 146 Super Mike 10 January, 2008 at 11:22 am

    Love your little country. Too bad you had to pick a chunk of land so freaking cold. And never take a vacation there in the winter if you’re an American. Hot chicks in big down-filled jackets just don’t do anything for you like a sweet Myrtle Beach hottie wearing next to nothing on a hot December day.

  123. 147 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 11:22 am

    Brandon, if you want to read more about how our socialized medicine isn’t considered a ‘problem’ in our country, you can read more here:

    (that’s not to say there aren’t problems with our country, though)

  124. 148 milton 10 January, 2008 at 11:26 am

    your knee-jerk anti-americanism is as ridiculous as it is hateful. you really should stop leaving the house if you can’t handle life.

  125. 149 Robert V 10 January, 2008 at 11:27 am

    So which do you hate more:
    – Christians
    – companies
    – Americans

    You know what freaks me out? That those things freak you out.

    I’m a Canadian too and I’m proud to say that we’re not all intolerant as this guy.

    USA has their problems, but expressing their freedom of religion, their pride in the heritage, and enjoying their fatty treats aren’t among them.

  126. 150 Jen 10 January, 2008 at 11:28 am

    Wow…I didn’t realize people are taking the list so seriously. I got a great chuckle out of your list. I’ve only been to Canada once, and I laughed at the Tim Horton’s on every corner. And I fell in love with the real Brie. It was delicious, and I am wholly disappointed because we can’t get it here. I’m really enjoying the anger that some people are expressing in the comments. This is fun. Thank you everyone, for making me realize that I don’t know a damn thing about the world and the people who live in it. I always thought the point of going to other countries, states, worlds, etc. was to experience different things, and I think that was the point of the original blog. Why is it bad to change your perspective? And Kelly (#123), did we really need to resort to insults? I only know one Canadian, and yes, she does happen to be batshit crazy, but I also realize that people probably think I’m batshit myself. But I’m smart enough to realize that 2 people a country do not make.

  127. 151 ascus4 10 January, 2008 at 11:36 am

    paulitics (#102)

    The reason that us Yanks “really get up in arms when you criticize their country” is because we’re just sick and tired of it. Everywhere you go on the net people have negative things to say about the US.
    It gets really old after a while.
    With that being said, I’ve spent every summer for the last 35 years about 3 hours north of Toronto and I love the place. Have great friends in the GTA and love you guys.

  128. 152 Leigh 10 January, 2008 at 11:38 am

    As a free human being you have the right to what freaks you out and to put it on the internet because we’re all interested in what you have to say (see you aren’t invisible), and I applaud your being able to openly voice that opinion where it can be viewed as an absolutism by all. As an American, I find it funny in some respects, not so funny in others. Since Americans are feeling increasingly overwhelmed by world sentiment and opinion that makes them feel saddened, a bit defensive, worried, and even a little fearful (and we all know what fear leads to) I feel like I’d like to put my 2 cents worth in here.

    #5: A company is stating its religious beliefs openly on its property; they aren’t mine, but neither one of us is hurting the other. Abortion rights is a huge and deeply emotionally affecting issue (it should be), by all means let people speak about it. I am so glad they are able to do this in a public way, I’ll gladly stand up to support their right, and I’ll make a more informed decision if I choose to use their services.

    #4: Somehow you are linking that horrendous but silly breakfast to a people’s identity. Who cares! I’m an upstate New Yorker, and I’ve never seen this offered, so it must not have taken off as a staple breakfast of champions. And, if it is an implication of the round people situation, you better make sure you don’t have any to complain of. I’m not aware of your fry concoction, but it does sound similar, just as silly, and unhealthy. I wouldn’t order it, it wouldn’t freak me out, but I would laugh, and it’s the owners right to offer it. Didn’t Friendly’s have some giant bucket of ice cream it offered a long time ago, and if you could eat one, you’d get another gigantic bucket free? I don’t believe they sold many; mostly to teenagers on a lark.

    #3: The South still waves the confederate flag in places. They all haven’t totally gotten over the Civil War and the trouncing they took, someday we all hope, but for now it is a reality in SOME places. What’s your point? Quebec?

    #2: My family emigrated from Ireland before government handouts, and worked their collective asses off to make a living, and were also subjected to racist conditions. Knowing my family, a handout is still a handout; they would never have taken it. We’re a stubborn and proud lot it seems. I can certainly understand people who are proud of what they accomplished without government help. People who have never been in a position where a “handout” would help, just might not understand; your perspective is skewed. And just because a handout exists, doesn’t mean it can’t be declined. We’re a culture based mainly on “pulling yourself with your own bootstraps” it sort of defines us.
    I’d like to think we’d have a system in place that helps all human beings in need regardless, especially the children, the sick, and the elderly. Should American tax dollars go to Americans first or to illegal immigrants on a first come first serve basis is up to the American people to decide, it is a huge and complex issue that brings many emotional fears to the surface. But, when your Canadian system and population of 33+ million is overwhelmed at 301 million legal residents, please let us know by all means. Apparently, this isn’t an issue at home you have to worry over..yet.

    #1: THE SIGN. .I had to laugh; I guess I have become too jaded to be shocked. Ok, there is always freedom of speech defense, even for the ignorant. There are always those who crave attention, those protected media whores. Lastly though, and this I feel is most important, this is one sign again in a population of 301 million, maybe there are others, but heck it isn’t rampant. I am grateful he lets us know who he is and what he believes. I’d rather know and be able to identify than not, and again, that sign gets the conversations flowing. I would bet the moon most people are shocked and dismayed by this attitude, GREAT. Maybe they are secretly glad someone said it out loud because they couldn’t, or maybe seeing this out there and having moments where some of the same thoughts crossed their minds, then the monster is out, and is no longer a monster anymore, they can see it for what it is, fear and anger. (fear again.)

    I’m sorry your trip to my country freaked you out to such an extent. I invite you back to New York, where art flourishes, the natural beauty is sublime, people smile and come to your aid, food is top notch and from all over the world, culture is complex and stimulating, and people from all over the world exist, thrive, and enjoy each other’s differences. There are places; forums, coffee houses, and town halls that ideas and issues are discussed by everyone. I never lock my doors, my keys stay in my car because I know I’ll lose them, and I feel safe and secure. I enjoy going to visit Canada, I’ve had my share of some negative experiences, and some positive ones as well, and I won’t be one of those people who sees a few negative things and paints an entire country by them.

  129. 153 daniel paré 10 January, 2008 at 11:39 am

    well maybe america is all good but i can’t help but feeling something terribly wrong with your country.

    something deeply retarded and cash motivated.

    and from what i get in the news (on the internet, not your god awful tv news) people over there are getting dumber by the second,

    the country’s going straight to hell and nobody’s doing anything because they are isolated and brainwashed by the media.

    I hate the United States right now (by the way America is not the united states, it is canada, usa, mexico, south america, etc… so stop using it like you own that name you arrogant self-centered bigot assholes). I used to like this country. wake up people. go paint the white house in black or something.


  130. 154 Brandon 10 January, 2008 at 11:40 am

    paulitics –

    The problem with socialized medicine is the idea of yet another government funded and run program. Government is inefficient at best and free markets where competition exists always produces better services at a lower cost for the quality of service rendered. Why should everyone be entitled to free handouts when they don’t deserve it. Socialized and welfare programs are a BAD idea.

    Any good doctor would tell you that we have far and away the best medicine here in the states, and if you ever have a serious life threating condition you want to be treated here in America. It may be more expensive, but that’s the cost of cutting edge technology and the price to pay for the best practitioners of medicine in the world.

  131. 155 Kennedy 10 January, 2008 at 11:41 am

    I agree with Z’s comment. This post seems to be a very weak argument for “why America sucks.” Yes, a lot of Americans are morons, but a lot of Canadians are as well. It’s a matter of perspective, isn’t it? This list adds to the stereotype that all Americans are uneducated, bigoted and pro-war. In fact, there is a huge population of forward-thinking and progressive people, young and old, who have been fighting for change in this country.

    Your argument also seems to not dig deep enough to actually find out what’s happening in the American political and cultural landscape. Marquees and French toast are hardly enough to back any argument you might pose about American politics or culture.

    So, in this post, are you trying to make a statement on American culture or American politics, or both? If you’re commenting on American culture, then I agree you’ve seen some pretty strange things. But if you want to comment on American politics, then I would have just come right out and said it instead of veiling it in a snapshot version of what you saw on your road trip.

    I’m just not seeing where you were trying to go with this post.

  132. 156 ascus4 10 January, 2008 at 11:42 am

    I’ve spent a bit of time in the GTA and above and I hear “aboot” all the time.
    “boy” for “buoy”.
    “battry” for “battery” (Kitchner).
    “sleca” for “celica”.

    What’s the big deal, I don’t think it sounds bad at all. It’s just an accent. We all have them.

  133. 157 Jen 10 January, 2008 at 11:44 am


    Instead of getting angry because the entire world critizes the U.S., maybe you should stop and consider why. I live in MN, and luckily, we’re a fairly educated bunch up here. But think about peer pressure for a second. If everyone in your middle school was having sex, you thought about it, didn’t you. So, if everyone sees the flaws in our country and our policies, why haven’t you stopped to think about them? Just because they are ours, doesn’t mean they are correct, or even good. It just means they are ours. Stop being patriotic for the sake of being patriotic, and start doing your civic duty. Question the government. Question the policies, make this country better because there is a lot of room for improvement. That’s what being a citizen is about, and if you don’t believe me, believe the Declaration of Independence. It may be old, but it never outdated.

  134. 158 JJ Frizz 10 January, 2008 at 11:44 am

    How in the hell do you stay warm up in the Great White North when your skin is so thin and sensitive? Stay on your side and cuddle up with a LaBatt’s, the world’s most boring sport, and those lovely, friendly people from Quebec. Get bent.

  135. 159 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 11:45 am

    I still am at a complete loss for words as to why people, and especially Americans from my experience, feel some sort of imagined connection to ‘their’ country and take offense at a funny list of observations.

    I think the majority of the world feels very little sense of connection to their country because they realize that countries and states are all artificial constructs. I couldn’t care less if people badmouth Canada. Why should I care? I was just born here, it’s no more a part of me or my identity than winter.

    Maybe somebody will consider why Americans get so up in arms when a Portuguese person wouldn’t get all up in arms over ‘anti-Portugueseism’ or a Moroccan over ‘anti-Morroccanism’.

  136. 160 Tara 10 January, 2008 at 11:49 am

    Geez, Dan (#135),

    Maybe YOU are getting dumber by the second. Capital letters and proper punctuation are your friends – get to know them, love them.

    By the way, if I see one U.S citizen respond to that comment with something like, “Oh, you are so right! I hate my country! We are SO stupid/backwards/ close-minded/evil/etc” well, then I just give up. What is that all about, people? If you don’t like the direction this country is headed, do something about it! That is what patriotism is all about.

    Otherwise, maybe Canada will take you in; and nestle you in its cold, cold bosom.

  137. 161 Nat 10 January, 2008 at 11:51 am

    This might have already been said, but come over to the west coast, we’re nicer over here (for the most part).

  138. 162 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 11:54 am

    Kennedy (#137) –

    “So, in this post, are you trying to make a statement on American culture or American politics, or both? If you’re commenting on American culture, then I agree you’ve seen some pretty strange things. But if you want to comment on American politics, then I would have just come right out and said it instead of veiling it in a snapshot version of what you saw on your road trip.”

    I do write about and comment on American politics all the time. Nowhere in this post was there a comment at all about American politics. That wasn’t the purpose of the post. When I want to talk about American politics, I do. This post was about the 5 craziest things I saw in my time in America.

  139. 163 Brad 10 January, 2008 at 11:54 am

    A few of these signs towards the end are definitely FAKED i.e. photoshopped.

    Calling Arabs “camel jockeys” and proposing we leave bombs for them to kill eachother WOULD NOT be allowed on a billboard, even in the USA. This is blatant racism and is an incitement of racial hatred. Again, a FAKE to get a few more people worked up.

  140. 164 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 11:55 am

    Tara, you wrote:

    “That is what patriotism is all about.”

    No, partriotism is about stopping thought long enough to evoke a ‘bellyfeel’ reaction from people when confronted with new stimuli. And you’ve witnessed a beautiful demonstration of this here today.

  141. 165 Brandon 10 January, 2008 at 11:56 am

    You were the one who came up with this list about “America” that freak you out as a “Canadian”, so in essence you started with people having a connection to their country. Now that people are pointing out how ridiculous your list is you revert to a cry of defensive nationalism and over zealous patriots. Nice Try.

    I have a hard time buying your list as and attempt at humor, because, well it just isn’t funny. Jim Carey is a funny Canadian – you are definitely not. Keep trying though maybe you can do better next time. Come visit us again sometime, because trust me, people here do a lot of really funny and ridiculous stuff so you won’t have to look too hard.

  142. 166 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 11:57 am

    Brandon, “Jim Carey is a funny Canadian” – that might explain why you didn’t find the list funny. There were no funny gestures or faces to acompany this post.

  143. 167 ascus4 10 January, 2008 at 11:58 am

    Dan (135)

    Actually, much of the world uses the word “America” to refer to the US.
    It irritates me too because you are correct. “America” refers to the entire continent.
    See? We’re *all* dumb about something or the other.

  144. 168 pissed guy 10 January, 2008 at 11:58 am

    To all of you “but…but…but freedom of speech” people out there, The author was not saying that they did not have a right to say those things, just that he is appalled that any resonable person would. He then proceeds to critisize their message not their right to the speech itself. You have the right to say (just about) anything you want and the author has the right to critisize and mock you for it(he is now choosing to exercise that right). Some of the billboard signs do also boarder on hate speech which is not protected. I think one could resonably construe that they mean to incite violence against a religious or ethnic group, this could be classified as hate speech if someone were to want to make a case of it. I think the fact that no one has, as an indication of just how free we are. However, sometimes that freedom just gives us more rope to hang ourselves with.

  145. 169 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 11:59 am

    Brandon, I’m also not reverting to anything. Nor am I advocating “defensive nationalism” because, I frankly don’t know what that term means. What I’m advocating is NO nationalism. In fact, I practice it. As does much of the world. That’s why WE don’t take offence when you criticize Canada or any other country.

  146. 171 Brandon 10 January, 2008 at 11:59 am

    That is true. If you did faces and contorted yourself like Jim Carey then I must admit, you would be funny as well. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you were making such facial expressions as you posted this list and therefore I will assume for that reason that you are funny.

  147. 172 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 12:00 pm

    pissed guy (#150). You hit the nail on the head. I think that’s the best comment I’ve read all day. Well put. I couldn’t have worded it any better myself.

  148. 173 PaulRay 10 January, 2008 at 12:07 pm

    Not all Americans are this stupid… Really. We’re mostly pretty good people. You were in pretty much the armpit areas…
    BTW, what possessed you to go to the deep South and PA on vacation? I would never do that…
    Oh and LOL at the stuffed “French” toast… I’ve seen it, but never eaten it.
    Loved the POV from up North none-the-less.
    Next time visit a civilized area I’m we could find you some better places to enjoy your next vacation. LOL!
    Sigh… It’s so hard to shed these stereotypes. Of course, some of these comments don’t help our image much either.

  149. 174 Joey 10 January, 2008 at 12:07 pm

    Most Americans are fine and decent human beings, some suck. Deal with it.

    The only downfall, I see, is that these hick bastards, and narrow minded folk like them, have just as much voice as anyone with their wits about them. That is what forces the US into a terrible light when the rest of the world is concerned. We just happen to be helmed by one of those same hick bastards now. This is the year that’ll change.

  150. 175 Steve 10 January, 2008 at 12:10 pm

    @William Bennett: Invoking Godwin’s law does not an intelligent argument make… Just thought you should know.

  151. 176 Tara 10 January, 2008 at 12:10 pm

    Paul (#146):

    I suspected you’d say that. On this point, we will have to disagree. (Too bad.. I feel like we had a real meeting of minds on the “poutine” issue)

    Patriotism is a love of country and should bring with it sense of duty to one’s country. It is not a blind hatred of all other countries. Nor does being a patriot require one to follow every decsion one’s government makes without question. To be a patriot you must be willing to think critically and be willing to raise questions when you see things go wrong. Furthermore, you can both be a patriot and be willing to poke fun at yourself and your land. Doing that allows some critical distance from yourself and gives you perspective; perspective that strengthens your ability to exercise your patriotic duties (voting, for one thing). Unless you are an idiot. Then, maybe you should just stick with chanting. (“U-S-A, U-S-A!”)

    I do realize that my sense of patriotism deviates from the modern norm. For many of us, all patriotism seems to require is wearing a flag pin and posting nasty, reactionary comments on a Canadian blog. That’s too bad. All I can do is keep on truckin’; me and my Christian dog.

  152. 177 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 12:16 pm

    Tara (#157), I appreciate what you’re saying. I’m not saying that FOR YOU and a select minority of others, patriotism can’t mean what you take it to mean. What I was saying was more an empirical observation about what patriotism actually means in the vast majority of instances.

    Thus, I think we both see the dangers of the more popular brand of patriotism, but we do just disagree on how best to combat it. But, nevertheless, despite our disagreement on that front, I do thank you for injecting some thoughtful discussion into the mix.

  153. 178 Tara 10 January, 2008 at 12:28 pm


    Happy to help and thanks for the compliment. Good luck with the crazies on both sides of the border and congrats on getting people so wound up. This had to be great for your blog traffic.

  154. 179 Wade 10 January, 2008 at 12:34 pm

    You’re upset because a trucking company is expressing religious beliefs. You’re upset because a state has pride in its heritage. French toast is cooked in scrambled egg, not butter. A letter to the editor doesn’t mean it’s right. And a business owner can put whatever he wants on his signs. If that sucks for you, Make an atheist business that has no Canadian pride (Cause come on… how boring of a history can you get?), only serve crackers and caviar, release newsletters with no public voice, and write your fucking blog on the sign. Chances are, more people would read it there.

  155. 180 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 12:34 pm

    Tara, that’s an understatement. 40,000 hits in less than 16 hours.

  156. 181 Brittany 10 January, 2008 at 12:36 pm

    The signs scare me.
    1. I live in california and i have yet to see a non-native mexican working in a wal-mart. Go figure.
    2. Gas at $2 a gallon?, id take $3
    3. /agreed. These things are scary. And most of them come from good people with a lack of understanding of international politics either due to environment or lack of education.
    4. Camel jockey? Oh this reminds me of a funny story.
    My best friend of 20 years grew up in a Jewish house. What she was 13, as part of her bat’mitsvah (kind of like a quincinera but it happens at 13) she made a pilgrimage to Israel and visited the surrounding countries. When hearing this next part you must keep in mind that my friend barely breaks 5 feet and is approaching 200 pounds. She is the sweetest woman alive but she cannot meet some of the excruciating standards for women in her native california. When she visited the palestinian districts of israel a man dressed as though he were well-off approached her parents and offered them 40 herds of camel and some gold for her hand in marriage upon first looking at her. My friend was only 13. She was absolutely mortified, and her parents politely declined. He upped the offer of gold. All they had to say was that they were Jewish…and he discreetly handed my friend a gilded dagger as a “memoir” and apologized before high tailing it out of there.
    Irony anyone?

  157. 182 Xenetar 10 January, 2008 at 12:39 pm

    Thats the beauty of the U.S.A. We can all disagree with each other and are free to do it. I don’t have to like what this restaurant puts on their sign, but I can also put whatever I believe on my sign. You that say such signs shouldn’t be, and such menu items shouldn’t be or whatever… you only want freedom to apply to yourself.

  158. 183 SF Guy 10 January, 2008 at 12:42 pm

    You gotta love the idiot who feels so offended by free speech that he feels that he and the other open-minded americans should shut it down and make all of these “closed-minded bigots” move out of the country. You, my friend, are not the solution…just a different side of the problem. The stuffed french toast reminds me of the “secret to great french cooking…butter, butter, butter”. It’s insane, but american’s certainly don’t have a corner on insanely unhealthy foods. We did not create the insanely unhealthy food market (think alfredo sauce, fois gras), and who really cares. We’ve got a lot of religious people down in the south. They’d like to push their views onto as many people as possible. Thank goodness we live in a country were crazy and non-crazy are allowed to express their views without being condemned, jailed, punished, or enjoined.

  159. 184 Jera Wolfe 10 January, 2008 at 12:47 pm

    For #4 response, to Rod.

    Immigrant and Illegal are not interchangeable terms, Rod. Nor is every immigrant illegal. Our country (Mine and I’m assuming Rod’s, and in this case America) doesn’t require us to conform to “illegal” immigrants. (sigh)

  160. 185 Marty 10 January, 2008 at 1:18 pm

    PLEASE all you Canadians stay up there in Canadia, we don’t want you here. Really, we don’t. You’re a bunch of pussies and no one cares about your liberal views. You are lucky we are here to protect your retarded asses.

  161. 186 Alpha Wolf 10 January, 2008 at 1:21 pm

    Thanks, Marty, but you do not speak for me, or for that matter a great deal of Americans.

  162. 187 jimmy 10 January, 2008 at 1:22 pm

    ok, i don’t even know how i got here, but there’s something i need to say before leaving. this country has a number of issues- some are extremely deep, dark and disturbing- i’ll grant you and anybody else capable of independent thought that much. but you listen here: i’ll be damned if i let a canadian of all people try to school an american on nutrition. yes, america is fat, but our diet alone does not come first on the list of reasons why. i mean, seriously, how can you even begin to chirp on and on about stuffed french toast, when you are from a country that came up with poutine (french fries topped with whole cheese curds and smothered in gravy). or how about the french canadian ragu (pork, duck, mixed-meat meatballs and ham hocks cooked down for hours in a brown gravy and served over egg noodles)- i’m sure that recipe varies greatly by family and region. sugar-on-snow parties? (outdoor parties where home-made maple syrup is served on snow- also served are usually fresh donuts cooked in lard which are also used to sop up the syrup) what traditional canadian recipe box doesn’t contain a hundred references to butter, cream, lard and bacon?
    c’mon, man. rant all you want, but you gotta pick your spots.

  163. 188 johnson 10 January, 2008 at 1:25 pm

    what a load of crap… casa d’ice is an internet hoax. wake up, this is all B.S. (all except) the nasty ass french toast I’m sorry to admit

  164. 189 philip 10 January, 2008 at 1:27 pm

    mexicans wouldnt be in the back, they would be standing by the payphones looking at beautiful white women, while they stand with their fat white women, canada blows, we are the best country in the world, one nation under God stay in Canada and watch your hockey, but i bet tom brady could whip gretzky in a fist fight, stupid foreigner, u should be ashamed to be white

  165. 190 Phil 10 January, 2008 at 1:28 pm

    Guess I’m just an unhealthy American, but that stuffed French toast sounded good. Oh and processed cheese isn’t that bad either. Hell it’s not like real cheese comes from a prettier process or anything. The rest, yea that’s just odd.

  166. 191 Jason Mengelkoch 10 January, 2008 at 1:29 pm

    Please believe that not all Americans or places in America are like the places or people you’ve seen and heard about. This country is not in a very good place right now, but we are trying to get back. Bear with us.

  167. 192 Trey 10 January, 2008 at 1:29 pm

    The thing is. You just can’t buy hilarity like that. I mean, it’s truly priceless. Those signs are amazing.

    I am an American and realize that about 90% of the people in this country are simply out of their minds. I personally find it more amusing than the circus.

    Just watching the evening news cracks me up.

  168. 193 Keith 10 January, 2008 at 1:30 pm

    I have lived all over upstate New York for my entire life, and I have never heard of stuffed french toast.

    Also, people who live in the north of the USA look down on southerners just as much as anyone else in the world. That part of the country has had a massive inferiority complex for the last 140 years.

  169. 194 matt k. 10 January, 2008 at 1:30 pm

    So you guys don’t have assholes in Canada?

  170. 195 Zbu 10 January, 2008 at 1:30 pm

    That Casadice signmaker has really serious issues that should be left either to a therapist or a self-inflicted shotgun wound.

  171. 196 Bern Cranston 10 January, 2008 at 1:31 pm

    Anti-American BIGOT.
    That’s it, pure and simple.

  172. 197 Big Jack 10 January, 2008 at 1:32 pm

    so quit bitching and don’t come back… we don’t need you.

  173. 198 tim 10 January, 2008 at 1:34 pm

    What I hate about the Internet:

    1. It allows any dumbass with an opinion to believe it is actually worth something.

    2. Comment sections go on forever, yet only discuss three basic arguments

    3. NOT being able to understand (not agree, just understand) an opposing viewpoint is the basis of ignorance; Hiding behind a computer monitor makes that way too easy for most.

  174. 199 Paul 10 January, 2008 at 1:37 pm

    Funny…. I just got back from Kicking Horse in Banff where I had…. wait for it….

    Stuffed French toast!!!

    (and yes, the owners of the inn were life long Canadians)

    So give your self-righteousness a rest.

    Everyone could come up with 5 random fringe reasons to hate any country. I feel dumber for reading this, and dumber still for posting to it.

  175. 200 mr. winter 10 January, 2008 at 1:37 pm

    seriously everything is offered up in Spanish because companies want to make a buck off of immigrants – legal or not. Thats the american way. seriously is there anyway to get the south to secede again

  176. 201 myles 10 January, 2008 at 1:37 pm

    I believe Edmund Burke once said….

    Because half a dozen grasshoppers under a fern make the field ring with their importunate chink, whilst thousands of great cattle, reposed beneath the shadow of the British oak, chew the cud and are silent, pray do not imagine, that those who make the noise are the only inhabitants of the field; that of course, they are many in number; or that, after all, they are other than the little shriveled, meagre, hopping, though loud and troublesome insects of the hour.

    I guess I’m saying it’s a rather naive, no, narrow and distant viewpoint. Not to say the number of ignorant Americans is small, just that the most loudly voiced opinon (seemingly) may not be the opinion most commonly advanced.

  177. 202 fukengruven 10 January, 2008 at 1:39 pm

    Next time you drive down from Canada to the good ole USA, come through Windsor ON into Detroit, MI.

    Once you take a good look around Detroit, you will quickly re-organize this little list of yours.

    Worse than Detroit? Impossible!

  178. 203 J-chot 10 January, 2008 at 1:41 pm

    So I gather that :

    1. the concept of free-speech,and the fact that crazy people have it shocks you.
    2. the concept of religious beliefs makes you uncomfortble.
    3. You don’t mind killing babies.

    I like how you take things out of context and use them to represent a whole.
    (sorry I can’t spell)

  179. 204 J-chot 10 January, 2008 at 1:42 pm

    but yeah, that sign maker has issues.

  180. 205 Erik 10 January, 2008 at 1:43 pm

    I wonder if I can cherry pick embarrassing examples of Canadian imbecility?

    (Oh, btw, not every American is fat, drives an SUV, and thinks Jesus rode to church on a dinosaur.)

  181. 206 Bushwick Bill 10 January, 2008 at 1:43 pm

    To all you lame ass Canadian America-haters: Eat a dick.

    To Larry Gambone, who said:

    “JCY, your attitudes are an example of why the world is hostile toward the USA. Thankfully, there are lots of Americans who 1. would be offended by a commercial truck with religious nit-wittery plastered on it, 2. Think fast food is crap, 3. Don’t pick on immigrants 4. Don’t tell critics they can stay out of the USA.”

    Americans like you who lick the boots of foreigners in a vain attempt to seek their approval deserve your fate. Enjoy the taste of boot black.

    5, I’m an atheist who thinks Christianity is stupid. But we have a right to express our beliefs or non-beliefs in this country. It’s called the First Amendment. You ought to get one.

    4, As my American brothers and sisters have already stated: Poutine. So go fuck yourself about stuffed French toast.

    3, As a non-Southerner, I don’t have a dog in that fight. Again, though, we have this little thing in the USA I mentioned above called the First Amendment, guaranteeing free speech–even speech we don’t like.

    2, Um, again, we have a First Amendment right to express our views, without first having to make sure those views conform to the world view of our neighbors or of a fucking Canadian, for chrissakes. Moreover, he does know his history: our ancestors who came here didn’t go on the dole. America takes in more immigrants & refugees than the rest of the world combined, so Canada and other countries need to eat a big fat American dick before you complain about American immigration policies or opinions.

    1, So, some restaurant owner has over the top opinions? We’re not fucking Canada, we have the right to express ourselves in the United States without first making sure that the government deems our opinions inoffensive. Should I judge all Canadians by the arrogant fuckwit author of this blog post? No. I know some damn good Canadians. I won’t judge all of Canada by you, asshole. Maybe you ought to learn to make similar distinctions.

    Until you do, go fuck yourself.

  182. 207 T. J. 10 January, 2008 at 1:43 pm

    I just wanted to let you know the only reason I read this is because of the link on

    You are a tool.

  183. 208 Rae 10 January, 2008 at 1:43 pm

    You’re judging an entire country based on the habits and beliefs of a few. “You people”? Not every American thinks and acts the same way. Suggesting that they do is rather unfair.

  184. 209 Joe Bobe 10 January, 2008 at 1:44 pm


    “Oh dear lord, those damn Americans are exercising their FREEDOMS, and I disagree with some of them. This cannot be. They must all do only things that I approve! They must feel my righteous Canadian superiority burning their souls!”

    Sheesh, piss off, you arrogant f**k. You can begin to pretend to be superior to the USA as soon as you secure some kind of freedom of speech for yourselves.

  185. 210 Stephanie P 10 January, 2008 at 1:46 pm

    I’m ashamed.

    Will you sponsor me when I move North to Canada? Pretty please?

  186. 211 John 10 January, 2008 at 1:46 pm

    Don’t worry. We sane Americans (yes we do exist) are freaked out by all five of your observations. We’re working real hard to change it but the insane right has a strong foothold. I could add at least five more observations to your list that I notice on a daily basis here in Georgia (a red state that is getting more red every day).

  187. 212 Bedrock Guy 10 January, 2008 at 1:46 pm

    Hey, you Canadian schmuck. Who cares what you think. Oh, you were offended by our billboards. So, complain to your Human Rights Commission. They’ll square you right away.

    Go home and stay there you punk. Love Bedrock Guy

  188. 213 Dave Starr 10 January, 2008 at 1:46 pm

    Sounds like Kanukistan is a bastion of tolerance. Eh? How does a religious message on a truck oppress you? Don’t want to see anything that may offend you? Wear a blindfold. Don’t like stuffed French toast? Don’t eat it, but why would you prevent others from eating it? Since you obviously got the pictures of the signs from the Casa D’Ice web site, why didn’t you read a bit more? You’d have learned that the owner is Italian, and Casa is also the Italian word for house. You won’t see gun free zone signs in Kanukistan, because you let the government take away your right to own a gun. language bigotry; go to Quebec & try speaking English.

  189. 214 Bobby 10 January, 2008 at 1:47 pm

    LoL!! Fat cats! I remembered those things back in college!!! Hahaha!

  190. 215 D 10 January, 2008 at 1:47 pm

    “American” cheese has nothing to do with patriotism, it’s simply a food name, much like French Fries or Swiss Cheese, and has been around a long time. It’s also not actually cheese, technically it’s a “cheese food”, so has to be labeled as such. All kinds of restaurants all over the world have particular platters of their own they give silly names to. So really #4 made a big deal out of nothing.

    The others were pretty freaky.

  191. 216 Bedrock Guy 10 January, 2008 at 1:48 pm

    PS – your healthcare sucks too. First test, the Democrats think its great. Except of course, none of the Democratic leadership will ever expose themselves to the socialist nature of your healthcare. That would be for the little people you know. Eh. Love Bedrock Guy

  192. 217 Ferrell 10 January, 2008 at 1:49 pm

    HELL YEAH!!!!

    That’s why we are a world super power, pride, capitalism, and rule of law. NOT giving into invadors, trust me Canada will fall like the Netherlands if y’all don’t watch it. Theo Van Gough ring a bell?

    Besides what has Canada given the world, Tom Green, Pam Anderson, and Celine Dione?? Go ahead make fun of my culture, we’ll still have the last laugh. And don’t worry we’ll still be your body guards (French Canadian Army, Oui, Oui, We surrender!)

    SOCIALISM SUCKS, and needs to be dealt with by any means necessary.

  193. 218 W. Gretzky 10 January, 2008 at 1:49 pm

    What’s all this commotion aboot? if thats the worst 5 reasons, can’t be all that bad in the U.S., eh?

    /shits pants

  194. 219 Bedrock Guy 10 January, 2008 at 1:51 pm

    One more thing (I’m on a roll tonight). If you think the majority of Americans who vote give a rat’s ass about anything a European or Canadian think, you would be, er….WRONG.

    We love your scenery, your history, and your beer; your politics, are a bit, how shall we say…wierd. You can’t even fix the Quebec problem, Europe is scared shitless of the Islamic Fascists and yet, you feel very comfortable slamming the U.S. That’s ok, cuz it proves you really love us and are absolutely terrified of having your head cut off.

    Love Bedrock Guy

  195. 220 Cuddle Bunny 10 January, 2008 at 1:51 pm


    Some Americans, as some Canadians, French, Germans, Mexicans, Zimbabwayans, humans, are questionably allowed to walk free.

    Who knew?

    I prefer the hideous signs and posted letters and truck-side icons. At least those nuts are easy to spot and therefore, avoid.

    p.s. Stay away from Marty’s house, no sense of humor there, otherwise you are welcome to visit any time. :)

  196. 221 Eleutherios 10 January, 2008 at 1:52 pm

    I’m an American, and I’m ashamed to say my country has been totally FUCKED for at least eight years now. We’re trying to get our country back, give us a break. Better yet, send us some help!

  197. 222 Ian 10 January, 2008 at 1:56 pm

    All of these things are tremendously stupid, but living in the US (specifically the Deep South) I no longer find myself surprised by any of them, except maybe the Casa D’Ice. The Stuffed French Toast example is far from the worst though. How about the deep fried, cheese-stuffed bacon burger made of ground bacon? Seriously. It is real:

  198. 223 Tim 10 January, 2008 at 1:57 pm

    Everybody just needs to take a deep breath and stop taking things way too seriously. Whatever happened to perspective and the ability to laugh at ourselves? There is plenty of good and bad in Canada, the US, and every other place on the planet. No one place is exclusively one or the other–there are fringes on either end. God Bless America and God Bless Canada!

  199. 224 IllinoisGirl 10 January, 2008 at 1:57 pm

    KIDS KIDS KIDS!!! JEEBUZ, get a sense of humor! (Or “humour” *nods* ) I’m born and raised Illinois grown rusted bible belt and I see it! For gosh sake, get your red white and blue American panties outta their twist and take a DEEP breath, back AWAY from the blog.

    Yes, these are all extreme examples of some of the less than admirable people we have here. Every country has them. When did the US get so reactionary? Someone up there said “you must have thin skin, how do you survive the cold?” (paraphrased there). Um…..WHO has the thin skin?

    Srsly peeps. Get over yourselves. It’s a blog. We have weirdos. So do they.

    What worries me far more is the sheer number of loudmouthed “Americans” on this blog that are perpetuating those exact stereotypes by defending them. YOU people are part of the problem, not a Canadian who wrote a light-hearted “things I hate” list.

  200. 225 Man 10 January, 2008 at 1:58 pm

    Glad you’re back in canada…….

  201. 226 Chrissie 10 January, 2008 at 1:59 pm

    I think what amazes me more than anything else is the number of people (Americans) who would jump to defend any of these five points.

    What heartens me is the recognition from many who left comments that, yeah, a lot of that stuff is pretty f*cked up.

    I take issue with the person who stated “Dang man, you found some silly letter to the editor by some random dude and that’s what you find #2 most wrong with the entire country? Holy cow. I can find better stuff wrong than one person’s opinion”. Clearly, this blog post states that these five items freaked you out AS A CANADIAN. Nowhere does it say that you were listing the things that are “most” wrong with the entire country. And really, you’re commenting on specific attitudes of specific people and/or groups, and NOT making generalizations. What I got from your post is that one of the problems you witness was people making TOO MANY generalizations.

  202. 227 deathrace2000 10 January, 2008 at 2:00 pm

    So let’s see: an arrogant douchebag comes to America, only bothers to photograph the things he wants to whine about, only notices food he doesn’t want to eat, and gets offended that American Cheese is referred to as “American Cheese”. (Because lord knows Swiss Cheese and Glouchester Cheese aren’t named after the place where THEY’RE made.) Yeah, great job, genius.

  203. 228 Kurt 10 January, 2008 at 2:01 pm

    So being stupid is somehow uniquely American? I didn’t realize we had a monopoly on ignorance. I don’t see how those things are upsetting to a Canadian specifically.

  204. 229 Pittsburgher 10 January, 2008 at 2:02 pm

    I just wanted to point out to the person who said that Casa D’Ice has casa in it, and is therefore hispanic. It’s actually Italian.

    The D’ is an italian prefix. If it were spanish, it would be

    case de ice, or casa de hielo

    just saying

  205. 230 Sean 10 January, 2008 at 2:03 pm

    I can see your point on quite a few of these….well, points. I have to take issue with the letter to the editor from the descendant of an immigrant, however. The simple fact is that yes, the social programs available today did not exist when his grandfather travelled here. But had he not been able to find his way on his own, and learn the ways and language of the country he adopted as home, the grandson who wrote said letter would likely not exist; how often do you meet the descendant of a homeless guy who wasn’t homeless along with him at the time (ie, the child of a homeless parent who lives on the streets with him)? I realize I’m leaving the door open to a remarkably stupid point of “well the kid had to get a home somewhere” and that is not necessarily correct. But back to the argument at hand. The grandfather made his way here when it was a little harder to do so, modes of travel being what they were. He made his way once he got here by learning the language and getting a job, rather than relying on government assistance (whether it was available or not is a moot point; it’s like arguing how successful psychiatry would’ve been against medieval exorcism recipients). This country’s individualist ideals promote heavily the idea of supporting oneself and finding your own “American dream”. This country is very much the melting pot it was once described as. These points being the case, it is in fact commendable that without much going for him, this one man’s grandfather was successful without government help, and it is sad, I would say, that unregistered immigrants (I think the term illegal, while accurate, is becoming a bit of a loaded word, racially) are willing to enter this country without permission and work for less than what is livable here, only to accept assistance from the government they are breaking the laws of. I’m not one for having the “Minutemen” on the border; far from it. I just think that if they should want to come to this country so badly, they should be willing to do so within our laws. If this country is worth doing so much to live in, then they should at least do so with respect for it, and I do think it’s disrespectful to do what the unregistered immigrants have been doing. Not only that, but our country has enough problems to take care of in regards to our borders without having to worry about people from otherwise friendly nations breaking our laws to get in.

  206. 231 Q 10 January, 2008 at 2:05 pm

    Why not nuke all the camel jockeys and turn Iraq into a parking lot for our oil refinery trucks.

  207. 232 Kevin 10 January, 2008 at 2:05 pm

    Wow, not all of use are that ignorant.

  208. 233 Seth 10 January, 2008 at 2:06 pm

    Hey Everyone, I’ll let you in on a secret: It was meant as Humor!

    Oh my God, I know. It was hard to see, but I think we can all just move on and have a little chuckle over this small misunderstanding.

  209. 234 Rodeodoc 10 January, 2008 at 2:07 pm

    “But the Casa D’Ice boards…they’re enough to make me want to move to Sweden” sez Cody.

    Hey, Cody, don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. At least in America we have the right to say what we think. In Canada and Sweden, the cops would kick down your door and rip down the sign because you have offended some poor soul.

  210. 235 Technical Writing Geek 10 January, 2008 at 2:07 pm

    Poutine is solidly excellent. It’s a calorie bomb, but after a plate of it, you won’t mind a rousing five mile hike.

    The comment about the 800 mile Wal-Mart scared me because… 800 mile Wal-Mart? Help!

  211. 236 Q 10 January, 2008 at 2:07 pm

    Most of us feel that way. And we would annex Canada too if the women would shave their armpits.

  212. 237 bubba southland 10 January, 2008 at 2:08 pm

    As an American who lives about 45 minutes from Windsor, Ontario I’m LMFAO at just how freaking clueless and naive most Canadians generally are.

    Message to Canadians: Your welcome. German just doesn’t seem to fit your temperment.

    I can’t believe a criticism from a country that actually allowed an entire city (Montreal) and nearly an entire province (Quebec) to withdraw from it’s ‘union’ and change it’s official to French.

    I can’t figure out why the Moose haven’t taken over the country yet.

  213. 238 Someone American 10 January, 2008 at 2:08 pm

    Well at least this Canuk is safe, when I see them bastards in the states I do my best not to run them off the road. As drivers they SUCK, and as a country they suck worse.

  214. 239 Mike M. 10 January, 2008 at 2:09 pm

    As an American, the thing that disturbs me most, is the idiocy some people have displayed in this post. (I’m looking at you #170. Why is it that racists and bigots are always semi-illiterate?)

    Canada, I love you, but you have your share of rednecks too. (Alberta, Newfoundland???)

    Why focus on the differences in our countries instead of the similarities? For example, the largest flags you’ll see displayed in both countries will be found at car dealerships. See – we’re not so different.

  215. 240 Jason 10 January, 2008 at 2:11 pm

    Sorry you got exposed to other cultures ya xenophobic bastid

    My advice: Don’t leave your country if you don’t want to see other cultures.

    The US has hundreds of millions of people – they all have different thoughts and ideas. Shocking but true

  216. 241 Gi 10 January, 2008 at 2:11 pm

    Haa.. Wow. Way to find the most random and obscure examples to explain why a country “freaked” you out and the way some people are defending themselves is ridiculous. This country thrives on its right to be ignorant to human decency, be as outspoken as possible, push religion and politics and the ever so popular and vintage phrase; “pursuit of happiness”. If deep frying french toast stuffed with other assorted breakfast foods and molding it into a heart attack on a plate makes people happy then why does anyone else care?

    If posting obviously inappropriate signs under a diner name for publicity is what some people want to do then what’s the big deal? You don’t have to agree but you don’t have to attack it either. People are entitled to their opinion and that’s that.

    And immigrants? Really? People are fighting over immigrants? First off every American family started as immigrants and yes, some are looking for hand outs but you know what? Blame our Government who is always so eager to support people, immigrants and citizens alike instead of making them work and how can you blame an immigrant for taking free money when we live in place where we coined the term “work like a mexican”.. Lets be serious.. If that free money feeds someone’s kids then some of you should get off your high horse before someone kicks it out from underneath you.

  217. 242 Megan Chicago 10 January, 2008 at 2:12 pm

    aaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! gold mine flame war!!!!!!

  218. 243 jon 10 January, 2008 at 2:12 pm

    I think the confusion between the Canadian and American sides of this general disgust is the idea that somehow America is supposed to be a land of milk and honey, the perpetual eden to the worlds sodom. Unfortunately i guess people don’t look at history. the US has always been aggressively puritanical. This can be seen with religious patriarchy in the home, education and work ethic. Also i saw something up within the comments about hate speech. Hate speech is centered on directed coercion, threat, visible threat, impending action or the intent to create an atmosphere of outward oppression by remarks of speech. Though the signs i do not agree with are at best ridiculous suggestions, and unfortunately racist slogans are not considered to be hate speech. If it said something like “I’m” or “We’re” or any directive pronoun that doesn’t fall within suggested future tense or if a tense can be preambled by “If” then its not hate speech. But this vagueness is why you have incipient fascist laws in the US like ‘hate crime’ legislature.

    Also, for anyone to say they are ashamed to live in the US, egh, that’s negligible. i think instead of continually griping about the “others” of America look at it from a perspective that you aren’t in dialogue with these people. Because you aren’t. Someone that doesn’t believe in god, doesn’t understand the feelings of belief that worshipers do and vice versa, instead of looking at it as a competitive field you should look at the vocal minorities as the people that are actually well outside of the debate. Ignore and rebuke when necessary.

    But we should also remember that other countries have belligerent laws, and people as well. If i remember correctly Canada and Australia as well as Britain have minority immigration laws that are inherently xenophobic. After all Canada and Australia two of the largest Chinese (or for that matter Asiatic) immigration ports of the English speaking world have only 21 to 32 million give or take of a “Naturalized Population” so consider 10 million Chinese in a place like Australia meaning that your standing Minority is now a third your population. same goes for rebuffs on Indian visas. I mean racism and xenophobia is the same regardless of it being perpetrated by standing law or by jingoist Americans that share an incredibly lucrative economic situation as well as an incredibly easy to bypass border with a nation that we continually oppress economically.

    none of these problems like diet, blow hards, or religious zealotry should get a free pass and swept away but America is unique in the fact it likes to air out and revel in it’s dirty laundry, because it can. I mean its tough being a guiding economic and military power in an era where its so easy to crush competition by either method. Consider America Caligula and Americans Malcolm for Malcolm in the Middle.

  219. 244 Jean Paul 10 January, 2008 at 2:13 pm

    Having grown up in Canada, I am not surprised by this sneering mockery of the states, since that is a very vogue thing to in Canada. But you’re picking on the most petty stuff. In the first place, you can find shit like this all over Canada, so don’t be so smug. In the second place, I would be overjoyed if things like this were the worst of our problems up here.

    A society where everyone lives at the expense of everyone else, where you MUST struggle your entire life on the tax-treadmill to stay alive, is nothing to be proud of. It’s sickening to see anyone celebrating such a system, by taking pot shots at 5 completely benign expressions of personal freedom.

    The worst thing about the states is they are becoming more socialist every day, and they have the guns to really make that suck. Stop encouraging them.

  220. 245 marvin Aberegg 10 January, 2008 at 2:14 pm

    I visited Canada often to buy land in northern Ontario and I could easily come up with a similar list for Canada. I’m not particualrly petty though so i would rather post insightful things rather than knee-jerk pant-pissing things that really are not indicitve of the country.
    The stupid political sign item is ignorant and narrow-minded but the only thing it truly accomplishes is it point out how bigoted the owner is.
    After visiting Canada, my advice to this contributor would be to shut himself in his home and not come out – the entire world is filled with similar ignroance.

  221. 246 Stupid American 10 January, 2008 at 2:14 pm

    Just more proof of the general ignorance and deeply instilled hatred that plagues my country.

  222. 247 Tony 10 January, 2008 at 2:15 pm

    Why are the people and establishments not allowed to express their views when you are allowed to express yours? ACLU – Anti Christian League Union. For the freedom to say anything as long as they approve it.

  223. 248 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 2:16 pm

    Rodeodoc (#215) – “In Canada and Sweden, the cops would kick down your door and rip down the sign because you have offended some poor soul.”

    Wow, there’s another American that actually believes it when he’s told “They hate us for our freedoms” and he clearly also believes that America is unique in enjoying freedom of speech and expression.

  224. 249 Andy 10 January, 2008 at 2:17 pm

    #2 Since you were in the Florida Keys, he probably wasn’t talking about illegal Mexican immigrants, he’s talking about legal Cubans. There is a tremendous amount of frustration down in South FL regarding all the special handouts and programs available to Cuban immigrants. It’s not something that gets alot of press outside of FL, but the Cubans get a pretty sweet deal when they make it to shore. And alot of them seem to make it a point not to learn English. So they take the handouts, but not the culture.

    And yes there were no programs and handouts when his grandfather arrived, but I think that was his point. His Grandfather made it without help, so why should we be helping new immigrants?

  225. 250 Mike 10 January, 2008 at 2:18 pm

    That’s it? That’s the top 5 scariest things he saw in America? -I could do a top 100 on Canada, he needs to get out more and see his own country. You want to see red-necks, look in your own back yard. Nothing compares your drunken hockey fans.

  226. 251 PJ 10 January, 2008 at 2:19 pm

    As a Swede living in the USA for the past 2 years I can only agree. Then again drive-through pharmacies to this day still weird me out. Though funny, it’s also sad. America is the everything really, from the homeless poor to the people with billion dollar mansions, from Miss South Carolina to the brighest scientist.
    Though the average Joe is an obese loudmouth uneducated prick, those messages you presented sadly enough represents him and so many others here.

  227. 252 MIDWESTERNER 10 January, 2008 at 2:20 pm

    maybe you should have just visited the West Coast and Upper Midwest (especially WI and MN) instead of the other regions, as with nearly every country larger than an eyeshot each region has its own individual idelas and sentiments. I have been to Canada and have found full blown whackaloons there too, and I don’t find it necessary to state that based on my experience with a few that all Canadians are crazy. Lets be grown up about this, eh?

  228. 253 An American 10 January, 2008 at 2:21 pm

    Here’s a very american phrase that sums up america Louisiana style.

    Fuck you.

  229. 254 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 2:23 pm

    marvin Aberegg (#226) – Feel free to post whatever list you want about Canada. I heartily enjoy a good Canada-bashing. I also enjoy a good America-bashing. The difference is a) Canadians actually can take it and b) I’m not so naive that I take offense to such a posting like many of your countrymen.

  230. 255 Buddy 10 January, 2008 at 2:24 pm

    As long as you’re checking out the “bacon-burger” from #203, here’s another delightfully insane place:

  231. 256 Tamara 10 January, 2008 at 2:24 pm

    Ferrell: “Besides what has Canada given the world, Tom Green, Pam Anderson, and Celine Dione [sic]?”
    More celebrities than that: Nathan Fillion, Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, Eugene Levy, Keanu Reeves (he even played hockey), Wolverine (okay, he’s a comic book character, sure…) and a great many more.

    Also, the Canadarm, Ren and Stimpy, VG Cats, Joe Shuster (co-creator of Superman), snowmobiles, electric wheelchairs, the microsurgical staple gun, the ZEEP nuclear reactor, Java, basketball, helmets for American football, Trivial Pursuit, and questionably, the telephone. But we have to share that one with Scotland and the States.

    A Canadian also holds the current world record for sniping; smashed the previous record rather spectacularly.

    Sure, the States has an impressive list of accomplishments as well; you have 10 times our population, after all. But we never said you didn’t.

  232. 257 Doc Brown 10 January, 2008 at 2:25 pm

    Why hasn’t anyone noticed that those restaurant signs were made with one of those goofy online sign generators. While it’s sad that some of that dribble was even typed, I promise you that they never appeared on the side of the road.

  233. 258 rlhoffman 10 January, 2008 at 2:27 pm

    pa·tri·ot·ism /ˈpeɪtriəˌtɪzəm or, especially Brit., ˈpæ-/ Pronunciation Key – Show Spelled Pronunciation[pey-tree-uh-tiz-uhm or, especially Brit., pa-] Pronunciation Key – Show IPA Pronunciation
    devoted love, support, and defense of one’s country; national loyalty.

    Paulitics – Don’t mistake True Patriotism with Faux Patriotism. The internet is one of the greatest inventions of all time. Unfortunately, due to it’s Anonymity, some people will say stupid things just to start a flame war. From your blog, many Americans have taken offense. It is only reasonable that they make replied comments, however, some of these comments are as lame as the Casa’Dice signs.

    Yes we have free speech here. No, we aren’t the only ones that have it, however, we were the first country to have it as a founding principal. Todays politicians are just that, politicians, and they don’t hold a candle to the founding fathers. Americas founding fathers were true legislators. They made laws that benefited the masses, while inconveniencing the few. Today’s politicians are only out to line their pockets.

  234. 259 Evan 10 January, 2008 at 2:27 pm

    So Canada doesn’t have any unhealthy food, loud religious fanatics or overly political douchebags? Must be the one place in the world. No I’m not shocked or freaked out by any of the 5 things listed, but that doesn’t mean I’m glad for them either.

    Many of the Canadians commenting here are wrong to think that a few vocal groups of people define the beliefs and actions of an entire country. The US is practically split in two over many important issues (war, immigration, healthcare, etc…) and half the country isn’t about to move out because they disagree with the other half. Our politicans also suck, but I don’t know if there’s such a thing as a good politician.

    Finally, there’s no defense for what some people say, like in the immigration letter or those stupid billboards. Still, I don’t see how one can argue against the concept of free speech itself, especially when there are places in the world like China and Russia where the government regularly censors its own people.

  235. 260 Cari 10 January, 2008 at 2:29 pm

    Okay…seriously…can’t any of you people (American/Canadian) take a joke???

    I can’t believe any of you are arguing over Stuffed French Toast!! Immigration? every ignorant asshole has an opinion about it and just like assholes, they all stink!!

    One thing about the Stuffed French Toast though…last I checked Canada has many of the same restuarants America has…International House of Pancakes??
    Not like it’s something new that was just invented yesterday…

    And it’s separation of church and state…not separation of church and businesses. The church is a business in this country. My state’s license plates have “In God We Trust” on them. When these were first introduced, there was a “handling fee” of $15 for anyone who did NOT purchase the In God We Trust license plate. Someone actually sued the state…seriously. Over $15. Because he didn’t believe in God. So, his thinking is the same as the great immigration debate: “The religious one’s are getting all the benefits and since I don’t think the way they do, I have to shell out more money…” WTF?????

    Many Americans are ashamed to live in this country as well…but our shame does not make us blind to realize that this is a good country…when the right people are running it. And unfortunately, politics are not what they used to be (and i’m not reflecting back to 1930’s-60’s…we’re talking Founding Fathers…what this country TRUELY believes)

    Don’t knock us Canada! When the draft starts back up, expect to see us ‘immigrants’ draft-dodge to your country, revolt/rebel and take over…it’s our history!!!

    Either way, you want to see some really shocking shit in America?? Read CNN on a daily basis. Read about how a man can beat a toddler to death because it wouldn’t stop crying.

    you people are getting upset over the littlest thing. And just like the Casa D’Ice owner, everyone has a right to say whatever the hell they want…you don’t have to read it, listen to it, or even comment about it. It just is what it is…

  236. 261 S. Crosby 10 January, 2008 at 2:29 pm

    I miss nothing!!!

  237. 262 BRAN 10 January, 2008 at 2:29 pm

    DID YOU KNOW ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS CAN GET WELFARE(government tax money)If they had a child in the unted states,even if both of that childs parents are here illegally?

  238. 263 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 2:29 pm

    Andy (#230) – no the point is that immigrants used to work on the same level playing field as non-immigrants. Now what you want is for immigrants to be stuck in 1901 while the rest of you enjoy all the hard fought workers rights while also enjoying an indentured racially-based servant class who don’t get to enjoy the same rights.

  239. 264 Ranger Joe, Defender of Bunnies 10 January, 2008 at 2:30 pm

    Dear Canadian. Next time, stay home. Nobody put a gun to your head making you come down here, and likely, nobody put a gun to your head to make you go back. Consider yourself lucky.

    #5: Private company. He can put anything he wants on the side of his truck. If you don’t like it, tough…don’t use his trucks to haul your stuff.

    #4: We deep fry Snickers bars down here, too. Don’t like it? Don’t eat one. At least we don’t put gravy on our french fries.

    #3: The South lost. Some of them haven’t gotten over it yet.

    #2: At least all of our traffic signs are only in one language (so far). If you come into this country to live, LEARN TO SPEEKIE ENGLEE. That goes for you Quebeckies, too.

    #1: We have something here in the US called “free speech.” You might have noticed that. We also have the freedom to make asses out of ourselves. If you don’t like what this guy put up on his restaurant marquee, DON’T GIVE HIM ANY OF YOUR LOONIES. Easy enough. And besides, the place is in Pittsburg, which is a shithole anyway.

    Next time, go to France.

  240. 265 rlhoffman 10 January, 2008 at 2:30 pm

    Oh, and much of the traffic you are receiving is being generated from an American website. http:\\

    The readers there are very experienced at flame-war comments.

  241. 266 Tim 10 January, 2008 at 2:30 pm

    I’m a social/political progressive from California, but I recognize that clearly these are extreme cases. Do you fancy yourself another Borat or something? Do you really believe these examples are representative of the majority of Americans, instead of worst? Did you find anything about the US to admire or respect?
    If you want to be fair and say something constructive, you need to be a lot more balanced.

  242. 267 Cat 10 January, 2008 at 2:31 pm

    Seriously #237? Your argument for why Canada is so great is Ren & Stimpy? well if that’s the case I’d just like to state for the record my favorite thing to come out of Canad is Alex Trebek. Suck it slow.

  243. 268 PPC 10 January, 2008 at 2:31 pm

    1. I’m sorry for my ignorant brethren
    2. I love Canada
    3. Hockey rocks
    4. Rock on

  244. 269 the cenobyte 10 January, 2008 at 2:32 pm

    WOW… I know that sometimes things people say is a little shocking, but whatever happened to freedom of speech? The food complaint is just silly, you can find gross food anywhere in the world including Canada. The rest of this stuff is just freedom of speech, and forgetting that it takes all kinds just leads to suppression. Next time maybe write something about how you wish things would change or how they could, instead of just pointing in laughing with obviously misplaces superiority.

  245. 270 Eric 10 January, 2008 at 2:32 pm

    Things I read on a blog written by a Canadian that freaked me out.

    Sweeping generalizations about an entire country’s population based on the words and actions of a few. I guess these five people that own these billboards or write these letters are the only ones you met on your trip and I guess that how the entire population of over 300 million people must act. Wait I though only Americans were supposed to think like that. We all bible thumping racist pigs I guess…enjoy your cliches and stereo types while you call us the hypocrites and closed minded fools. Maybe you’re not as different as you think.

  246. 271 RC635 10 January, 2008 at 2:33 pm

    That last sign was taken from a bit by Bill Maher. He did a comedy special in Boston and aired by HBO. I’m pretty sure the bit was from that and not “Real Time.”

  247. 272 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 2:34 pm

    rlhoffman – you wrote “Yes we have free speech here. No, we aren’t the only ones that have it, however, we were the first country to have it as a founding principal.”

    Actually you didn’t have freedom of speach until 1964 when your Supreme Court struck down the 1798 Sedition Act (remember: that act which made it illegal to either speak or write any criticism of the U.S. government, congress or the president).

  248. 273 Richard G. 10 January, 2008 at 2:34 pm

    I live in Pittsburgh. The Casa D’crap restaurant is a continuing source of embarrasment to everybody in my fair city. YA! We’re number one! We’re number one!

  249. 274 Bonnie 10 January, 2008 at 2:34 pm

    Yes. All Americans are exactly the same. They all eat artery clogging crap and spew bible lines constantly while yelling at people to go kill all the camel jockeys. You know, just like how all Canadians must be exactly the same. I’m sure there are no creepy backwater places in Canada that I could go and photograph.

  250. 275 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 2:35 pm

    Eric (#251) –

    You wrote “Things I read on a blog written by a Canadian that freaked me out. Sweeping generalizations about an entire country’s population based on the words and actions of a few.”

    Want to read again closer. Point to me the place where I made ANY generalization of Americans.

  251. 276 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 2:36 pm

    Bonnie (#255) – Read the piece again. I never said all Americans are the same. In fact, I would rather disagree with this statement.

  252. 277 akimbo 10 January, 2008 at 2:37 pm

    So if I were to drive a big truck across the US with Muslim philosophies and quotes from the Koran and “praise Allah” on it, all of you free-speechers would nod approvingly and wave me on my way? I think I’d be lucky to make it safely to Guantanamo. “Freedom of speech” seems to carry a lot more weight here if your speech is in agreement with the vocal majority.

    As a Canadian living in the US for 10 years, one of the biggest culture shocks for me down here is people (myself included) getting into dire financial difficulties because they’ve gotten sick or injured and the medical bills have put them into debt. Say what you will about the “evils of socialized medicine” — the bottom line is, people aren’t afraid to go to the doctor up there; they go, they get well, and their quality of life improves.

  253. 278 Jeremy 10 January, 2008 at 2:37 pm

    I hope this author is kidding. You, Paul, sound like an old woman who doesn’t understand how anything in the real world works. I take it you don’t pass through your own front door very often.
    First of all, you shouldn’t “presume”. These were a handful of people that caused/made/wrote the items on your list. If I walked downtown Toronto and saw a bum taking a leak on the street (which I have), do I then “presume” this is normal behavior for Canadians? You don’t take a nominal percent of a population and make a broad brush stroke over the entire population.
    Second of all, yes, it’s called free speech. I know it’s scary, but that’s why you still eat at the little kids table while us adults eat off the fine china. Smart people use free speech and idiots use use free speech… that’s the beauty and hideousness of it.
    Third of all, don’t pick on the food. It’s a weak topic. I bet if you drove more than 50 miles from your own house, you’d find something just as disgusting. How about fly to an ‘exotic’ destination like China… I’m sure you’d love to cram a Stuffed French Toast in your yapper after you had to eat actual Chinese food for a week.
    So Paul, what I’m trying to say is, don’t be such a wuss.

  254. 279 Laura 10 January, 2008 at 2:38 pm

    Stuffed French Toast is fantastic

    The south is not.

    You are too tender for this horrid country.

    Stay away, lest we poison you with our processed cheese and Jesus.

    Say hi to the Queen for me.

  255. 280 D. Flutie 10 January, 2008 at 2:38 pm

    Boston Rawx!!

  256. 281 Robert 10 January, 2008 at 2:38 pm

    Number three is my favorite. I’m from the North. Southern heritage? What is that? Deep fried food and statutory racial prejudice and discrimination? Apartheid? The right to buy, sell and torture slaves? The right to lynch people for pleasure and recreation? The right to use your rebel flag as a a terrorist weapon? When I see that stars and bars flag, I think of the one thing the South is truly famous for. A long standing, carefully cultivated bigotry.

  257. 282 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 2:38 pm

    cenobyte (#250)

    “Next time maybe write something about how you wish things would change or how they could, instead of just pointing in laughing with obviously misplaces superiority.”

    Actually I regularly write on that topic. Take 30 seconds to read through this blog before you make such an ignorant statement. What you’re actually saying is that I’m not allowed to laugh at the things I found funny on my trip.

  258. 283 Cari 10 January, 2008 at 2:39 pm

    And another thing…Butter is healthier than Lard, Margarine, Maple Syrup or whatever the hell it is you Canucks use to fry stuff with.

    Sorry, I just had to put some kind of stereotypical racist remark in there. (which makes me ask the question, Am I racist if I “hate” white Canadians, if I, myself, am white? And what gives one the reason to hate a Canadian, eh? Oh, that’s right…you killed the Baldwin’s…South Park…anyone?)

  259. 284 BigD 10 January, 2008 at 2:42 pm

    Hey Cody – Sweden is waiting for you; take all your tree-hugging lefties with ya. We will shut the door so you can’t come crying back when you see how good we have it, thanks in large part, to our Soldiers and others who suffer for our freedom – and freedom of speech.

  260. 285 I 10 January, 2008 at 2:42 pm

    I’m a god fearing Christian woman from Shreveport Louisiana, and I just want to say I think you are all going to hell for being so mean to each other. “Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting FIRE,. . .” Matthew 25:41

  261. 286 Pete 10 January, 2008 at 2:43 pm

    As for the deep fried french toast, sounds delightful, perhaps I’ll make it for breakfast. I’m not a fat ass I’m 5’10” 155lbs (or however many kilos). An the few extra pounds is from all the moosehead and molsons I drink. Just because it’s there and fatty doesn’t mean you have to eat it. And as far as the rest of the western world goes, can we say french cuisine, yeah everything is better with a few pads of butter. American cheese, it tastes good, not exactly cheese, but it’s good, perhaps just a bit different, if you don’t like it don’t eat it. As for the trucking company and the letter to the editor, we have freedom of speech, which should (not a fan of the protest zones) let any dumbass spout whatever kind of retarded bullshit he wants. The expression of my rights end at your nose, isn’t really applicable to the 1st amendment. Take for example the aclu defending the KKK, violence and hate mongering? you bet, but it was their constitutional right. It appears, from everything you said you were “freaked out” by our freedom of speech. I don’t agree with what any of these people said, but I will defend their right to say it.

    BUT, what has really bothered me with all this America bashing is “the rest of the western world” argument. People don’t realize that America is MASSIVE. We’re the third largest country in the world. US population 300 million. Canadian population 33million. I have this feeling that things run a lot smoother when you have a smaller population. Most of canada lives below New York city. The USA is spread out all over, and this leads to various areas being very different from one another. Going to the coasts or to the south is like walking into another country where people just speak english and use the same money. And right now the country is, like someone said earlier, having a bit of a hiccup. We were great friends with the rest of the world until bush, and when his term is up things will change. America is a bit of a rollercoaster ride, when the times are good they are good, and when they are bad they are bad. But things have always been righted. The new deal for example. I am sick of this stereotype that all americans are fat and stupid. People only see what they want to see. Did you stop off at a university or a museum? Did you spend time in any of cultural centers. I was about to say that the further you go to the backwoods the more redneck things get. But just come to North Dakota where I’m from and northern Minnesotta. You can’t judge the country on a small portion of it, and not through your narrow preconcieved notions. But if you excuse me Some stuffed french toast sounds perfect, I just hope I’m not out of american processed cheese like substance, mmmmmmm orange.

  262. 287 Ken 10 January, 2008 at 2:45 pm

    I don’t get it… did these things really disturb you, and the humour was just lost on me? I mean, if you’re really that disturbed by words, you need to toughen up a bit, nancy boy. Sure, there are idiots all around, and even the idiots vary from state to state… but let’s not go pretending that the US is all that different from any other Western Nation… normally I’m in NYC (on Vacation right now)… there are plenty of cultures that have bad raps… Canucks have a bad rap for not tipping, some cultures have issues for other reasons… but the reality is that all these negative stereotypes are just lame ass stereotypes that serve only to reinforce some idiot’s notion that he/she is better simply by virtue of the geographic location of his/her birth. Are there serious issues… absolutely… healthcare, education, immigration… all of these are serious issues that merit real debate. The reality though… if you visit any foreign land… expect to see some stuff that is culturally unacceptable… if you go to the eastern part of Germany for a good period of time, you’ll probably see a fight between the punks and the skinheads… if you go to France, you may well see some xenophobic people, or some angry quasi-immigrants, even in good old Canadaland, I’ve run into some rather racist farks when it comes to their attitudes towards people of the First Nations. The thing of it is… you go to other places to enjoy cultural differences… sure some will be bad, but overall, you go places to learn about other cultures… if you really want to feel safe, instead of exposing yourself to things that might scare you, if you’re really so freaked out by everything different, well, you’re pretty much just like the xenophobic rednecks who are born, live, and die in the same county because they just can’t fathom the thought of a different culture being a good thing. Overall though, if it was a humour-piece… it just flopped… all you did was take some stereotypes, go to a nation of 300+ million, find a few d-bags who fit the stereotype, and a rather unhealthy meal that can be gotten at nearly any diner in Canada (Tim Horton’s isn’t a diner, don’t go there)… then point and laugh. Honestly it’s the same kind of humour as if an someone were to just go to Canada and write about poutine and funny accents, or going to Mexico and write about drunks and donkey shows. It may be good for a few larfs to someone who just gets their jollies off of having their preconceptions reviewed (do you watch FoxNews, per chance?), but to people looking for a good laugh at one of the quirky parts of American culture (there are plenty), it just failed miserably.

  263. 288 Niali 10 January, 2008 at 2:47 pm

    None of the things you listed are uniquely American. You’re horrified at religious and racial bigotry; the only difference between Canada’s attitude towards it and America’s attitude towards it, is that Canada is willing to pass laws that also suppress sensible people as an unfortunate side-effect; America is not.

    You’re also upset about the health consequences of eating one dish you found in one restaurant in an area known for its lax health-consciousness. If we all painted with that broad a brush, I could assume that every Canadian has the sense of humor of one of your border officials — which would make your country scarier than the USSR ever was.

  264. 289 BH Jodo Kast 10 January, 2008 at 2:48 pm

    Great eye, Canadian. You are 100% correct.

    I love America. I love it enough to criticize the broken stuff.

    Some people like Dr. Whatnot and JCY can’t stand criticism. They are Emo.

    Oh well. Glad you enjoyed your visit.

  265. 290 Cari 10 January, 2008 at 2:48 pm

    Did you see the McGriddle yet? Stuffed French Toast is nothing compared to that…

    Sausage (or bacon), egg and American cheese on two Sweet Griddle cakes (like pancakes) served in a plastic/paper wrapping contraption. And I can’t believe I actually wrote “American Cheese”. I initially put cheese (cause here in the States, it’s just understood that the yellow square goes on sandwhiches and all other cheeses will be referred to by their given name, i.e Cheddar Cheese, Swiss Cheese, etc.) then had to change it.

    Long live Fark!!!

  266. 291 K-Mart Plaza 10 January, 2008 at 2:48 pm

    What do you expect from a place located on “KMart Plaza” in Pennsylvania. Just another racist shithole over there. Run by an ignorant 2nd generation immigrant moron. Go back to Italy, there Guido.

  267. 292 ILoveAlex 10 January, 2008 at 2:49 pm

    Revelation 14:10 – ” . . . and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone . . .”

  268. 293 eric 10 January, 2008 at 2:49 pm

    wow, you miss the point of free speech dont you? why dont you just stay up north, eh?

  269. 294 Buddy 10 January, 2008 at 2:50 pm

    You think the guy with Casa D’Ice, perhaps, samples too much of the merchandise found in the “lounge” before he does up his signs? And/or, maybe he really likes crocks of shit? And what is a “crock” of shit, anyway?

    Either way, it’s comedy gold.

  270. 295 Terry 10 January, 2008 at 2:51 pm

    I just want equality here as in a great many other countrys! One of three things if you are in there country as an illegal, #1 you go to prison for a very long time, #2 you get shot OR #3 you get put in an internment camp where troops come as they please and do as they please! I go to England I speek English, Spain = Spanish! I’m not a redneck and my best friend is a black man, and Hillery for president scares the hell outta me, I just may be an illegal in Mexico if that happens, ya NOT Canada, public health care SUCKS, I have visited there, and NO we arnt going to steal your damm water!

  271. 296 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 2:52 pm

    BH Jodo Kast – I did enjoy my visit. Overall it was very pleasant and with absolutely beautiful weather.

    I also agree with you about the criticism part. As a Canadian, I enjoy Canada-bashing and I can’t understand that so many Americans would have such thin skin as to not be able to accept criticism.

  272. 297 fat american 10 January, 2008 at 2:52 pm

    mmmmmmmm McGriddle

  273. 298 Cypher 10 January, 2008 at 2:53 pm

    5# Yes, there are religious crazies in the world. Everyone has them, even Canada. Btw, I’ve never seen a truck like that in my life. I don’t doubt that they exist, but they aren’t as common as you’d like to think.

    4# Are you kidding? You eat poutine. I’m an American that regularly travels to Canada. Your people are generally nicer, yes, but you can’t accuse us of having more fattening food. Isn’t Canada second in fattest nations of the world anyway?

    3# You’re in the American south. That’s the equivilant of your Alberta. Higher concentration of inbred people there, that’s not news.

    2# Same as above.

    1# Stupid isn’t just the realm of Americans. I could tell you about all the stupid Canadian’s I’ve met and it wouldn’t say anything about the country as a whole.

    I think my only real problem with your post here is your tone. You’re totally indignant and horrified by something that you should really be laughing at. If you want to complain, bitch about our terrible health care, or our lack of social programs, or Bush. The things you’re talking about here don’t affect anything one way or another, so whining about it just makes you look like a fool. Get the stick out of your ass and get a sense of humor.

  274. 299 Rick 10 January, 2008 at 2:54 pm

    I use to be pretty ‘outdoorsy’ when I was younger. I’d like to fish and was always fascinated at the varieties I could catch just by changing the shiny metal at the end of a string. Also amazing was going into the woods and seeing what rigging up a piece of wire and chunk of vegetable would snare. Then along came the internet blog…..

    Humans meet thy bait.

  275. 300 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 2:54 pm

    Terry (#276) – Glad to hear your opinion on universal healthcare. The only problem is that if you were just visiting then you would really get to say one way or another whether “public health care SUCKS” or not as you word it. But I’m glad you so thoroughly believe what’s been told to you by your betters.

  276. 301 Cari 10 January, 2008 at 2:54 pm

    Canucks are bad tippers? I didn’t know that…

    Too bad they look like American’s.

    You see, there’s a reason why everyone is so pissed at your 5 things. It’s because we are inferior, righteous, and all knowing. And we never shut up. Also, American’s are used to telling people in other countries that we’re Canadian when travelling. If there are Europeans reading, they’ll know that if we have STRONG opinions, we’re not Canadian…

    I’m seriously just trying to add some humor to these comments…slow news/work day.

  277. 302 Mike 10 January, 2008 at 2:54 pm

    Free speech in Canada? There is no free speech in Canada.
    You can be prosecuted there for reading from the Bible. And YOU want to lecture US?

  278. 303 Lynne 10 January, 2008 at 2:56 pm

    The casa d’ice signs are all too real. They also sell t-shirts, hats and bumper stickers. *sigh*

  279. 304 BrooklynBS 10 January, 2008 at 2:58 pm

    What’s interesting about four of the five things that “freaked” Paul out is that they are examples of freedom of speech. The French Toast could be viewed similarly, though it more closely resembles “freedom of glutton”.

    As an American, I’m proud of the fact that people have the right to express their views – even if I don’t agree with those views. Three of the instances involve businesses and thanks to the choice that capitalism brings, I would have ample opportunity to avoid patronizing those businesses and being of financial benefit to the proprietors.

    I don’t believe Paul was trying to make some sweeping statement, indictment of America or Americans, or try to suggest that freedom of speech is a bad thing (I’m merely pointing out that what “freaked” Paul out are examples of what our Constitution protects, and in some other countries, he would not have been able to see such things, even if people believed them). Paul was merely pointing out examples of things he found odd, strange or disconcerting. He was offering an opinion on some specific instances, nothing more and nothing less.

    Paul does not speak for all Canadians, just as I don’t speak for all Americans.

  280. 305 TASTY 10 January, 2008 at 2:58 pm

    I don’t think people understand the post. These are things which are found to be distasteful. This is an issue of taste.

  281. 306 V. 10 January, 2008 at 2:59 pm

    “I also agree with you about the criticism part. As a Canadian, I enjoy Canada-bashing and I can’t understand that so many Americans would have such thin skin as to not be able to accept criticism.”

    Berating anothers country with petty examples warrants explosive reactions especially when it’s well known that diversity is what makes this country what it is. Maybe you should watch your words and not catergorize and sterotype an entire country before saying our skin is too thin. And your own people have defended Canada just as harshly and belligerently as the Americans so lets not pretend Canadians lets things roll right off them. They don’t, just as much as we don’t.

  282. 307 Bushwick Bill 10 January, 2008 at 3:00 pm

    “Actually you didn’t have freedom of speach until 1964 when your Supreme Court struck down the 1798 Sedition Act (remember: that act which made it illegal to either speak or write any criticism of the U.S. government, congress or the president).”

    Moron, if you’re going to talk smack about American history, get your shit straight, fuckwit. The Sedition Act of 1798 *expired* in 1801. It’s constitutionality was never tested because it *expired*. Subsequent supreme court opinions have made it clear that the Act would not hold constitutional muster.

    Freedom of speech? Canada ain’t got none. Your Orwellian leaders in Canada and western Europe whip their populations into American-hating tizzies by repeating falsehoods, falsehoods which you are incapable of refuting because you lack freedom of expression. Pity.

  283. 308 Terry Sullivan 10 January, 2008 at 3:01 pm

    So what? As an American, I could give a hoot in hell that you don’t like a business exercising its right to free speech on its own private property.

    As for the signs, it looks as if the owner might be hiring Don Cherry to ghost write them. God Bless Don Cherry

  284. 309 Mike M. 10 January, 2008 at 3:02 pm

    This is why I wear my Roots t-shirts when traveling overseas.

  285. 310 Pete 10 January, 2008 at 3:06 pm

    Yes, we have some religious nuts, food that’ll kill you in less than 3 bites, southerners that can’t get over losing a war back in the late 1800’s, people that don’t study history close enough, and bigots/racists.

    Some of the signs in #1 I can see as being a joke (such as the Wal-Mart one) and the person not being serious. I do agree that we have no business in Iraq and never did, considering we should’ve been going after Osama for all this time instead of wasting money “rebuilding” someone else’s government. Time to let the Iraqis defend themselves for once instead of cowering behind troops from the U.S. and other countries. And lets use some of those billions of dollars to fix our OWN messed up government before we go to war and try to force our beliefs and ways of life on others.

  286. 311 Cari 10 January, 2008 at 3:08 pm

    you can be prosecuted in America for reading The Bible too!!

    Yes, America is the greatest country in the WORLD because we can: speak freely (unless you say ‘bomb’ in an airport, ‘fire’ in a theatre, “I’m going to kill the President” via wire-tapped telephone or even on a website), have many people congress to make a point (protestors that close city streets for a demonstration, causing me to go a different route to work) or just one person to stand on the street and preach from The Bible as if he’s some modern day Prophet (okay…we know what it says…you don’t have to yell it when i go to get my Starbuck’s!!)…i can keep going on.

    If I, as an American, were to make a “top 5” list of things that freaked me out in America, it would go like this:

    #5: A McDonald’s damn near every 6/10’s of a mile from each other in a metropolitan city. (Not to mention a McDonald’s in EVERY city).

    #4: A Starbuck’s across or down the street from every McDonald’s.

    #3: Wal-marts the size of a car factory.

    #2: Genuine farm land being stripped away to put in the above. We are running out of space people!!!

    #1: Why people do what they do…have we become that morally unconscious???

  287. 312 gus 10 January, 2008 at 3:08 pm

    Yea, and I suppose there are no idiots where you come from? Idiots!

  288. 313 Eric from Texas 10 January, 2008 at 3:08 pm

    I look forward to your follow up: 5 things in America that made me smile.

  289. 314 GUS 10 January, 2008 at 3:10 pm

    Canadians are always dreaming up a lotta ways to ruin our lives. The metric system, for the love of God! Celsius! Neil Young!

  290. 315 Techmission 10 January, 2008 at 3:10 pm

    I’m half American, and very glad both halves are firmly in Canada for all the reasons and many more listed above.

  291. 316 Laut_Enclar 10 January, 2008 at 3:11 pm

    Okay – Paul picked out a few doozies while winding his way through the States.

    At look at the result when he posts some of it: A parade of assholes from both sides of the border!

    We all have a bit of growing up to do. Get over it and get on with it.

  292. 317 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 3:11 pm

    Bushwick Bill (#288) – Care to elaborate on why Canada doesn’t have freedom of speech?

    Actually I just mentioned one example of the U.S. not having full freedom of speech. What happened in 1801 was that Jefferson pardoned William Duane, but it still took until 1964 for the law to be repealed.

    Here is an excerpt from Leonard Levy’s work “Emergence of a Free Press” (1985).

    “In a memorandum of 1801 President Jefferson . . . dismiss[ed] the prosecution,
    initiated under his predecessor, against William Duane, the republican editor of the
    Philadelphia Aurora, who had been indicted under the Sedition Act. . . . Yet the hard
    fact remains: Jefferson, Madison, Gallatin, Livingston, Nicholas, and Macon explicitly
    endorsed the power of the states to prosecute seditious and other criminal libels . . .
    [and] either endorsed the basic concept of . . . the criminal responsibility of the writer or printer for abuse of his rights, or they failed to oppose it.”

    See also:

    Harry Kalven, A Worthy Tradition: Freedom of Speech in America, New York: Harper & Row,

    David Kairys, “Freedom of Speech,” in David Kairys, ed., The Politics of Law: A
    Progressive Critique, New York: Pantheon, 1982 (revised and expanded edition 1990),
    pp. 237-272.

    In addition you might also want to look up these cases:

    -The Espionage Act, 40 Stat. 219 (1917)

    -Debs v. United States, 249 U.S. 211 (1919) (wherein the Supreme court upheld Debs’ conviction)

    -The Smith (or “Alien Registration”) Act, 54 Stat. 671, 18 U.S.C. §2385 (1940)

    -Frohwerk v. United States, 249 U.S. 204

    -Dennis v. United States, 341 U.S. 494 (1951)

    -Scales v. United States, 367 U.S. 203 (1961)

  293. 318 Edwin S. Simon 10 January, 2008 at 3:11 pm

    Like maple syrup, Canada’s evil oozes over the United States.

  294. 319 Todd 10 January, 2008 at 3:12 pm

    I totally agree with the signs!!

  295. 320 captain america 10 January, 2008 at 3:12 pm

    who cares what anyone from canada thinks about anything?

  296. 321 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 3:14 pm

    Edwin S. Simon (#299) – “Like maple syrup, Canada’s evil oozes over the United States.”

    I LOVED that movie. So great!

  297. 322 Datdamwuf 10 January, 2008 at 3:15 pm

    LOL, well done, obviously meant in fun, don’t know why so many people are being serious about your post. I love the signs because they are too funny and obviously a true nutjob put them up. Next time you visit the USA drop into my area, I’m sure I can find you some more crazy stuff. Can you do another one on Canada? Since you live there I bet you could make us laugh again.

    PS: you’ve been fark’d that’s why so many hits….

  298. 323 Cari 10 January, 2008 at 3:17 pm

    Isn’t it funny/ironic, Paul, that the #1 thing that freaked you out aboot, I’m sorry, about America is pretty much exactly what some American’s are doing here to you?

    And am I the only one still here reading all of the comments?

  299. 324 Chris 10 January, 2008 at 3:17 pm

    I’m just shaking my head at the constant references about Freedom of Speech, and the fact that Canada doesn’t have it. I really don’t know where you get your facts from but you are way offside. Now I will return to eating my poutine in my igloo and wonder what all the fuss is aboot eh?

  300. 325 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 3:17 pm

    Datdamwuf (#303) – “Can you do another one on Canada? Since you live there I bet you could make us laugh again.”

    I’ve already written on many of the ways that Canada is messed up but I haven’t done a post like this one for Canada yet. hmm… you’ve given me a good idea. I’ll see what I come up with. Stay tuned.

  301. 326 Cari 10 January, 2008 at 3:19 pm

    Chris (#305) – “Eh, F*** you buddy!”

  302. 327 xii 10 January, 2008 at 3:20 pm

    “Top 5 things I saw in America which, as a Canadian, freaked me right oot, eh?”

    There, I fixed that for you.

    (Kidding, I love my neighbor to the north. But your food ain’t any healthier, and you also have idiot racists. Just sayin.)

  303. 328 Chris 10 January, 2008 at 3:21 pm

    Cari (#305 ) Pardon me? What’s that for?

  304. 329 Carrie McCloud 10 January, 2008 at 3:23 pm

    You’re a tool.

  305. 330 Barbara Jones 10 January, 2008 at 3:24 pm

    Yeah, we’re a bunch of crazies here in the U.S. Interesting how so many are willing to risk death to get in anyway, isn’t it?

    BTW, I am a [LEGAL] immigrant, now a US citizen, and I am firmly in favor of controlling our borders. I guess I really am a crazed right-wing American now. Hope that freaks you out!

  306. 331 rosemoon 10 January, 2008 at 3:24 pm

    It’s annoying that it’s so ok to say it’s just those damn southerners. Good lord, people! The Casa D’ice sign is in Pittsburgh, the french toast thing was in NY, and anybody who thinks the Florida Keys contain any southerners isn’t paying much attention!

  307. 332 sabyen91 10 January, 2008 at 3:25 pm

    paulitics, I, as an American, enjoyed the article. We have what we call the 30%ers. These are the idiot “conservatives” who are oblivious to the fact that Bush and company are turning this country into a laughing stock. They are a thin-skinned, knee-jerk bunch of xenophobic, bigotted nationalists.

    By the way, to Brandon and anybody else who may have belittled Canada for their health-care system. Are you kidding? Among the industrialized countries, we are the worst in preventable deaths, second worst in infant mortality. Congratulations, us!!!

  308. 333 Peter 10 January, 2008 at 3:25 pm

    Wow, over 300 comments ! Great posting Paul, you seem to have hit a nerve.

  309. 334 Sheila Broslofski 10 January, 2008 at 3:28 pm

    Blame Canada! Blame Canada! It seems that everything’s gone wrong since Canada came along. Blame Canada! Blame Canada!

  310. 335 Justin 10 January, 2008 at 3:30 pm

    I love the US and I never want to live in another country honestly. I’ve been to Canada for work plenty of times (mainly Toronto & Calgary) and to me it seems a lot like the US really. The only advantage Canada has *IMO is it has not made any mistakes yet in terms of the world view but then again that is something that almost definitely comes from not making any noticeable contributions or taking risks for others in the world either. Once you guys get more involved in world politics, and wars and take sides I would surely believe you’ll start getting A LOT more flak, just comes with the territory.

    That list could be 5 milllion entries long and I still wouldn’t give a rat’s ass. I have everything here I could ever want, a great home, cars to play with, always things to do in the many, many cities, kick ass places to visit like the Grand Canyon, and Yellowstone, there is so much you are all missing out on. But hey, stick to that view of yours cause I really enjoy not having that many people around here than we already have, just more room for myself ;)

    As for us all being retarded, everyone I grew up with and know all went through college and into many different industries (IT for me) so that point I think is moot. But hey if you go off crenshaw blvd in Cali in the hood, I wouldn’t doubt you meeting some people that never got past 4th grade but then again I’m pretty sure that’s anywhere and any country where you can find that.

    And one last thing, the concept of it being mandatory to vote is surprising. I personally only bother voting during the Presidential election, but then again the electoral college probably negates out my vote anyway. I do think that our government is rampant with corruption and because of our capitalistic culture, it is probably run on you put gold in my pocket and I’ll sign that law for you kinda thing for a lot of things, and that would be the one thing I would really like to see change as a citizen. But life is not perfect, we are not perfect, and that’s fine. All I know is for the most part as a country we are always trying, either catch up or eat out dust! hahah -J

  311. 336 Cari 10 January, 2008 at 3:31 pm

    South Park Bigger, Longer, Uncut? Your joke reminded me of that. “…What the fuss is all aboot?”

    UN Leader: What say you, Mr. American Ambassador?
    American Representative: [stands up and gives the finger] Fuck Canada!
    Canadian Representative: Hey, fuck you, buddy! [giving the “up yours” gesture]

  312. 337 marvin Aberegg 10 January, 2008 at 3:32 pm

    “marvin Aberegg (#226) – Feel free to post whatever list you want about Canada. I heartily enjoy a good Canada-bashing. I also enjoy a good America-bashing. The difference is a) Canadians actually can take it and b) I’m not so naive that I take offense to such a posting like many of your countrymen.”

    I’m not offended in the least. You are entitled to you opinion. I’m just disappointed that of all the things out there that really truly matter you seem to have fixated on some of the most inane and inconsequential points.
    And as I said, I really do not have a petty need to point out the Canadian embarrassments. There are plenty. My father-in-law remarried a kooky canuck from BC. The people in Northern Ont. practically beg us to buy their land to keep it out of Crown hands. And what the hell is up with your chickens. Every chicken dish I ever ordered there arrived with the most anemic, thin and flavorless hunk of bird I ‘ve ever seen. It became a running joke with us. Don’t you guys feed those damn things. Our monster chickens should have freaked you out more than some ambitiously named cheese.
    Ha. The point is this is pointless. As George Thorogood said… “everybody funny…now you funny too.”

  313. 338 Peter N Milligan 10 January, 2008 at 3:33 pm

    Yeah, cause no one in Canada every did anything stupid.

  314. 339 Patrick Boothe 10 January, 2008 at 3:34 pm

    #5 pisses me off, too. The fundamentalist Christians aren’t much better than fundamentalists of any other faith. However, the same constitutional protections that allow them to advocate their religious message also allow me to function in a majority Christian society as an atheist without having to worry about getting fired, suffering discrimination in housing, etc. It is sad, and I’m not surprised that it’s shocking to someone from a country with more progressive attitudes about religion, that we have so many wacko Christians here who are so outspoken about it.

    #3 is an expression of regional rivalry carried on mostly by Southerners who feel that the rest of the country treats them like second class citizens. To some extent it’s true, and to some extent it’s justified, but it does become quite a cause for the rednecks who, paradoxically, also seem to be the most fervent of the (American) flag-waving, warmongering, so-called “patriots”. It’s sad, but the sense of persecution felt by some rednecks is hardly in the top five of our list of national problems. I might liken it loosely to the tension between Quebec and the rest of Canada.

    #2 and #1 are expressions of the same xenophobic, arrogant our-way-or-the-highway mentality shared by too many Americans. It’s disgraceful, and no doubt the biggest reason we are viewed with such disdain by the rest of the western world. Propogated by the right wing, this attitude serves their political and economic purposes very well, but at the cost of our national interests. Many of us hope and argue for changes in this attitude, but it is very hard to break through to some of its adherents.

    Thank you for visiting us here in the U.S. You sound like someone it would have been fun to meet and talk to during your visit. Also, thank you for expressing the shock you felt at some of the things you saw. Some Americans honestly don’t realize how ridiculous some of our actions and attitudes appear to the rest of the world, so anything that enlightens them can only help. I hope that, after your next visit, you will be able to report that we have made some changes for the better, but I am not optimistic.

    To the rest of the democratic, freedom-loving world, keep letting us know when we’re screwing up. We’re not the most receptive people in the world to constructive criticism, but eventually the message can get through…I hope.

  315. 340 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 3:35 pm

    marvin Aberegg (#318) – you wrote:

    “I’m just disappointed that of all the things out there that really truly matter you seem to have fixated on some of the most inane and inconsequential points.”

    This post was intended to be about the more humorous, inconsequential things I found in America. That was its purpose. Take 40 seconds and scroll through the remainder of my posts on this blog, I think you’ll find plenty of focus on meatier issues that might suit your tastes.

  316. 341 Johnny 10 January, 2008 at 3:38 pm

    That whole thing was true but you only visited the crazy part of the country anything nevada and east of that it completely nuts. Besides french toast isn’t in butter, its in egg. Learn how to make a proper meal. NOW WHERES MY BACON!

  317. 342 Sean 10 January, 2008 at 3:40 pm

    LOL at all the comments. You people are ridiculous. And the fact people are attacking Canada it pretty funny, being as 90% of US citizens don’t even know where it is. Not everyone eats poutine like you think, no one says “aboot” (except the East Coast), it’s not always snowing, and we can do a hell of a lot more in terms of freedom and speech and stuff than you can. The US is a communist government that’s WELL hidden beneath lies and deception. Do you even know why you are there? Because the US was started by a bunch of traitors to the crown.

  318. 343 steve 10 January, 2008 at 3:40 pm

    i totally agree with #5. the reason this wirter is offended and disagrees is that his whole nation is on the goat path to hell and the sad thing is he doesnt know it.

  319. 344 The Other Chris 10 January, 2008 at 3:42 pm

    #5. I don’t see a problem with expressing your opinions on your vehicles as I believe the Original Poster(OP) doesn’t. However, I haven’t seen anybody post about the comparative content of the two messages he has selected. I think that content may have been the point.

    #4 I say eat what you like. I’ve seen the OP comment about both the Canadian Health Care System and Nationalism/Patriotism in follow-up posts here. I, as A Canadian (A Canadian, not all Canadians. Sad that I have to clarify that but it seemed necessary.), think that some Canadians feel they have a right to criticize others for their poor diet choices, (and that sandwich is a poor diet choice), because they are paying for the resulting, potential, health conditions. That can be seen as a “Nationalist” view if you look at it as a Canadian issue. If anything, our morals come from our surroundings and there will always be a Nationalist/Regionalist slant to our views whether we’re aware of it or not. I would never advocate “Rabid Nationalism” and my above comment should not be misconstrued as such.

    #3 I don’t think that they are talking about fried chicken, Lynyrd Skynyrd and NASCAR in that message (sorry if that is a narrow view. I’m not familiar with much Southern Culture outside of those examples and the next one I give). I could never be proud of everything from my region because I am from that region. That is “Rabid Nationalism” and history is filled with examples of why it is folly. Slavery was and is a bad thing. Give yourself a shake if you think otherwise or at least have the good sense not to announce it in a public forum lightly veiled as something else. It freaks me out as well.

    #2 I think this is the poorly formed opinion of one person (as stated by the OP). What is disturbing is that many people in the world view this as a common American opinion. That is most likely what led to it’s inclusion on his list.

    #1 That’s just hate. I want to believe that the majority of those are “photo-shopped” for shock value. I have to agree with most responses that it is nice of them to warn me away for their establishment with the sign.

    Thanks very much for the images and observations. The responses have left me a bit shaken but I’ve been using the internet for a few days now and expect I will be seeing it as the norm in a few more ;)

  320. 345 steve 10 January, 2008 at 3:43 pm

    lets hear all the defenders of the inbreed half wited crown. its somthing to be real proud of a society straighjacked by class.

  321. 346 Mohini 10 January, 2008 at 3:46 pm

    Meatier like this post?

    “America is at that awkward stage. It’s too late to change the system from within, yet too early to shoot the bastards.”

    Paulitics: That pretty much sums up my thinking on the subject, with the sole possible caveat that I’m not entirely convinced that it’s really too early to shoot the bastards.

    Kinda confirms your negative feelings on the US, maybe not such a funny light hearted post at all.

  322. 347 Longhorn 10 January, 2008 at 3:48 pm

    Wow, if those are the worst things in the US, well I guess we have it made.

    #5 “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    That my friends is the First Amendment. Many of you left wing nuts have forgotten the first 16 words of it. Around 80% of the US population claims to be Christian so I don’t understand the hatred towards the trucking company displayed on this message board. Maybe the whole 20% of non-Christians in the US are posting here right now. I understand your fear of Christians. After all, U.S. Christians donate more money to causes around the world than most COUNTRIES. As for Christian intolerance, that is so tired and worn out. Anti-Christian messages are found everywhere in the U.S. from bumper stickers to signs to company policies.

    “Ultimately, America’s answer to the intolerant man is diversity, the very diversity which our heritage of religious freedom has inspired.” – Robert F. Kennedy

    #4 Who cares? Like I said, if that is the worst of the U.S., then we are doing good.

    #3 Same as #4.

    #2 Canadians lecturing the U.S. on immigration? Good one coming from the country that has opened its doors to anyone and everyone including Islamic terrorists. How many terrorists has the U.S. caught trying to drive from Canada to the U.S.? Maybe Canada ought to tighten its immigration policy. Of course, that would have little effect because no one wants to move to a desolate wasteland anyway. I guess that explains the open door policy. On top of that, just like their European brethren, your white racist French Canadian xenophobes are just going to love a few million Hispanic emigrants moving into Canada looking for jobs once they saturate the U.S. since we aren’t doing anything about it. Enjoy and let’s talk in a few years. Crap, I keep forgetting that Canadians love for ANYONE to move to their frozen dirt.

    #1 To quote Casa D’Ice, “tough shit.” Funny how the left wing in the U.S. champions freedom of speech only so long as it is in agreement with their narrow views.

    I for one LOVE hockey. I have season tickets to a minor league team in Texas. But if the greatest thing to come out of Canada is hockey, you Canadians ought to get out a little more.

    The next time you come to the U.S., you need to visit the greatest state in the union – Texas. I’m sure you can find some things here that offend your more refined sensibilities (a.k.a. pansy ways). I’m sure our concealed carry laws and right to defend ourselves and our property with lethal force will send you screaming and crying all the way back to that forsaken land you call home. And we like it that way.

  323. 348 dotslash 10 January, 2008 at 3:48 pm

    I’d have to say that this is just another pointless blog where people expend the extra coffee-ridden energy into text just to call one or another persons country this or that. Seriously… What is it you hope to achieve here by pointing out the simple odd things you saw while traveling, what seems to be, 1/4 of the entire US? I suppose that because they have stuffed “FREEDOM” toast (giggle) that you’ve found the source of all the fat asses we have in our country… Or because you read some post from someone who is not a journalist nor a historian who happen to report incorrect facts… Turn on the news, the world is full of people like that.

    Freaked out over a simple religious message on a commercial vehicle which if it didn’t have the message you would left it in your subconscious and paid it no mind. Wow… Let me ask you this… Name one other message from ANY other truck you saw int he states (no the company name doesn’t count). If you ask me, from a religious standpoint… the methods they have chosen work! YOU RETAINED THE MESSAGE! Christians would generally call that a conviction… Sinner! ;)

    Immigrants… Let’s see. Maybe we should all take a trip up to the Greater DC area and read those doodles that sort of state what the word AMERICA means. We are all immigrants, however that doesn’t mean we should bend over backwards to accommodate the laziness of others. We don’t turn away immigrants. There are tons of ways to BECOME a citizen if you are an immigrant. Should we pay for the fact no one wants to work to obtain it? No.

    Last but not least… Why in the world is everyone so infatuated with our culture if all you are going to do is pass non-constructive comments which symbolize the fact you live in a less free world or jealousy? It’s funny you come to a place and get freaked out then blog about it… where I come from that generally means you need to get out more. Maybe having the person vs sq foot ratio of 1/1000 (this is not an accurate number but more so a weight in a point to be proven for all of you causes social instability and generally you develop problems being able to cope with the everyday things people see. Side Note… Freaked out? Have you ever seen this thing call the internet? Some interesting messages on there, viewable from anywhere in the world!

    Note to self: When visiting someone else’s country notice the differences, and respect them for what they are… Exactly that. Different.
    Hypocrisy at its best.

  324. 349 Obbop 10 January, 2008 at 3:48 pm

    The elite’s government FEARS you!!!!!!

    Their fear is manifested in the laws they pass. Here is a law banning what MANY of the Founders wrote is a RIGHT of citizens when a government no longer represents them:

    Section 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government

    Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or
    teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of
    overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or
    the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession
    thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by
    force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any
    such government; or
    Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any
    such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates,
    sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed
    matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity,
    desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any
    government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts
    to do so; or
    Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society,
    group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the
    overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or
    violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any
    such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes
    thereof –
    Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than
    twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by
    the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five
    years next following his conviction.
    If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in
    this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned
    not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for
    employment by the United States or any department or agency
    thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
    As used in this section, the terms ”organizes” and
    ”organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of
    persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new
    units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes,
    and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.

    The federal government is allowing MILLIONS of illegals to invade our country who are causing immense economic harm to America’s working poor. Corporate America is becoming increasingly more powerful and influential. Yet, according to the government of for and by the elites YOU, a citizen, have to accept whatever the government does with NO recourse other than voting…… and there is sufficient proof that shows to me voting is worthless since the entrenched power structure ensures that the emplaced elite class can not be removed.

    Several Founders specifically wrote of the people’s right to abolish a government when it no longer represents them.

    We are forced to live under an elite’s TYRANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  325. 350 Sarah 10 January, 2008 at 3:48 pm

    …Yeah, I was born here and never have I seen any of these things. You are not alone in your fear/being freaked out, sir, you are not alone.

  326. 351 steve 10 January, 2008 at 3:49 pm

    ok back to #5. so sorry Mr canada that this country is not full of feminazi that take the greatest of all pleasures in the murder and dismeberment of the unborn child

  327. 352 lancaster505 10 January, 2008 at 3:49 pm

    We will apologize for these items when you apologize for:

    1. Alex Trebek
    2. Anne Murray
    3. Pam Anderson (ok, it was ok for a while, now take her back)

  328. 353 Girl sitting in a cafe in Rickmansworth 10 January, 2008 at 3:53 pm

    RE: Casa D’ice

    In the US, even morons are allowed to speak their minds. It makes them easier to identify.

  329. 354 Longhorn 10 January, 2008 at 3:53 pm

    Sean in #323 – I would rather live in a country founded by “traitors” from England than by non-traitors from France. If it weren’t for the U.S. you Canadians would be goose-stepping right along with your yellow French brethren.

  330. 355 Another Chris 10 January, 2008 at 3:54 pm

    As an American, the only one I have a problem with is Casa D’Ice. Holy cow . . I am surprised they don’t get vandalized a lot because most Americans really aren’t like that.

    #3 I didn’t even understand
    #2 seems to be an isolated incident – tell me there are no idiots in Canada.
    #5 They own the trucks so I guess they can write what they want on them.
    and #4 is just what makes this country great. It’s the reason why America will always be better than every other country. Do we stop at the seemingly perfect French Toast? Hell no we throw that bad boy in the fry-o-later because that’s what we do. It’s the American way and tasty, too.

  331. 356 I Love Alex 10 January, 2008 at 3:55 pm

    Hey #333 SCREW YOU! I Love Alex Trebek!

  332. 357 Bruce Finney 10 January, 2008 at 3:55 pm

    Wow, I’d like to do a little tour of Canada and see what I could find, looking for only ignorance.

    Also, once you get your immigrant muslim fundamentalists under control, come talk to us about our “christian” problem. As an atheist, I have no problem with someone displaying any kind of religious statement on their private property.

    We tolerate alot here in the US, even assholes from Canuck land that love the smell of there own rotten beer smelling farts.

    Don’t come back, you’re not welcome.

  333. 358 Adrienne 10 January, 2008 at 3:56 pm

    Scarier billboard:

    “Know who the father is? Dial 1-800-DNA TEST”

    Middle of the States, seen on a road trip. I kid you not.

  334. 359 amused in NC 10 January, 2008 at 3:56 pm

    Hypocrisy is about as comforting as a scrotum on my chin. The Canadians are right, quit bitching America….if we have things so good and we all love Free Speech so much, then let’s extend that right to our critics. We take ourselves way too seriously. Some people will always find reasons to criticize us…just like I will always hate UNC…there doesn’t have to be a good reason for it. Sometime there is a good reason for it, suck it up, take the hit and quit crying like the over-indulged asshats people think we are.

  335. 360 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 3:56 pm

    Longhorn (#335)- And if it weren’t for the French, you wouldn’t have a Republic and you’d still be paying taxes on your tea. So what’s your point? Oh right, I forgot, you’re a loudmouth American conservative, you don’t have to have one.

  336. 361 Gunner 10 January, 2008 at 3:58 pm

    If these things freak you out then perhaps you should stay on your side of the border eh?

  337. 363 Rick 10 January, 2008 at 4:03 pm

    Why is it that you Canadians can’t tell the difference between a racism and being against illegal immigrants?

    We’re big fans of immigration in the US. Not so big fans of criminals (which is what illegal immigrants ARE).

    Over half a million people immigrated to the US legally last year. And we welcome THEM with open arms.

  338. 364 marvin Aberegg 10 January, 2008 at 4:04 pm

    Some of the assumptions made by Canadians in this thing are laughable.
    In particular the claim that “about 90% of Americans” don’t know where Canada is on a map. When in North Bay and New Liskeard we asked several Canadians how much further it was to Larder Lake or Iroquios Falls. Not one of them had a clue and it was only a few long hours north of them. So not even the Damn Canadians know anything about Canada.
    And when we are in Toronto we can’t even find a Canadian. It’s like the friggin UN or something there.
    The views brought out in this rant page are funny and all but it shows a lack of understanding of the peoples on either side of the northern border.

  339. 365 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 4:05 pm

    Mohini (#327) – way to try to make your point by completely ignoring everything that doesn’t support it. If you’re interested in meatier subject matter, try these ones:

    Israeli lobby group has begun to pay students to agree with Israeli policy

    Propaganda in Action: More anti-Chavez attacks dressed up as “news”

    “It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words”

    Holy red-baiting, Batman!

    One of these things is not like the others…

    How to distort economic data 101

    Kettle calls the teapot black: Bush calls Cuba “criminal”

    I’ve also written extensively critical commentary about my feelings towards Canada, if you care to look for it. I don’t hide my distrust of Canada any more than I hide my distrust of America.

  340. 366 steve w. 10 January, 2008 at 4:08 pm

    My list of Canadian complaints would be much much longer….they freak me out….eh?

  341. 367 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 4:08 pm

    marvin Aberegg (#345) you wrote: “And when we are in Toronto we can’t even find a Canadian. It’s like the friggin UN or something there.”

    So according to you we’ve got to do a better job making sure only whites get into the country because if somebody looks black or asian, they can’t be Canadian? News Flash: Canada accepts more immigrants per capita than virtually any other country on the planet because we’re actually tolerant and don’t assume that non-whites are ‘non-Canadian’.

  342. 368 steve w. 10 January, 2008 at 4:13 pm

    Oh wait, I can’t, I have a job….

    unlike a good portion of canadians…

    hows that homeless and unemployment thing going for you guys?

  343. 369 Andrew 10 January, 2008 at 4:15 pm

    Sounds kinda like the hick visiting the big city or in this case, the “big country’ and laughing at all the strange and unusual things he’s not used to in his unsophisticated, monolithic world. I hear in Canada they have one minority, they keep him in a glass case so everyone can have a “look-see”. In They accept free thought and individuality as long it’s not any different as anyone else. As for the strange breakfast, I had a friend who went on a fishing tour in Canada and almost all of the breakfasts consisted of ham, sausage, bacon and eggs all for one person Meat 3 times a day and beef jerky as a snack. And this wasn’t some out of the way place like the “stuffed French toast”, this was at every lodge he visited!!!

  344. 370 Cat Skyfire 10 January, 2008 at 4:16 pm

    4 of the things are part of what I love about the US. You are free to pretty much broadcast your point of view, no matter how creepy. And people can then avoid the heck out of some of those places. (I probably would not choose to go to the Casa D’ice, but…)

    The stuffed french toast – Ah, well. We do love mixing foods together. See our idea of pizza…

    It was an interesting article. I’d love to see you visit Nebraska. Just don’t mock our cows. :)

  345. 371 steve w. 10 January, 2008 at 4:16 pm


    I spent a month in Vancouver and couldn’t walk down the street with any spare change in my pocket with out some homeless person (of any color) asking for change. (Which gets expensive considering you guys have Loonies) Before you let “more immigrants than any country” in Canada, you should get jobs for the homeless unemployed immigrants you already have…

  346. 372 Lynda 10 January, 2008 at 4:17 pm

    Most of the complaints are about free speech. the right to say what we think. It is a right I personally cherish. If I don’t like the message someone sends I ignore it, easy as that. If you don’t like America, please don’t come back!
    BTW I live in Florida which has a large Canadian snow bird population. From what I can see Canadian snowbirds don’t know how to drive and are dangerous behind the wheel. So I guess I can assume ALL Canadians are dangerous idiots in a car?

  347. 373 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 4:17 pm

    Andrew (#350) – just to get you up to speed so you don’t make a fool out of yourself again.

    You wrote: “I hear in Canada they have one minority, they keep him in a glass case so everyone can have a “look-see”.”

    Canada accepts more immigrants per capita than virtually any other country on the planet and, according to the Global Attitudes Project, Canadians are the most tolerant in the world towards immigrants and multi-culturalism.

  348. 374 steve w. 10 January, 2008 at 4:19 pm

    ….Canadian Football sucks too

  349. 375 Black 10 January, 2008 at 4:19 pm

    Read some of those billboards ass. Canada sucks. This nation is great! And don’t make fun of us!!! Or we’ll kick you out of NATO!!! What’s your shit army gonna do with out the US, Turkey, the UK, France, and all the rest to save your worthless asses

  350. 376 Poonis 10 January, 2008 at 4:19 pm

    So Americans, you are saying you are accepting of all those things. You tolerate and accept that crap which he has listed? You are defending it. He’s picking on things which Americans should hate too, but instead everyone is defending it? What are you all tasteless zombies? Accepting of inappropriate anti-social behaviour? Oh did you not the read the article? He’s talking about things which made him uncomfortable, things he didn’t like, things which were distasteful.

  351. 377 steve w. 10 January, 2008 at 4:20 pm

    Hot Chicks though…

  352. 378 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 4:21 pm

    Black – Turkey and France have saved Canada before?

    Actually, I hate to break it to you, but I and a substantial minority of Canadians support leaving NATO.

  353. 379 steve w. 10 January, 2008 at 4:22 pm

    All this reminds me of John Candy in “Canadian Bacon”

    I love you Canadians. Seriously.

  354. 380 Cari 10 January, 2008 at 4:23 pm

    Okay…America is not COMMUNIST!!!!!

    It’s spelled C-A-P-I-T-A-L-I-S-T which is everything Communism isn’t…The communist society Marx envisioned emerging from capitalism has never been implemented, and it remains theoretical.

    It’s impossible to say that our country is being run by Commies since we don’t allow anything from Cuba into our country (therefore hurting their economy, not ours…well that’s debatable…).

    “Communism is a socioeconomic structure that promotes the establishment of a classless, stateless society based on common ownership of the means of production.[citation needed] ”

    Ok, so maybe to you Sean, Americans may seem ‘classless’ by the proper definition of the term…but we aren’t ‘stateless’. Unless you weren’t taught by your government, the US has 50 states (and many territories as well).

    And Communism is not all that bad either. Okay, so all we see about it is the bad stuff…no ‘freedom of speech’, all money goes to government…but China has operated under Communism for many years. There is a difference in the Communism Russia practiced and the way China practices it. (Although, since “communism” has received such a bad rep due to Russia/Germany, most “Communist” countries are actually operating under Socialism…)

    In case you haven’t heard, we have privatized and publicized businesses in America. Not something that Communists have. We also encourage entrepenuership…another thing Communism doesn’t want.

    Yes, we look like we are Communist, i’ll give you that…a dictatorship (per se), that dictator getting rich off of big business, outsourcing to China…and that’s just the Republicans! Okay, okay, sorry, Dick Cheney and the Georges. However, unlike a dictatorship/communism, they were voted into office.

    But more importantly, we are a constitutional federation. That means that we don’t allow the British to act as our head of state. We haven’t since we left Britain. We were fortunate enough to have brilliant ‘free-thinkers’ to start a revolution and write a constitution so we could build a free nation. (and i’m attacking a commentor, this has nothing to do with you, Paul…)

  355. 381 xii 10 January, 2008 at 4:23 pm

    “about 90% of Americans” don’t know where Canada is on a map?

    You’re the one next to Alaska, right? ; )

    “Not everyone eats poutine like you think, no one says “aboot” (except the East Coast), it’s not always snowing,”

    I think that’s the point of some of the comments: The “top 5 things” aren’t any more representative of the U.S. than stereotypes about Canada are representative of Canada. Which, I believe, paulitics understands, and he was just having a laugh.

  356. 382 I am a giant penis 10 January, 2008 at 4:24 pm

    paulitics, when I visited the UK I said 1 sentence of english (the first sentence I spoke in the UK) and this guy in London tube station says “Oh you’re Canadian?”

  357. 383 I am a giant penis 10 January, 2008 at 4:25 pm

    xii, 362, actually see the difference here is that you’re making a generalization where as paulitics is making an observation. There is a fundamental difference.

  358. 384 Chris 10 January, 2008 at 4:30 pm

    The first three are just silly things you completely overreacted to. You could find those anywhere. And the last two are just a couple of idiots, also to be found anywhere. Really, the “ZOMG AMERIKA SUX LULZ” thing is getting older than the Chuck Norris crap that has somehow lived on.

    Article failed.

  359. 385 Steffani P. 10 January, 2008 at 4:31 pm

    Glad to see that you made it back to Canada safely. Sorry to hear that you were “freaked out.” Although, it is no secret that Canadians scare easily. You poor babies.

  360. 386 Corey 10 January, 2008 at 4:31 pm

    paulitics (112) Although, just to be fair, poutine (not poeutine or poteine or however else the Americans seem to be spelling it) is a Quebec invention. I’ll bet you that a majority of Canadadians West of Ontario have never tried it.

    Funny you mentioned what must be a regional dish (I have never heard of it and I am from Wisconsin, not known for its cutting edge or healthy cuisine) and suggest it is “as American as Apple Pie™”. Then, when people bring up poutine, which sounds amazing by the way, you marginalize it for being not representative of Canada. Don’t get me wrong I believe nationalism is the equivalent of chanting “We Won!!” when you local sports team manages not to lose. You didn’t win anything, you sat in the stands and eat processed meat tubes while swilling something approximating beer. Just seems reflexive “Hey we are not all like that” is not unique to the US.

  361. 387 Rick 10 January, 2008 at 4:32 pm

    Paulitics – you say “So, just to clarify, yes I support free speech because (and this may be news to the more reactionary people who’ve posted on this blog), Canada has a long tradition of it as well. But I don’t think I have to apologize for being genuinely disturbed by what I saw to be a large segment of the U.S. population who has become so rabid as to spout white-supremacist or christian-supremacist venom.”

    Exactly how many people could you have possibly met to qualify as this “Large Segment” of our population?

    I think you saw a Few Overzealous Yahoos here and there (it appears as if you drove down along the East Coast into Florida), and decided they fit your perspective of the “average American”.

    You could have just as easily found Five Good Things, but that wouldn’t have given you nearly as much enjoyment, I’d wager.

    We aren’t all like you (or the Media) portray us. I hope someday you see something that makes you change your mind. I won’t hold my breath on it, but I have To Hope it’s so.

  362. 388 Eric from Texas 10 January, 2008 at 4:32 pm

    Not all of us hate the French. During our Revolutionary war it was the French that fought with us side by side.
    It’s sad that so many have forgotten that. In fact, if you visit the deep south, particularly Louisiana you will find French cuisine, art, and even language has a great influence there.
    But that’s not what I wanted to talk about. I want to defend American Cheese. American cheese and processed American cheese are two different things! Granted, it’s not as good as an Italian cheese but American cheese is real cheese similar to a cheddar cheese.

  363. 389 Nathan 10 January, 2008 at 4:35 pm

    I, being a resident of the U.S.A. would like to add my oppinion on the five reasons why you would never want to live here. #5. What is wrong with someone showing what they believe? Do presidential candidates not voice their oppinions on such matter constantly? Don’t you tell people what you believe in? It’s a private trucking company so what is wrong with a person writing on their property what they believe? #4. How many people seriously haven’t had an omlet topped with cheese(no matter the type, bleu, cheddar, swiss, AMERICAN…) with bacon, toast(normally buttered), and add to that the other ingredient a glass of milk. Wow the classic breakfast of champions all bundled into one thing is suddenly worse then eating them seperate at the same time? #3. How many of you believe in traditions? So just because a sign says stand up for your heritage and culture all of a sudden its bad? Can someone explain this to me? Sure, it deals with the Civil War, but how many countries that have been “conquered” for lack of a better word, still retain their culture? #2. I must say this one made me laugh, I had a vision of some preacher pounding a pulpit saying, “THOU SHALT NOT ACCEPT HANDOUTS…., EXCEPT FREE LAND.” Kind of cancels itself out doesn’t it???? Oh, and I live in an area that has on of the highest rates of people moving in from other states in the U.S. There are a ton, and I mean a lot of people from Mexico moving here. Big deal. I am just fine with it so long as they perform the same legal processes with which the rest of our ancestors had to, pay taxes, be a legal citizen, where did Americans come from anyways? #5. Well, this is something that I do not completely agree with. The owner who put the signs up obviously has a reason to not like middle eastern countries and their inhabitants, whether it be racism, nationalism, who cares. The fact is he has just as much right as those of us who degrade him by saying his opinions are bigoted. Plus the evidence could be faulty, my little sister, age 10, could photoshop these signs in 5 mins. There that explains my views I believe. Go ahead and tear apart at will.

  364. 390 docweasel 10 January, 2008 at 4:37 pm

    Fuck canadians. No one in the US gives a shit what you think about America. Yes, you can go all over this great and varied country and find some extreme positions. I guess Canadia is just one, big bland of everyone agreeing and no political or cultural differences at all- oh, except that a huge chunk in the middle of your country wants to secede from the rest of the country.

    The best line I ever heard about Canadia was when John Stewart still did stand-up:

    “A Canadian came up to me and repeatedly asked me ‘what do Americans think of Canada? Come on, what do they think about us?’ and I answered, ‘We don’t’.

  365. 391 Andrew 10 January, 2008 at 4:39 pm

    As for “Paulitics” claiming Canadians are more “tolerant”, your blogs don’t sound to tolerant.

  366. 392 Andrew 10 January, 2008 at 4:39 pm

    I used to like Canadians.

  367. 393 Aaron 10 January, 2008 at 4:40 pm

    But why does Canada suck so bad? Hopefully in the next 20 to 30 years the name of your country will be changed to “The United States Natural Resource Preserve.”

  368. 394 john 10 January, 2008 at 4:41 pm

    Haterz. You have been Farked!

  369. 395 Andrew 10 January, 2008 at 4:43 pm

    Maybe if “Paulitics” would’t spend all his time on the Internet and see the real world, he’d have a different perspective on things. I gotta to go, I have a REAL job

  370. 396 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 4:43 pm

    Aaron (#374)

    “But why does Canada suck so bad? Hopefully in the next 20 to 30 years the name of your country will be changed to “The United States Natural Resource Preserve.””

    Is that supposed to offend me or something? That kind of comment is clearly all it takes to offend a sizeable chunck of Americans, but I think the rest of the world realizes that hyper-patriotism is an infantile vice, not a virtue.

  371. 397 I am from Spain 10 January, 2008 at 4:46 pm

    These comments are hilarious.

    Nathan, 370

    5. They are imposing their faith upon you. It is rude and uncivil. It is something someone with poor judgment would do. It is impolite.

    4. Obesity, do you not see the problem?

    3. So you’re a secret racist? Do you understand that it refers to a racist slogan about white purity? If you didn’t I suggest taking your comment back. If you agree with the slogan you’re essentially a racist.

    2. You didn’t say anything. It was incoherent.

    1. (you said 5) You’re just a racist, sand niggers means all arabs. You have arab citizens in the USA, are you going to lynch them? You’re at war with a country which you have defeated and have taken over yet you call them sand niggers? Good job.

    Nathan, your post deserves to be highlighted as a beacon of American tolerance.

  372. 398 deadrc 10 January, 2008 at 4:47 pm

    I am surprised how many Americans are DEFENDING the worst of America. Why not highlight what is good about America rather than defend this trailer trash scum that paulitics is complaining about? Do you all tolerate it?

  373. 399 Dave 10 January, 2008 at 4:48 pm

    You know I hate the ultra conservative crap that you see around the U.S., but the reason you see it is that the sane majority don’t feel the need to force there views on the rest of the country. What struck me as funny about your post was that you lumped all U.S. citizens together as a whole which makes you as bigotted as the people you where complaining about.

  374. 400 northamericanscum 10 January, 2008 at 4:50 pm

    Canada lets in more immigrants per capita not because of a lack of racism, but because of an abundance of land, resources, and jobs.
    I’ve spent plenty of time in Canada, and tell me there aren’t plenty of racists in Alberta. A club in Calgary got busted on tape not letting in black people.
    What is irritating about this is that stereotyping Americans as a people who stereotype everyone else is hypocricy. If you go to a country and use RARE cultural oddities to paint a portrait of a nation, you yourself are a hypocrite. The fact of the matter is that the very thing many nations hate(American imperialism) is a cancerous outgrowth of something that the western world benefited from during the Cold War. The American military, financed by the American taxpayer, prevented the Soviets from expanding their empire. Canada, along with Europe, benefited from it.
    The danger is gone, and now everyone is bitcing about the attack dog shitting on the carpet.
    I never voted for Bush, and will gladly vote for Obama, so stop treating Americans like we’re all the same. We are diverse, and we get fucked in the ass every day by our own government, but at least we don’t spend our days whining about Canada.
    P.S. how’s that Kyoto treaty working out? Do a little research. Canada’s C02 emissions have increased at a greater amount than the USA’s have. Stop being so self righteous. Alberta is the worst place I’ve ever been. But Vancouver rocks, i love you guys.

  375. 401 paul did wtc 10 January, 2008 at 4:50 pm

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  376. 402 Adam 10 January, 2008 at 4:51 pm

    Failed humour, interesting comments section though.

  377. 403 Derek 10 January, 2008 at 4:51 pm

    Now we have to worry about keeping Canadians out of our country too.

  378. 404 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 4:51 pm

    Dave (#380) – you wrote:

    “What struck me as funny about your post was that you lumped all U.S. citizens together as a whole which makes you as bigotted as the people you where complaining about.”

    Really? When did I write that? When did I lump all U.S. citizens together as one big whole? Show me. You might want to read the whole thing before starting to spout shit.

  379. 405 Jessica 10 January, 2008 at 4:52 pm

    #5. As someone living in the deep south, I am forced to see that kind of thing all the time. People who don’t understand the difference between freedom of expression and forcing your misplaced zeal onto others. It’s part of the price we pay for free speech. Not something that I enjoy, but I support free speech and dislike 99.9% of censorship because censoring one person opens the door to censor more.
    #4. No explanation. I see things like that all of the time and just don’t get it. I don’t even see how that could taste good.
    #3. It’s only a very small portion of the population down here who say things like that. Frankly, the majority of us are tired of hearing about it and want to move on. I’m embarrassed that you saw it.
    #2. You are absolutely right. In our defense, however, if it was a letter to the editor, then that paper likely published several responses to that letter saying much of what you did and more for days afterwards.
    #1. Free speech thing, again. Don’t think we all support the sentiment. Just understand that some of us are uneducated enough to mistaken freedom of speech for the freedom to scream whatever we feel like, regardless of facts.

    I am VERY embarrassed, for my region and my country, that you had to see those things. It’s the dirty laundry, you know? I am saddened by the fact that foreign press only seem to hear and report about those most sensational parts of American culture. America is stumbling a lot. I wish that we would heed our own religious sentiment and focus on removing the splinter from our own eye, before trying to take the speck of dust from our brother’s.

  380. 406 2p 10 January, 2008 at 4:54 pm

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  381. 407 Dave 10 January, 2008 at 4:54 pm

    Hey deadrc, I’m not sure we are defending the idiots, but you have to understand that the same privilege (sorry my spelling sucks) to say this insane things, is the same privilege I have to say that the war sucks! Citizens of the U.S. for the most part are lazy and winey, and our president should be tested for autism. That is why we defend the blatently stupid individuals right to spew blatently stupid things.Take that away from them, and we take that away from ourselves.

  382. 408 Diana 10 January, 2008 at 4:55 pm

    If you think that Americans are so ridiculous then why choose the United States for a vacation? I’m sure that no one here would be the least bit disheartened if you never came back.

  383. 409 Craig 10 January, 2008 at 4:58 pm

    America is a HUGE and DIVERSE place and we gladly laugh at each other on a regular basis, of course not as much as we laugh at Canadians but I digress.

    Maybe we should just offer free bussing of illegal immigrants so you can comfort them. Hey guys, this Canadian guy just solved our illegal immigrant problem. Our new motto can be “Come to America for a Blanket and a Bus Pass” – oh hell now I need that in Spanish… never mind.

  384. 410 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 4:58 pm

    Dave (#388) – You make a sensible point, however I think it misses the purpose of the post. The post wasn’t saying that the state should violently repress these 5 things. That would be crazy. The post was talking about a specific segment of the American population (what percentage it is, I don’t know, nor did I make any claims to know) that proudly spout christian-supremacist and white-supremacist garbage. I was commenting on the phenomenon itself as frightening, not making any prescriptive statements.

  385. 411 Dave 10 January, 2008 at 5:00 pm

    hey paulitics I quote

    “To celebrate my return to this frigid, yet comparatively sane country, I felt it worthwhile to relay a list of five items which I saw during my travels which the locals thought was perfectly normal (I presume), but which freaked the heck out of me as a Canadian.”

    You presumed, but did you ask? Those are not normal things in the United states not even close, and you know I don’t need to swear because I was being truthful and well civilized. And now since you can not do the same I will leave you to your blog and inablity to accept criticism.


  386. 412 USAUSA 10 January, 2008 at 5:01 pm


    Frankly, we have the right to say and think freely. Some of us just choose to stop and take the easy route of letting others tell us how to think. Meanwhile in a lot of other countries its no different. People by and large are kind of lazy. Religious zealots especially, accepting others views takes a lot of courage and its a lot of work to have to think and question your beliefs and what not. When people get scared that those beliefs are challenged they lash out not knowing how else to deal with it.

    But believe me, I am happier in a place knowing that Rhubarb Bob can make his ignorant sign without repricussion or som eeven more ignorant dullard blowing him up along with any customers who just stopped in for eggs and ham. There is plenty in every culture that can be made fun of, and plenty of ‘mericans need to relax and be a little less self conscious and over protective of our identity. If you are really that upset over it maybe you need to take a couple deep breraths and think about it for a minute.

    We think we are all that yet we are still one of the most up tight countries/societies in the world. Its ridiculous.

    Back bacon sandwich…. in St Lawrence Sq. Market… Tasty
    Sleemans Honey brown or Alexander Kieths lager… tasty…
    thats all the Canadian cuisine I need to know to want to go visit again.

  387. 413 Marty 10 January, 2008 at 5:02 pm

    I see no problem with any of these.
    And you American citizens who also happen to be America haters; move the f%&k away and never come back.

    Oh and stay in Canada, eh?
    That way we won’t freak your pansy ass out…

  388. 414 Dave 10 January, 2008 at 5:04 pm

    I post my last entry before you responded, in (391), form what you have said I too am guilty of being presumptious. I obviosuly misinterpretted what you were trying say, and your post clarified that. Please let me assure yoiu that that is not the norm. Thank you for clarifying, and I agree especialy the creepy dive in Pennsylvania, as a citizen of this country they weird me out .


  389. 415 Chris from Minnesota 10 January, 2008 at 5:06 pm

    Know whats better than reading article about America and then moving on with my life?

    Is seeing people taking it so to heart that they stress themselves out by getting so angry for either side of an article that was a waste of space to begin with!

    If you are going to write about something, be original, bashing the United States is like stepping on an ant, far to easy and done everyday. I don’t personally care, you have the right to your opinion and I definitely respect that. But for everyone else who is blathering on either defending the article, bashing the article, defending the US, or degrading the US, isn’t more important topics of interest than what french toast is made from or what some racist puts on a sign?

    If you’re going to bash the United States, and I’ll be first in line to help any Canadian or European with arguments, how about the United States Foreign Policy? How about American Companies pimping 3rd world countries and paying next to nothing? How about American falling behind in bio-anything because some right-wing nut jobs say it goes against the Bible.

    There’s so many arguments and negatives against the United States that insulting someone’s french toast or a religious sign on a truck just seems petty.

    But I love the United States, i don’t support the war, but I support the troops, I enjoy diversity but think that if you’re going to move to an English speaking country you need to speak the language. I’m a moderate leaning towards democrat while i’m about to marry a conservative republican, so I’m all sorts of messed up. But I like it that way.

  390. 416 USAUSA 10 January, 2008 at 5:06 pm

    Of expression
    of religion
    of taste
    you know what a lot of people who have it seem to forget nowadays?

    Is if it exists for the citizens of the country, it exists for all of us not just the ones who share your opinions.
    You take that away in part or in whole you crap on everything the people who fought for or defended our freedom sacrificed.
    That means you “Get the hell out if’n ya don’t like it” redneck and you too
    “don’t be hurtful a bigoted” liberals…

    It exists, yes it requires some responsibility to wield it and use it correctly and should have a better guide book than it does as no one seems to have read it lately, but freedom requires responsiblity on all of those who participate otherwise you require others of us to step and smack your naughty little hands and let you know you F’d the pooch buddy.

  391. 417 Angel 10 January, 2008 at 5:11 pm

    You know I thought the post was both funny and sad at the same time and was like whatever until I started reading the comments and read all the posts that dump on the South like its the source of all American problems. I am black and have lived in the South, the North, the Midwest, the West Coast and visited everywhere in-between. The problems I faced in the South are the same problems I faced everywhere else. The type of people you meet in the South are the same type of people you meet everywhere else. So for all the west coasters and northeners please get off your high horse because this post was about you too. So please stop apologizing and stop pointing fingers like there is someone to blame. Every country (and every region in that country) has its problem people. You just have to laugh about it and work on educating your neighbor.

  392. 418 BoredandLonely 10 January, 2008 at 5:12 pm

    Alright, weeding through the sickening comments from ignorant (I mean that in a literal sense, uneducated) people who comment on places like this let me comment and try and make some intelligent comments.

    RE: #5 – Regardless of people’s opinions, that company has a right to print anything the government doesn’t designate as offensive on their vehicles. Notice I said Government designates, not atheists, not non-christians, not YOU (unless you’re the government official who dictates offensive material). They have the right to print what they want based on the constitution (see comments about #1 for further details)

    #4 – I’m baffled by this one. I could go to any country in the world and find a food that I wouldn’t dream of eating. I think the problem with #4 is not what ingredients are in the food, but the manner in which the ingredients are prepared. Yes America processes every food item in a grocery store. Even so called fresh food goes through some kind of processing. Most of us don’t like that idea and some of us think that processing food is what makes our country unhealthy. The problem is most don’t have a large choice. Even less can afford the choice that is given.

    #3 – See #1

    #2 – I can understand the frustration here. Too much lack of knowledge from all angles to RATIONALY make sense. This is just fuel for emotional fire and not rational thought. Also see #1

    #1 – OK, here is the problem. The first amendment to the constitution is a double edged sword. The amendment is simple, solid, yet completely vague. It’s simplicity is it’s downfall. Let me explain. It gives us the right to say ANYTHING we want, period. What does that mean? That means that we have the right to not use mental filters, to not use judgement, to not be considerate of our fellow man. In other words, its the right to be stupid. You can say anything you want when you want and to hell with what others thinks because that amendment was too simpley put when it was written. If the amendment was written in a manner that gave us the freedom to speak but also made us use judegment and common sense, then things like these would not be allowed. If i could rewrite it, i would simply say everyone has the freedom of speech and press without malicious intent. Simple, yet makes people use judgement and common sense. Really there is nothing wrong with putting religious slogans on a truck. Why? it’s not maliciously intended to offend or harm. You may not agree with it, but that’s the beauty of this country, you can turn around and print “God doesn’t exist” on your vehicle to counter those with your own belief. But when you use derogetory terms with the intent to cause harm, then you didn’t use judgement, and the problem is, that amendment lets you get by with it.

  393. 419 northamericanscum 10 January, 2008 at 5:17 pm

    I for one, would never eat at a restaraunt run by ignorant morons who say things like ‘Kick their ass and take their gas’ and refer to Arabs as camel jockeys. I think it is a weakening cultural trend here in the states.
    There is a lot of hope, love, and optimism here. You just have to get away from the interstates to find it. There are many good, truly Christian people here who will give the shirt off their back for a stranger, which is more than can be said for more sophisticated, secular people you run across.
    My car broke down at a highway gas station in West Virginia a few years ago, on christmas eve, and a local family took me in and let me stay for a few days while I waited for a part to come in. They were very religous, and sang hymns and had a spirituality that moved me. They never commented or cared about my tattoos and biracial heritage. I was a dumb college student, and it taught me a lot. That is America. If you want to look for examples to stereotype, go find those nice Appalachian folks.

  394. 420 Michael 10 January, 2008 at 5:19 pm

    O.K. Here goes! I think it is time for the U.S. to re-think its foreign policy world-wide. We as Americans (regardless of ethnicity) can accomplish this in 3 steps. They are as follows:
    1. Place your allegiance in the U.S. and follow an isolationist lifestyle. Let the rest of the world fight for the little aid that is available for disasters.
    2. Seize control of Canada by sheer force and incorporate The constitution as Law of the Land.
    3. Annex Mexico as the 51st state. Fuck the rest of the world!

    Just Kidding!! :-)


  395. 421 Nathan 10 January, 2008 at 5:20 pm

    Ok, give me a break.

    #378 I am from Spain

    #5. How hard is it to ignore people? If you don’t agree with what they are saying, don’t pay attention. Again free speach is not free, you have to put up with what some people consider rude and uncivil in order for the rest of the good to be freely expressed. A lot like what we are doing now.

    #4. Yes, it is not the best food for you. All people have their favorite foods that expand their wasteline.

    #3. Yes I did realize that it had to deal with “white purity” which i do not agree with at all. Some of the people closest to me are of different race and nationality. Secret racist? There is one race, we are all humans, and therefore all share the same faults. Who cares if we are black, white, brown, yellow or neon green? I was just saying that culture and heritage aren’t bad and that i personally value mine.

    #2. I am sorry if you were not able to understand. Let me rephrase it. Where I live there are a lot of immigrants from Mexico. I like having new people coming here, when it is legal. Citizenship is a alliance of sorts between residents of a certain area to help promote and encourage each other. If someone starts just taking but not giving back why do they deserve to take anymore? I guess I mean you have to pay for what you get. I hope that explained it.

    #5 I mean 1. So the fifth thing that I write I entitle 5 and not 1, sorry to offend you that are so emotianally attached to numbers. Do you see “Sand Niggers” anywhere in my post? Yeah lets go round up a bunch of Arab’s and lynch them. Oooh good idea, i’ll grab my lariet and saddle up the horse, you go grab the mob. I must say this is slightly biggoted of you. Why would i want to do that because they are from somewhere else? I’m from somewhere else to. Middle East merely referred to the location I was referring to. Sorry to come across so racist.

  396. 422 Tad Salyards 10 January, 2008 at 5:22 pm

    Most of my country’s problems can be attributed to the south. Please don’t mistake the rest of us for a bunch ob snake-kissing Jesus freaks. We should have let them secede, then they wouldn’t be able to leech of the northern states to support their backwards, evolution denying ways. Boy, I really hate the south.

  397. 423 Ben 10 January, 2008 at 5:27 pm

    All of you need to relax a little and realize the blog you read was merely an opinion of one person. The writer was only relating his experiences just like every other writer tries to accomplish. I actually found his stance on french toast funny, I love french toast. Some of you have passed judgment on the writer as a bigot. That seems more disturbing than anything else here, let’s hope you are never subjected to real bigotry.

    I am american and have visited canada several times. I enjoy living in america and I enjoyed visiting canada, banff is a lot of fun. I have encountered many stupid people here and some in canada too. Many more here simply because of the disproporionate amount of time I have lived here versus the amount of time I have spent in canada. I have however, had many more good experiences with people in both countries than I have had bad ones. The best one was a really hot canadian snow boarder chick, she was quite a fan of americans.

    Why can’t we all just get along?

  398. 424 Authoritie 10 January, 2008 at 5:27 pm

    What joke school did “Dr. William Bennett” attend? The Hoppy Copy down the street? Those are some good Photoshop skills there Lou. You sir, are a moronic idiot obsessed with your own sense of self worth, which from my point of view (which is extremely important to me) is worthless.

  399. 425 An Educated American 10 January, 2008 at 5:27 pm

    Consider how it must feel to live with these morons on a daily basis. And, my Canuck friend, you only saw the scab on modern America, not the wound. Self-imposed inorance in the name of Jesus (my Jesus, not your Jesus)! That’s the American way. Cold Canada’s looking better every day!

  400. 426 marvin Aberegg 10 January, 2008 at 5:27 pm

    “So according to you we’ve got to do a better job making sure only whites get into the country because if somebody looks black or asian, they can’t be Canadian? News Flash: Canada accepts more immigrants per capita than virtually any other country on the planet because we’re actually tolerant and don’t assume that non-whites are ‘non-Canadian’”

    Ha! Now you are just becoming plain tiresome and trite. What an ignorant assessment to make of my comments. It was in jest that I pointed out the diversity in Toronto and you immediatley and indignantly react with some insulting tripe. Now I see why you originally posted such a thing in the first place. It’s your outlook that is skewed -not the world.
    The really lame part of this is these observations aren’t even original or imaginative. It is entirely typical -like some lame knock-off of what some one more insightful and clever wrote. It appears you had a list of things to look for and then went and found it.
    1. Bigotry
    2. religious zealots
    3. obesity
    4. Arrogant sense of self.
    The bad thing is every hack comedian has done the same thing already….and did it better. Try using some imagination in the future. The instinct was there, it really was a good idea, but the imagination is missing.

  401. 427 derfynole 10 January, 2008 at 5:29 pm

    Freedom of speech doesn’t include Freedom from Consequence, so there is nothing wrong with posting number the signs, as long as he is welling to accept the ramifications of his actions.

    And stuffed french toast, what a great idea…here is something from…

    Croissant Over-Stuffed with Spicy Scrambled Eggs and Smoked Salmon

    HMMM… thinks the french toast isn’t so weird after all

  402. 428 Authoritie 10 January, 2008 at 5:31 pm

    Hey Marvin the Martian, I think i’ve seen your writing style somewhere too. Oh wait, Essays are structured like that aren’t they? It’s a good thing you pointe4d out that the Canuck’s writing style is immitating those of comedians, because writing essay style posts has NEVER been done before, EVER! EVER I SAY!

  403. 429 marvin Aberegg 10 January, 2008 at 5:33 pm

    Now that my friend, is a damning and well thought retort. I feel suitably shamed. :)

  404. 430 Nathan 10 January, 2008 at 5:36 pm

    LMAO ROTF LOL @410

  405. 431 Angel 10 January, 2008 at 5:37 pm

    Damn. I should have never broke my rule about not reading comments and should have just read the post, had a laugh, shook my head, and moved on with my life. Like I am now.

    Paulitics: congrats on the crazy amount of hits. Just wait until people really start to tell their friends.

  406. 432 Old Fred 10 January, 2008 at 5:37 pm

    Takes all kinds, kids. As far as immigrants are concerned–the only ones I have a problem with are the ones here illegally no matter where they are from.
    …and I just get great laughs from the idiots on parade, keeps me regular .
    Enjoy the rest of my birthday, fellow boppers–I am!

  407. 433 Andrew 10 January, 2008 at 5:38 pm

    The symbol of the U.S. Army has a pike with a red stocking cap (toque)or “bonnet rouge” as a symbol of unity with the French after their help during the American Revolution. And when the Americans first arrived in France during WWI, General Pershing laid a wreath on Lafayette’s grave and said “Lafayette, we are here; Lafayette, we are here”. Yes, today many Americans do not realize that we would never be free without the French.

  408. 434 Dave 10 January, 2008 at 5:39 pm

    If you don’t like it in the USA…stay up in your frigid wasteland..we won’t mind

  409. 435 Palooka 10 January, 2008 at 5:39 pm

    I don’t understand number 3.

    Are we not supposed to be proud to be southern? As a Canadian, don’t you see plenty of French Canadians proud of their heritage, or does that freak you out too?

    Elitist jerk.

    Go back to Canada. And keep sending us your good doctors. We appreciate the good health services they provide.

  410. 436 CP 10 January, 2008 at 5:41 pm

    Saying that you’d rather move to another country than share one with close-minded bigots seems to defeat its own open-minded logic…

  411. 437 Authoritie 10 January, 2008 at 5:44 pm

    im sure the canadians appreciate the good tax revenues their doctors are producing in the U.S. as well

  412. 438 Andrew 10 January, 2008 at 5:44 pm

    Forget the FARK, let’s keep the comments coming.

  413. 439 Term 10 January, 2008 at 5:51 pm

    Blog posts like this are garbage for one simple reason: they ignore the basic fact that stupidity enjoys no geographic boundaries. This does not excuse individual acts, but simply put, due to the abundance of such underwhelming intellects one can individually highlight morons and then extrapolate their actions to include the population of an entire nation. We could make one of these lists for every nation and really, it wouldnt matter since in the end, they would all share very similar stupidities enjoyed by all societies: nationalists, isolationists, secessionists, theocrats and so on. We should rather unite in simply rejecting any form of these stupidities rather than highlighting the geographical location of the stupidity which is inconsequential overall.

    Lastly, while I may not agree or like any of the statements made by such individuals, I believe they should have the right to say whatever they damn well please, whether its denying the holocaust or saying that the messiah has returned and he is a Welshman. No one should feel threatened by mere words of private citizens. Honestly don’t care, just refrain from hurting other people or imposing your views on everyone else. When you do, thats when action is then needed.

  414. 440 Authoritie 10 January, 2008 at 5:55 pm

    Look at him run. Doesn’t he run like a Welshman?! Just look! Look at him run!

  415. 441 Ken 10 January, 2008 at 5:56 pm

    As an American who lived for a couple years in Western Canada, I’m constantly wishing I could return to the Great White North on a permanent basis. And as an Oregonian find the South fucking spooky myself. Although, I found many Canadians to be fairy passive aggressive, they were also mellower.
    my take on the whole thing can be found at:

  416. 442 Tom Boucher 10 January, 2008 at 5:58 pm

    before you poke fun at the stuffed french toast, I present Poutine as a perfect example of Canada’s ability to make something nasty as well.

  417. 443 shadowwake 10 January, 2008 at 6:05 pm

    Thanks so much for the small minded, one sided, stereotypical look into my country. I’m so glad you’ve lumped us all into one easy to hate group. Please don’t come back — as you’ve thoughtfully and rudely pointed out, we already have our fair share of idiots. But I guess you’ve helped prove that Canada has it’s fair share as well.

  418. 444 Joe 10 January, 2008 at 6:06 pm

    Canada, America’s hat!

  419. 445 Pea 10 January, 2008 at 6:06 pm

    um… the difference is that Poutine is foul and disgusting and Stuffed French toast is full of deliciousness.

    Oh and the christian trucker, the editorial writer, the “heritage not hate” billboard and the Casa D’Ice crackpot? Technically they should be symbols of how nice we are to allow morons to freely spout the dumbest crap ever. It’s free speech – not exactly intelligent, or quiet or ignored. Sucks that to prove freedom, we have to let people like this pretend that their idea of a free country is that everyone agrees with their insanity. Oh well.

  420. 446 Pender 10 January, 2008 at 6:13 pm

    Canawhere? Where? Canawhocares!

    Really…most Americans don’t think twice about Canawherever. Really…most don’t even think once about them.

    Obsessive comes to mind the Canadian’s thoughts about America. And yes I did notice
    the little brother complex the guy has in refering to the United States as AMERICA. Considering Canadians also live in North America….

  421. 447 Jake 10 January, 2008 at 6:14 pm

    Ok, so what freaked you out?

  422. 448 Pete 10 January, 2008 at 6:14 pm

    You find what you look for. I hope you were able to find something you enjoyed in America even if it’s not cool to say so.

  423. 449 Dan 10 January, 2008 at 6:27 pm

    except for #4 all are examples of Freedom of speech that all Americans are entitled to.

    In your Socialist Utopia I’m sure that’s one of the 1st things you’ll eliminate. After you take away all our guns.

  424. 450 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 6:28 pm

    Dan (#430) yep, because we socialists hate freedom.

  425. 451 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 6:30 pm

    Pete (#429), I really did enjoy most of my time in the U.S. and I did talk about it in a few of the comments above.

    Although, to be fair, I wasn’t looking for the worst of the U.S.. I’m sure when you’ve travelled, you’ve noticed that when you’re from a different culture, you don’t look for those things, they just stand out to you because they’re different.

  426. 452 BHC 10 January, 2008 at 6:33 pm

    Taking the skytrain in Vancouver, I observed more than one roof adorned with the words “READ QURAN – GOD’S HOLY WORD,” once with rocks, on another roof with a sign.
    To a Canadian, this is speech that should be abolished, if I am to interpret the writer’s attitude?

    How in the world can he be upset at words on a truck? So what? I mean, really, how intolerant can one be? How is that not bigotry?

    And I know there will be those who blather about the perils of religion and fundamentalism and will thus miss my point: wishing to censor another’s speech is evidence of intolerance and fear and hate. It matters not a whit whether you agree with what is said, only their right to say it. Those words were not on a government truck, but a private entity.

  427. 453 Paulk 10 January, 2008 at 6:36 pm

    The US has problems. So does Canada. The last time I was in Regina, I was happy to get out with my life. You guys have some rough neighborhoods up there.



  428. 454 Authoritie 10 January, 2008 at 6:39 pm

    Someone should work for that truck company, then after waiting until their probation period is done put up various religious symbols from other religions. When he gets fired, sue that company’s self-righteous ass for wrongful dismissal based on religious discrimination.

  429. 455 BHC 10 January, 2008 at 6:43 pm

    Soemthing that freaks me out whenever I visit Canada: all the passive aggressive stuff.

    Was in a grocery store, and in Seattle, we leave the food in the hand-carry basket for the checker to have an easier time of it. They usually prefer it that way.
    So out of habit I did the same thing in White Rock. The attitude the checker flipped me was just unreal and out of all proportion. The Canuck behind me in line was giving her a sly look and smirk (“Oh, those stupid Americans.”)
    See, in our culture, we would help the other with, “could you take those out of the basket and then leave the basket on the side?” Instead of all the passive-aggressive crap.

    Also, in a Victoria gift shop, a peddler had porno postcards out in the open at eye-level. Any kid could come in and see copulation. I asked the owner about it, and the attitude was again, passive aggressive.

    SO here you have it: kids get an eyeful of porn and that’s normal to Canadians. But you better not put “God loved us so that he gave his only son” on your vehicle or you’re “bizarre.”

  430. 456 Claiborne 10 January, 2008 at 6:43 pm

    You’ll note that the five things that freaked you out were all *specific* things. It’s not as if every restaurant served stuffed French toast (and everyone in the place ordered it), every sign in the South was either referencing the Confederacy or Jesus, or every place had immigrants.

    Essentially, while travelling through a country of three hundred million people, you met three to four ignorant ones (assuming that the person who wrote the editorial and who pasted it up are different), one religious dude who owned a trucking company and one diner that served one unhealthy meal.

    America has plenty of crazy people, perhaps more than our share of ignorant people, and a vast number of “evangelical” Christians, but to cull a few outliers and then assume that they were “perfectly normal” or representative of the entire country makes you come across as ignorant in the same vein as the immigrant-bashers you were referencing.

  431. 457 Paul 10 January, 2008 at 6:44 pm

    Yessss, we have a few whacks.

    How boring it would be if everyone thought the same way.

  432. 458 Ricky 10 January, 2008 at 6:51 pm

    Canada is the crummy garage apartment hanging over the rocking house party that is the United States!

  433. 459 Mark 10 January, 2008 at 6:51 pm


    As an American, it’s difficult to also find myself so often lately apologizing for the idiots that live within our borders (and, apparently, vote that way).

    I’m torn as to how to reply to a few of the disturbing things you saw on your trip.

    Yes, the racist, fundamentalist, simple-minded billboard signs are *revolting* to almost anyone with a brain, conscience and compassion. I’m gay — so I’m somewhat tuned-in to how offensive this kind of speech is. I absolutely draw the line when it comes to tolerating obnoxious speech that also includes a call-to-action like, “kill [whomever the idiot author is slagging at the moment].”

    That said… and I realize this may be difficult to get where I’m coming from… Americans really do have a *strong* desire to preserve the right to free speech. Even if it’s *patently* offensive and unconscionable by the, “average” American (whatever average really means). Those signs make me want to puke — but, the flip-side of this is that the bozo with the signs (by virtue of being able to loudly display his bozo-ocity) has clearly identified himself as someone I will *never* care to do business with… as someone I will merrily publicly condemn…. and, in short, a brainless, racist asshole. That’s a win.

    Do you think his asinine rhetoric is actually influencing reasonable people — or simply (and accurately) showing that there are assholes here too? Shutting them up doesn’t keep them from being assholes… it just makes it harder to identify them. If I had racist neighbors, I’d gladly support their right to put a big fat sign on their lawn identifying them as such. Same goes for the homophobes we have here on our side of the border. Go right ahead and tell me I’m a stupid faggot and that I deserve to burn in hell. Put in on a billboard for all I care. As long as you don’t cross the line between free speech and a call to do something illegal (i.e. “kill fags”) I’m cool with it. If you want to combine your hateful words with a *legal* call to action (i.e. “I hate fags — here’s legislation I think you should support if you do too” then more power to you. We’ll see who wins. As a minority, I really don’t think that we can win any politic/philosophical battles by gagging the lunatics on either side of the argument.

    Let the idiots use all the stupendously offensive speech they want. Name calling shows the pre-school intellect behind their arguments… and outs their stupidity in the process. As a previous poster pointed out — their right to be as offensive as they want *ends* where it infringes on *my* right to exercise the same freedoms and receive the same protection under the law. Up to that point, call me anything you want. Say anything you want. Beyond that — see ya in court.

  434. 460 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 6:55 pm

    BHC (#433) – you wrote:

    “Taking the skytrain in Vancouver, I observed more than one roof adorned with the words “READ QURAN – GOD’S HOLY WORD,” once with rocks, on another roof with a sign.
    To a Canadian, this is speech that should be abolished, if I am to interpret the writer’s attitude?”

    Well, first of all, I can’t speak for other Canadians, only myself. But on that point, if you’d bother to read up, you’d have noticed that I wrote earlier:

    “Dave (#388) – You make a sensible point, however I think it misses the purpose of the post. The post wasn’t saying that the state should violently repress these 5 things. That would be crazy. The post was talking about a specific segment of the American population (what percentage it is, I don’t know, nor did I make any claims to know) that proudly spout christian-supremacist and white-supremacist garbage. I was commenting on the phenomenon itself as frightening, not making any prescriptive statements.”

    Also, you wrote:

    “How in the world can he be upset at words on a truck? So what?”

    Well actually it’s a big deal. It’s workplace discrimination against every non-Christian and progressive Christian and pro-choice Christian who might have issues with spreading such filth yet would fear speaking up against their Christian company’s Christian bosses.

  435. 461 Authoritie 10 January, 2008 at 6:58 pm

    How do u elect a president who was a former cocaine addict?

  436. 462 Paint 10 January, 2008 at 6:59 pm

    Yeah, the South tends to be like that. My girlfriend is from Kentucky and I’m from New Hampshire and I haven’t met her parents yet. Should be funny when I finally do. I remember on a roadtrip down to New Mexico with a couple buddies of mine, driving down the interstate (I forget which state this was in, they all started to blur together after a while), we say an *enormous* plastic (I assume plastic, anyway) statue of Jesus. Not something you see in New England (Northeast United States).

    Lol, why is everyone getting so butthurt over this? The writer even said at the beginning, “To celebrate my return to this frigid, yet comparatively sane country, I felt it worthwhile to relay a list of five items which I saw during my travels which the locals thought was perfectly normal (I presume), but which freaked the heck out of me as a Canadian.” He wasn’t rude, he’s simply expressing what he saw and his reaction to it, and exercising his free speech, which you seem to be so quick to defend against but then turn around and wag a finger at him for doing the same. Southerners, the Civil War ended almost 150 years ago. 150 years! Let it go! Things have changed drastically since then! It takes a great amount of strength to stand by your values and your heritage, but FAR MORE to see where you were wrong, if indeed you were, and swallow your pride and admit it to yourself.

  437. 463 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 7:01 pm

    Okay, for the millionth time (I’m talking specifically to you Claiborne @ 437) I never said these were exemplars of all Americans. Indeed I’ve said the opposite. Seriously, don’t you people read before you criticize? What I have said is that I was very surprised and/or shocked by some of the things I saw down there. Vocal nascent fascist minorities of a population can be frightening enough without them having to comprise the entire population or even a majority thereof.

  438. 464 Dave 10 January, 2008 at 7:04 pm

    So Canadians are now judgmental douches like us Americans. You do realize that by pointing out your supposed superiority in pointing out our disgraceful acts you have become in a sense ‘one of us.’

    Funny thing is when I went to Canada I seen so many hill-billy rednecks trucker cap wearing racists it was like I went South instead of North. I’m also aware that I was in a rural part of Canada and ‘not amongst Canada’s brightest’ so I took it with a grain a salt. When you grow up with many, many different types of people from all parts of the world living right next to you, going to school with you, and working with you; you tend to judge individual persons differently based on their actions. Words are only words, if you let them work you up then whomever wrote them has beaten you.

  439. 465 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 7:05 pm

    Dave – I’m an equal opportunity attacker: I attack Canada just like I attack America. Read through some of the posts on this blog where I attack Canada and you’ll see.

  440. 466 tito 10 January, 2008 at 7:06 pm

    f&^K you canadians with your squinty eyes and flapping heads.

  441. 467 jj 10 January, 2008 at 7:09 pm

    Murphy(#29)– We don’t use the imperial system of measurement. We use the USA measurement system. They are similar and have common names but they are decidedly different(since when the Imperial system was introduced by the “empire” we were battling them we made a point to be different). Just thought you might want to know.

    Also stuffed french toast is awesome and doesn’t have to be stuffed with those particular ingredients I’ve seen it stuffed with all sorts of things. IHOP, hello people, it’s a special there like twice a year. Now I know you’ve all got IHOPS by you. Don’t lie.

    And on the rest, yeah we got a lot of issues here. But there are a lot of issues everywhere. If you believe the news(I don’t care which channel/country/news outlet you watch) the entire world is going to hell in a hand basket. Doesn’t make it so it just means they are trying to get viewers.

    Just had to throw in my two cents.

    Oh and draki, you’re right we are pretty hot and tempting down here. At least that’s what PHAT means here or maybe you just don’t know how to spell. In which case it makes sense that you don’t know how to read since England is actually passing us in the weight department. ‘Course I like to blame McDonalds. Since, you know, it fits neatly on a hand painted sign(total tongue in cheek for those who couldn’t tell)

  442. 468 Native American 10 January, 2008 at 7:09 pm

    Show me a country without assholes an I’ll show you a boring place to live.

  443. 469 Authoritie 10 January, 2008 at 7:09 pm

    that doesn’t even make sense tito

  444. 470 bingbong 10 January, 2008 at 7:13 pm

    this is just yet another example of the canadian red-headed step child syndrome. you poor insecure narcissists feed off of this type of observation of america in an attempt to somehow steady your inner child. is every canadian born with an inferiority complex, or is it taught in school and at home?

    i use to work in retail at a seattle-area electronics store and would have the occasional canadian come through. if a guy would catch me off-guard with a familiar and seemingly out of place chip on his shoulder, i would always wonder… canadian? if a purchase was made, 90% of the time the id would confirm. my co-workers and i would just always shrug it off as in “what in the world..?”

    reality is that the only thing even slightly significant about canada is that it’s on america’s border. and you know this. get over it.

    i watch the bbc now and then, and always hear little sarcastic shots taken at america, very much in the same tone as the above evaluation. it makes me imbarrassed for you. my sympathy for your troubled minds and hearts.

  445. 471 Dave 10 January, 2008 at 7:14 pm

    “Dave – I’m an equal opportunity attacker: I attack Canada just like I attack America. Read through some of the posts on this blog where I attack Canada and you’ll see.”

    Fair enough. And please don’t think I am attempting to subvert any of your points- I’m just getting sick of lumped in with the (admittedly abundant) ignorants in this country. Where I live in Chicago there is no way that restaurant could get away with those slogans. That place would have broken windows at best and torched to the ground at worst. Those slogans are hateful ignorant word. I know someone mentioned earlier that the South is still pissed off at the Civil War, and I agree. When I was in Florida with some friends on a bus we heard a group of locals spewing forth the “N….r” word every other word…absolutely disgusting that these rednecks haven’t moved on but when you see how slooooowwwwww their lives are (for the most part) and that they respect theology more than science should explain everything about their frame of mind. THEY voted for Bush, look at a red-blue map from the last election. I guess what I’m trying to say is us in the North are much closer to Canadians with our mind-set than those in the South. There is a reason it is called the “Bible-Belt” and not the “Brain-Belt”. Visit Chicago next time, we have world-class culture, awesome restaurants from all ethnicities imaginable (not sure about stuffed French Toast, never heard of that), museums, art-houses, etc. I guess what I’m saying is you will find more culture in Chicago than wasting your trolling the South (go for the weather only, or even better go to Mexico which was cheaper for me than visiting Florida, and MUCH more fun.

  446. 472 MysterX 10 January, 2008 at 7:14 pm

    Canada has no ground to stand on when it comes to bashing American food.

    Poutine aside, it should be against the law to claim that a dish includes “crab” when it is actually imitation crab (at least have the courtesy to spell it Krab in that case), and there are restaurants in Chicago where you will get kicked out if you pronounce “pasta” the way that Canadians say it.

    Beer is a completely different story, however.

  447. 473 Paint 10 January, 2008 at 7:15 pm

    “Murphy(#29)– We don’t use the imperial system of measurement. We use the USA measurement system. They are similar and have common names but they are decidedly different(since when the Imperial system was introduced by the “empire” we were battling them we made a point to be different). Just thought you might want to know.

    Also stuffed french toast is awesome and doesn’t have to be stuffed with those particular ingredients I’ve seen it stuffed with all sorts of things. IHOP, hello people, it’s a special there like twice a year. Now I know you’ve all got IHOPS by you. Don’t lie.”

    I actually have no IHOPS near where I live in New Hampshire. :( Got Denny’s though.

    Also, England is passing us in the weight department? link or it didn’t happen. O.O

  448. 474 Rav 10 January, 2008 at 7:15 pm

    #5 – Those trucks travel up here to the Northeast as well. It’s their right to put those messages on their trucks as it’s my right to flip them off when I drive by them. ;)

    Also, the abortion one is political, NOT religious, in nature.

  449. 475 tim 10 January, 2008 at 7:19 pm

    To all the Canadians that don’t think they say “aboot”. YOU SAY “ABOOT”! You don’t hear it because you’re Canadian.

    We don’t mind your rather minor accent…but don’t deny having it.

  450. 476 Tara 10 January, 2008 at 7:21 pm

    WowWEEE, Paul! When I commented, you were right around 160. Figured I’d check in and see how its going.

    I wonder how many times you have posted a varition on the following phrases:

    “I really did enjoy the majority of time in the states.”
    “The weather was really nice.”
    “I don’t believe this is representitive of the whole country.”
    “Go ahead and make fun of Canada. I also make fun of Canada.”

    This has to feel a bit like living in a feedback loop… or a hamster wheel.

  451. 477 Cat 10 January, 2008 at 7:34 pm

    I’m tired of Socialism being shuved down my throat. At least we have the right to say these things without being prosecuted. Socialist Canadians do not understand this because they have not had the FREEDOM to do so, yet they still come to our country to have MAJOR surgeries, because they would have to be put on a waiting list in Canda, and earn livings as actors/actresses and then are for some reason APALLED by our VALUED Freedom of speech!

  452. 478 Jasper 10 January, 2008 at 7:35 pm

    I find the whole thing hilarious:
    Argue with each other about free speech with no other goal other than to exercise your free speech. Its not like anybody reads through all of this and “ding” has a revelation.

    I came here because of, a website that does all of this, but in a productive way: Its entertaining.
    Oh and I lied. I haven’t read all of this drivel.
    I have a life.

    PS: This website has spell check, so for many of you its lazy free speech.

  453. 479 ChuckSnow5 10 January, 2008 at 7:35 pm

    Let me see if I have this correctly. You visit another country, discover it isn’t identical to Canada and then get all smug and indignant about it?

    Congratulations, you’re the Ugly Canadian.

  454. 480 Tara 10 January, 2008 at 7:42 pm

    Jasper (#459):

    This is off-topic but I can’t help myself.

    Did you really just take the time to comment in order to tell everyone that you have a life? Seriously?

    Now, THAT is hilarious.

  455. 481 Amerikkka 10 January, 2008 at 7:44 pm

    Canadians are a bunch of pussies. Their country is falling apart with non-white scum as fast as the USA, the difference is that Canadians are impotent fags and wont do shit about it. Done come on back anytime soon.

  456. 482 saga 10 January, 2008 at 7:50 pm

    A French Fry is a POTATO. It requires gravy. ;)

    The sandwich sounds like a teenage boy’s dream, but not for the ‘mature’ among us.

    The rampant religion in the US is unusual, considered laughable by Europeans, but it doesn’t affect me … or does it … GWBUSh?

    My American family members think Canada is safer, cleaner and less corrupt.
    I think Canada is just better at cover-up. ;)

  457. 483 Todd 10 January, 2008 at 7:53 pm

    Top 5 things I saw in CANADA which, as a Canadian, freaked me right out…

    1. A marked stop on the 416 called “Hell Holes Nature Trails”. It’s not a religious message.. but not a very glowing endorsement for an otherwise beautiful hike.

    2. A Tim Hortons on every street corner in Hamilton. Wait, I think they missed one…

    3. Our former Prime Minister getting a pie assimilated with his face in public. That was freaky, and also funny.

    4. Witnessing two cougars in a heated battle. It happens quite a bit in various bars across Canada.

    5. Seeing an obviously innocent blog, with a HUMOROUS tone, incite such backlash! Wow. I’m know Canadians are known as nice, sensitive types, but apparently not as sensitive as Americans!

  458. 484 passionphish 10 January, 2008 at 7:53 pm

    To all previous comments and the poster:

    Blatant statements always make someone mad. This is why we say them (my opinion). Generalized bland statements get nothing done. Which is why politicians say them. Less to be responsible for. But as long as you let others determine how you feel and think one man’s ignorance is a perfectly good excuse to show us the temper you try so hard to act like you don’t have. Nothing in this life will change for anyone. EVERYONE every where is different on some level. And we all disdain change and difference on some level.

    GET OVER IT. And learn a little patience. Damn….

    I am a Southern American born and raised. I hate fried food.

  459. 485 Ed 10 January, 2008 at 8:00 pm

    Shame on y’all to suggest that some of the opinions posted on that sign and elsewhere should be illegal.

    The First Amendment states,

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    Freedom of thought is the freedom of an individual to hold or consider a fact, viewpoint, or thought, regardless of anyone else’s view. To deny a person’s freedom of thought is to deny what can be considered one’s most basic freedom; to think for one’s self. The whole concept of ‘freedom of thought’ rests on the freedom of the individual to believe whatever one thinks is best (freedom of belief), the notion of ‘freedom of religion’ is closely related and inextricably bound up with these.

    U.S Supreme Court Justice wrote in Palko v. Connecticut “Freedom of thought… is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every other form of freedom.”

    In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is listed under Article 18:

    “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”

    The Human Rights Committee states that the above Article 18, which became legally binding on member states with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights;

    “…distinguishes the freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief from the freedom to manifest religion or belief. It does not permit any limitations whatsoever on the freedom of thought and conscience or on the freedom to have or adopt a religion or belief of one’s choice. These freedoms are protected unconditionally.”

    Similarly, Article 19 of the guarantees that “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference…”

    If one doesn’t like the free expression of thoughts and opinions, whether they be political, so called “hate speech” or just something you do not agree with,

    To try and regulate the thought process or expression of opinion through rules and laws is one of the most egregious violations of basic human rights.

    No one understands the true meaning of “Freedom of Speech” until they will defend with their life the right of a person to speak his opinion and position on a subject that they themselves would oppose to their dying breath.

  460. 486 Paint 10 January, 2008 at 8:01 pm

    Yeah, this entry got linked at (how I got here myself). Get ready for a flood of trolls, they’re an opinionated group of people. :/

  461. 487 leesus 10 January, 2008 at 8:06 pm

    As an american i went to vancouver and found places where junkies can shoot up heroin and not be botherd or hassled by law enforcement.

    Also on hastings street i saw the largest congregation of underaged prostitutes in the western hemisphere. And they were gross, strung out on crack or heroin, and all were black.

    My canuck friend explained to me how this was notconsidered a problem in canada.

    I’d much prefer nasty stuffed french toast and stupid signs than to live in a society where driuga ddictin and prostituiotion is just “another lifestyle”

    … and they call america racist? Are you kidding me. For reference, its HASTINGS street in VANCOUVER, BC. Heroin, crack cocaine and dozens of 14 year old prostitutes. And they are sooooooooo disgusting.

    To Reiterate, Canada does not find this to be a problem, actually designating “free fire zones” where this type of activity is immune to law enforcement.

    I didnt see any 14 year old white girls. Nor chinese. Nope.

    Again, this type of segregation is acceptable in canada, but thank goodness they dont have any christains around, that would be tooo extreme.

  462. 488 Leigh 10 January, 2008 at 8:14 pm

    Actually, the tone of this blog observation did not come off as humerous at all, just made to look that way.

  463. 489 Monty_Python 10 January, 2008 at 8:25 pm

    I have found this whole discussion much funnier than the actual blog post, so I guess Paul has succeeded in his orginal intention to be humourous.

    Has everybody had a bloody humour-ectomy?

    Yes these are the same tired jokes that everyone makes, but the flag-waving reaction has been marvelous.

  464. 490 Black 10 January, 2008 at 8:27 pm

    Black – Turkey and France have saved Canada before?

    Actually, I hate to break it to you, but I and a substantial minority of Canadians support leaving NATO.

    Comment by paulitics — 10 January, 2008 @ 4:21 pm

    Um, you do relize your leaders are in that so they have an excuse to save you on taxes, right? And if Canada left NATO that army couldn’t defend against a guy sleeping in the streets, much less an attack by China. Or something else.

  465. 491 Black 10 January, 2008 at 8:31 pm

    And because I know Canadian Education sucks: That means your nation is full of cheap bastaterds.

  466. 492 Joe 10 January, 2008 at 8:37 pm

    5. I am not offended or freaked out by a truck with religious slogans, or political bumper stickers, or any other expression of opinion for I have read and more importantly understood the US Constitution.

    4. I am not offended or freaked out by a food I’ve never eaten or by a dish I find disgusting simply from its description. It’s disgusting. Don’t eat it. Problem solved.

    3. I am not offended or freaked out by an expression of Southern pride for I have read and more importantly understood the US Constitution.

    2. I am not offended or freaked out by an expression of intolerance in a Letter to the Editor for I have read and more importantly understood the US Constitution.

    1. I am not offended or freaked out by crude political tripe on a grease-pit’s advertising board – for I have read and more importantly understood the US Constitution.

    For Americans posting comments here: If opinion and the legal expression of that opinion (regardless of how vile or contrary it may be) freaks you out then you have no business calling yourself an American.

    For the blogger: The expression of opinion freaks you out – so what do you do? Why it’s obvious – you rush to your blog and express your opinion about it! Of course. Makes perfect sense…

  467. 493 Soon-to-be-expat 10 January, 2008 at 9:06 pm

    LOL You make a little list of things you encountered in the US that freaked you out and what is funny is look at the insecurity in the majority of the American responses here. You list a few things that shock your sensibilities and in typical American fashion, they get all defensive and claim that you “hate America.”

    I could add plenty more that is more shocking that your five items here. Culturally and politically, most ‘mericuns just don’t see how bass-ackwards they are and they LIKE it this way. A typical American combination of insularity and arrogance.

    That being said, I am leaving the country myself in the next few months and I will be far happier. You insulated arrogant morons like this country F-ed up this way? You can have it! (OK, now you can say all the typical “yeah, and don’t come back” etc etc etc blah blah)

  468. 495 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 9:15 pm

    Elronio – that’s hilarious. Thanks for the link.

  469. 496 Aaron 10 January, 2008 at 9:16 pm

    This guy probably loves to go to fine art museums where they show Piss Christ, but if he sees one message on a truck that is not in his line of thinking, it “scares” him.

    What kind of open-minded, tolerant person gets scared like that?

  470. 497 J. Kyle H. 10 January, 2008 at 9:19 pm

    As an American, I express regret in being associated with the five aforementioned items.
    Except, perhaps, the Stuffed French Toast. We won’t let a silly thing like “health” get in the way of our radical culinary experimentation.
    We will, however, let the will of a vaguely-defined, yet all-powerful being dictate scientific ethic.

  471. 498 Nik 10 January, 2008 at 9:32 pm

    Well, where you failed on humor you made up for with this fabulous comments section.
    Love the diversity of opinion and the discussion.
    It’s unfortunate that you didn’t have a whole lot to add besides some links and a lovely “Hey, at least *I* don’t give a crap about my country and *I* can take derogatory comments thinly veiled as terrible humor as a great joke” attitude.

  472. 499 J noble 10 January, 2008 at 9:34 pm

    I could care less what a Canadian thinks. They have always seemed to me like our younger retarded cousin. Stay in your socialist haven and sleep well knowing that the most powerful country in the world has your back.

  473. 500 Buck O' 5 10 January, 2008 at 9:38 pm

    i came here from fark for a laugh found one in the comments now I’m leaving and never coming back cuz i don’t want paul to think i care about his other blogs aka opinion by giving him hits. hope you enjoyed the surge you got I’m sure it really helps you continue to blog your life away.

    oh hey if ever links you again and i get sent back here unexpectedly i hope your actual post is funnier than the comments other people write cuz it really was lacking, and as we all know this was meant to be hilarious..

    and as I know from reading the post you’ll say something like.. “well this was meant so my true readers would know i was back!” I came here for a laugh so that fact is null in void to me :L

  474. 501 Katy 10 January, 2008 at 9:39 pm

    Those billboards are damn funny. I don’t agree with them, but the extremism presented is hilarious when you imagine most southerners saying it.

  475. 502 Jeff 10 January, 2008 at 9:58 pm

    If immigrants want to come here, then dammit make ’em learn the language and follow OUR traditions. Why should we set aside our way of life to accommodate theirs when they obviously left a country filled with their own traditions? Fark ’em!

    Don’t wanna learn english? Get back on the boat!

  476. 503 Spork 10 January, 2008 at 9:59 pm

    I’m given the impression you only visited the South and East Coast regions of America. Southerners are known for extremism, perhaps you should look elsewhere in the US before developing your opinion.

  477. 504 Jeff 10 January, 2008 at 10:00 pm

    I will take no food related gripes from the country that invented poutine.

  478. 505 Lydia 10 January, 2008 at 10:01 pm

    im really beginning to believe that people cannot be happy unless they can complain about something….anything….everything. people do not want to be happy and no one really wants peace. maybe one day…..anything can happen.

  479. 506 Hawkins 10 January, 2008 at 10:01 pm

    What did the owner of that Cafe do? Change the message every day or something?

    Anyways, not ALL Americans are like that. You should had stayed away from teh Deep South. MOst all states between Texas and Florida and just south of the Carolinas are ass backwards and full of backwater single minded simple town folk. Now not all of them are like that but the majority outside of the major city centers are like that.

    I am an American and personally would love to become a Canadian Citizen. I mean, the air is cleaner up there, the water is purer, the health care is free (supposedely) and they are not hated by the vast majority of the educated world.

  480. 507 TANG INA 10 January, 2008 at 10:01 pm


  481. 508 Bob 10 January, 2008 at 10:05 pm

    All of those signs are true, rough, but true. Especially about imigrants why should they not have to work to live here when our ancestors and founders did.

  482. 509 Lisa 10 January, 2008 at 10:05 pm

    Well, as far as the stuffed French Toast thing goes, with the American cheese.. processed cheese is called American cheese in the US, just as a generality.

  483. 510 Ben 10 January, 2008 at 10:07 pm

    I find this entire discussion quite amusing. People: chill.

  484. 511 Tony 10 January, 2008 at 10:08 pm

    I am an American, and least last four bother me terribly. I hope this country will be able to pull itself out of this hole we’ve dug ourselves into. The first, while hideously unhealthy and basically an instant-heart attack, is surprisingly not the worst thing you’ll find here in terms of food.

  485. 512 Joachim 10 January, 2008 at 10:08 pm

    I’ll bet you’re a blast to go on vacation with.

    “Hey, let’s go over there and hate THAT now. Then maybe we’ll get some SMUG for dinner, and finish the night off with a glass of Sanctimonious.”

    The good news, friend, is that there’s a chance that someday you’ll look back at this blog and say, “I wrote that? What a git I was.”

    There are about as many wanker Canadians per capita as there are wanker Americans. Demographically, we’re very close. Canadians, I’ve noticed, are just a little less likely to cast a critical eye inward.

  486. 513 cowtoslaughter 10 January, 2008 at 10:09 pm

    ahhhhhh for some reason the fact that some kanandaian is freakout by it just makes me bubble up with american pride. Mission Accomplished.

  487. 514 some guy 10 January, 2008 at 10:09 pm

    original article: tongue in cheek
    angry responses: foot in mouth

    let a slow knuck post about 5 stupid (intentional?) mis-conceptions.

  488. 515 Bob 10 January, 2008 at 10:09 pm

    No wonder no one likes Canadians

  489. 516 Joe 10 January, 2008 at 10:10 pm

    I like both countries. There are assholes everywhere. So what? That’s not an American or Canadian thing, it’s a human thing.

  490. 517 Ron 10 January, 2008 at 10:10 pm

    I’m an American. See, I don’t agree with everything that was said above, but what’s awesome is that we have the freedom to say such things. Now, I’ve only visited Canada, but you must live a very sheltered life if these things freaked you out. The food sounds delicious, btw. In summary, you’re a retard, dude.

  491. 518 Tony Briggs 10 January, 2008 at 10:12 pm

    go back across the fucking border. who cares what you think anyway?

  492. 519 Joe K 10 January, 2008 at 10:13 pm

    You forgot to start your “blog” with (nose in air) description. What a smug little pup.

  493. 520 Dylan 10 January, 2008 at 10:14 pm

    One thing that is starting to get to me a lot is how everyone is so offended about how religious fundamentalists push their views out in plain sight and then the people that disagree with them do the exact same thing. Both sides are having a shout match. A number atheists and non-Christians (because all of these religion stories are about Christians, which makes sense because they are the predominant religion in the U.S.) equal in desire to criticize the other and force their beliefs. And I’m agnostic, so I’m not defending anyone.

  494. 521 Jeremy 10 January, 2008 at 10:15 pm


    The comments here from most of the Americans do more to prove what a backward place the US is than the small observations made by the author.

    For those defending the signs, think of this. There is absolutely no difference between “camel-jockey” and “nigger” or “chink” or “dago.” The guy behind those signs is the exact same kind of guy that had the “niggers go home” signs up in the 60’s. Absolutely Amazing.

    In Canada, those signs would be illegal for several reasons (profanity and hate speech among them).

    Cheers to all the smart nice Americans who posted here that did *not* defend this idiotic bigotry.

    Last word – No country that is “Fundamentalist” can be considered “modern,” and I dare anyone to spot the significant difference between the attitudes of the fundamentalist Islamists and the fundamentalist Christians. There just isn’t any. If the Muslims *did* conquer America as you are all so scared of, we would see Christian terrorists blowing themselves up for Christ.

  495. 522 geo 10 January, 2008 at 10:16 pm

    Isn’t Canada part of America? Seriously, learn your geography. The United States of America. The Americas. North and South America. Canada is part of America!

  496. 523 Andy 10 January, 2008 at 10:19 pm

    I say the sign maker is a hipocrit, in one hes someone who wants the war, in the next one he says bring the troops home. which one do you want asshole

  497. 524 David Duke 10 January, 2008 at 10:19 pm

    You are right, the South is absolutely horrible and totally backward. At least that is what hollywood has told me and all my fellow northern bigots.

    Now if only I could get all my northern people to quit realizing they have lived in a frozen sheethole for so many years that they all retire down in the South.

    As far as Canada is concerned, I am surprised your sled dogs could make it this far.

  498. 525 regeya 10 January, 2008 at 10:19 pm

    “Today, you have to offer spanish services because today’s illegal immigrant think they are entitled to come here and have us cater and give everything to them.”

    Right, I’ll keep that in mind when I drive by the squalid campos where the orchard workers live. They pick fruits and vegetables because they get everything given to them.

    See, this is the sort of thinking that makes us (I’m an non-far-right-radical American, I get to say “us”) look like idiots. We worry about the Mexicans, Columbians, etc. stealing good jobs like being field hands and hotel maids from hard-working Americans, but when anyone points out the idiocy of allowing blue-collar jobs to be sent to China, and white-collar tech-sector jobs to India, the far-Right gets behind Bush and starts chanting, “Free trade, free trade, FREE TRADE!!!”

    *sigh* Canada, looks like you’ll be the rich North American country before long. Or at this rate, maybe Mexico.

  499. 526 theartistpagani 10 January, 2008 at 10:19 pm

    You think THAT stuff is bad, you have no idea what it is like to live without health care, in a country run by people who wear their religion on their sleeves and who call them selves pro life but love the death penalty, war ..and they just don’t give a shit if a several thousand Americans die every year from medical conditions that could have been treated had they lived in Canada or just about anywhere else in the developed world.

    That’s the REAL horror.

  500. 527 Amp 10 January, 2008 at 10:20 pm

    Just think of it this way:
    If someone is wanting to judge a country based on a few things on their visit to the country, they are obviously an idiot!

  501. 528 Mike Williams 10 January, 2008 at 10:20 pm

    I think the signs indicate that they have genetic challenges which affect their behavior.

  502. 529 Gian 10 January, 2008 at 10:20 pm

    People in Europe speak 3, 4 even 5 languages… Natives learned english… americans can now learn spanish… and if you don’t want to, ignore it – i mean, 50% of Americans pretty much ignore everything else…

  503. 530 bigbrother 10 January, 2008 at 10:20 pm

    So I’m an american and all these and more piss me off. The other day while eating with my family my father said to me “Want another crescent?” (The shape, not the food item) to which I replied “You are pronouncing it wrong” He said verbatim “I aint Muslim, this is America”

    Sad state of affairs

  504. 531 Nick 10 January, 2008 at 10:20 pm

    To celebrate my return to this frigid, yet comparatively sane country, I felt it worthwhile to relay a list of five items which I saw during my travels which the locals thought was perfectly normal (I presume), but which freaked the heck out of me as a Canadian.

    Way to presume wrong buddy. I guess that is all I can say. And the south is crazy, they have to get over that they lost the civil war, big deal.

  505. 532 mike2813 10 January, 2008 at 10:21 pm

    If we in the U.S. ever need any info on ice road trucking that is the time when your Canadian opinions will be valued, otherwise go right ahead and keep them to yourself

  506. 533 Gurtej Walha 10 January, 2008 at 10:21 pm

    Actually in response to number 4, both the writer of the article is wrong in saying there weren’t any government handout programs, and doesn’t know history just like the letter writer.

    In fact, between 1860-1900, during the Reconstruction Period after the Civil War, westward expansion grew dramatically because of acts such as the Homestead and Dawes Severalty act meant to give immigrants and native americans a chance to actually survive the harsh times, albeit the fact that the land being taken away originally belonged to native americans; and that few immigrants actually recieved their tracts of land because speculators often took the most arable parcels before the people who were actually eligible for them.

  507. 534 Dan 10 January, 2008 at 10:22 pm

    Hmm, seems like 4 was funny, 3 was about defending secession which is sad, and 1, 2, and 5 were political views with which you disagree. So, the argument you’ve put forth is, “I don’t agree, therefore they must be crazy.” Seems like you didn’t think that one through very well. Here’s something strange about Canada, socialized health care is so bad Canadian government officials come to America to get treatment. Health care in Canada is so bad, you have to wait 12 months to get an x-ray to tell you if you have cancer that the doctor tells you could kill you, or be beyond repair before you can even get the x-ray, so he tells you to go to America to get the x-ray. I think I’ll take my heavily buttered French toast and unpopular political positions over your doomed, underfunded, poorly managed health care system any day of the week. How do you like them apples?

  508. 535 Steve Wallace 10 January, 2008 at 10:22 pm

    I enjoyed your post. You might want to turn your eyes inward and find the freaky side of your own country. I suspect that you can find stuffed french toast on either side of the border. You can also find a haven for intolerance in Canada – I know this because I have helped authorities track down internet hate groups who almost invariably move to Canada to escape prosecution here in the US. What were the rest of your “freaky” experiences?… Inconsequential. You are an idiot.

  509. 536 Jack Wimberley 10 January, 2008 at 10:22 pm

    All of those are pretty scary. But American cheese is a kind of cheese, like Cheddar, or Monterrey, so you don’t really have a point there.

  510. 537 ed 10 January, 2008 at 10:23 pm

    God Bless America!!! It’s great to be an American – if it wasn’t, we wouldn’t have all these people trying to get in!

  511. 538 John 10 January, 2008 at 10:24 pm

    This may have been mentioned, but it’s called “American cheese product” because it is not, in fact, cheese. Legally, unless it follows the FDA guidelines for cheese, it cannot be called cheese. Cheese is merely an ingredient in our American cheese product. It’s not a matter of pride, but of accuracy and legality.

  512. 539 Tim 10 January, 2008 at 10:24 pm

    Yep. Nice to have you out of the country.

  513. 540 Morel 10 January, 2008 at 10:24 pm

    Oh I love when people scream that American’s are moronic racists assholes, who lump everyone together with sterotypes.. All the while doing exactly the same thing they’re accusing us of..

    Yes My children.. You all shall follow the ways of the redneck.. Learn you will..

    The point is.. While yes we seem hellbent on putting our collective foot into our huge mouths (We put the biggest morons on TV.) The truth is that you can be any color, any race and have no worries in 90% of the country of being bothered.. YES if you wear a Durka you’re going to get looked at alot.. But shit happens.

    As far as the signs go, In this country you are free to do that.. You’re also free to build a eatery next door and have peace loving signs of friendship and togetherness.. It’s call fuckin FREEDOM you jackass. The purest form of Freedom is allowing someone to say something that makes your bloodboil and you will fight to the end of your days to argue. Thats what freedom is.


    Everyone who screams “AMERICANS ARE DUM PHAT FUCKS” (etc etc) ya.. um.. Kiss our ass.. When your country actually starts using toilets instead of holes in the floor call me.. Otherwise fuck off..

  514. 542 Esquilax 10 January, 2008 at 10:26 pm

    South Carolina? Florida? Georgia? Dude… stay out of the south. The rest of us do. Did you expect otherwise? Have you never seen any of the TV programs we beam up to you?

    I’ve never heard of stuffed french toast here in California, but… sounds awesome.

  515. 544 RS 10 January, 2008 at 10:27 pm

    If that freaked you out, it looks like you haven’t been around -Canada- enough.

  516. 545 T Palmer 10 January, 2008 at 10:28 pm

    If the Chinese can build a Great Wall. We can build an 800 mile Wal-mart.

  517. 546 northamericanscum 10 January, 2008 at 10:29 pm

    A comment for all the Americans on here from the north blaming the south for racism: in the 1930’s, the state that had the highest number of Ku Klux Klansman was Indiana, a northern state. Boston, MA is known for its viciously racist problems among the locals. And Mr. New Hampshire, must be nice to sit there and talk about how lame and bigoted the South is, when you live in a wealthy state that is 95% white. Like it or not, New England is much more segregated than the South ever was. In rural areas of the south, blacks and whites live mingled together, whereas in the north, blacks are in cities, whites are in rural areas and suburbs. In the south, we confronted racism head on, recognized it in ourselves, and took it from there. If you think you don’t harbor any prejudices at all, then you aren’t being real.
    Get off your high horse.

  518. 547 James Justin Harrell 10 January, 2008 at 10:30 pm

    The stuffed french toast made me laugh. The rest are sad but also not surprising. At least I can take solace in knowing that Christianity is dropping by 1% every year.

    But “American cheese” really is just the name of a particular type of cheese.

  519. 548 Matt Edlund 10 January, 2008 at 10:31 pm

    > They all are completely intollerant of anyone else’s views and therefore dangerous.

    >>Oh, the irony.

    The kind of religious extremism that was on display on those trucks would be antima in anywhere other than a religious theocracy like Iran. In any other western country such a company would be avoided and go out of business very very quickly. That they are obviously having sucess shows that a considerable percentage of the country fully agrees with such extremism. You are amazingly similar to those who you claim are your enemies

    > They can say what they want as long as they don’t hurt anyone, or advocate anyone else doing so

    >>Tell me, how do either of the truck quotes hurt anyone or advocate such? Perhaps you could make an argument about the abortion opinion, but it is a highly subjective controversy.

    Odd.. I was refering to the signs on the dinner and I made that very clear saying “They can say what they want as long as they don’t hurt anyone, or advocate anyone else doing so”. The people who put up that sign at the diner are promoting hate and violence to a group of people based on their nationality and religion. Quite rightly we see that as the crime it is in Canada.

    >“Your right to extend your arm ends at the tip of my nose”

    >>There’s another old saying: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” There are no words that have ever, ever hurt anyone’s nose. Silencing opinions is a slippery slope. You may not mind that opinions you find offensive are made illegal, but you’ll feel a lot different when your own opinions are made so.

    I don’t advocate killing people because they are different from me. Never have, never will. Those who do I see in no different light as those who DO the violence. If you don’t think words aren’t dangerous, go and ask someone to murder someone. You are “Just talking”. How is it different when you are talking about a group, rather than an individual? Unfortunatly history shows again and again the error of your argument.

    Further to that do you actually think you HAVE free speach in the US at the moment? You jail protesters on a regular basis, again and again and again we hear stories about the authorities clamping down on any disident. I am free to fly a banner stating any political leanings I have as long as it doesn’t advocate violence towards someone. You can’t do that in the US. You harrass people based simply on their names. There is no free speach in the US. Hasn’t been in a long time. It amazes me that you would ever let this happen to you, but it seems that the American people have turned into sheep and forgotten that freedom isn’t free.

    >>Look, we can’t all be as perfect as Canada. Besides, if the US were perfect, who would you have to look down upon to feel superior and prop up your fragile ego?

    The problem is that you can’t look, or acknowlege how your country has failed. You have torn up and thrown away your sacred document in the consitution. No longer do you belive “That ALL men are created equal”. Now it seems that some are a fair bit more equal than others.

    >>Tell us also what you found non-shocking or even impressive about the US. Otherwise you’re just a bigot.

    I am willing to bet that I have seen more of the States than you have of Canada. I wish I could say I have seen things in the US that give me hope. But instead I see fraud, dishonestly and coruption at every level and turn. It reminds me very much of Rome before Julius Cesar and the death of the Roman republic when the democratic process was controlled by autocrates who were insensitive to the population at large yet claiming to represent “the people”. There WAS plenty to admire about the US and the dream of “America” for many many years, but you have wasted that fund of admiration by a series of unnessisary wars, by abducting other countries citizens.. you even claim that it is your legal right to come and abduct ANY CITIZEN OF ANY COUNTRY! Don’t belive me? Take a look on the BBC and find where the US stated in court that they can do just that. Or how about the guy who ran a online casino, completely legally, yet was arrested on a connector flight that went through the states because it is illegal in the US.

    There was a time, but that time is past. Now is the time to look on the US in the same light as we looked on Stalin. With rightious discust and distain lest we follow the same misguided path as you. You were once an example of what democracy could achive, and now are an example of what needs to be avoided at all costs.

    I honestly pity you and morn the death of the dream that was “America”.

  520. 549 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 10:31 pm

    Gurtej Walha (#514), actually that’s exactly what I wrote. What few government handouts there were were largely land-based and geared towards immigrants.

    Read first. Think. Then criticize if it suits you.

    Always in that order. Always in that order.

  521. 550 Colin 10 January, 2008 at 10:34 pm

    I was born and raised in Canada, lived there 40 years, married a(nother) American…moved to the US…Spokane, which is 90 miles to the Canadian border. I am both a Canadian and an American. I was intensely anti-American during my teens, then I visited the US (rural Illinois area) I soon realized the Americans look, act, talk, like, think like Canadians. There is a huge tendency by a lot of Canadians to think that all Americans are cousins of George Bush, carry fully automatic guns, marry their sisters and harbour wrong ideas about Canada and Canadians (ie…don’t you know that American’s think that we live in igloos?)There are approx 300 million Americans…they are quite disparate in demographics, attitudes, The US gained its independence by use of force against a foreign colonial power. Some Americans are loud, proud and yeah, I think, verbose. American popular culture tends to identify with winning and winning big. The country airs its dirty laundry in public (ie problems before and after 9/11, watergate, B. Clinton’s antics, ) etc…..By the way, these issues pale in comparison to Canada’s Airbus Scandal, the sponsorship scandal, issues with the RCMP…etc. The US is NOT perfect but they don’t pretend to be. Americans love Canada and Canadians (generally)…yeah, there are some yahoos, but have you visited BC lately? Gov’t prescribed drug promotion, gang killings, serial killers? No place I know is perfect.
    Both countries enjoy a level of standard of living, a level of security and an unparalleled friendship due to each other.
    And respectfully, why do Canadians care (or even what right do they have to criticize, cluck cluck or pass judgement) so much about what Americans are about. If a body doesn’t like the US, I say don’t visit, don’t buy American, don’t eat American, don’t indulge in American culture. I just wonder why many Canadians use up so much energy America-bashing. Also, let’s be honest, let’s create an alternate universe where Canada and the US weren’t allies? IF Canada were still on the map, you would be making your blog in Russian or German. Canada is far from perfect…GREAT country though, truly…but think about this, Most attitudes are tolerated here in the US, in Canada, it is ok to express one’s opinion as long as it conforms to the middle of the road wishy washyness. I tell you truthfully….it is more accepted to be a minority in Spokane (VERY white here) than in Vancouver BC ( over 80 % visible minority)
    Having said that, GREAT blog entry! obviously stirring a lot of convo.
    God Bless you, Canada and the US and every country on earth!

  522. 551 Charlotteredneck 10 January, 2008 at 10:35 pm

    I just got back from Ottawa and work with Canadians every day. I am from the South and agree with most of what you find hard to believe. I too have seen many strange things that I could not believe in Canada. (Rednecks riding snowmobile to work…LOL) But who am I to judge you. It appears that your immaturity is the problem for some reason you believe the way you were raised and your culture is the only one in the world that is correct. It’s time to grow up there are lots of different cultures all over the world maybe one day you will realize you do not know or understand everything. Your beliefs are what you learned from your culture. No worries we don’t want to invade Canada!!

    Grow up and get over it!!

  523. 552 will 10 January, 2008 at 10:35 pm

    You think this stuff is crazy?? Ain’t nothin!! You obviously haven’t been to any town or city in East Texas. Lets take the county I grew up in for instance…

    One of my best friends growing up was an Indian-American named Payal. She was born in Tx but her parents immigrated from India. They owned the hotel in town (pop 2,648). She and her brother were the only Indian-Americans in the school system. They lived in the town for 15 years at least….The family moved our Jr year in high school and the new hotel owners put up a sign “now ‘AMERICAN’ owned!”. In the schools the black, hispanic and white kids all sit separately (for the most part), and in many cases seem to end up in classes together as well. The currently appointed county sheriff is being railed against and wanted OUT by members of the community because he has a college education and they assume he THINKS he “knows more than they do” (which he doesn’t any sort of attitude like that… he is a friend of mine). The thing is, the backwoods politics there… county and town officials all seem to be related etc. It is seriously crazy. My brother is as redneck as the rest of them. He can get away with ANYTHING. Ive seen him do it.. dismissed on several drunken driving episodes etc, judges letting kids off on crimes for doing personal work for him, such as lawn mowing… hehe.. and the thing is.. much of East Texas is very much like the hometown I am from.

  524. 553 mgabrys 10 January, 2008 at 10:35 pm

    You’re scared of butter? This from a country that cloggs it’s arteries by putting Mayo on EVERYTHING?

    “Aw look at the cute puppy”

    “it’s nice but it needs more Mayo”

  525. 554 Stephen Donovan 10 January, 2008 at 10:35 pm

    I was in Seattle a couple of years ago and there was a couple sitting next to me talking to a financial adviser. He was suggesting that they go out and get an interest only mortgage.

    I thought to myself, how can that possible be a good thing. Now we know, it wasn’t a good thing. :)

  526. 555 Captain America 10 January, 2008 at 10:35 pm

    Godd@mn Canuckistanis…

    You pu$$ies are lucky we don’t just annex your backwards country. You make Iowans look intelligent and forward thinking.

    When Bob & Doug McKenzie are the smartest you have to offer – keep your opinions to your self!!!

    F^ck off…

  527. 556 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 10:36 pm

    bigbrother (#511) please tell me you’re kidding.

  528. 557 Lynder 10 January, 2008 at 10:37 pm

    Calm down people, otherwise close this website.
    Been to america twice.
    8/10= NICE americans
    2= Idiotic JOCKS who thrive on being erm, jocks.

    I find this post, extremely funny

  529. 558 Dreamer 10 January, 2008 at 10:38 pm

    I can’t believe this sort of drivel can generate 521 comments… make that 522.


  530. 559 Mark 10 January, 2008 at 10:41 pm

    i’m american, and i’m not ashamed to be just because of that closed minded ignorant bigot posting that junk on his sign. why should i be? i’m not him, i don’t subscribe to his narrow world view, and i sure as hell didn’t put that junk up there.

    i have nothing to do with the christian truck company, and don’t see it happening any time soon, and while i find it strange, so what? whats the big deal? i’m not a believer, but if they are, who am i to say who’s right?

    as for the stuffed french toast, pass me a plate of that stuff. i might only be able to eat it once a year, but damn it sounds good.

    now if anyone should feel ashamed, it should be the americans here apologizing for loud mouth jerks like they don’t exist anywhere but here. i’ve traveled a bit, and let me tell you, there are some less then savory individuals in every country on the face of this earth.

    also, you canadians who decide to stereotype all americans, are absolutely no better then that guy posting that rubbish on his sign. stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

  531. 560 Shawn Hernan 10 January, 2008 at 10:41 pm

    I used to live not less than two miles from Casa D’Ice. It was weird then, but not *that* weird.

    I can promise you the whole area is not like that. That is an abberation and is not representative of the good people of Western Pa.

  532. 561 paulitics 10 January, 2008 at 10:42 pm

    Dreamer (#539) – I actually kinda agree with you. I spend an inordinate amount of energy writing what I think are thoughtful and detailed and thorough posts that have been linked to by two major political parties in Canada, yet this little humorous, joking post is the kind of stuff that makes the front page of Digg, Reddit AND Fark. I’m not complaining, the traffic has been great, I just wish that as many people wanted to read things (of mine or otherwise) that were more substantive than this.

  533. 562 USA 10 January, 2008 at 10:43 pm

    you’re gay!

    fucking Canadians


  534. 563 mikw 10 January, 2008 at 10:44 pm

    Dear fellow Canuck: If you are offended by the muscular confidence of America, please stay home and practice the passive agressive sniping that we are justly acclaimed for. I travel extensively in the USA and have enjoyed the open, honest attitude of most Americans. Compared to the pinched CBC worldview that we accept as culture, we should stop a moment and reflect on the good things that living next door to a good neighbour brings. Like freedom of speech. Stay home, my frightened friend, there are far worse countries to visit.

  535. 564 northamericanscum 10 January, 2008 at 10:44 pm

    “Further to that do you actually think you HAVE free speach in the US at the moment? You jail protesters on a regular basis, again and again and again we hear stories about the authorities clamping down on any disident. I am free to fly a banner stating any political leanings I have as long as it doesn’t advocate violence towards someone. You can’t do that in the US. You harrass people based simply on their names. There is no free speach in the US. Hasn’t been in a long time. It amazes me that you would ever let this happen to you, but it seems that the American people have turned into sheep and forgotten that freedom isn’t free.”

    Talk about knee jerk reactionary BS. What you are saying in regards to free speech is ABSOLUTELY UNTRUE. As far as jailing protesters, I’ve protested in the middle of DC against the Iraq war, knocked down fences, climbed statues, never arrested then. However if I’d been in Miami, I would have gotten beat down. That is a local deal, not a federal problem. You can not get arrested in the USA for a sign stating political beliefs. Show me an example of it, and it would be the first I’ve seen. Please give me a specific example. By the way, you’re “freedom isn’t free” is a line used by redneck pro war country singers. Use some new rhetoric, please. I can’t wait till Obama is prez so I don’t have to hear the US compared to Stalinist era Soviet Union. C’mon, please. Bush sucks, but he’s not Stalin. Perspective, its a beautiful thing.

  536. 565 dain 10 January, 2008 at 10:44 pm

    @ Larry Gambone
    “Thankfully, there are lots of Americans who 1. would be offended by a commercial truck with religious nit-wittery plastered on it,”

    Guess what douchbag…we have freedom of speech here so that guy can put whatever the hell he pleases on his trucks. Don’t like it? Don’t read’em. By the way, freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom to not get offended. If there is something on a truck, magazine, book, TV…etc that you don’t like, be an adult and move on instead of a crying over-sensitive little sh*t.

    I can criticize immigrants all I want, it’s a free country. My mother is an immigrant who became a citizen and adpapted to the culture here. Many do not and think we should accommodate them. That’s not how it’s supposed to be. If you don’t want to then expect to be looked down on by the country that hosts you and took you in.

    I happen to like McDonald’s. Once in a while it’s ok and that’s what most people do here. To think we’re all fast food eating pigs is showing your own narrow minded views of our country.

  537. 566 Tokio 10 January, 2008 at 10:45 pm

    #5 – I live in Georgia, and I’ve never seen that truck but I live in the Bible-belt so most people would be okay with it, I guess. However, if it was a Satanist company (or..atheist! *gasp*) with messages everyone would be bitching and boycotting. It’s okay as long as it’s Christian. (at least in this area, bleh)

    #3 Well, there’s always been a North vs South thing going on (and East vs West). Traditionally southern culture is very different from northern culture and some people are hardcore southerners/northerners.

    And we have stereotypes of each other. I remember when I went to New York for a month a guy I had met kept joking that we duct tape our trucks together and live on farms.

    #1 I’m actually surprised they got away with that. It seems these days everyone gets upset about everything, and starts bitching, boycotting, and suing.

  538. 567 Patrick 10 January, 2008 at 10:46 pm

    uhh stuffed French Toast (sounds disgusting) is stuffed with CANADIAN BACON!! lol

  539. 568 Curtis C Matthews 10 January, 2008 at 10:48 pm

    not that anyone needs another voice here, but i am both a canadian and an american. yes, it is possible to have two passports.

    i think that the wingnut who posted the five items is indeed a wingnut. and i think that many of the zealots in the US indeed be wingnuts as well.

    trust me, there are just as many wingnuts in canada as there are in the US. but the canadians tend to like to visit about politics, and they tend to be more tolerate to LISTEN. i didnt say more TOLERANT, but they are more tolerant to listen.

    this is of course a generalization.

    the US has clearly lost is compass. there are way too many people living in fear of something. fear of the liberals, fear of the muslims, fear of high oil, fear of terrorists, fear of spanish speaking people.

    its really rather ridiculous. we have such an unbeliveable high standard of living in general. mind you, 45Million uninsured is rather dispicable.

    good luck to all, and everyone say a prayer for the common man. we could all use a little faith from our next door neighbor.


  540. 569 Davo 10 January, 2008 at 10:51 pm

    some guy in canada killed a bunch of people and then fed them to his pigs and then sold the pork for human consumption yummy. yaay fun. bye

  541. 570 mike 10 January, 2008 at 10:51 pm

    Uh — poutine??

  542. 571 jim 10 January, 2008 at 10:52 pm

    Americans sure can’t take criticism well.

  543. 572 Morpheus 10 January, 2008 at 10:52 pm

    look dude here is an american saying for “Shut the fuck up before we invade your country”. Naw in all truth what you found is just a bunch of small ignorant things that make the rest of teh country look bad pluss we fought a war against England to allow us to do those stupid things with out being told what to do,
    and who we should worship becuase some fat dude with a gay dress says so ( sorry I have a hard time with christians and there holyier than though because of a carpetner)

  544. 573 jim 10 January, 2008 at 10:53 pm

    OMG you said things about my country, yea? well yours sucks too! rofl

  545. 574 Samuel Powers 10 January, 2008 at 10:53 pm

    This is kind of odd considering that most of the comments on here from both Americans and Canadians are all nothing but bigotry, including those calling others bigots for the sake of defending their own country’s beliefs and behaviors. Every single country has their own ideas and therefore are a lot different and that’s how it will always be considering that people will always be different, it whether we are willing to admit our own faults and are willing to accept the faults of others. The people posting on here about this and that and trying to nit-pick every single “flaw” they find in a country are starting to make me lose faith within humanity, but I know there are a lot of people withing my town of Plymouth, Indiana that have the right idea and are willing to actually listen to other people and accept their beliefs.

    When it comes down to America, not everyone is some overweight obnoxious individual that is here to try to make life harder for other people, some of us are actually here to be helpful and hopeful towards the people in our lives. The same thing can be said for Canadians and the many stereotypes that are commonly associated with them. Let’s face it, the writer of this blog has pretty much attacked one’s own views about a country just because they were different from his, and that is not right. However, the people posting in this blog have fought back in quite a rude manor, therefore continuing the problem that was posted in this blog. If you really want to know the truth, if people were just a bit more tolerant to another’s point of view, this world wouldn’t be in the condition it is currently in.

    I am nothing but a seventeen year old high school student, but I believe I can make my point well and can clearly write in the way I wish to present myself. I am not saying that the people or the writer on this site are bad people and can respect their own opinions, I would just appreciate it if they were a little more tolerant of other people’s feelings and beliefs because last time I checked, not everyone is a bigot and no one actually tries to be a bigot.

    In responce to Matt Edlund posting at 10:31 pm:

    You’re obviously only looking at a small portion of America considering that I sit here right now from a city that has rarely any problems within the community itself, is willing to accept people of all backgrounds and racists within, and actually have students and members of the community coming out to help other people with our current flood problems. That’s right, people are out right now at night trying to help people navigate from their night jobs to home instead of being swept away in the flood because that is what human beings do for each other. If we are all a bunch of lying deceitful pricks, then why are people out there trying to be helpful to one another?

    We’re not an example of anything as we are not a single country linked together through a common idea. The entire world has moved towards being individual yet at the same time together because of that, and those who don’t see how the world has changed are going to have a harder time understand the complex concept that is the planet Earth. Sure, I am not entire proud of the way that America has handled problems in the past, but we are not the only country that has made wrong decisions in their lifetime and that is something you must be willing to accept if you’re going to try to put us down for your own point of view. I have never looked at Canada or any other country as a place where everyone is deceitful because there are good human beings everywhere on this earth regardless of their race, belief, or how they view this world. In my opinion, there is good in everyone through their own eyes, and that’s good enough for me.

    Hey, but what do I know? I am just a “naive American”, aren’t I?

    That’s the problem with this world…

  546. 575 christ 10 January, 2008 at 10:53 pm

    well thats what we’re here for…

    to make canadians feel more sophisticated and all around superior..

    if america so fucking backwards why does most of the canadian population live within 100 miles of the boarder?

    get off your high horse dipshit

  547. 576 Angela 10 January, 2008 at 10:53 pm

    I think people who plug christianity as a part of their marketing plan are fanatical crackpots, because they have chosen to alienate everybody who is not also a fanatical crackpot. Since I am not one, and they clearly do not want my business, I take my business elsewhere. Market forces at work.

  548. 577 Phred Phudpucker 10 January, 2008 at 10:54 pm

    Canada only has 20 million people in it, you are INSIGNIFICANT. New York has more assholes than canada. Just wait for the North American Union to happen and we’ll straighten you out!!!

  549. 578 Clay Smith 10 January, 2008 at 10:55 pm

    Am I too American? Because I totally agree with everything you mock

  550. 579 Geminate 10 January, 2008 at 10:56 pm

    I don’t think any self-respecting American actually orders stuffed french toast. Kind of like fried fish sandwiches, few actually eat them, but they are there on the menu.

    All this time and Canadians still have failed to populate and civilize their land. I mean what else have you to do out there? Better get on it so when the atomic war begins some Canadians will actually survive. Make a law that you have to have a minimum of 10 children per married couple (straight).

  551. 580 Hoosier 10 January, 2008 at 10:56 pm

    As far as the illegal immigrant debate goes, I live in a backwater Indiana town and even here all the signs are in German and English as a remnant of the German immigration explosion. Helping out our new immigrants from Mexico should be a priority. In being exposed to cultural diversity everone gains.

  552. 581 outbackpaul 10 January, 2008 at 10:56 pm

    Reading your blog makes me glad that you are back home in Canada. Don’t bother coming back.

  553. 582 Roryzilla 10 January, 2008 at 10:57 pm

    Just Wait until the Mexicans start breeding in your country. With their birthrate it is just a matter of time before you are all speaking spanish too.

  554. 583 Peter de Jong 10 January, 2008 at 10:58 pm


    I hope you realize that, next to some of the most advanced technology and most successful companies in the world, American society produced some of the greatest thinkers, writers, scientists, artists etc in human history. Also it is possible to experience some of the finest cuisines on earth in the US.

    Generally speaking though, America cannot escape its heritage of an immigrant nation. Americans are doers, not thinkers. Their style is fast-paced and superficial. American culture is very low-brow.

    That said, it really does not differ very much from that of other immigrant nations, like Australia, New Zealand, South-Africa and, of course, Canada. Canadian culture is probably more American than British or French.

    So it seems a bit strange you freaked out on American oddities one can experience, in one way or another, in Canada as well. ;-)

    Heaven is: where the chefs are French, the car mechanics German, the lovers Italian, and it’s all organized by the Swiss.
    Hell is: where the chefs are British, the car mechanics French, the lovers Swiss, and it’s all organized by the Italians.

  555. 584 Matt Edlund 10 January, 2008 at 10:58 pm


    How about some links then; – Arrested for yelling F-Bush – wrongly arrested protesting Bush and awarded 80 grand – they were wearing an anti bush shirt at a political speech – 200 anti bush protestors arrested
    Lawyer arrested for dressing up as Osama Bin Ladin as a protest – 1500 to 2000 anti-bush protesters arrested in New York.

    I could go on forever here. But this is my favorite: – US firefighter and vet continually harrassed at border crossings because of a letter he wrote to an newspaper and his religion.

    Free Speech my ass! I too am praying for Obama to win, but judging by your past elections the idea of Free and Democratic is just a catch phrase. You won’t allow elections monitors to view the process since 2000 and your exit polls are totally different from the “official” tally. Just so you know, we use exit polling numbers to determine if there has been vote fraud in the rest of the world. Significant deviation from exit polls combined with refusal to let monitors observe the entire process is taken to mean that an election is rigged.

    Even then, the government is so beholden to large corporate intrests that is is doubtful that anyone could actually do much to repair the damage.

  556. 585 char 10 January, 2008 at 10:59 pm

    the border at Blaine. eeeew. they gave me the third degree with questions about why I was visiting their beloved country with my girlfriend and another couple. My reply was “shopping and uh…for pleasure”. the woman asked me which store I was going to since most of them close at 5 oclock on a weekend ( her words). I just laughed and said “we just want to spend money in your country. would that be okay with you?” she directed us to second inspection for more questions from some other asshole. we finally made it through but that is the last time I was ever in Canada. that was about 10 years ago . no more.

  557. 586 rapidpop 10 January, 2008 at 10:59 pm

    You’re allowed to have your opinion, but other people aren’t?

  558. 587 The Triscut 10 January, 2008 at 10:59 pm

    Yeah there is some pretty bad food items here, but if you don’t want to eat them then don’t eat them. All of the other stuff is obviously by very far gone extremists. I’m surprised the sign about protecting Southern heritage hasn’t been destroyed, but they can post whatever then want and I say go for it, even if I strongly disagree.

  559. 588 Opaquemurdock 10 January, 2008 at 11:00 pm

    I once ordered a sandwich at a french food and wine expo and took a bite… and was very disturbed by the richness and texture. I opened it up to see what the heck I was eating and it turned out to be essentially a cold “sausage and slab of butter” sandwich. We eat bad here… thats no secret, but you can find examples of this sorta thing all over the world.

    On the rest of the points, just be sure to remember that we are not all like that. As many have pointed out, a lot of us are embarrassed by the bad behavior of our fellow countrymen and women but also respect their rights to voice their unlikable opinions. All we can hope for is to slowly change our society for the better through our discourse.

  560. 589 Jayson Barclay 10 January, 2008 at 11:01 pm

    Is this article for real? Did you even go to the United States or just do a google search? Stuffed French Toast, a letter to the editor, and an openly Christian trucking company? Wow, that’s an outrage. Did your dad run away from the Vietnam war? is that why you’re in Canada? Congratulations, you suck at life frenchy.

  561. 590 Jimbo 10 January, 2008 at 11:02 pm

    visit either new york or california, rest of the country has too many idiots per square mile.

  562. 591 Ned 10 January, 2008 at 11:03 pm

    First of all ALL IMMIGRANTS BEFORE 1920 were LEGAL.
    We did not have a immigration bill.
    So for all of you who liked that system lets just open the borders like OUR forefathers did.

  563. 592 Phineas J. Whoopee 10 January, 2008 at 11:03 pm

    The U.S. is the greatest experiment of all time.

    Right now we are in some of our darkest times. “Freedom” is becoming nothing more than a word, and big losses in Liberty have already happened. We, as a people are to blame for letting this freedom go. We need to get back to the documents that propelled us initially – our Constitution (and Bill of Rights).

    Financially, we are playing with almost inconceivable amounts of debt, and it doesn’t seem possible that we will find a way out before this start collapses.

    But friends to the North, know this – we go down, and ultimately we’re taking your 23 million with us. Our debt will sink many another nation. We are not only tied to the fortunes of other countries – they are also deeply tied to ours.

    What will save us is the only thing that ever endures, regardless of administration, political party or circumstance, and that is the Free Market.

    As for the expressions of free speech you mentioned, I support them 100% – whatever they may be.

    That is what America is about. Freedom.

    Now please stop your whining.

  564. 593 Mori 10 January, 2008 at 11:03 pm

    I have to say that I am very ashamed of the US and claiming it as my citizenry. Ive spent quite a lot of time in Canada and have even checked into immigrating. Sadly that’s they way of it or so it seems. All the rational ones, are looking to become ex-pats.

  565. 594 OMMAG 10 January, 2008 at 11:03 pm

    Oh yes ! That is sooooooo scary and freakin out of this world!

    Amazing that such a trite little blabber mouth could generate that many comments!

  566. 595 Jordan 10 January, 2008 at 11:04 pm

    Congrats, you managed to use isolated instances to create a skewed and ridiculous image of a country usually very similar to yours.

  567. 596 Angeladtao 10 January, 2008 at 11:04 pm

    I am a Southerner, born and bred. I take pride in my culture and accent. I am also a retired military officer who has seen a good deal of the world and of the rest of the USA. I am married to a man from Hawaii who is half Japanese. One thing I have learned in all these years is that people are basically the same all over the world in that we all want respect and acceptance of ourselves for who and what we are. I have been the object of some fierce stereotyping because of my background. Once I left the South, I found that people seemed to think that my mind worked as slowly as my tongue! I have had others explain simple concepts to me (I have a doctorate) in a slow, measured voice that one uses to teach children. I am tired of hearing the South put down as the land of the uneducated and unbathed. Get with the program, America. The oddities you see are expressions of
    socio-economic status of the people of any region and not the general level of sophistication and intelligence of the people of the South. As for our Canadian visitor, I have always heard that Canadians were polite. I guess I shouldn’t believe in stereotypes either. Dr. Olsen

  568. 597 tk 10 January, 2008 at 11:06 pm

    Oh, to be sure, America has it’s fair share of close-minded knuckle-heads that would be better off keeping their opinions to themselves. We seem to have a cultural imperative to interpret our Consitutional First Ammendment Right of Free Speech, to mean that we as individuals have a responsibility to say anything that comes to mind in the most public manner possible.

    Criticize America, or Americans as it were, as much as you like. I don’t mind in the least. Just keep in mind that the average American wants much what the average Canadian wants. We want the world to be safer and easier for our kids than it is for us. We want education for our kids. We want food on the table, and decent health care. We want the world to be a better place for our kids than it is now. I’m pretty sure that’s what the average person in any country wants. Despite our differences, we’re more alike than different. We are all Human.

  569. 598 Matt Edlund 10 January, 2008 at 11:11 pm

    Samuel Powers

    Where did I say you were lieing pricks? I don’t belive that I attacked an individual at all. I am looking at broad attitudes and trends. I have compaired your country to Rome at the fall of the republic and unabashidly critizied your government.

    Let me put it to you this way. Had the events that I have seen over the past 6 years happened here, I would be organizing to overthrow my government by any means nessisary. That is from a Canadian who DOESN’T HAVE THAT RIGHT ENTRENCHED IN A CONSTITUTION!

    “The tree of liberty must be regularly replenished with the blood of patriots and tyrants”.

    You should know that quote. It is what America stood for. The American revolution was fought because another George, King George did the same things that Mr. Bush is doing right now. That is why there is a second ammendment. The founders forsaw this day. They forsaw a day when a tyrant would rule over America, putting himself above the law. Because they knew that it was posible they gave Americans the right to bear arms. The RIGHT to dispose of a tyrant by force if nessisary.

    What amazes me, and would confound the founding fathers is that you just let it happen. You do nothing while your much proclaimed freedom is removed from you a step at a time. You belive that there is nothing wrong because you aren’t confronted directly with these abuses. You feel that it must not be true because you see good people around you. Yet you KNOW that others have faces great abuse and discusting treatment at the hands of your countrymen. Extrodinary detention, abduction, TORTURE!! You know this is happening yet you do nothing.

    Thing is, when you ARE finally confronted with the reality of what is going on, it will be far far too late.

  570. 599 johaness 10 January, 2008 at 11:12 pm

    hey lets bash Americans, it’s the cool thing to do

  571. 600 HaCanada 10 January, 2008 at 11:13 pm

    Oh wait… you are Canadian. /whocares

  572. 601 k 10 January, 2008 at 11:13 pm

    Hey this is called Freedom of Speech. Here in America you have the Freedom to say whatever the hell you want no matter what. Your business post whatever the hell you want. If you disagree with what the business has to say, shop somewhere else. While what is on the banner might be offensive remember that THIS IS AMERICA AND WE HAVE FREE SPEECH. Obviously it looks like the only thing you saw in America that you hated was the fact that people here can speak freely.

  573. 602 BC 10 January, 2008 at 11:18 pm

    Everyone in the United States has the right to their own stupid opinions. Some people abuse that right; even, as it turns out (gasp!) visitors from other countries! It’s truly shocking, I know, but true.

    I would respond more, but I’m way too busy painting more bible quotes on my 18-wheeler full of illegal immigrants while eating my stuffed French toast (with extra American cheese), plotting the rise of the South, and thinking up more xenophobic signs for my restaurant….Oh, and I almost forgot, since we Americans are completely devoid of all decision making without a representative of the government to tells us how to think (or just whoever shouts the loudest), we just elected this random guy in Key Marathon, Florida, “Supreme-Head-Honcho-All-Knowing-Mouthpiece-of-a-Nation-of-300-Million-and-Supreme-Diviner-of-the-American-Cultural-Empire”, so any further discussion on the topic of immigration should obviously be directed to him.

  574. 603 BlackCow 10 January, 2008 at 11:19 pm

    I will say as a north eastern American this shocks me to.

  575. 604 Jules 10 January, 2008 at 11:20 pm

    Though your list made me chuckle, I think there are many, many more things going on in the USA that you should be more concerned about. I live here, and I am deeply disturbed by how far many citizens’ moral standards have fallen. (Again, this is not saying ALL Americans have no morals.) That, and how messed up the government is.

    Honestly, when 10 year old girls start getting Brazilian waxes, there’s something not-quite-right about the environment in which they’ve been raised.

  576. 605 Hungry American 10 January, 2008 at 11:20 pm

    Stuffed French Toast, sounds great, nothing better after a night out…

  577. 606 Bushwick Bill 10 January, 2008 at 11:20 pm

    “I hate the United States right now (by the way America is not the united states, it is canada, usa, mexico, south america, etc… so stop using it like you own that name you arrogant self-centered bigot assholes). I used to like this country. wake up people. go paint the white house in black or something.”

    You arrogant mother-fucker. How dare you try to tell Americans what we call ourselves?

    1, The name of the country is the United States of America

    2, It’s descriptive and factual

    2, Words can have multiple meanings. For example, the English word “cock” can refer to a male chicken. It can also be used with the meaning of “penis.”

    3, Americans use the term “American” typically to refer to citizens of the United States of America. (What the fuck should we call ourselves? United Statesians?) American can have another meaning, as in, anyone from North or South America.

    4, But guess what? You don’t get to tell Americans what we call ourselves.

    5, So go fuck yourself, you stupid prick.

  578. 607 Oh Hi 10 January, 2008 at 11:20 pm

    This is just too funny.

    I love the comments, they are the best. Nobody here seems to get this seemed to be written in a humorous tone and as such, shouldn’t be taken totally serious.

    Angeladtao: Sadly, the southern people we all seem to remember are the loudmouth ones that make themselves noticed. Look at the Top Gear episode from the UK where they were down south and one of the cars said something about Hillary for president and the hicks went ape shit on them chasing them out of town.

    But Americans bitching about immigrants wanting a free ride while their society seems to be all about getting as big of a free ride as you can, is just too funny. Look at how America is shown to immigrants. No wonder they want all the goodies you offer.

    If you don’t like it, stop offering the damn programs. It isn’t like your country can afford it to begin with! 53 Trillion dollars your country owes.

  579. 608 Oh Hi 10 January, 2008 at 11:22 pm

    Bushwick Bill: When your government learns what states rights are, then it can be called the United States of America. Until then, its One Nation Under God (TM).

    Remember, You’re either with us, or the terrorists in California with all their damn medical marijuana!

  580. 609 rubbber 10 January, 2008 at 11:23 pm


  581. 610 Smokey McPot 10 January, 2008 at 11:24 pm

    I’m sure everything I say here will already have been covered, but there’s a couple of things I’d like to point out. First, you didn’t say anything about the people you met here, negative or not. How many actual conversations did you have with an American? The majority of people here are good-natured and intelligent, and it seems that you, like many people do, came here with the expectation of finding things like this. The very reason that Christians and/or bigots are so outspoken is because they feel threatened by the progress America is making (we really are, despite everything you hear).
    Keep in mind that Americans themselves aren’t ignorant of these problems themselves, and the people providing the best criticism of our social/legal/economic system are Americans themselves. The type of criticism that I read from people who live outside of the US generally amounts to “look at these stupid Americans” or “9/11 was an inside job!” or, as was posted in a comment here, “YOU AMERICANS ARE THE BIGGEST IDIOTS IN THE WORLD, PHAT FUCKS.” I’m able to understand these types of comments from people in other countries because I understand that any place you go is going to have its share of small-minded loudmouths, but it seems that people from around the world rarely examine American culture with the same perspective.

  582. 611 Pam 10 January, 2008 at 11:24 pm

    I don’t appreciate you coming into my country and picking out some weird and extreme things and then posting about them as if they are representative of all of the U.S.A. I’m sure if I came to Canada I could find many weird and extreme this there as well.

  583. 612 /-\|)/-\/\/\ 10 January, 2008 at 11:25 pm

    The only good thing about PA is the Quaker Steak & Lube.

  584. 613 Sebastian 10 January, 2008 at 11:26 pm

    hi all. i’m from singapore. i’m an asian, and from where i am, many of us do not think much of americans. (bet you didn’t expect that coming eh big dicks?) if you’re unhappy about what people say of your country, don’t bitch back. set up a website to celebrate your so called culture and heritage. show the world the america that you love. DO SOMETHING REALLY CONSTRUCTIVE. writing shit on some other people’s view isn’t going to change anything.

    damn! you guys are really stupid! …

  585. 614 Fred Fudpucker 10 January, 2008 at 11:27 pm

    U.S.A. RULES!!!! canada SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  586. 615 Marx 10 January, 2008 at 11:27 pm

    Let me say in contrast to the rude and ignorant people who are responsible for that sign in Pennsylvania..I had the misfortune of being in Toronto last summer. People there were incredibly rude to me, at nearly all the restaurants I went to. Drivers and bikers in that city have no respect for anyone else on the road; a biker ran into my friend’s side-mirror on his car, knocked it off, and kept going. No one obeys stop signs or traffic lights, and the walking commuters do not care how many people they have to cut off or inconvenience to get to their destination.

    Also, the “adult” businesses are not discrete in Canada as they are in America. They are plentiful. In fact, I recall them having big flashing signs saying TOURISTS WELCOME…. so much for the government trying to censor kids’ exposure to that stuff, eh?

    On the plus side, I had some of the best international food in Canada than I had ever had in the U.S.

  587. 616 tk 10 January, 2008 at 11:27 pm

    see. my point is more than proven by the comments. I love being right. :)

  588. 617 Eric 10 January, 2008 at 11:27 pm

    Yes, the South is scary. I went to Arkansas with my grandpa to meet family and it freaked the hell out of me and got got a “damnyankee” and “Canuck lover” (<—WTF??) and people thought Minnesota was part of Canada… really intelligent. Did you get to go to the Midwest… pretty normal there.

    Yeah, you have your fair share of Christian billboards…. and the next one is one telling you to get rid of guns, or “whats wrong with gay marriage?” with a picture of a guy stealing another gay guy’s comforter. :) my personal favorite (near madison, wi)

  589. 618 Matt Edlund 10 January, 2008 at 11:28 pm


    I would suggest you start watching the BBC more. Just recently one of those American Critics who wanted to expose the involvment of top US officials in the selling of nuclear secrets to Turkey (Who in turn passed them to Pakistan and then to Iran) but has been unable to as she has been gaged by the White House citing “State Secrets”.

    I can forgive you as I have watched American TV and it seems that showing “balanced” coverage there is tell you what both the Democrats and the Republicans think.

  590. 619 Eric 10 January, 2008 at 11:28 pm


    You been to Thunder Bay or Smalltown, Canada? Plenty of hicks, plenty of patriotic crazies too.

  591. 620 wow 10 January, 2008 at 11:28 pm

    Way to generate a lot of traffic to your blog.

  592. 621 random 10 January, 2008 at 11:30 pm

    And you personally saw this? Did you camp out in the parking lot of Casa D’Ice so you could take pictures each time they changed the sign?

  593. 622 Nursedude 10 January, 2008 at 11:32 pm

    As a proud Canadian, I have to say that despite our cultural/political differences I am glad that the neighbour to our South is the USA. And for all our jokes about Poutine: You haven’t tried anything until you’ve had East Coast (aka Newfie fries, which in my town are fries, gravy, cheese, ground beef and stuffing. Have yet to try them or a KFC chicken bowl.

  594. 623 Shari 10 January, 2008 at 11:32 pm

    Yes, America is the only country in the world where one can find random bizarre signs, foods, and people and these random and highly isolated people and things are representative of every American.

    Way to show how ignorant and prejudiced a Canadian can be…because, obviously, every Canadian is just the same as any random person who posts such claptrap and pretends it’s humor instead of an obvious exhibition of anti-American bias.

  595. 624 Rob 10 January, 2008 at 11:33 pm

    Complain about Canada.
    Save the complaining about America to the sorry ass liberals who live here.

  596. 625 GM 10 January, 2008 at 11:33 pm

    Bend over canada, Fear our Large PENISES!!!!!!! Your cars suck too, oh wait, you drive American cars!! Just send us your virgins, we ran out!!!

  597. 626 Smokey McPot 10 January, 2008 at 11:34 pm

    It should also be pointed out that a lot of the comments in here that are obviously by non-Americans trying to make us look bad by posting short, ignorant pro-American statements.

  598. 627 Matt Edlund 10 January, 2008 at 11:35 pm


    No, you are not the ONLY country where you can find such things. They are common in places like Iran, Syria and other religious theocracies.

  599. 628 Angelia 10 January, 2008 at 11:36 pm

    we’re free idiots!

    alas, being somewhat less compelled to ‘share’ with signs and stickers, the intelligent citizenry escaped our visitor’s notice.

  600. 629 Hondo 10 January, 2008 at 11:36 pm

    What I have read here does not make me mad nor does it make me happy! What I see is many scared and dissapointed individuals who are are fed up with all the termoil going on in both country’s It is easier to get mad then it is to try to understand others point of views or to forgive others! I feel we should band together and try to find sensible solutions to the problems Both our countries share and pull all of our support and troops out of all other countires and fix our own problems and let the rest of the world fend for themselves and fix their own problems. Boy that would be scary!

  601. 630 chuck 10 January, 2008 at 11:37 pm

    Tk – you can take a small segment of any population and generate an entire generalization of them by said segment, yet totally be WRONG. I love being right about you being wrong.

    p.s. there are assholes in every country, the US just happens to have one in charge.

  602. 631 Mike 10 January, 2008 at 11:40 pm

    This was the worst in the US? Did you look around? Apparently you spent no real time looking. This is superficial compared to the real issues this country faces (and yes, I live here)…

    How about the homeless people begging for food in front of the white house until Uniformed Secret Service run them off… How about the loss of a middle class forcing our country into a two class system… have and have not, trust me most of us could go on forever.

    Maybe you could have looked around a bit and noticed that the once decaying inner city has now spread in many places into the suburbs bringing crime at levels that continue to rise? Less violent crimes in the US says the FBI, what they leave out is the fact a triple homicide is now reported as one (1) crime… not three (3).

    But then I was on vacation spreading our “worthless” dollar…

    In London all that occupied TV was Football and parliament wanting to force a new election, and claims of Brown stealing ideas from the other side (please excuse my not knowing the political groups to a fault).

    How about Jamaica; the poverty level is so extreme that alone nearly ruins a visit to the island?

    Canada? Nearly run out of Montreal, not because I am fan of a horrible and history-less hockey team, but because I spoke too little french.

    Sad to say it is true (and I am sure there is more), but I still find it hard to believe this list was the best the author could do… come on back… let me show you what really sucks… and then let me show you how wonderful it can be. And please leave your money on our side of the border we need it ;)

    Thanks kids for letting me say my slice here….

  603. 632 Eric 10 January, 2008 at 11:42 pm

    While we may disagree with what people put on billboards and vans, it is protected under the first amendment.

  604. 633 Halftime 10 January, 2008 at 11:43 pm

    Just a thought. This is America, for better or worse. We at least attempt to have freedom of speech, and that is the reason the trucks and billboards can have their slogans as well as the letter to the editor being published. You take a judgmental view without true knowledge, only small clips taken out of context.
    I cannot defend #1, and I personally think the confederates have a few screws loose, but your judgement of the trucking company seemed rather narrow minded to me. Assuming you are talking about the same company I am, their web page describes them as a “faith-based” corporation. You are right to say there is no such thing as a christian dog or corporation or any other entity, nothing but a human being can attain salvation and follow Christ. The purpose of stating that they are faith-based is to give people an idea of the morals which they stand on. There is no way you can tell me whether they are a “fundamentalist” group, they simply chose to follow Christ and wish to help others to see their viewpoint, an act done in love, not judgement. “Hate speech” is defined by the intention of the person speaking the words. #1 could be called Hate Speech, but the confederates, the store owner, and the trucking company are not calling for people to hate anyone. The confederates are stating pride in their heritage, the store owner is voicing his frustration with public policy in a public forum (something we’re allowed to do here), and the trucking company is spreading what they feel is a message of love.
    We try to eliminate hate speech while allowing freedom of speech as much as possible, but sometimes it’s a hard line to draw. I prefer our way of letting everyone talk and allowing people to make up their own minds over a country where speaking our beliefs would get us thrown into jail.

  605. 634 Rob 10 January, 2008 at 11:44 pm

    Oil=Survival. Sorry to say, but that that is a fact of life. Change cannot come quickly to dampen our dependence on it. If you think we are fighting over there for just oil or ‘terrorism’ think harder. We are trying to establish a foothold outside of our little corner of the globe in the event that someone stupid (think Putin) was to really flex his scantily clad muscles. You think that sorry bastard want just mineral rights in your (Canada’s) chunk of the Arctic Circle? C’mon it is never as deep as the first layer would suggest. One person did not orchestrate this whole thing. Legions of highly intelligent people over centuries now have been working on small parts of large scale plans.

  606. 635 truthspew 10 January, 2008 at 11:46 pm

    I live in Rhode Island which is located in the southeastern part of the New England region of the United States. While we do have our religious assholes here the majority of the bovine effluent comes from the Roman Catholic church.

    During the holidays I had the opportunity to visit my SO’s family in North Carolina. Down there religion is big, but not a Catholic to be found. All baptist sects.

    And those “I’m in the book. -God” billboards are everywhere.

    The people are friendly enough but as an out atheist I was a little disconcerted by the “Jeebus” worship bumper stickers and license plates.

    You can checkout my blog, I’ve written quite a bit about the trip there.

  607. 636 Jesus (hey zeus) 10 January, 2008 at 11:46 pm

    I’m coming for your job, you stupid canadian. I hope you enjoyed your vacation in upper Mexico(El Norte), you’ll never get another one. I’ll have your job, your house, and your woman toooooo!

  608. 637 RPDC 10 January, 2008 at 11:47 pm

    You know, I’ve had about enuf of Canada. I would go up there to make fun of their country and politicians, but frankly its to damn cold, and I have yet to find ANYTHING worth seeing. Their greatest national treasure is the leftover sets from the movie Cool Runnings. Thats it. Nothing else. Nothing. Zero.

  609. 638 Ron Jeremy 10 January, 2008 at 11:48 pm

    I just want to thank the guy from Singapore for recognizing that we have big dicks. While true when generally compared to your Asian brothers, we don’t like to talk about. I, however, do appreciate the shoutout!

  610. 639 TChaney84 10 January, 2008 at 11:48 pm

    I think the owner of the Pittsburgh restaurant should be elected President. That’s exactly the kind of radical thinking this country needs.

    Here’s my five things that I think make Canada suck (just the top five out of say 49)

    5) One step from communism – socialism is just one step on the pathway to communism. Hey Canada, your almost there! Your country should be falling apart anyday now.

    4) Gun control – too many limits on guns; ’nuff said

    3) Block the way to Alaska – Get out of my freaking way commies. I wanna go to Alaska and I don’t wanna fly through your goddamn country, nor do I wanna fly around your goddamn country.

    2) Cheap meds – Not bad you say? Well, the whole reason my meds would be cheap is because everyone else is paying for them, which means I, in turn, would have to buy every asshole and his mother their meds. Grow some balls.

    1) French – You come from the damn French, you speak French, eat French food (which all sucks, apart from the “fry”). How can you even associate yourself with those shmucks. I wish the U.S. would just ignore their pansy asses, but unfortunately they’re an “ally”

    0) Don’t you dare lecture me on my Math – Okay, the final reason Canada sucks is because it borders the U.S. You would be so much better if you were out in the Middle East somewhere, or maybe north of Russia. (Better bring a jacket it gets cold up there)

  611. 640 Eric 10 January, 2008 at 11:48 pm

    Wow, I live less than 12 miles from the Casa D’Ice and I’ve never noticed their message board. I’m going to have to pay closer attention the next time I roll down route 30. Amazing…

  612. 641 Rob 10 January, 2008 at 11:49 pm

    Who cares what the Christians believe. If you are freaked out by that why do you seem pretty content blasting the hate speech of some other freaked out individual who does live here?

  613. 642 Keith 10 January, 2008 at 11:49 pm


  614. 643 Rob 10 January, 2008 at 11:51 pm

    Socialism is just communism without a war to kick it off.

  615. 644 Dude 10 January, 2008 at 11:51 pm

    You are incredibly moronic for being shocked by any of these, thinking you can make some sort of political statement about America, and thinking that any of these are unique to America.

    #5:If you haven’t heard yet, there is this thing in America called free speech…we are allowed to say pretty much anything we want to. Many have said this is silly, pointing to violations of free speech, but this doesn’t mean that free speech is violated in all respects.

    Also, you are stupid for thinking that America is the only place with religious extremists. While we may have more, that doesn’t mean that everyone in America is like this. There are crazy/stupid people everywhere. I guarantee that I could find someone in your city that is stupid too, but the difference between me and you is that I am not going to say that all of Canada is stupid because this one guy in the one city in Canada is stupid.

    #4: Stuffed French Toast is actually delicious. This awesome place called IHOP(International House of Pancakes) makes it, and it rocks. You are more stupid than anyone I have ever met for somehow making a comment about America for this food. There are horribly fatty foods in every culture. You are also wrong about how French Toast is made, it isn’t cooked in butter, and butter isn’t necessarily put on top of it.

    #3: There are people in the southern part of the United States that are still upset that they lost the civil war. Why this means anything for the entirety of the United States boggles me. I would also be shocked if this showed up in some other country too, there has never been a war between the Confederates and the Union.

    #2: First off, you logic for why this guy needs a history lesson makes no sense. The point of the article is that people shouldn’t EXPECT handouts, not that they shouldn’t get them. He is making a comment on the attitudes of illegals who think the country owes them something. Second off, its an editorial. Again, here is this baffling concept of free speech/free press. We are allowed to publish what we want in newspapers and speak as we wish.

    #1: This shit is really funny. I am for sure going to tell my friends the one about an 800-mile Wal-Mart on the border. I think the people that put these signs up are either stupid or joking, but they are still funny as shit.

    Your blind ignorance and cynicism just makes you sound stupid. You drew conclusions about an entire populace based on a 5 things you saw once each. You are so set on finding reasons everyone in America is a moron that you just make yourself sound stupid. We in America are tolerant of other people’s ideas. I’m sorry that you don’t share those freedoms and I’m sorry that you think anyone who disagrees with you is stupid. Just because someone chooses to be religious, eat fatty foods, or speak their mind, doesn’t make them wrong, and you belief that it does makes you just as bad, if not worse than the same government you are criticizing.

    Also, this quote from you:
    “Being shocked by some backward behaviour is fascist and biggot is it?”

    So, you are defining someone expressing their religion as ‘backward behavior’? yes, I do find that to be fascist and bigotted. Hitler had issues with those with religions different from his own as well, so you are in fine company, young Fuhrer. Sig Heil!

    Comment by Dr. William Bennett — 10 January, 2008 @ 2:37 am

    proves to me that you are utterly moronic. You are trying to compare someone expressing their religious views on a truck to Hitler’s religious policies. The ONLY connection is that they both have religions and publicly stated that they supported that religion. The difference is that Hitler public opposed every other religion and slaughtered the members of them. There is a very very large step betweening agreeing with your religion and banishing all others, and an even larger step from banishing other religions to killing members of that religion. Your comparison is equivilant to me saying, “you wear pants. Hitler wore pants. You = Hitler.” That being said…HEIL NAZI FAGGOT SHIT

  616. 645 Rob 10 January, 2008 at 11:52 pm

    Obama? Seriously? Might as well be a Canadian.

  617. 646 Rob 10 January, 2008 at 11:55 pm

    Don’t blast the south about it’s heritage thing, there are a few of us here who do believe in states rights. Somehow a gigantic overpowering government scares us. It almost reminds us of your neighbors to the north.

  618. 647 Longhorn the loudmouthed conservative 10 January, 2008 at 11:55 pm

    “Well actually it’s a big deal. It’s workplace discrimination against every non-Christian and progressive Christian and pro-choice Christian who might have issues with spreading such filth yet would fear speaking up against their Christian company’s Christian bosses.”

    That line of thinking is truly laughable and intellectually dishonest to say the least. Please explain how that is discrimination. It is a private company that can legally put whatever messages it wants on its trucks. When someone accepts a job with that company, they should know the culture of the company. If they don’t like it, maybe they shouldn’t have accepted a job there. If they didn’t know the culture, well, it sucks for them – they should have done a little research if that kind of thing is offensive. Somehow I doubt this company’s corporate HQ hides its Christianity so it can dupe unsuspecting agnostics, atheists, secularists, humanists, etc into taking jobs there.

    No, the real problem is that socialists don’t enjoy true freedom. They live in a nanny state that makes sure everyone lives in a nice little politically correct box.

    As for all of this drivel about Bush being a tyrant and taking our freedoms away, please give me 1 example. Just one, please. And Bush is an imperialist? Let me get this straight. Bush enforces an UN agreement crafted under that other imperialist Bill Clinton and he is an imperialist. The problem is that the rest of the world didn’t have the balls to stand up to the now-dead piece of crap ruling Iraq when he started thumbing his nose at the UN agreements. The left wing idiots would still like to just talk to Saddam and the rest of the Islamo-fascists because if we just talk enough, we can all get along.

    The simple fact is Canadian have penis envy. The U.S. is the greatest nation with the most freedoms in the history of civilization. The world revolves around the U.S. Canada? Eh, not so much.

  619. 648 the One Who Proved You Wrong 10 January, 2008 at 11:55 pm

    You obviously don’t understand anything about America, American customs, or American law. Please, do your research next time. Because obviously a company founded on the principles of a religion is terrible, right? Better it be based off greed and lust for money like normal, right?

    And food that’s bad for you? Having been to Canada, and having friends and relatives from Canada, I must say that this is the most hypocritical statement of them all, aside from the fact that yo condemn a country for the acts of one restaurant? The hell?

    And now heritage is a bad thing? So if I find a “Proud to be Canadian” poster or t-shirt or billboard I can run home and post on my blog and bitch about it? Fair enough, I’ll send you the link later. I’m proud of my heritage, both as a Southerner and a Native American. And, to remind you, Canada falls into the territory of my people that was stolen away from them, right before your countries founders killed my people’s warriors and raped our women. Thanks for that! :D

    And in case you know nothing of economics, immigrants today hurt the American Economy. How? By taking money without paying taxes. Notice that immigrants today are ILLEGAL. That means breaking the law. Are you condoning illegal activities? Isn’t that illegal in Canada? Hm…

    Lastly, my unfortunate North American brethren, are you familiar with free speech? No, of course not, you don’t have it. But we do. That means we can post on our billboards whatever we want, so long as it does violate any other law. All of that is legal, like it or not. Aside from that, what this one restaurant’s owner does not speak for, nor express the views of all Americans, making you generalization on this part and this whole article makes you look sad.

    I doubt you’ll read this, and I know you won’t change, because you do embody one aspect of American History that we aren’t proud of, and that’s bias. You’re biased against Americans for whatever reason, and in America, that’d be legal and okay, but since you’re not, I feel no remorse for detesting and pitying you.


    the One Who Proved You Wrong

  620. 649 Typical Canadian/European 10 January, 2008 at 11:56 pm

    Look, this whole post is a typical Canadian-European whine-feat.

    In Uh-Merica (GWB spelling), we have free speech. People can say whatever they want and eat even grotesque breakfasts if they want.

    Freedom isn’t free, and free speech is one of our most highly prized freedoms.

    Disagree if you want, it’s legal in the US, you know.

    Canada may seem all nice and safe, but the nanny state is taking hold, and you guys had better wake up.

  621. 650 Tim B. 10 January, 2008 at 11:57 pm

    As with most things in this world there are many things about America to hate, many to like, and many to love. Shouldn’t judge the majority but the large portion of conservative nutjobs, rednecks and ethno-centrics. The country is much too large and diverse for that simplification. It can be that those people bring down the rest of them.

  622. 651 Tim B. 10 January, 2008 at 11:59 pm

    Plus also I think it is fair for this Canadian fellow to criticise and observe these things about America. People who ramble about America’s superiority forget that their country also has many flaws. Look around the world, the whole planet can be a scary and mixed up place. Keep it in perspective, everyone.

  623. 652 R. Burke 10 January, 2008 at 11:59 pm

    “I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
    Appropo, no ?
    And Sabastian: Tell me the truth. Isn’t Singapore just one big shit hole?
    Asians may have a long history, but they sure haven’t contributed much to modern civilization. Bigoted? No. Just truthful.
    But then the truth doesn’t seem to hold much for most people in every country of the world. The masses lack a knowledge of history, science, philosophy, mathematics, religion, politics, geography, human nature, psychology, ad infinitum.
    As evidenced in this forum, we are raising a generation of children who will never grow up and will be forever ignorant. And we have no one to blame but ourselves. What a shame….

  624. 653 koala hugger (but at least I'm not an idiot!) 11 January, 2008 at 12:00 am

    Control yourself, crazies!
    ‘Free speech’ (term used highly loosely given the fact that if anyone dared to publish such signs as ‘americans are a bunch of f-ing ignorant fools’ they would no doubt face the wrath of the law, not to mention God and all the crazy US folk) wasn’t being attacked by the blogger. If you have any brain in your head, as a self-respecting, hopefully somewhat critical thinking US citizen, surely you would recognise that even if these crazy sights witnessed by the blogger aren’t representative of the US, they are still highly shameful and demonstrate exactly why the rest of the world holds views of your country as being full of arrogant idiots…

  625. 654 james 11 January, 2008 at 12:00 am

    What freaks me out about Canada is that people kill their own daughters for not wearing head scarfs. I can not believe how intolerant Canadians are. I’m sure Aqsa Parvez would have rather been in America with our fast food than in Canada, where her intollerant Canadian Father strangled her.

  626. 655 BillyBob 11 January, 2008 at 12:01 am

    You sad, fragile little man. Christian messages on a truck, unhealthy breakfast foods — Oh the horror of it all! Seriously, you supposedly criss-crossed the entire eastern/southeastern U.S. (let’s be honest, your “travels” more likely took place via Google searches in your parents’ basement)and those made your top-five list?

    I love how all the Europeans and Canadians posting to this site are foaming at the mouth (Pavlov, anyone?) about the restaurant signs. It’s like a contest of who can express their indignation with greater politically-correct gusto. Good god, get over it. Some ignorant idiot likes to post offensive messages on a billboard. Move on.

    You might not like Americans, but you sure are obsessed with us.

  627. 656 Alpha Shed 11 January, 2008 at 12:02 am

    Oh my, the poor little canadian in the big bad USA. If a canadian tries free speech they could be hauled in front of a kangaroo court full of leftist haters who would do their very best to ruin the canadian’s life for speaking their minds. Give me the USA any day over a bunch of simpering lefties freezing their behinds in the tundra!

  628. 657 Clint 11 January, 2008 at 12:02 am

    Just understand something. While there may be crazy things and stupid people in America, it’s something to be proud of to live in a country of such diversity. There are many different walks of life to be had in this country, people often times become enraged by what other people do. So in the end, of course there will be some things that scare you, because they would be unthinkable in almost any other country on this planet. But that’s what is really to love.

  629. 658 the One Who Proved You Wrong 11 January, 2008 at 12:03 am

    And for the record, wrong people, “Casa D’Ice” is ITALIAN for House of Ice, not just Spanish. The owner is Italian, as you might now if you simply typed in

    I know that’s hard for some, but try.

    And to “Koala Hugger,” people have been writing and filming people saying “America sucks” for decades. It’s legal, that’s why you don’t hear about it, no one gets arrested for it. I guess you ARE an idiot.

  630. 659 TommyBahama 11 January, 2008 at 12:04 am

    I really don’t see your point, I deal with this shit everyday!!!! Get over it!

  631. 660 the One Who Proved You Wrong 11 January, 2008 at 12:05 am

    Oh, and if we’re “hated by the rest of the world” as you allude to, why are people still coming here? Why are CANADIANS still coming here? Why do Canadians spend time on the internet insulting America if they aren’t afraid of America? Someone’s just sad they’re still in Great Britain B.

  632. 661 Matt Edlund 11 January, 2008 at 12:07 am

    Dr. Bennett…

    of With the book review “Liberal facism”. Odd as Facism is what the far far right is. You would seem to be what most people, in and out of the US would call a “far right wack-job”. Judging by your book titles you are also an evangelical. Tell me, do YOU support having only Christian leaders? Perhaps, as a Doctor of Philosophy you could spread some light on “there shall be no religious test for office”??? BTW, what is YOUR excuse for failing to win the “War on Drugs”? Shouldn’t you win THAT war before you go on chearleading for a new one? Why should we think you know any better how to win “The war on terror” if you couldn’t have any sucess at all as Drug Czar?

    Forgive me if you are a DIFFERNT Dr. William Bennett (and I fully admit I might be wrong)

  633. 662 koala hugger (but at least I'm not an idiot!) 11 January, 2008 at 12:07 am

    One-who-proved-nothing, it’s one thing to accept a video about biases etc etc in America. Somehow I doubt that it would be tolerated if the message in signs outside of the restaurant were the other way around… and I don’t know how you could possibly argue that it would be accepted, given that insane defence of the US as witnessed within this blog.

  634. 663 Dave Dolan 11 January, 2008 at 12:08 am

    Defending hate speech is not really what defending free speech is about. If you define one thing as ‘hate’ speech you have to be careful that you don’t move the goalposts up so that more, non-hateful things, can be defined as “hate speech” and prosecuted by slightly more clever lawyers, from there on out, etc, rinse lather repeat, until it eventually becomes illegal to complain about the government, or something equally mundane. I’m not sure it would ever get to that, but that’s the whole idea behind the first amendment. It’s not ensuring the freedom to offend and defame, as some abusers like to say it is. I do agree that the guy writing those signs is an idiot, and it’s definitely in poor taste. But, when you can come up with a reason that someone isn’t allowed to say one thing today, it’s a slippery slope until you can’t say many things, that aren’t even considered bad today, at some point in the future. It’s just one of those paths you don’t start down, at any rate, because you’ll eventually end up somewhere you don’t want to be, even if it doesn’t get to what we’d consider ‘bad’ today for another few decades.

  635. 664 Rob 11 January, 2008 at 12:08 am

    And as Americans, koala hugger: #1 We don’t give a shit what you think. #2 You obviously don’t realize that the same shit is going on in your country. #3 We may be stupid but we have balls. I bet your country wasn’t founded and raised to the status of a world superpower in as short a time as we were. That is what the American spirit is all about. We dream it, we do it. What other modern country can boast about its financial, political, social and industrial achievements on a scale even approaching ours is there? None. Arrogance is jealousy’s dirty word.

  636. 665 Scott Beveridge 11 January, 2008 at 12:09 am

    Isn’t free speech a wonderful notion?

  637. 666 jr a. 11 January, 2008 at 12:09 am

    that sign that says to go to another country to see how good we have it makes me want to go to canada to tell them how good we could have it.

  638. 667 the One Who Proved You Wrong 11 January, 2008 at 12:10 am

    Dear Koala, I can go outside and see cars in my apartment’s lot that have a big sticker saying “W” with a big “X” over it and “Fuck the President” underneath. Wrong again.

    You can say anything, so long as you don’t 1)cause the direct harm of someone, such as say they broke the law when they didn’t, or 2)encourage others to hurt someone, like saying “let’s kill the president,” even though, as you can see, I just did, and I’m still here.

  639. 668 Chris J (UK) 11 January, 2008 at 12:12 am

    I think one of the problems is that basically any source of media will make something small into something huge just to appear interesting.

    So what, America has these things. You have to remember that it’s only really started to thrive in the last 400 years or so – that is a VERY small time, so things are gonna be hectic everywhere. Sadly, that’s led to a lot of crap from people both in & out of the US.

  640. 669 Derry Bryson 11 January, 2008 at 12:12 am

    I am a little surprised that in your apparent wide travel this is the best you could find that disturbed you. I’m an American (from the northwest, sort of north and west anyway, reno, nv), and I’m sure I could find more bizarre stuff than this while traveling the south and northeast. This is a large country with a lots of different people. Even I, as an American, can feel quite out of place in many parts of this country.

    #5 – Christian trucking company with Christian slogans on their trucks: I’m not a Christian, but I don’t see any problem with them putting this stuff on their trucks. I think they should be able to put anything they want on their trucks. I would prefer naked women, but this is their choice. They are not saying their trucks are Christian, but that the company is run by Christians which may make a difference to some clients. I don’t really see it as much different than putting such things as “Don’t drink and drive” or “Buckle up, it’s the law” or whatever on the trucks. So what?

    #4 – Stuffed french toast: WTF is your problem with butter and American cheese? No other country in the world wants to take credit for American cheese. What’s wrong with cooking in butter? Certainly many French recipes call for sauteing things in butter. Sounds great to me. Not healthy, perhaps, but certainly tasty (even with Canadian bacon).

    #3 – Southern heritage: I’m not sure why you would find this strange. We had a civil war between the north and the south, and the south lost. The south understandably wants to maintain some honor.

    #2 – Immigration issues: Since no actual details are provided it’s hard to figure this one out, but it would seem that there is a general misunderstanding of the problems with US immigration. We have a large number of illegal immigrants taking advantage of our welfare, education, and medical programs while not having to meet the requirements of those legitimately trying to immigrate. Obviously, those who made the effort to jump through the hoops to legitimately immigrate would be pissed off that those who don’t are given the same privileges.

    #1 – Casa D’ice: I’m calling bullshit on this one. I don’t think you actually visited this location and I even don’t think you actually got anywhere near this site. I’ve seen these signs on the internet a lot and I would certainly go in and get some pictures from inside if I visited this joint. While I don’t necessarily agree with what is posted on their sign at any given moment, I think they should have the right to post it (unless it is obvious hate speech, which we do have laws against in the US BTW).

  641. 670 the One Who Proved You Wrong 11 January, 2008 at 12:13 am

    jr. a.

    Canada is America, but poorer and without any sort of rights for citizens. Do yourself a favor and stay away.

  642. 671 john 11 January, 2008 at 12:13 am

    Re: Comment by Rod

    It always make me laugh when people who can’t spell or use basic punctuation complain about foreigners not speaking proper English.

  643. 672 Joe 11 January, 2008 at 12:15 am

    Just another socialist whiner all upset because he can’t force his way on us.

    Great things about Canada? I don’t have enough time to find one, could take millenia.

    Canadians worry about the U.S. because they are from CANADA!

    Inferiority complex, kind of like a miniature pinscher, snapping and peeing on our heels just so

    we’ll notice.

  644. 673 John 11 January, 2008 at 12:16 am

    how is socialism ultimately enforced? Yep, better load that gun

  645. 674 fredfromhockeytown 11 January, 2008 at 12:17 am

    The dumbest thing in Canada–lo all the northern hemisphere? Hockeyville!

  646. 675 Longhorn the loudmouthed conservative 11 January, 2008 at 12:17 am

    Who the f— hugs koalas? You are an idiot. Anyone that wants to has every right to put a sign that says ‘americans are a bunch of f-ing ignorant fools’ and there are no repercussions. We have freedom of speech in the U.S. unlike whatever hellhole you live in. Our freedoms are what makes the U.S. great.

    You know, I freakin’ hate the New England Patriots. Not because they are bad guys or they have done anything to me. The only reason is because their football team is better than my favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys. And that is why Americans are despised and thought of as arrogant idiots. Its because our country is better than yours. In every aspect. Get over it. Without the U.S., the rest of the world would be goose-stepping or living in Russia West.

  647. 676 the One Who Proved You Wrong 11 January, 2008 at 12:17 am

    Good Things About Canada: Sports, like their American Baseball and American Basketballs teams, oh, and their ripped-off American Football league. Fun! :D

  648. 677 Matt Edlund 11 January, 2008 at 12:19 am

    Longhorn the loudmouthed conservative

    To repost some links I posted earlier that completely refute your point. The US doesn’t have Free Speech and hasn’t for a long time. – Arrested for yelling F-Bush – wrongly arrested protesting Bush and awarded 80 grand – they were wearing an anti bush shirt at a political speech – 200 anti bush protestors arrested
    Lawyer arrested for dressing up as Osama Bin Ladin as a protest – 1500 to 2000 anti-bush protesters arrested in New York.

    I could go on forever here. But this is my favorite: – US firefighter and vet continually harrassed at border crossings because of a letter he wrote to an newspaper and his religion.

  649. 678 steve g 11 January, 2008 at 12:21 am

    Come on! The US and Canada are happy neighbors. Why start throwing stones at one another?

    These 5 things are *not* normal for all Americans – the rest of us in the US find it as weird as you do. I can’t really explain the creepy Southern Christian shit because that’s how they like it down there, but the french toast, hey, there are wacky restaurants everywhere (from Montreal to Vancouver to Texas).

  650. 679 Uncle Sam 11 January, 2008 at 12:22 am

    You canadians are a strange creature. You like to point out how arrogant Americans are or the fact we have diverse ideologies and opinions…which we proudly display on billboards, etc. You fail to realize that it is this passion for our country that makes this possible. For as many things wrong here there is alot that is right and we have pride in this fact. Canadians are for the most part appathetic. You are like the quiet kid in the back of the class who doesn’t say much or do much. But when you finally decide you deserve a bigger opportunity and want to speak up you realize you can’t get it in Canada. Guess where all you whining bastards go?

  651. 680 koala hugger (but at least I'm not an idiot!) 11 January, 2008 at 12:23 am

    Rob, 1: You don’t care what anyone from outside of America thinks? I think that is quite the point I was referring to when I used the word ‘ignorant’?

    2: I do realise that the same thing is occurring within my own country, and am saddened by it. The fact that it occurs and makes me wish that I was not a part of this country… which is exactly why I’m surprised to see so many of you ignorantly promoting the ‘free’ speech of quite obviously racist (likely uneducated) individuals/fools.

    3: My boyfriend has balls and I bet they’re a lot bigger than yours. As for your talk re: superpower, you do realise how many more people your country has than Australia has? (US: 301,139,947 (given that your post would indicate you’re probably unlikely to have any idea) vs. Aus: 20,434,176). Do you think that it’s purely a reflection of spirit that your country is more of a ‘superpower’ than mine?

    PS: Go boast about your financial achievements while your country is approaching a depression (and luckily enough, our country apparently has enough balls that we are unlikely to slide down with you). Hope you have fun!
    *NB: before more crazies jump on me, let me just add that this is not directed to ALL americans- just Rob. Put down the gun!

  652. 681 Ralph 11 January, 2008 at 12:25 am

    The Wal-Mart sign is actually a pretty good joke, one which might possibly be appreciated by both Mexicans and Americans. It makes pretty good fun of both sides, but more of the Americans.

  653. 682 Tim 11 January, 2008 at 12:29 am

    Love the US or hate the US you would not be here if it wasn’t for the US.

  654. 683 jstaxx 11 January, 2008 at 12:30 am

    Those boards are laughable, but yeah, as proven by the comments here, it’s sadly how a significant amount of Americans think. I’ve had conversations with some of them and you wouldn’t believe how closed-minded they are. Ask them where they get their information, chances are you’ll be given links to a 404 and a site with a stream of Stalin/Hitler/Saddam statues being pulled down. Which is funny, since that’s likely how their minds work.

  655. 684 Dr. Tomo Daiichi 11 January, 2008 at 12:34 am

    #5. Freedom of speech means that we get to say anything that doesn’t hurt people. How does saying “God gave his only son” hurt people? Only a person from a secular, socialist, self-righteous country would get offended by how an owner of a privately owned company wants to portray his business.

    #4. Capitalism at its finest. If people want to eat cholesterol-laden food, it’s their God-given right to choose to do so. Only a person from a secular, socialist, self-righteous country would think they know what is good for everyone–and then suggest that such needs to be forced down everyone’s throat.

    #3. Pride of one’s roots. Of course people from secular, socialist, self-righteous countries would be freaked out at this–to be proud of one’s heritage? Egads!

    #2. The business owner is right. His father didn’t ask for anything–and look how “horribly” that turned out? Only a person from a secular, socialist, self-righteous society would consider that the invention of “social handouts without accountability” completely a positive thing. Personally, I believe that social handouts are a mechanism for government to have control over the sheep. Can Canadians go “baaaa” yet?

    #1. In addition to it being just plain funny, it’s an expression of nationalism. But of course you wouldn’t understand, since half your country has been trying for the past decade to secede–apparently you Canadians don’t comprehend the importance of national pride (or free expression, for that matter).

  656. 685 koala hugger (but at least I'm not an idiot!) 11 January, 2008 at 12:36 am

    One who proved nothing, isn’t the slogan ‘don’t stop until the bastard is dead’ encouraging harm of people? Or are the 120 people who died per day last three years in Iraq not counted as human beings?
    Are you trying to tell me that if were to errect the same slogans but aimed towards the US soldiers rather than towards the iraqi people there would be no issue?

  657. 686 Longhorn the loudmouthed conservative 11 January, 2008 at 12:37 am

    koala hugger, 1: “ignorant” and “arrogant” do not mean the same thing you dumbass. At least learn a little about the English language you Australians purport to speak. Not caring what anyone thinks is arrogant not ignorant. BTW, we don’t care what you think.

    2: I love it when people criticize the U.S. for our racism problems. Sure we have some, but the U.S. citizens in general are not racist. If you want to see true racism, move to an Arab country. Move to Bosnia. Move to Sudan. You will see true racism when you see Shia killing Sunnis or Muslims killing Christians in Bosnia (or vice-versa) or Sudanese Muslims ethnically cleansing their country of Muslim Christians. It’s a shame you are arrogant, err, ignorant of real racism in the rest of the world.

    3: What has population got to do with anything? Israel with its 7 million is closer to a super power than Australia.

    PS: You are arrogant, err, ignorant to think that the Australian economy isn’t influenced by the U.S. economy. If the U.S. were to go into a depression (which it’s definitely not, maybe a recession), then the economy of the rest of the world will follow suit. The world economy revolves around the U.S. economy which is one more indication of our greatness.

    Don’t get me wrong though. I love Australia. It’s one of the few countries with the balls to stand beside the U.S. and fight Islamo-fascism. I just don’t respect arrogant and ignorant liberals in the U.S., Canada, or Australia. I don’t tell you how to live so quit f-ing telling me how to live.

  658. 687 paulitics 11 January, 2008 at 12:38 am

    I love how many people on this thread like to put “doctor” in front of their name in order to make it sound like their post is more intelligent or should carry more weight.

    I work with PhDs and PhD candidates all the time and I’ve never met one that would dare put their name let alone their title under comments like those of Tomo Daiichi.

  659. 688 niransab 11 January, 2008 at 12:39 am

    American free speech – you can preach hatred, but don’t put any signs about impeaching Bush ? What’s free about that ?

  660. 689 Zack 11 January, 2008 at 12:39 am

    Gods I wish I was Canadian… This country is slowly rotting from the inside out. We once were a proud nation that fought for its beliefs. Our founders put life and limb on the line to give the future people of the United States the ability to vote and choose which religion to follow. Now we don’t even bother to keep up with what’s going on in our politics. We’ve become so concerned with what other countries think of us, yet not so concerned to stop us from interfering that we ship our forces off to other countries to fight and at the same time talk about how wrong it is to do so. We can’t seem to decide if we’re going to be placing ourselves in charge of the world’s affairs or if we’re not going to interfere. I’m ashamed to be born here. True that not all Americans fit the negative stereotypes, but enough do to give rise to the stereotypes in the first place and that’s too many for my liking. If only there were some way to get out of here with my dignity

  661. 690 beastfromthe 11 January, 2008 at 12:39 am

    “Love the US or hate the US you would not be here if it wasn’t for the US.”

    Are you joking or retarded? I can’t tell

  662. 691 Rick Robey 11 January, 2008 at 12:42 am

    You’re living proof that we can, will and do create more diversity in one afternoon than most countries ever achieve. The whole point of the United State is that everyone has the freedom to be as odd as they wish with only the limit of not imposing ones will or limiting another’s right to the same. Nope, we ain’t perfect…but we are damn sure leading the race. As a nation of brainstorming, independent thinkers, how can we lose? So what if someone wants a religious slogan on their truck…after all it is THEIR truck. Who cares what some dive cooks up for breakfast? Is anyone making you eat it? And while I disagree with the “Casa Comments” personally, I certainly recognize and defend the dude’s right to state them…doesn’t mean that anyone will every agree, but that’s not the point. In the US, opinions matter, even the ones that strain the fringe of belief. If we didn’t explore the edges, we, and the rest of the world right along with us, would never make bold leaps. A? So try a tad more tolerance and see if you don’t discover that there are plenty of benefits contained within the “noise” of the masses.

  663. 692 Longhorn the loudmouthed conservative 11 January, 2008 at 12:43 am

    niransab, what are you talking about? We have had bills introduced to impeach Bush. The jack-booted thugs are not going to come get you if you have an impeach Bush sign or bumper sticker. Once again we have some America-hater who bases his hatred on watching a sitcom or some crap like that.

  664. 693 Matt Edlund 11 January, 2008 at 12:44 am


    Unfortunatly there is one Dr. William J. Bennet who has been doing so throughout this thread. Here is his website, he has a nationaly sindicated Radio Talk show AND was the Drug Czar under Regan.

    But don’t worry, he is a Dr. of philosophy and a more useless designation I can’t imagine. No wonder the “war on drugs” was such a disaster under Regan.

    Here is his website:

    I agree with you that most Phds I know would never say things like that.. but one unfortuantly it seems that some Phd’s aren’t above such speach at all.

  665. 694 Joe 11 January, 2008 at 12:47 am

    Paul, Quit bitching about little things in America. Get your ass back to where you came from. In Canada, the gov’t rewards men who do each other in the ass (gay marriage). Yet you don’t see anyone create a blog about things things in Canada that freak Americans out.

  666. 695 Matt Edlund 11 January, 2008 at 12:48 am


    Read this thread a little harder. I have already posted twice a bunch of links where the “jack booted thugs” have come and taken people for doing just as you suggest. Just because it doesn’t happen to YOU doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

    Dr. Tomo Daiichi.. I just did a search for you and turned up 0 results. If you are a doctor please post a link to your thesis or provide me with the title so I can request it from my University Library. Thanks.

  667. 696 Matt Edlund 11 January, 2008 at 12:49 am

    opps.. the above was to Longhorn the loudmouthed conservative, not niransab

  668. 697 koala hugger (but at least I'm not an idiot!) 11 January, 2008 at 12:50 am

    Dear Longhorn, 1) you do realise that I intended to use the word ‘ignorant’, don’t you? As in, ignorant of the views of others? Or are you so arrogant that you’re becoming ignorant? :)
    2) Is there something wrong with aspiring to better ourselves as communities rather than comparing ourselves to people who we look at with disdain and saying, ‘well at least I have more morals that that killer!’? I was also criticising Australia for our racist problems, if you did not read my post entirely. I’m quite well aware of the racism throughout the world- but as you point out, there are some countries that have less of it than others- and unfortunately neither yours nor mine are the most pure.
    3) There is far more than population influencing the ‘superpower’ status of your country, that was just one example of the differences which made Rob’s comparison ridiculous.
    I never said that our economy is not influenced by yours. Of course it is influenced, however we also rely on other countries and thus, if we are pulled into depression, it will be as a result of the fact that your depression will impact upon these other economies (eg. China).
    As I alluded, I have nothing against America (thus the post directed to ROB, not all US citizens), and I don’t recall ever telling you ‘how to live’.

  669. 698 Timothy Scott 11 January, 2008 at 12:50 am

    Education, education, educaton… any doubts about the dismal state of our education system? A mind is a terrible thing… to waste.

  670. 699 DK 11 January, 2008 at 12:50 am

    My ex was Canadian. What a freaky chick she was, but I loved her just the same. I’ve found that Canadian women are way more freaky-deaky than our uptight women here. Ship a few more down please. Me Likey. Must be something about the cold winters make the women do the wierd stuff to stay warm ;).

    What’s with the “eh” thing constantly? And the “aboot” thing is actually more common accent thing from among people from Montreal and the Newfies than anywhere else. That I saw.

    Oh and the whole hypocrisy of Quebec forcing everyone else in Canada to deal with French on the money etc yet obviously discriminating against English speakers in Quebec is laughable. You find ONE language expected to be spoken in America for the bulk of the population, but yet it isn’t, because we embrace all comers to this land, just like you do to yours. And the only reason we have the “press # for ” is because we don’t force people by stupid laws to speak one language, no matter how much we’d really like to.

    Complaining about some wierd cuisine you ran into? How about Poutine? I went into a KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN in a little town north of Toronto, and they didn’t even have mashed potatoes. I about had a stroke right there. KFC without mashed potatoes!!! What the heck is the world coming to?! You can’t even tolerate mashed potatoes with fried chicken in an AMERICAN food chain, yet you wigg out over cuisine you’ve never seen before??? Then there was the time I was in Montreal where the cashier at McDonalds didn’t know what a Quarter Pounder with Cheese was because she a) didn’t speak English or know the English pronounciation for the very food she sold on behalf of the white faced guy with funny shoes and the big red hairdo and lipstick and poofy nose, or b) was just another stuck up Frenchie who disliked Americans or c) was too stupid to work anywhere else. (Here’s a tip: When in Montreal, do two things… Always ask if the person behind the counter speaks english, and second, get the hell out of there as fast as you can and back into the “anglo” part of Canada). Then there’s the family that I saw three aisles over from me at the registers at a Wal-Mart there (which, by the way, was totally in French, that was hilarious looking for antiperspirant and shampoo in there) that looked like they were right out of Arkansas hillbilly country (right down to the pregnant wife with flip-flops and hair curlers, dirty barefoot kids, and the husband wearing a wifebeater shirt with the mullet and a ball cap), all speaking French… I busted a gut laughing, and the cashier didn’t understand until I pointed 3 aisles handed her my US BANK credit card, which told her I was an American. She looked at me and said with a French accent, “hillbillies?”.

    Canada, for years, has been readying itself for an invasion into the United States. We should be scared, because why else would you line up 90+ percent of your population along our northern border?

    Then there was the time I was in Toronto/Mississauga on vacation with my ex for a month where a big news item there I heard over and over for 3 days on AM 780 while driving on the 401 was a child had shot another child with a BB/Pellet pistol (hardly lethal at all, and little to no permanent damage was done if I recall) and people there were wanting to charge the child with felony assault with a deadly weapon as well as attempted murder, treating it as if it were a REAL gun. Know what my parents told me when I wanted one of those guns? “Sorry kid, you’ll shoot your eye out or your sister’s!”

    P.S. Those signs are photoshopped. Besides, they would violate most municipalities’ anti-incitement/hate speech/discrimination laws. Free speech is one thing, but inciting riot and hate speech is another, and actually is not tolerated, especially by the Liberal wussies (no I’m not a republican either, try again).

  671. 700 Matt Edlund 11 January, 2008 at 12:56 am


    Ahh history. In case you didn’t know, and you obviously don’t, we already HAVE invaded your country and even burned down the White House. You tried to invade once as well and your great unstoppable army was stopped by some farmers and their native alies.

    So far the record of conflict between the US and Canada has been entirely onesided, and the US has alwasy been on the loosing side.

    Figures for a country who hasn’t won a war on their own since the Spanish-American war.

  672. 701 yikes 11 January, 2008 at 12:57 am

    I think far more frightening about america is that a canadian whose blog has very little to do with america, who only very rarely ever talks about it, can go on a vacation, come home, and write in a blog that they were freaked out over food, christian labelling and blatant racism on restaurant billboards and then be subjected to hundreds of posts attacking him. Ironically, with insults defending their free speech by chastising him for daring express his. That’s the same kind of thing we saw with the Dixie Chicks and Tim Robbins and anybody else who dared publicly express an opinion-and these five weren’t even political opinions!

    Whats sadly ironic is that many americans actually think people are obsessed over americans and fear americans. Far from it. Americans have far more to fear from their own government than anybody else. As mentioned up higher, the REAL america is never heard of. They are the same generous, kind people who exist not just in the US but all over the world. They are never heard of, and certainly don’t waste time on blogs.

    Being ‘freaked out’ isn’t even a judgment call, its simply a reaction to something unfamiliar, and most of those things are unfamiliar. So why exactly are all these people who have never been to this blog before hunting around the internet to see if anybody has mentione their country and then calling them obsessed? It seems some people are more obsessed with pretending not to care what others think of them than they want to let on. It’s amazing how much effort can go into not caring.

    It’s also interesting to see how mass propaganda works. Where else can you find so many arguing about the rights of others to exercise a public form of freedom of speech that they will never possess-how many posters here own a restaurant with a billboard or a trucking company? That doesn’t even get into the argument about just how sad it is that freedom of speech has denigrated to slogans on billboards and trucks. I’m sure thats just what our founding fathers had in mind.

  673. 702 bob 11 January, 2008 at 12:58 am

    613 whiny bitches. Focusing on this shit makes for a successful blog doesn’t it. So the human race is a proven hive of morons.. surprise surprise. Case in point, see above.

  674. 703 Joe 11 January, 2008 at 12:58 am

    What about hockey teams in towns like Phoenix, Dallas, Miami, Tampa Bay, Atlanta, Nashville, etc? Those teams should be in Canada if anywhere.

  675. 705 koala hugger (but at least I'm not an idiot!) 11 January, 2008 at 1:00 am

    dear yikes, i love you.

  676. 706 Matt Edlund 11 January, 2008 at 1:00 am

    Some other comments by Dr. William Bennett

    “I do know that it’s true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose, you cold abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down…that would be an impossible, ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down. So these far-out, these far-reaching, extensive extrapolations are, I think, tricky.”

    wow.. just wow!

  677. 707 Jon 11 January, 2008 at 1:02 am

    Well we do have some backward stuff here in the US of A but its a great Country where the good will outweight the bad. We’ve got some things to work on for sure. Just thinking, maybe those billboard signs are meant to be tongue-in-cheek. I mean, its kind of funny because its just so bad. Oh, and that french toast has nothing on the 12 egg omelet at the Broken Yolk in San Diego… A dozen-egg omelet filled with mushrooms, onions, American cheese and smothered with our chili and more cheese. On the other half of a 15-inch pizza pan is a generous pile of homefries and two biscuits.
    The Broken Yolk Special is Free if you eat it all within an hour.

    Also, American cheese is actually a cheese inspired advanced polymer.

  678. 708 DK 11 January, 2008 at 1:03 am

    Actually the invasion remark was a joke, and yes, I knew all about the “Canadian invasion…”

    Re-read your history, Canuck. I heard about this from my ex and had to set her straight as well… It was actually the British that did it not the troops of the “Canada” you now know, lest you forget your own history that you were not your own country at that time, but a territory/colony of the UK, and we had less than amicable relations with the UK at that time (during the war of 1812).

  679. 709 Longhorn the loudmouthed conservative 11 January, 2008 at 1:03 am

    Wow, Edlund, you have convinced me. The government paid 80 grand to 2 of them admitting it was wrong. The 200 arrested in New York were arrested for disorderly conduct not because of their political views. That’s only about 1% of the total protesters. Another article comes straight from the World Socialist Web Site which the last time I checked is not considered a real news source. And the other is regrettable but that’s what you get when you change your name so something similar to a name on the terrorist watch lists. Our border guards wouldn’t have to be so strict if our wonderful neighbors to the north didn’t allow free passage any ole’ Muhammad who wants to come bomb our country.

    Intellectual dishonesty is typical of someone who can’t logically argue a point. Next time, you might consider giving us real examples. And you might consider something other than a biased anti-American socialist web site.

  680. 710 Really? 11 January, 2008 at 1:04 am

    You can’t be serious. A person from the country with more donut shops per capita than any other nation on earth is crying fowl over one bad menu item? Let me rattle off a few that *really* should have caught your eye down here:
    * deep fried twinkies
    * deep fried snickers
    * hell, get us anything and we’ll find a way to deep fry it
    * pork blood soup (we are a nation built by immigration)
    * menudo (hispanic illegals gotta spend money to eat too I guess)

    The trucks – the guy who put them on there may have seen your blog and still won’t get it. That is a lost cause.

    Your writing about #3 is pointless as long as public signs must be written in both english and french – and one of your most storied sports teams is called the ‘habs’.

    Your tone about #3 is even worse considering your take on #2. The civil war was not over slavery and freedom. In fact, the emancipation proclamation was one of the most brilliant military moves in history. It’s purpose was to create civil unrest in the South, undermine the Southern economy, and put the Union in a better light globally as the proctector of human rights. The South had actually been gaining global favor and support for their succession until the Union put themselves in that role. We’re all better off for the outcome, I’m glad it happened, but you just finished doing exactly what you blasted that poor business owner for doing.

    As for #1. So it’s been posted that for what he said, had it been Canada, he is a criminal and should be locked up. Why? He was willing to openly express his opinion about important political issues in our time? Did any word he put up there jump off the board, grab somebody, and force them to beat somebody or drop a bomb on Iraq?
    OH! Yet you just slandered him! Boy (or girl, who cares), you should be glad you don’t live in England! You called him a criminal and dangerous. You could be prosecuted for that over there. Of course, there’s always those countries where you could be shot for calling him a criminal, insinuating the local magistrate is doing a poor job being seen as political descension.

    Take your pick – you want live where the open flow of ideas is restricted by the fear of what somebody else may do to you for it or where the only real restriction is your willingness to open your mouth?

    We chose, we bled, we buried our dead. Hey though, enjoy Canada. Maybe our capitalist markets will be found undesirable and some more of your guys will return home to play. Maybe then you can get your Cup back sometime in the next 10 years.

    Casa guy, if you read this thank you for expressing your opinions so openly. Oh, and go get professional help.

    All of the people who said that guy should get out of the country for doing it: you go get some help too. So many people who want anybody not of a like mind to leave, yet guess what’s never going to happen.

  681. 711 Dred 11 January, 2008 at 1:08 am

    Well, I am proud to be an American. I don’t care if people put signs up like that, or the ones that say bad things about Bush. I love this country and all its diversity. People don’t agree on everything no matter where you go. Don’t try to tell me there is not weird things on a menu wherever you go. I have traveled to Europe, Asia, South America, Canada, and every state here in the U.S., and I can say without any hesitation that all of them have their problems, and things that are weird. I am sorry you don’t like America. I hope you are not so critical of your own country. I visited, it was nice. I wouldn’t want to live there, but that is my choice.

  682. 712 L33t 11 January, 2008 at 1:09 am

    You should’ve visited California instead of hick states.

  683. 713 Get Over Yourself Canada 11 January, 2008 at 1:13 am

    Did anyone else notice that those signs looked to have a bit of photoshop work done? Sorry Canada but you are not perfect either. Living in Florida, I get to witness arrogant Canadian snowbirds firsthand. We all have our “faults”. Look at your own before making so many ignorant assumptions.

  684. 714 Longhorn the loudmouthed conservative 11 January, 2008 at 1:13 am

    “Figures for a country who hasn’t won a war on their own since the Spanish-American war.”

    Yeah, that’s great. If it weren’t for the U.S., Germany would have won WWI and WWII, and South Korea would be just the southern district of North Korea. Afghanistan would still be the HQ for Bin Laden, and Saddam would still be torturing, raping, and killing thousands of Iraqis. Sure, there was that little Vietnam thing, but that was due in large part to LBJ and the rest of the cowardly Democrats holding back the U.S. forces. Of course, if we could have had more John Kerrys serving, we obviously would have run Jenjis Kahn out of Vietnam.

    Funny how a Canadian can criticize the military might of the U.S. Kind of like a piss ant criticizing a spider. What would Canada have done with Hitler and the Japanese in WWII? Hoped they were worn out after conquering the U.S.? With all of the frenchies in Canada, Hitler would have just walked right through just like France.

  685. 715 Devon 11 January, 2008 at 1:15 am

    I understand where the author of this article is coming from,and, while I’ll recognize the general stupidity of the public of America, I would like to point at that a large portion of these examples are from the southern/east coast. I’ve traveled the south and eastern parts of the US and these things disturb me just as much, however, before you judge the nation as a whole I would urge you to travel to other parts of the nation, such as California. Anyway, rock on Canadians.

  686. 716 Slappy Joe 11 January, 2008 at 1:21 am

    Legal immigrants should all be rounded up and shot. They’re consuming scant resources that our precious illegal immigrants need to survive.

    Kill all the US citizens, too. Then maybe our hard working Mexicans can make something of this country.

  687. 717 pseudomono 11 January, 2008 at 1:25 am

    I’m an American. Lived everywhere from Alaska to Kansas to Tennessee to Puerto Rico. Yes, some of us do and/or say and/or eat some fucked up things. That wasn’t difficult to admit at all.

    I like Canada, too. I don’t feel threatened by Canadians pointing out some of our weirdness. It’s funny, and I’m pretty sure that’s how this post was intended.

    Trailer Park Boys F’n ROCKS!

  688. 718 Matt Edlund 11 January, 2008 at 1:25 am

    Longhorn the loudmouthed conservative;

    Actually it was the British who won WWII. Very specficly it was a man call Alan Turning. What he did was break a code called the Enigma code. It was the code used by Hitler and the Nazi’s for troop movements and such. He then went on to create another system, called Colossus which broke the Nazi high command’s code so we could read not only their lower level commands to ships, subs and troops, but also their communications up to the highest levels. Enigma was broken JUST after the US joined the war effort and I don’t know about you, but I think that knowing exactly where all the bad guys were was had a FAR greater effect than that of the US, finally, joining the war effort.

    Lets not forget that your current president’s grandfather was Hitler’s personal banker. Oh, and BTW, Turning was gay. So the truth is that you owe YOUR freedom to a gay socialist. Karma is a bitch, ain’t it?

  689. 719 FascistUSA 11 January, 2008 at 1:26 am

    Amerika isn’t a Free Nation. It’s a Fascist Tyranny owned and controlled by The Amerikan/Israeli Elite. TV is Brainwashing. These are simple examples of just how DUMBED DOWN most Amerikans are. It’s like being a sane person in a huge looney bin. ALL 50 “Free” States of it… it’s called NOWHERE TO RUN aka PRISON.

  690. 720 ringo 11 January, 2008 at 1:27 am

    [quote]As for the trucks.. well that would freak me out as well. How is Christian fundimentalism any different from any other religious fundimentalism? They all are completely intollerant of anyone else’s views and therefore dangerous. They can say what they want as long as they don’t hurt anyone, or advocate anyone else doing so; however, it is time for you Americans to wake up and realize that in the rest of the western world such religious extremeism is looked upon in a very dim light. Such signs on a comercial vehicle wouldn’t just freak out Canadians, but it would freak out most of the population of the west![/quote]

    That is the most bigoted thing I have read on this web page.

  691. 721 Matt Edlund 11 January, 2008 at 1:31 am


    Really? Wow.. didn’t read much of this thread then I see. I guess you are right. I am intolerant of intolerance. So in that regard I accept, proudly, the title of bigot.

  692. 722 whisp 11 January, 2008 at 1:37 am

    THIS is exactly the reason why I will never proudly say that I am an American, I am from American but holy hell I am not a fucking american….

  693. 723 Alex 11 January, 2008 at 1:38 am

    british didn’t win wwII, the russians did. They took 70% of the nazi forces and had them on the run by the time d-day occurred. They alsopaid the heaviest price.

  694. 724 Nat 11 January, 2008 at 1:40 am

    If stuffed french toast got you, check out country fried bacon.

  695. 725 disappointed american 11 January, 2008 at 1:42 am

    I looked through most of the comments, and it seems odd that no one has yet mentioned this. Perhaps it’s old hat, but I don’t think it should be overlooked. Note:
    So my point is the same as Sinclair’s. As bad as we may be portrayed in the media, and as admittedly bad as some of our recent decisions have been, don’t forget the work we have done and still do ( in the world today.
    Furthermore, if these things disturb you so much, I would recommend a visit to, say, Somalia, or any one of the Internet-dark countries shown here ( There’s plenty of uncivilized territory out there, with much worse things for you to balk at. Like the coal mines in China.

  696. 726 okron1k 11 January, 2008 at 1:43 am

    i’m a canadian truck driver who works 85% of the time in the US. or maybe i should say operates instead of works. either way. i’ve seen the trucks that you mentioned. white trailers with blue writing if i remember right.. and the company is something like. john a. christner or something like that with a middle initial. i can’t remember.

    about mexicans and how a lot of amercans don’t like them coming in and stealing jobs and yadda yadda… if every mexican left tonight.. what do you think would happen tomorrow? i’m not a mexican, but i do believe that they are extremely hard workers, under paid as well. i am a truck driver and i’ve beem to the majority of the US. there are only a hand full of states i haven’t been to. either way.. pretty much anywhere i have dropped or picked up a load in the US, a mexican was driving the forklift.

    i guess i don’t understand what’s wrong with them. maybe it’s because i am canadian and am used to having all different kinds of races and cultures around me. but i don’t see why the US would be any different.

  697. 727 crash 11 January, 2008 at 1:43 am

    No mater where you go, you will find ugliness of some kind. It is always nice to have someone try to rub our noses in what they think is our faults.

    Especially when someone else is enjoying the religious freedom to have slogans painted on mobile billboards. Or a business enjoying the freedom of speech on a small sign. And even the freedom to eat what we want without a nanny state banning it! I am surprised you didn’t mention seeing people shooting firearms!

    Freedom, a small word with a big price. Many people have paid the ultimate price for that word. And even though I may not agree to what you say or do, I will defend to the death your right to say and do it!

    For all our faults, why do more people want to come to America to live the dream? And if anyone remembers Viet Nam, most of the Americans returned when they were extended amnesty.

    It is always easy to throw stones at the big dog, but when other nations are in trouble, why do they always call on the U.S. to clean up the mess?

    This country is only 232 years old. Yet we are the most willing to help out in times of trouble, and even after we get kicked square in the nuts by terrorists, we STILL are willing to help ANYONE at anytime.

    By the way, you were visiting us, did you happen to partake of our health care system? Seems like many people also come here for our medical services from all over the world. And, WE go to other countries to teach and perform medical procedures.

    Or am I mistaken? Were you just trying to be funny? Sorry, I didn’t get that…

  698. 728 M Haskins 11 January, 2008 at 1:45 am

    Its always funny to see a foreigner who complains about the coutry he/she is visiting. I’ve been to more than most, and, from experience, there will always be things that are shocking to the non-native. Whats really interesting is that there are only 5 things that shocked said visitor. Know what? Who cares? All this is is a Canadian trying to drag the US down to make Canada seem better. If I wanted to be mean-spirited and small-minded, I’d mention Quebec, but that would be wrong, wouldn’t it…

  699. 729 Brian 11 January, 2008 at 1:45 am

    I still can’t understand why people don’t like us in other countries

  700. 730 Matt Edlund 11 January, 2008 at 1:45 am


    The information that let the Russians survive the attack on Russia came from Enigma. Unfortunatly the British didn’t trust the Russians so they never told them where the info was comming from. Had the Russians not gotten that info, they would have been overwhelmed durning the German offensive and would never have made it to Berlin. Not saying that the Russians didn’t play a HUGE roll in that. They had a rough time against seemingly unstoppable odds, but the Enigma decodes were what turned the war for the Alies.

    Enigma was the key that let us win and Turning was the unsung hero of the war. The man was probibly the smartest person to ever live and had a very unhappy life. It is a shame that his work was so shrouded in secrecy that his contribution was never acknowleged while he lived.

  701. 731 Weldon 11 January, 2008 at 1:47 am

    I don’t really see what’s the big deal about any of these things. They seem pretty straight forward to me. What you don’t have freedom of speech in Canada or something? And since when is patriotic food evil?

    What I don’t get is the apparent hypocrisy of this article. You spent your money, came to our country, spent more of your money there supporting it (yes.. we are now spending YOUR money that you gave us while here to blow people up for their oil) and then you go back to Canada and criticize it.

    I admit I had to leave the US initially to realize how good we have it there, but now I wouldn’t trade it for any other country on earth. I do love to travel to other countries though and enjoy their culture. Sure beats blowing wads of cash to go places I can’t stand so that I can have something to b**ch about. Is Canada really that boring?

  702. 732 Mike 11 January, 2008 at 1:51 am

    I live like 5 minutes from the Casa D’Ice!!!!!
    Rt. 30 East of Pittsburgh!
    This is hilarious, nice pics!
    Those people are crazy, but don’t worry, I will take it upon myself to go get in an argument with the owner!

  703. 733 okron1k 11 January, 2008 at 1:59 am

    photoshop work? hah. i’m not going to say that this is an american thing, because it’s not. but don’t just get all defensive about it and say it has been chopped. there are tons of places that do put up random stupid signs, be them jokes, or quotes, or something political. personally i think it’s all basically just to get peoples attention to improve their business.

    i hate how any american will all of a sudden be so defensive of their country, saying it’s the best place to live and what not. i bet most of them haven’t even been anywhere else. i’m not saying canada is the best place to live nor america isn’t. i’ve been to the majority of provinces in canada, and the majority of states in the US. i’ve also been to a lot of countries in europe and some in the middle east. i couldn’t tell you which is the best place to live. every place has it’s advantages and disadvantages.

    another thing i don’t understand is why americans will come to canada, say it’s a nice place, but also say they wouldn’t want to live there. it’s like in saying this, you are just trying to be polite. to be honest. the difference between canada and the US at most.. is weather. and even then it’s not that different. only the southern states vs. canada really. take for instance, detroit michigan and windsor ontario. they are right beside each other. the weather is identical. but to be honest i would rather live in windsor. detroit is run down.

    anyways.. enough of this non sense..

  704. 734 International Television 11 January, 2008 at 2:00 am

    Those last ones are very troubling, in Canada at least there is an encouragement of multicultural policies. Sure racism exists but it’s more closeted, while in America – especially in the South discrimination is rampant and right out in the public. More troublesome is that racism against African Americans is seen as socially unacceptable, but against Asian Americans seems to be tolerated or accepted. Quite odd.

  705. 735 Reverend Colin 11 January, 2008 at 2:02 am

    I think you miss Point in your “Top 5 things I saw in America which, as a Canadian, freaked me right out” blog.

    The point is there’s a freedom and individuality here in the USA. You have a right to say what’s on your mind, tell people how you feel, give your opinion, right or wrong.

    They left is trying to take that away…so…many are upset and show it.

    As far as the stuffed French Toast. I agree…sounds bad.
    Sounds like something you’d find in Montreal.

    Reverend Colin

  706. 736 Blame Canada 11 January, 2008 at 2:08 am

    Geez. This is dumb. Canadian go home. It’s just a matter of time until we get board and turn you into the 51st state.

  707. 737 mmmk 11 January, 2008 at 2:10 am

    I believe that the majority of the things on your list are what we in america call “freedom of speech”. It may be crazy but it works and we let anyone say anything whenever and wherever they want. Also stuffed french toast sounds delicious. You know maple syrup eaten mixed with snow sounds gross, but i’ve heard its done in canada quite a bit.

  708. 738 Kev 11 January, 2008 at 2:10 am

    Lets be honest – hands down Canada is a far better place to live than the U.S. Here, if you get sick, you’re looked after. Our standard of living is higher, our people are smarter, and you’re less likely to get ‘shivved’ walking down the street than in the States. Empire’s collapse from within and the U.S. is a perfect example of this, you’ve got all your money and worry placed on stuff overseas while the country just crumbles around you. Nice work, wouldnt it make sense to look after your own? You guys all hate each other and still think the U.S. is this great place to live – what a sorry mess.

  709. 739 I'm so sorry 11 January, 2008 at 2:14 am

    My name says it all.

  710. 740 kr 11 January, 2008 at 2:16 am

    Keep drinking the Kool-aid, inbreds Yanks. What’s the most despised country and people in the world? Why do you think that is? And its not cause everyone’s jealous – guess again – its because you’re ignorant and facsist and a plague on the welfare of the planet.

  711. 741 okron1k 11 January, 2008 at 2:19 am

    “””Geez. This is dumb. Canadian go home. It’s just a matter of time until we get board and turn you into the 51st state.

    Comment by Blame Canada — 11 January, 2008 @ 2:08 am””””

    hahahahahaha.. don’t get too ‘board’. we wouldn’t want you to come up here and melt our igloos.

    you have really stood up and shown the intelligence of your country.

  712. 742 cdv123cdv 11 January, 2008 at 2:20 am

    stuffed french toast most of the time includes cream cheese or some kind of fruit filling. not bacon and ish. i would know, im from upstate… trust me

  713. 743 okron1k 11 January, 2008 at 2:25 am

    i’m just going to go ahead and throw in a couple more things before i go to sleep.

    who set fire to the white house?? :P

    sorry that’s stupid to mention i just find it funny.

    kev, you have laid it out nicely. my dad had a double bypass. you know what it cost? 30 something dollars.. for the ambulance. which is fucking bullshit.. we shouldn’t have to pay anything!

    want to know what i love about the US? alcohol and tobacco is ridiculously cheap. i’m talking… canadian whiskey.. imported into the US, from canada. sells for a fraction of the cost that a canadian can go and buy that same bottle of whiskey at a liquor store right next to the factory that made the liquor. they can make the whiskey, bottle it and ship it into the US, and still sell it for a quarter of the price we pay for it. shitty deals.

    but i’m a truck driver so i always get my alcohol and tobacco from the US :D i get the best of both countries. \

  714. 744 DMB 11 January, 2008 at 2:27 am

    God Bless America!!! Everybody has an opinion. And We’re ALL allowed to express it! This being 1 of a million ways to do it.

  715. 745 natek 11 January, 2008 at 2:31 am

    stupid canadian clown, a christian company is a company that operates with christianity in mind…it makes perfect sense because companies, though inanimate, are made up of people, who can be christian…oftentimes their bosses choose to operate in a christian manner…i.e. hire straight people more often, etc. etc. (i know it sucks but i’m just saying your cheap trick metaphors are terrible and you reek of a terrible attempt at rabble rousing.


  716. 746 John 11 January, 2008 at 2:32 am

    I am having a hard time believing you are truly from Canada. Have you been to some parts of Alberta before? Its just as bad as the American south as far as bigotry goes. Also, in BC people can’t stop complaining about immigrants from Asia. America isn’t great but some of the people here seem to think its the embodiment of evil itself. This is exactly why millions of people are dying of poverty and war in places like Africa, too many people are busy hating America instead of hating on obviously more corrupt governments around the world.

  717. 747 Ian 11 January, 2008 at 2:32 am

    All those things listed are amazing. I tend to disagree with the political views, despise organized religion, and feel repulsed by the thought of stuffed French toast … but it does represent the one thing Canada lacks … DIVERSITY. You want to be really freaked out … go to the West Edmonton Mall.

  718. 748 Byron Smart 11 January, 2008 at 2:35 am


    No 1. : Canadians excessively making up stories about actors being born in Canada that aren’t.

    Having lived out in Vancouver from Longview Texas, I have heard so many tall tales about certain actors from friends and random Canucks being from Canada.. It is a shame that imdb and google .com report such accurate results, because challenging a Canadian will say that .ca sites are the only ones that report the truth, because .com is American controlled.. Well hate to break it to you Canada … ONE and THE same for information, you guys get the .ca for your 20 year behind startup companies to market the shit you will consume just as easily as we do, because your dollar has leveled the US dollar, but we still dont pay 2.00 for a 2 liter soda with a tariff on the bottle.

    No 2.: Riding an Electric Cab(GPS lol), and paying 10 Canadian extra for the GREEN CAB.
    And paying the next day for the same destination and using a local gas guzzling cabbie that was from the area saving 5 toonies and a half of looney. Why I ask you? Well This route was from YVR airport to north Vancouver.. The cabbie from with the GREEN car couldn’t speak French or English and couldn’t read the GPS but could read my Texas accent, thus going a known longer route at 11pm Pacifc time, with no traffic.. Fuck you scum bag Paki Cab man, next time I will bring a dog and have your ass fired because your religion has a hang up with dogs. My religion doesn’t, tolerate fucking Khan artists, just hope that they confess their extended scumbag route while I change my destination to the dog kennel.

    3. Their Green Game Hoax: I have heard so many tales about how we in America are so bad on the environment. Yet while my stint living in Dallas Tx, and seeing all sorts of waste, it didn’t compare to all the trash mag paper waste publications I see at every street corner and at the seabus and every other venue. It is because besides their maple syrup flag, one of their chief exports is lumber and paper, but also it is the manufacture of motherboards(check every mobo ) and countless amounts of ink.. I am sure if you ask a Canadian that their ink is different some out then our ink..

    4. Violent Stupidity: Ever wonder why a country has so much penis envy against America, well it isn’t our fault because we visit or live their. It the fault that we are from America and obviously think we are so good because we are born in a slightly lower region. Another good urban assholery rant to an American that doesn’t sound like the chick from band camp in American Pie, is that Canada burned the whitehouse down.. Well that is another Canada pride moment from the “Why the fuck are you opening your mouth Canadian” archives.. Canada really is lacking from biased and pro native propaganda to influence their culture away from facts.. Well I know that wikipedia inst always an accurate source, as you guys like to claim instead of saying, “Hey thank you for your educating me in a world outside my own” but it does reference facts till they point that they are challenged if not accurate. Here is what the BRITISH ARMY did to stop the invasion of your equally raped native country.

    from wiki,and

    The thick sandstone walls of the White House survived, although scarred with smoke and scorch marks. Reconstruction of the Capitol did not begin until 1815, and it was completed in 1864. Of Britain’s four objectives in its retaliatory invasion of the United States—Lake Champlain, New Orleans, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C.—this was the only successful attack. The British had successfully diverted the attention of Washington away from the war and prevented further American incursions into Canada, and had landed a humiliating blow to the Americans. The attack was not as demoralizing as Cockburn intended, but it did contribute to the signing of the Treaty of Ghent next year.”

    Ok this might have stemmed the rant from the clamming actors being from Canada. But proof that the WhiteHouse didnt burn down from the fire of British solders.. But a fire did take place.. Burning a building down usually encompasses such damage that the foundation falls.. Not a mere repainting and re-construction efforts. That is mere Vandalism and guess what ride our subway in D.C or take a trip across the border, your trash looks the same in the downtown areas. But you still didnt burn the house down.. Only this was brought up because you guess it penis envy for wanting to act like you guys are all that much different.. Reminds me of the goth kids in their tweens wanting to rebel against a system because they hated the jocks, only now it seems to be the opposite.. Anyways onto the final…

    5. Having ZERO BALLS(guts, courage , spine, backbone if and being giant Pussies to not only your country but to the world. The truth of freedom is defending it when unlawful tyranny erupts.. So guess what we are in a crisis of challenging our rights from 1776.. But those are all known and documented and exposed in some form of media. But Canadian media uses the fear against the USA for admitted exposure, but downplays their own corruption when it hits and at times in corporation with our GOV.

    Being a Yes sir Boss Slave to your government, defending every action your masters do for your own good, and getting so shocked over acts that you guys accept as “the way it is”.. For example POT, yes people smoke joints all over (at least in public in North Vancouver and downtown), and have a heyday when TOURISTS think it is illegal.. But hate to state something in your passive agressive state that Taxes everyone to death except the natives whom are allowed to do basically anything under socialist law.. But here is an article from “Canada’s Tolerance On Marijuana Fades: Wall Street Journal
    by Douglas Belkin (08 Jan, 2008)” before you start screaming it isnt a pub from the Sexworker magazine called “The Straight” .. It is an article taken in a mag that might not be canadian, but it states the things to come and that drugs are still illegal, even in dormant enforcement doesn’t mean that it is something your country wont use against you proud dope heads. And when it can be enforced via arrest but more so as a GST or other TAX(tax evader=death) it can and always will be used till challenged..

    FOLLOWING ARTICLE:////////////////

    Canada’s Prime Minister echoes the failed George Bush Drug War rhetoric, reports the Wall Street Journal

    The marijuana harvest in British Columbia generated about 7 billion dollars last year, making it one of the most lucrative industries in the Canadian province. But after a string of high-profile arrests and slayings — including the execution-style murders of six people in October — the easygoing attitude that has long surrounded marijuana in Canada is under attack.

    Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper is calling for a cultural shift, to be enforced by what his political opponents are calling an American-style war on drugs. He has introduced legislation that would set mandatory minimum jail sentences for marijuana growers and traffickers, and he is seeking more money for enforcement and prosecution.

    “What we are up against…is a culture that since the 1960s has at the minimum not discouraged drug use and often romanticized it or made it cool, made it acceptable,” Mr. Harper said when he announced his plan in October. The bill is expected to come up for legislative debate next month.

    Canadians use marijuana more than any country in Europe, Asia or Latin America, according to the United Nations’ 2007 World Drug Report. Only people in Papua New Guinea, Micronesia, Ghana and Zambia smoke more. That news in July elicited the headline “The True North Stoned and Free,” in the typically staid Canadian newspaper the Globe and Mail. A poll last summer by the Angus Reid Global Monitor found that 55% of Canadians think marijuana should be legalized.

    Starting with the efforts of a group of American war resisters in the 1970s, British Columbia has been at the forefront of Canada’s marijuana industry. By 2000, marijuana was grown in 17,500 homes in the province, according to a study by Simon Fraser University economist Steve Easton.

    In 2001, the Canadian government showed a tolerance for cannabis by becoming the first nation to regulate its consumption for medical reasons. In 2004, the government, headed then by Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin, reintroduced a bill to decriminalize possession of less than 15 grams of marijuana, making it subject to a fine but leaving no criminal record. The bill never came up for a vote.

    In Vancouver, meanwhile, large profits, lenient laws, lax enforcement and an established smuggling and money-laundering infrastructure attracted organized crime. Though greater Vancouver remains one of the safest metropolitan areas in North America, at least 19 fatal drug-related shootings took place there last year. A double murder occurred at a Chinese restaurant in August, and two of the six people slain in October in an apartment building were innocent bystanders. In November, a reputed gang leader was shot outside his C$5 million mansion.

    And then, early on Dec. 4, in an arrest that highlighted Vancouver’s role as a base for the global distribution of illicit drugs, police arrested Yong Long Ye, alleging he imported drugs from the U.S. and Southeast Asia and exported it across North America and to Australia.

    One of Mr. Ye’s alleged associates operated a greenhouse on the outskirts of Vancouver that was jammed with 9,000 marijuana plants. Pat Fogarty, a police officer who oversaw the investigation, described being in the greenhouse as “like walking in a forest.”

    Prime Minister Harper’s bill proposes to beef up sentences for drug traffickers at all levels, but it is the stiff penalties for small marijuana growers not involved with organized crime that have raised concern in Vancouver.

    “When I think about drug problems, I don’t think about marijuana,” said Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan, who favors legalizing the drug. “In my experience, the people who smoke marijuana are not a problem for public order or crime.”

    Canadian judges can use their discretion about whether to sentence drug offenders to prison. Mr. Easton’s research showed that a small fraction of them serve jail time and that the average sentence of those who do is about four months.

    Mr. Harper’s bill proposes a six-month mandatory sentence for growing as little as one marijuana plant for the purposes of trafficking.

    Senator Larry Campbell, a former Vancouver mayor and former drug officer with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, disagrees with Mr. Harper’s approach, and he supports legalization. Mr. Campbell said the high rate of jail and recidivism in the U.S. is proof that the war on drugs to the south has failed.

    “Harper is looking for a wedge issue, and he’s found it,” Mr. Campbell said. “It makes no sense, but it makes good politics.”


    Case and point being, that everything can be used against you if you are not prepared to fight.. Countless Americans dealing with large distribution are always busted in both countries, because the fact that the Canada GOV doesn’t get a tax over a certain amount of money. And I agree with the de-criminalization over drugs. But in fairness, you guys arent free and clear, because it is technically illegal. Which boils down to the small time deals out there giving in to your all powerful gov, with out knowing your rights.. Because your rights are cared about, the assumption factor and fear of police makes you cower.

    One time on a job interview in Downtown Van, I had only a toonie(2dollar) and was in between getting money.. However I couldn’t tell the great company whom were shitbsgs, that I being an America from Texas was near broke ..aka needing a job.. So my powers of mere observation took my train/seabus ticket from the prior week with me so I could avoid paying 10 dollars to commute.
    Well ironically they had a rent a cop upon the commute after the seabus on the skytrain to my destination. He looking looking like a 1940’s cop from a bad movie.. Loudly announced that everyone needs to show their ticket.. Me being a tad nervous, but not.. pulled the expired ticket right out of my sport coat being among the first to show something in plain sight…

    The train cop looked and nodded a confirmation, with out actually looking at the ticket.. Then we he couldn’t find “The one whom didnt pay” because he only looked at the tickets of the ones who showed him in voluntary status, so the rentacop put his fists to his side, and said “We are on to you and if you do this at the next stop the fine will double” looking like a pure shit bag.. But guess what the hippie loser gave himself up saying ” Oh you caught me I am very sorry”. The cop looked like he was really proud and upon the next exit, gave him a fine while asking him were he had been on his destinations.. Well his dumbfuck bumb honesty for the rentacop screwed his dope smoked ass into a 125 fine.. Sad thing is from Richmond to Van his 2 hour limit expired, he did actually pay for a ticket much earlier.. But he was sucked into getting fined and gave his self up before actually someone proved him wrong.. To which he would have probably not gotten a fine at all, at least a 25 dollar one for the route they proved he skipped the upgrade fair at..

    So upon me returning from a 3.5 hour long interview that really pissed me off, I saw this guy offering a joint for a bus/seabus ride back.. Well I dont smoke pot anymore, but did give him my expired pass which he looked at and said thank you.. Then asked for money and asked if I needed hookers, drugs, etc.. Then begged for money for a whole sack of tobacco for 1 dollar, to which i did give him one because cigs were 10 bucks a pack.. After that he proceeded not to get on the skytrain and told him in jest. “Hey you need to get on because that might expire” and then gave him another 2 dollars so in case of bad luck good get on the legal legit way.. But no he wanted to make some more money and took pride on being a dumbass because he told me it would be 3.75 to get to his destination.. Yet if the fucker bought the pass he could of at least walked his way home, and at that point it was 10:30 at night so his bumb option if he didnt sell his “legal” weed, was only to take a cab back.. And if he did sell that weed I would hope he didnt get an electric green cab.

    Point being made I will tale a perfect example. When I lived in North Vancouver, I tolerated having to ask for my change back when I was shorted money in the Bank of Montreal trying to short me 100 dollars till I merely

  719. 750 Johnny B 11 January, 2008 at 2:38 am

    Thanks for the interesting post. As an American myself who is constantly surrounded by this ‘crock of shit’ kinda stuff, there is plenty of it that I hate. That being said, I think your blanket assumption of Americans, and American values, based on these outliers is ignorant and shallow. First off, look at the number of Americans who have posted on this board commenting on their own annoyance and anger at these things (besides the French Toast, sounds delicious to me and not much worse than a lot of stuff I’ve found overseas). The fact that two extremely differing opinions on basically any issue can exist in this country without violence is beautiful. The exchange of words and ideas with a minimal amount of violence, which free speech encourages, is what saves souls and opens minds. I know it is rare to see a homophobe turned into a tolerant being, but each time it happens it is monumental. This happens in America. Lastly, the truck messages are A.) Benign and B.) Forced by a private corporation, not the government. The intention of this company and it’s drivers is not to go to battle with warring sects or convert/kill heathens, but instead to spread a message that they believe is the ultimate good. I know this post won’t be read, but I just had to say it.

  720. 751 runsurfswim 11 January, 2008 at 2:38 am

    I was expecting more. You only had five and this was the best you could come up with?

  721. 752 John 11 January, 2008 at 2:41 am

    This is directed to kev

    The healthcare system in Canada is better but they also suffer from a large side effect. Have you heard of the “brain drain” going on in Canada? I used to work in the healthcare industry in the states and it seemed like there was a HUGE majority of people from Canda. I asked one of them why and they explained that Canadian doctors don’t get paid as much because of government control over what they can charge, so many of the doctors get educated in Canada, then practice in the states to make the big bucks. He made a generalization that all the doctor’s in his field back home in Canada were all the rejects who weren’t good enough to practice in the states. I’m sure it isn’t 100% true but coming from a Canadian I was a bit surprised.
    You better hope America doesn’t crumble because the Canadian and American Economies are very close knit, if one falls, so does the other.

  722. 753 Bob 11 January, 2008 at 2:42 am

    While it’s entertaining to watch a grade-a all-American freakout unfolding here, I think the *real* lesson here isn’t about Americans at all. It’s that people who read Digg are a bunch of frigging maroons.

  723. 754 Matt Edlund 11 January, 2008 at 2:47 am


    You are calling the most multicultureal country on earth homogenious? I think you might misunderstand what “diverse” means.

    And yes, WEM is a horible horible place. Hate it, and like almost everyone in Edmonton I avoid it like the plague. After all, it is full of tourists! =P

  724. 755 Byron Smart 11 January, 2008 at 2:49 am

    As far as bigotry goes the natives are the worst. Most of them in Canada hate the fact that white people live in their tax free 2000 dollar a month paycheck land. They will scream and have their kids walk aimlessly around the areas that whites are allowed to go..(look at the signs if you stumble upon a urban reservation) and if you do to get tax free cigs, well canadian police will give you a ride to right outside their reservation, and tell you a finger no no to get cigs while the natives scream at you in the face of the cops.. Sorry we in the USA fucked the natives over 150 years ago, that isnt and wont ever be right.. But to take advantage of a country whom blindly lets them act as god, as proven why they still liked to be called aboriginal.. If your aboriginal, I am ABcreator and tell you to quit raping the fruits of your racist welfare ways, because if you want to feel like a victim come to the USA where you can drink , smoke dope, and have your casinos regulated.. Yes here if you take too much , well you might have to report to the IRS, and have to claim at least your profits, not your Canada check that makes you feel like by being ignorant and foolish that the gods owe your existence to further hatred towards white people; the ones whom feel guilty for the bad things we did before we were all born.. Too bad society grows and one day will move on past an tale that has been born to hate because of our ancestors

  725. 756 luke 11 January, 2008 at 2:52 am

    It is a shame that you came to america and all that you felt was worth mentioning was the stuff that freaked you out. America, like many countries, can be a great place for people willing to be adventurous and have an open mind. If you visit a foreign country already determined to focus on things that you feel you and your country are superior in, you will probably discover exactly what you planned to and likewise have a shitty time.

    I visited Canada a few years back and had some great things to say. If all I focused on was the lady at the restaurant who called me a yank (I was like 14) or things of that nature, I probably would have had trip as miserable as the one you just described.

  726. 757 Mika 11 January, 2008 at 2:54 am

    It’s interesting to note that bigotry toward people from the American South is perfectly acceptable to those who claim to be so tolerant and educated.

  727. 758 Matt Edlund 11 January, 2008 at 2:56 am


    You hit it on the head as to why Canadian’s care about the poor behaviour of our friends down south. We are tied at the hip and if the American ship sinks, we are tied to the stern rail! Don’t think that the US doesn’t need Canada as well. One of the reasons you basicly went it alone in Iraq is that you couldn’t convince Canada to join the party. We may be small, and our military is a joke, but at least prior to the Harper years our voice in the internation forum carried alot of weight! More even than the US in some cases as we argue from a standpoint of international law and ethics rather then just waving a big stick and yelling JUMP!

    All on this board Americans are calling the Canadians posting Anti-American, yet our attitudes towards the US are comparitivly benign. We have a problem with your leaders and political system. With what seems to us to be a shift towards religious extremism.. but if you ask, no one here actually hates the American people. So if you think WE are anti-american, imagine what the rest of the world, who doesn’t know you as we do, thinks? It is alot darker than just being shocked at some signs.

  728. 759 Cody 11 January, 2008 at 3:06 am

    I think most of the commenters here need to take a step back, remove the American flag from their shoulders, and realize that this post isn’t anti-American in any way. The author was merely pointing out some things that bothered him. Don’t say you wouldn’t do the same if you went to another country.

    Besides, how insecure do you have to be that you can’t handle a bit of criticism aimed at your own country? Jeez.

  729. 760 Snall 11 January, 2008 at 3:08 am

    So many pots calling kettles in here it’s like a really big ass kitchen. Funny.

  730. 761 Steve 11 January, 2008 at 3:12 am

    You dont like it, then stay out of my country, we dont want you damn canooks here anyway

  731. 762 Byron Smart 11 January, 2008 at 3:13 am

    Prove me wrong Mika, where are you from and what do you do?

  732. 763 Some guy from South Carolina 11 January, 2008 at 3:14 am

    Wow people, you must really care for your country enough to defend it only by shoving everything on the supposed bible thumping hardcore right wing wackos in the south. We must be what is wrong with this country. Seems like all you edumacated folk in “civilized” lands are the ones stirring this pot.

    All of this over an article that was most likely not that serious.

    Thanks everyone!

  733. 764 Byron Smart 11 January, 2008 at 3:19 am

    Besides, how insecure do you have to be that you can’t handle a bit of criticism aimed at your own country? Jeez.

    Comment by Cody — 11 January, 2008 @ 3:06 am

    Well to me it is like hearing the same fart joke from 20 years ago, but the people that tell it want to claim they made it up..

    Just like the dipshits who say the line ” I am not racist I have everyone equally” Give me a fucking break..

    Sterotypes are used by the weak and the flamers online, thus giving them their fuel that they have consumed will make the stereotype survive and making it cool to profit off of race or ignorance.. This isnt a race thing, it is tolerance for people whom take advantage of the system of the hertiage of ancestors whom had to fight, not turn into what the system wanted to turn them into..

  734. 765 luke 11 January, 2008 at 3:21 am

    Is anyone really surprised about the reaction to this article? Here is a canadian posting some negative comments about America on a predominantly American website.

    @the author: I think you knew what kind of response this would get. Americans can have a sense of humor about our country and can typically accept that we are far from perfect. But when some pretentious person from another country says it, it is far less likely to go over very well.

  735. 766 Byron Smart 11 January, 2008 at 3:24 am


    Wow people, you must really care for your country enough to defend it only by shoving everything on the supposed bible thumping hardcore right wing wackos in the south. We must be what is wrong with this country. Seems like all you edumacated folk in “civilized” lands are the ones stirring this pot.

    All of this over an article that was most likely not that serious.

    Thanks everyone!

    Comment by Some guy from South Carolina — 11 January, 2008 @ 3:14 am”

    Well in your little Hi Ho dumbfuck land I am sure you bolted out this worthless comment for a reason.. So it must have hit a nerve only to have the nerve hit back age old dumb fuck worn out comedy lines, and a “I am cool” jizzfactor for the future teens you will probably cheat on your wife with..

  736. 767 Nobody Special 11 January, 2008 at 3:24 am

    Wow, 700+ comments. I wonder if anyone’s going to read mine. I guess I just wasted 30 seconds of my life since I’m not even going to bother re-reading it.

  737. 768 sfsfsf 11 January, 2008 at 3:29 am

    pfft.. you could only list FIVE?? you need to try living here for a bit… 5 is nothing.

  738. 769 Byron Smart 11 January, 2008 at 3:30 am

    Then don’t you sound as if your a liberated passive aggressive douche bag that wants to create a lame one line pussy attempt to get a reply.. well guess what you passive aggressive fuck, you got 15 seconds. To which you will whine about I am sure

  739. 770 Robert F.E. Scherer 11 January, 2008 at 3:34 am

    I was born and raised in Ontario. I attended college and university in Ontario. In Canadian universities, many students are unsettlingly eager to espouse the superiority of universities and blindingly quick to mention the inferiority of colleges. This is but one example of Canadians’ arrogance. What about living costs? Canadians pay like six or seven dollars for an average-sized container of ice cream and close to five dollars for a jug of milk! In Canada, a package of four boneless and skinless chicken breasts costs close to twenty dollars with tax! Sure, universal health care is great…if you don’t mind waiting months to be told that you have to wait longer. Successive minority governments are also a problem in Canada, as nothing really substantial gets legislated. How about the Bloc Quebecois political party? Canadians fund a political party that only runs candidates in ONE PROVINCE!; ff that isn’t appeasement, I don’t know what is. Several people have commented on the issue of accommodation. Canada is perhaps the most accommodating country in the world, by that I mean taxpayers fund grants that are given to ethnic groups with certain political ties, i.e Dalton McGuinty’s Ontario Liberals (anyone who follows Canadian politics knows what I’m referring to). Canadians can criticize America when Canada has a population over 100 million (which probably won’t happen in my lifetime). What do you expect in the world’s third largest country by population? By the way, I now live in the United States.

  740. 771 George A. 11 January, 2008 at 3:43 am

    Just in case you didn’t get the message, you’re not allowed back in the states. Go back to your home planet. Eh?

  741. 772 Byron Smart 11 January, 2008 at 3:49 am

    This also reminds me of another time while living in Vancouver and some dipshit whom worked on the Seabus was talking to me, because the seats were full and heard me on my cell.. Happened to self promote my lack of Canadian people.. Told me that they are the most polite people on the earth, and of course we are rude and act like nathan hale or some WWii hero waving a flag and a gun around in our lives and our minds..

    Perfect point, Some one whom brags about their people being polite and shoots down another country for merely overhearing my voice on my phone… Well for one, I loved how fucking senseless he was, and how he invaded myspace to which I was polite and tolerated his courage to endure another bad joke that is as old as the poverty level in BC. To actually tolerate his fucking nationalistic stereotypes, well guess what.. That dipshit had twenty other clones whom would feel the need to make an foolish statement about generalizing people in a whole country, then thinking they were in the cool because outsiders didnt know them.. Took about 2 weeks of this crap in some form of another.. But the truth is.. Canada really isnt a concern to Americans.. And really not a concern to anyone really, having a wife that I had to debunk though actually letting her make her own mind about the little state of Texas.. Well she felt ashamed as she told me most people up there arent friendly because someone is trying to scam.. Pretty sad when a smile from a stranger means ine place in the northwest, and here it is a smile of courtesy or the look of pleasure of beating your scammer ass out of the city..

    Again I stereotype, but remember I had to hear the same old bullshit from all Canadians minus my semi original wife and kiddo.. Ah I don’t hate ye passive aggressive fucks, just hate the fact of thinking your schemes haven’t been done before

  742. 773 pacowantsyou 11 January, 2008 at 3:49 am

    for the record, I’d just like to point out that most of that nonsense was in either the south, or the eastcost… =(
    but even after that, as an American, it is a little embaressing to know that people like that share a country with me. it’s pretty unfortunate

  743. 774 Some guy from South Carolina 11 January, 2008 at 3:52 am

    Passive aggressive in the way that letting one blog on one article on the internet not get to me? Yes, but I just didn’t understand the fact that it is somehow only the southern part of the country that affects how the entire world perceives it.

    Out of over 700 posts, why is it that mine and Mika’s were the ones that struck a nerve in you? Yes I did write that post for a reason, the same reason you had a post hating on Canada. You didn’t like what someone said about where you live. You think it is unfair to group everyone in the USA based on those 5 worthless points in the original article. I think it is unfair to group everyone in the entire south because of some people.

  744. 775 Andrew 11 January, 2008 at 3:53 am


  745. 776 Ami 11 January, 2008 at 3:55 am

    It’s simple to understand that this blog post was created in an attempt to be humorous. It is successful to a varying extent depending on the audience or individual, however the comments and replies are what induce the most laughter. Both sides of the bickering are rich with fallacies. As a result of many Americans commenting on this post I can say that I obviously didn’t read them all and in fact care not to. Additionally, the blogger’s posts in the comment section are easy to pick out and read. The only thing that bothers me about this blog post is that you refuse to read what you initially typed when creating the blog.

    I quote, “To celebrate my return to this frigid, yet comparatively sane country, I felt it worthwhile to relay a list of five items which I saw during my travels which the LOCALS thought was perfectly normal (I presume), but which freaked the heck out of me as a Canadian.”

    This is where you made your mistake. This is not to say that you intended to stereotype all Americans or to place a giant chip on your shoulder. I just want to inform you why some of the posters are flaming you since you don’t seem to get that hint. :) By saying that you took a trip to America and then stating that the LOCALS of said country thought that the items on your list were perfectly normal insinuates that all Americans believe these items to be normal occurrences. You missed the fact that the locals of a country tend to be everyone that lives there.

    Show some initiative on your part to reread what you wrote and the readers will on theirs. Thanks :D

  746. 777 Byron Smart 11 January, 2008 at 3:57 am

    Re: To 790

    My wife , stepson and mortgage are from Ca.. Honestly it is about self more than country loyalty here.. Which it should always be.. Never die for your country.. Die for you family.. Goverment doesn’t honor it’s heroes, and I honor no government but the ideal of what the cowards in all these governments stand behind. The Golden Rule, ended up the Golden law of deceit: DO into others that cant afford to challenge you, if they do make haste, bury and lie.. If you lose you didnt settle out of court early enough and infact deserve your shame for bringing your haste out in the open and exposing your golden wealthy friends as if we knew you..

    Pure disgust

  747. 778 level head 11 January, 2008 at 4:00 am

    I am struck by how many people don’t seem to get the point of the original post. None of those points seem to be made to bash the US, but that is how it was taken. The writer is noticing things that seemed like flags or little indicators. I have noticed these same types of things too in the US. Things are different there than they used to be.

    I’m a Canadian so I think it’s easier for me to see and notice these CHANGES in the American behaviour and culture. I agree that it seems scary. Just like it is easier for someone who sees you once a year to notice grey hairs and lines in your face. You don’t notice the changes because you see yourself in the mirror everyday. I think the term posted in an earlier comment, “emerging, vocal, nascent fascism” is the best description to describe what I also perceive to be occurring in the States. Do people remember the advice Jacques Chirac gave to the Americans before the Iraq war. I believe he was sincerely trying to help the Americans avoid the types of problems the Iraq war has created. If you look over what he said, I think that it would make a lot of sense now to many Americans. But at the time the American response was venomous, and they did not see the point he was trying to make.

    I really get the point that these things are not reflective of all, or a majority of Americans. I also think that most Americans are just as good, decent and compassionate as any other group. But the problem is that these types of things that the reader noted, if not dealt with early enough can snowball into the types of unpretty things that have happened in the past with various degrees of severity in different countries at different ugly points of time.

    I am sure there are also things I don’t realize about my own culture. We do not hear the “aboot” in our speech, but I work with some Americans, and if you listen closely you can hear that the word about is pronounced slightly differently by Americans I think it is more accurate to say that Canadians pronounce it more like a-beh-uwt, not aboot. Americans seem to say “a – bouwght.” It was not easy for me to recognize it, but now I do, just as the points the writer is trying to make seem to not really be fully understood by a lot of people who replied here.

    Anyway, for people who don’t get the points that were trying to be made, this is my take on them:

    5. In Canada it is strictly illegal to hire or discriminate based on someone’s religion or political beliefs. This trucking company makes it quite clear that they do not want to affiliate with non-Christians, or people who are pro-choice. They are also discouraging people of certain religions or beliefs from applying. The point is not about free-speech. The point being made is not trying to disparage the US. The point is that the signs like this are like a “marking” to identify who is part of “us” and that “we” are right. If you don’t have a sign or jesus-fish on your car you are one of “them.” Why do these people need to scream to the world that they have a certain belief and that they are right? To many it is very rude and seems almost like someone is trying to force feed their beliefs to you. It is a way of dividing, not finding common grounds and showing respect for the beliefs of others. Would you be OK with companies putting “white is right” on their trucks? Would black people want to work there? It’s not too different.

    4. Obesity is a problem that causes death and health problems. The types of food, and levels of obesity are epidemic in the US. Somewhere the corporations, government, and people in the US lost complete sense in terms of what food is produced, allowed to be sold/produced and how to eat. I can’t say Canada is too much better, but I’ve been to many states and provinces, and I can notice that there is a much larger proportion of overweight and obese people in the US. Compared to 10 or 15 years ago, things have really gone downhill. Relatively speaking Canada is also in a horrible state too compared to other countries (there are a lot of healthy slim people in European and Asian countris – go and you’ll see what I mean.). What are we doing to ourselves? Fast food is like a bad drug, the companies push it, and we can’t get enough – it’s a definite serious problem, I think worse than smoking was in the past. The US has it’s “war on drugs”. Why not a war on “killer fast food”. People who argue that controlling what we eat is taking away choice or freedom also could argue that the war against drugs takes away choice or freedom. Fast food kills people (reduces lifespan) and wastes healthcare resources. WHen I was a kid in school, McDonalds told me that it was “part of a healthy diet.” Cigarette companies had their asses sued off in the US for saying they were harmless. Is it too different? People were addicted to Cigarettes, and people are addicted to Junk food. Not too different.

    3. As mentioned in earlier posts, that slogan is about white supremacy. When racist remarks are accepted on signs, these types of things can grow out of hand. I don’t know much about american free speech laws, but as a human, there is something not right with intimidating other humans.

    2. and 1. These words in the editorial and on the whck-jobs sign could be threatening and intimidating to others. For those that say “words do not hurt people” think about how mobs form. If enough people believe, jump on the bandwagon, or ignore these types of attitudes, how long does it take to go to further stages where these words start to turn into actions? One point about the Mexicans that I think a lot of people in the US don’t get – those Mexicans are there because your corporations want and need them. Your government could stop the immigration if they wanted to, but they don’t because the cheap labour is needed and wanted. It’s all economic. I think that what a lot of people forget is that we are all human. Imagine if you had little choice but to go to a non-English country where you essentially had to do hard work for little money and you weren’t even paid enough to pay for a doctor when necessary. How would you like it if the people you essentially were being a servant to kept bitching about how you don’t speak the language, and even put up billboards about it. Can you honestly say that you would immediately stop speaking English and pick up a second language overnight? Amongst other americans, would you really stop talking English? Really, it’s not too likely – it takes immigrants one or two generations to become assimilated and drop their languages. American soldiers are in a foreign land right now – how many of them do you think pick up the local language to please the local people there? Or is Iraq considered American territory now – do you expect the Iraqis to learn English to communicate with the soldiers?

    It’s not about free speech. It’s about opening your eyes and ears and noticing that things are different and picking up on the early stages of larger things that can develop. You need a photograph of how the US was 10 years ago versus now so you can notice the changes. It’s about putting your ear to the tracks and hearing the faint sound of a train off in the distance. By allowing hatred and the seeds of “us, them” mentality, and demonizing groups of people, it sets the stage for worse things that can develop. My Grandparents moved from a European country when they saw seeds developing and moved to Canada just before WWII, and it is damn good for them and me that they did. I am not saying that this is the same situation in the US, but it should be everyone’s duty to do what they can to try to stop anything like that from developing.

    I don’t like US bashing, I agree there is too much of it. I also agree Canada is not too different than the US and is not morally superior, there are things that could be improved in both countries, and all countries. I think people should try to focus on constructive relationships with all countries and peoples. People need to put themselves in other peoples feet and do whatever they can to make the world a better place for all.

  748. 779 Rocky Balboa 11 January, 2008 at 4:01 am

    How can any Canadian call the US racist? (BTW the US is much more tolerant and sensible than you think; it’s obvious when you all post a comment based on this general stereotypical “feel” you get about America from international news) Anyway, Canadians hate the Natives (who we call Native Americans down here for obvious reasons), and never in my life had I seen racial sentiment be so vocalized and publicly accepted than when I lived in Canada.

    By the way, socialized health care drives down quality of care given. I only saw one post mentioning this, but the USA gives a superior quality of care to its citizens. Competition promotes progress and excellence. Just a note, but keep in mind that no system in the world is perfect.

  749. 780 Hidey Ho Neighborino 11 January, 2008 at 4:07 am

    Everyone is wrong. Have fun being stupid.

  750. 781 rawr 11 January, 2008 at 4:07 am

    My, my — it’s fun little puff piece to make us all smile, yes? It certainly isn’t an academic evaluation of the US, and yet, look at how defensive so many of us have gotten? A wee bit insecure are we?

    Loved the piece. So, so sorry for the slice of life served up to you.

  751. 782 Rocky Balboa 11 January, 2008 at 4:08 am

    Oh, also, to correct some fellow Americans: the Canadian stereotypical pronunciation of about (aboot) doesn’t exist. Most of them say “a-BOAT”.

  752. 783 Byron Smart 11 January, 2008 at 4:11 am


    You know your hubris excuse doesn’t win anything except a term paper you can submit on how to be a passive aggressive fuck head. Your such a pussy that you hide behind a concept that clearly comes from the many women that rejected your dimwitted humor and as an escape you tried to make it a brilliant plan.. For what the one whom is really pissed and wanting to see perhaps if digg had something decent on the front page for once.. Only to see the same old shit time and time again, and getting lucky I was in a really fucking bad mood to begin with. You need to get out of being a Canadian and get a clue about being out of your programming..

    Want to know what FREAKED the hell out of me..

    Fucking propaganda pictures on the covers of cigarettes that cost 4x the price of them here.. Only to have the bullshit excuse that they are so expense to fight people from smoking.. Well here is a smoking gun, if that were true then the Canadian GOV wouldn’t give FREE matches with your flag in every store to promote that lie.. Wow the irony.. But it is really the raping of the truth upon preying of your weakness. That is why you were so shocked to not see everything that your gov approves as good..

  753. 784 Some Guy 11 January, 2008 at 4:12 am


    You are mistaken about this:

    ” today’s illegal immigrant think they are entitled to come here and have us cater and give everything to them. ”

    Here in California, there’s a very clever trick that the liberal racists pulled to segregate hispanic kids and prevent their assimilation. That’s something they call “bilingual education”. What this amounts to in practice, is assigning any kids who don’t look white enough or have a Spanish surname to a separate classroom, whether or not they speak Spanish, and usually over the objections of their parents.

  754. 785 Jeasus Freak 11 January, 2008 at 4:13 am

    I agree 100% with the messages!

    Jesus Rules, get over it…

  755. 786 James 11 January, 2008 at 4:17 am

    What language is “Casa D’Ice” exactly?

  756. 787 level head 11 January, 2008 at 4:21 am

    I think Italian

  757. 788 Headshots 11 January, 2008 at 4:22 am

    “But the Casa D’Ice boards…they’re enough to make me want to move”

    All I’ll say is that this sentiment is the problem: otherwise smart people wanting to leave this great country because some idiot lives here.

    America is a great and powerful nation, and just because there are a minority of hateful ignorant people (like the Casa D’Ice folks) who think they have a special claim on what it means to be an American doesn’t mean they actually do.

    America is the country of everyone who is here. And most of us, in my experience, are good people. Don’t let the ignorant minority take over: stand your ground as an American. The flag represents you as much as them. Don’t let them steal things from us.


  758. 789 smrad8 11 January, 2008 at 4:33 am

    Us Americans, we’re feeling a bit defensive because things haven’t gone our way for a while – we thought we’d bust a lying philanderer and his pals in the chops so we elect a chummy frat boy instead – the guy you’d want to have a beer with. It didn’t turn out so well. Before Sept. 11, who could have thought that we’d need a real leader? So, we get all spooked out, let ourselves get suckered about bogus WMDs, then we get pinned down because the frat boy hired his frat buddies to try to do the job. Then Katrina happens and wipes a great American city off the planet – more frat buddies bungle things. Torture comes out, Abu Ghraib comes out, Guantanamo keeps dragging on, whatever – same thing. It just hasn’t been a good stretch of time for America.

    So, a lot of people can’t handle (or admit) that we’ve lost our moral edge. We’ve been a great country, you know – created a model Constitution, helped out in all the World Wars, liberated people from fascism, stood up to the commies and all that – so we see ourselves as good and helpful and everything, but it’s not exactly how things are now days. Frustrating to the max. So someone comes down from Canada, points out a bit of closed-mindedness and bigotry, and this hostile, intolerant and reactionary feedback is the result. We’re just defensive these days. Hopefully, it doesn’t become endemic.

    Maybe, 20 years from now, Iraq will be more like Korea, our government will stop acting like people we don’t like, and we’ll be friends again with the rest of the civilized world. Maybe – but if the rest of the world keeps telling us what we can put on our signs, or how we should live our religions, or what our private companies can or can’t paint on their trucks, it’ll take a little longer to reconcile. It’s not freedom of speech that Americans cherish most – it’s freedom. Loss of moral standing or no, we still value our freedom more than anything else.

  759. 790 whapaa 11 January, 2008 at 4:34 am

    go chargers!

  760. 791 Maria 11 January, 2008 at 4:59 am

    Was there anything about America you actually liked? It seems to me that you probably went there with tinted glasses, waiting and snapping shots of things that “scared” you. America is huge, obviously. And has much more to offer than these 5 examples of slander, xenophobia, and truly gut-wrenching food.

    I’m an American, and not the flag-waving type either (I’m actually quicker to call myself a Californian) and I’ve been living in Spain for over 2 years now. I’m really tired of feeling the need to defend the US for whatever extreme story the local sensationalist news has to offer. It’s time that people wake up and realize that there’s much more to a country that’s more varied in cultures than the typical images of ultra-conservative, patriotic, inwardly focused, Bible rollers, and people with weight issues. It’s time that people open their eyes and stopped being as closed-minded as those ignorant Americans that they most deeply fear.

  761. 792 james 11 January, 2008 at 5:02 am

    i haven’t read all four million comments but i agree with the fact that americans have become so reactionary simply because this “AMERICA SUCKS” bullshit has become so commonplace. for those of us that truly do love the place we live in, not so much the government, eventually get frustrated and snap. anonymity contributes to this too.

    one thing i do hate hearing all the time is that “we aren’t doing anything about” our government. what makes you think we can? we get a real chance every FOUR YEARS to do something about it. letters to congressman nearly never make a difference, and those congressmen that we elect in hopes of making a change are the ones being brainwashed. the brainwashing the rest of us get is mainly BUY THIS CRAP NOW CALL 1-800-JENNY. we don’t get a chance to vote, and protesting doesn’t work because oh hey, those important lawmakers can just get in their Tax Increase Edition mercedes and drive home to their gated community.

    tl;dr version: sorry, planet. us americans with some semblance of a brain are just too tired to fight it anymore. we’ll try to get a decent human being in office this year. here’s hoping.

  762. 793 Yankee Bob 11 January, 2008 at 5:11 am

    What a lame article

  763. 794 Murphy 11 January, 2008 at 5:29 am

    Wow, just last night I was #35, and now I’m more like #735.

    A few observations….

    Doesn’t seem like it takes much ribbing to drive the fuckwits into the open, does it? It would be nice if they could learn 5th grade spelling and grammar. I suggest they return to reading their comic books—but not Superman, because that’s Canadian.

    To those who injected references to the War of 1812, you should know this…The US thought this would be a lovely time to expand their territory, as the area known as Canada was British, and Britain was a little pre-occupied with a fellow named Napoleon at the time. The invasion was beaten back by Canadians, average people, but admittedly under the leadership and command of British officers. These forces advanced to Washington, and under the terms of the surrender of the city, it was agreed that private property was to be respected, but not public buildings.

    And you did read that correctly. AMERICANS SURRENDERED TO CANADIANS.

    The Presidential Mansion at the time was bright red, and after it was gutted and burned, it needed a fresh coat of paint. Unfortunately, mercury was an essential component of red paint at the time, and it was in short supply, as it was also an essential component of explosives and fulminate of mercury for percussion caps, used in firearms. These were being consumed in vast quantities in Europe.

    So a decision was made to use a solution of finely ground sea shells, known as “white wash”, which is why the White House is white. And it was probably not the first, and certainly not the last, time the term was associated with 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

    To those who injected references to WW2, you should know this…Canada was into the war first, and offered more soldiers, and suffered more casualties per capita, than the USA. Yes, the Germans could not have been defeated without the USA, but this had much more to do with America’s industrial capacities than America’s military ones. You see, American factories weren’t being bombed on a daily basis. Rosie The Riveter did more to win the war in Europe than GI Joe did. Russia lost six times more lives in the Battle of Stalingrad than America did in the entire war, and over the course of the war, lost over TWENTY MILLION lives. The were fighting the very best of the German army, and by the time America got off its isolationist ass, both sides were ground down. It’s like jumping into a boxing match in the 12th round, and claiming victory.

    The USA lost just under 400,000 lives in WW2, and that includes the Pacific War, which America won almost single-handedly, and of which America should be justifiably proud. This was some of the most inhuman and vicious combat in the history of humanity, against an enemy ideologically opposed to surrender. But don’t claim you saved Canada from Germans…but you did save us from driving Toyotas, watching Toshibas, photographing with Nikons, and playing video games on our Sonys and Nintendos.

    Oh, and before this provokes more knee-jerk fucktards into their poorly composed rants, please consider that Canada supplies more oil to the USA than any other nation, most of your Natural Gas, a high percentage of your electricity, wood, and water. And if you ever think of coming up this way to finish what you started in 1812, remember that it’s a lot easier to figure out who your enemies are when they aren’t named Bob and Fred and Bill. Stick with killing the brown people, they’re easier to spot.

    Of course, you could always ask us to pronounce “about”.

  764. 795 Jay 11 January, 2008 at 5:45 am

    Shit like that makes me be ashamed to be an American. There’s plenty of times where I’ve thought of moving up near the Toronto area.

  765. 796 Taylor 11 January, 2008 at 5:45 am

    no one else seems to notice that casa d’ice signs are all pretty hilarious. oh ya, we have litigated humor out of existence. When i went to canada i noticed they hadn’t had a real government in years and it doesn’t look like anyone is gonna get a majority vote soon. but at least u have that health care for 15% more in taxes. i just use 5% of the 15% the govt doesn’t take and get better health care than you. and i have big balls

  766. 797 john 11 January, 2008 at 5:54 am

    Sorry. We will try to reach the level of perfection the Canadians have achieved.

  767. 798 dEcoy 11 January, 2008 at 6:08 am

    Hating America was so 2004.

    Bleeding red, white, and blue was so 2002.

    And trying to fix the country was so…well, every decade really(and it never works).

    Let’s be honest, every country sucks. You aren’t perfect. I’m not perfect. He’s not perfect. She’s not perfect.

    Why bother playing the “My [insert item attached to insecurity here] is better than yours!” game?

    The whole world is fucked up, get over it.

    It’s cool though, once the Earth is done stock-piling the styrofoam it let us survive to create, it’s going to kill us off anyway.

    This was aimed at the comments more so than the article. I can appreciate a little humor and a jab at my home here and there. Though I do wish everything didn’t get dumped on the South, I mean christ, there are stupid people, red necks, baptists, and racists all over the world, just because there is a denserand more vocal population in a few areas here doesn’t mean we’re all infected. Ignorance isn’t a fucking zombie virus, it only spreads to the willing.

  768. 799 Ken 11 January, 2008 at 6:26 am

    I read your artical about the list of things you found disturbing about America. I have spent over half of my life in the armed forces of this country, US Navy, LT CMDR (ret) three of my last years in Iraq and Afganistan. I watched as the islamists flew the aircraft into the towers and lost several friends that I went to high school with there. I have also spent a great deal of time on other countries where our freedom we enjoy here and you there is not even whispered about for fear of a knock on the door in the middle of the night.
    As for the trucks…The man owns them..and may, in our free country paint what he wishes on the sides. If you are offended, don’t do buiness with him. The company in question has been around for many years so he must not offend too many people….
    As on the matter of the stuffed french toast…As I have pointed out, ours is a free country and we eat what we wish. Good or bad for us, we have no need of a “nanny state” to tell us things are not good for us.
    The billboard…well where should I start….Honor…a lost concept for you….but for many of us, still a concept that hold much importance in our lives. I an honored to be a military man, honored to have fought alongside the men I did for the ideals that drive this still great country to be a shining light in this world.
    The letter to the editor…The man has an opinion. And in this free country, he is free to express it…He is also right. people that ignore the borders and slip into a country to take work from it’s citizens should be expelled. The phrase “jobs that Americans won’t do” is a lie. Who did these jobs before they got here? They drain our already swollen welfare systems. They pay no taxes for the services they extract from us. They cost the citezens of this country a staggering amount of money to in the form of health care, education, and crime they cause.
    The resturant sign….Again it’s a privatly owned buiness….it would go out of buiness quickly if the sign offended too many people.
    I know that we Americans often offend you “open minded” people of the world. I suspect that like most open minded people that you have walked around with your mind open so much, your brains have fallen out.

  769. 800 Gary 11 January, 2008 at 6:27 am

    There are idiots from all over the world and here’s proof:

    1) There are Americans defending that crap
    2) There are Canadians that believe it accurately represents America

  770. 801 Greg 11 January, 2008 at 6:32 am


    those bill boards are SATIRE, if you watch Colbert Report on comedy central you will see its a one to one copy of it. Colbert is a satirist who impersonated right wing politicians by saying the most extreme neoconservative things he can.

  771. 802 reapzor 11 January, 2008 at 6:32 am

    Surely canada doesnt have wack jobs living in THEIR country for some random blogger to walk around and notice and post… Its just America, right?

  772. 803 THX1138 11 January, 2008 at 6:39 am

    Well, judging from the comments here, the majority of Americuns are overly-sensitive, jingoistic, insular, arrogant and incapable of handling a few mere comments (hardly “America bashing”). Stereotyping? Hey, well if the shoe fits…

    I do apologize, Paul– you only saw the tip of the iceberg and most of the responses here only show you how much worse it really is. It explains how Bush got into office, doesn’t it?

    Here are some more typical Americuns:


    and I could go on and on and on (not to mention those I deal with on a daily basis)

    But bring this up and Americuns just get definsive. What they should be doing is getting their act together.

  773. 804 Will S. 11 January, 2008 at 6:39 am

    As an American, I would like to point out that what you show is from the South…and Utah. I live up north in CT, and I would like to tell you guys that up here we also laugh at the ignorance of those in Utah and the rest of the south.

  774. 805 Fiona 11 January, 2008 at 6:39 am

    im an american who lives in egypt and has lived overseas for the past 7 years and every summer i return to the states. Over here, in egypt, i experience the muslim views as its gotten more conservative and more girls are wearing the higeb (the head scarf they wear) and when i go to the states i see the same growing christan fundamentalism… people everywhere have to learn they all are the same. Every country has their own issues, America’s is that they are too isolated. Did you know that the canadian dollar is now WORTH MORE then the american dollar? America needs to wake up and realize they are not the best country in the world, that everyone hates them, and the american overseas (like me) have to deal with all the shit. Americans love america because of what it is, and its foundations are what it is losing.. the land where you can persue your dreams, escape persecution, have freedom of speech and freedom of religion… now we put down those who want to enter the country (im against illegal immigrants, but think the requirements for a green card are too difficult for those who need it, like in less developed countries), we arrest and dont listen to protesters(even when they are ‘the people’), we are turning into a country of one religion (which is intolerant to those who dont take jesus as their personal savior), our education and healthcare system are the worst in western countries… americans are in their own world as they only physically interact with canada (which has soo many similarities to america) and mexico. While everyone hates america, nobody knows canada (so i guess you all have your own issues ;) )
    Its a fad to pick on america right now hopefully with the presidency that will change, but only if we show the world we can… vote obama!
    end note: we all have our own national issues, and america/canada stop living in a bubble

  775. 806 Wendy Windblows 11 January, 2008 at 6:41 am

    Living in the south you often see companies and products with “fish” on them. Supposedly stating- we’re a x’ian company so buy from us not our competitors.

    I hate it, not because they’re religious – but when someone tries to use (abuse) religion to advertise their product it really turns me off that product.

    I never buy products or shop from stores that have “x’ian fish” on them.

  776. 807 Plato 11 January, 2008 at 6:42 am

    Arguing over the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose–you are still retarded.

  777. 808 deb 11 January, 2008 at 6:48 am

    Maybe there were more crazy things to be freaked about?
    Like the health system in the US where a price is given to part of your bodies and you have to pay tons of money to just get normal health examinations that in most other countries of the world would be free,or 100 times cheaper.
    This is scary, when people get thrown out of the hospital even if they are sick bc they cannot pay the fee
    when there is no maternity leave
    when the work holidays are 2 weeks a year (in Europe it is 5/6 weeks a year)
    when you are allowed to shoot someone who enters your garden(what if it was not a criminal)
    when in many states there is the death penalty

    how can you seriously say that you wouldn’t want to live in any other country than the US? you must be a masochist!!!

    But of course there are also beautiful things about the US, and if it wasnt for Americans, us europeans would have been f***ed up in the world war!!!!
    And all the great movies and great actors or musicians (Smashing Pumpkins my favourite!)

    A European

  778. 809 Jack R. 11 January, 2008 at 6:56 am

    Hmm… maybe a fence along our northern border…..

  779. 810 Jay T. 11 January, 2008 at 6:56 am

    In agreement with most of the New Englanders posting above me, I’d really like to point out that all of those rather creepy aspects of the South are just that, and don’t necessarily represent the opinions of we New Englanders. Up here in New England, we’re just as freaked out as you are, if not more so, by the occasionally quite bigoted Southern point of view. However, despite there being a much larger majority of bigoted Southerners than sane ones, I’d like to once again point out that there ARE sane, good-willed people living down there, even in the Deep South.

    Although you may see this freaky crap more often than you might like if you tour the South, come to Boston or pretty much anywhere in New England and meet some people who are actually disgraced to be lumped in with the Southerners.

  780. 811 Dana 11 January, 2008 at 6:57 am

    Hey, fun list. All those things are pretty freaky. I bet if I were to go into any other country I would have a similar list, and I bet if I were to publish such a list about any other country, I would likely get a bunch of natives going “what? that dosn’t define US!”. (Hey, man, I hear in France, they kiss each other in greeting! Wacky!)

    I am actualy more amused by the comments to this article. It is just a list of things seen that made a fun post, it isn’t billed as the deffinitive list of things wrong with the US of A! I could go downtown and make a similar list, things that are freakin’ me out, in my own hometown. I might, just.

  781. 812 Doug 11 January, 2008 at 7:10 am

    God Bless America!

  782. 813 Vegard 11 January, 2008 at 7:12 am

    I live in Norway, and I’m glad I do! :)
    I laughed pretty hard of the Wal-mart thing though, haha.

  783. 814 GummieMummie 11 January, 2008 at 7:13 am

    So, you visited all of America and the 5 things that freaked you out where all in the United States? I though that, as a Canadian, you could actually differentiate a continent form a country.

  784. 815 Rob 11 January, 2008 at 7:13 am

    Jay T, how many southeners do you know? Are we really all that bigoted. How many Blacks or Mexicans do you have living within 300 yards of you? Don’t call it till you’ve been there.

  785. 816 Phillip McKann 11 January, 2008 at 7:18 am

    Please, Dear God, let Hillary or Obama get elected so I can have four years of peace and quiet away from the constant, soulless, pathetic, bleating of the left.

    Historically, the first and second American Great Awakenings, which were evangelical surges throughout the country, introduced the concepts of equality between man and government (first), and gender/race equality (second) to the entire world. So religion can’t be all bad.

    You know what I saw in Canada that freaked me out? The red light district in BC. It knocked my socks off.

  786. 817 Phillip McKann 11 January, 2008 at 7:21 am

    Oh yeah, another thing: As American clamps down on illegal immigrants, the Mexicans don’t go south, back to Mexico. They go north, to Canada. A little gift from your Uncle Sam. Just trying to help.

  787. 818 dh 11 January, 2008 at 7:22 am

    As for the trucks.. well that would freak me out as well. How is Christian fundimentalism any different from any other religious fundimentalism?

    Is that really a question?

    It is very rare for any sect or form of Christian fundamentalism to cut of your head. Compare with other forms of religious, or secular, fundamentalism. The difference is stark.

  788. 819 Jerry 11 January, 2008 at 7:24 am

    The internet has become a billboard for ignorance and stupidity just like the Casa signs. Blog sites are nothing more than an anonymous billboard, allowing people to voice their opinions without accountability. I do not subscribe to the Casa owners beliefs, but at least he stands up for what he believes in person rather than posting on a website were only words can be the response. I know I can walk up to him and say, “You know… that information you put on your billboard is narrow minded and embarrasing… can you take it down?” I do know he would probably tell me to go and do something with my person in private that I wouldn’t let my dog do, but at least he holds himself accountable. I think more Americans need to voice their opinions and hold our leaders accountable, so that we as Americans can regain the integrity of this country that our Founding Fathers instilled in the Constitution in the first place. The thing about Democracy that some people have forgotten is this…. You may not like/agree with everything your neighbor says/believes/does, but if there is no physical harm that can come of his/her actions, then they are entitled to their own beliefs so get over it. If you are stupid enough to belief/agree with redneck attitude, you should have stayed in school past 5th grade. Let me leave with saying this, we as Americans need to become more educated as a whole, stand up for what we believe, and hold ourselves accountable for our individual actions.

  789. 820 tlapia 11 January, 2008 at 7:33 am

    You need to get out more often!

  790. 821 Ralph McCrum 11 January, 2008 at 7:36 am


  791. 822 Daniel (UK) 11 January, 2008 at 7:39 am

    LOL at an American correcting a Canadian on their accent. Americans speak a weird, perverted form of English which we don’t complain about :p. Commenting on someones accent is getting personal. Btw, if you think Canadians have a funny accent, have a listen to a Geordie accent :P

  792. 823 dopler 11 January, 2008 at 7:39 am

    You sir are a moron. Freedom means eating and expressing yourself. Move to Cuba if you don’t like the USA. They will tell you how you have to express yourself. You put yourself above us but it is you who is close-minded. Unfortunately you do have the freedom to travel to the USA, if you chose not to exercise that freedom we won’t miss you!

  793. 824 Fiona 11 January, 2008 at 7:44 am

    eating.. yourself??

  794. 825 Linda 11 January, 2008 at 7:46 am

    I am an American and I have traveled all over the world and I sure don’t like what these Americans have said. BUT! It is amazing that we live in a country that they can say it! And I can say what I want and my neighbor can say what they want. etc etc. Sure we do not have to agree and we may be horrified but I am sure glad I live in a county where all ideas, the good, the bad and the ugly can be expressed.

  795. 826 Linda 11 January, 2008 at 7:50 am

    PS I have been to Canada and loved it but there were things there that freaked me out to. But, I am nice and will not list them. :)

  796. 827 Rob 11 January, 2008 at 7:51 am

    Hillary or Obama are the constant, soulless, pathetic, bleating of the left.

  797. 828 Alex 11 January, 2008 at 7:51 am

    Hey Paul ! Stop to talk about the US like a Continent, you are American too, not only Canadian, everyone knows the bad things of the US society, let the US sink into they’re own shit if they want to.

    A Proud Native American

  798. 829 insanep 11 January, 2008 at 8:02 am

    There are many things about my Canada trip (more than 5 actually) that i didnt like. But i’ll keep my mouth shut.

  799. 830 USA 11 January, 2008 at 8:03 am




    I AM AMERICA AND SO CAN YOU, gay face.

  800. 831 Joe 11 January, 2008 at 8:04 am

    Please just know that not all of us are that ignorant (referring to the number one spot).

  801. 832 Jim Edwards 11 January, 2008 at 8:11 am

    We all have dirty laundry…Yes even the perfect country of Canada has people in their country who make them all go “ahhh…” It’s the dirty side to a free country. But for every moron who posts crap on a billboard, their is another who is able to lobby his government, petition the state, and change how our society works for the good of all. Your post meets all the criteria to make it on congrats. And honestly it’s funny, and makes you look at your self in a new light. The rest of ya, grow up, it’s the web, this guy ain’t running for office, and even if he seriously thinks Americans are jacked up, then he’s probably one of the guys in Canada that the rest of the country says “ahhh…” every time he open his mouth….But I doubt that’s the case too.

    Their are people who will wake up this morning and fight for the freedom you enjoy today to post lame crap on websites….so stop arguing online…click, laugh, *sigh*

  802. 833 Soon-to-be-expat 11 January, 2008 at 8:16 am

    QUOTE: “It is amazing that we live in a country that they can say it! And I can say what I want and my neighbor can say what they want. etc etc. Sure we do not have to agree and we may be horrified but I am sure glad I live in a county where all ideas, the good, the bad and the ugly can be expressed.”

    Just because one has the freedom to say something doesn’t mean one OUGHT to. This is a point many Americans don’t get about Point #5. Americans love what they call “freedom” but they don’t like the RESPONSIBILITY that comes with freedom. And so when you get a country that, on a CULTURAL level, tolerates anti-intellectualism and religious fundamentalism, racism, xenophobia and insularity, etc., then THAT becomes the norm.

    Society can and does set the standard for themselves, regardless of what “freedoms” they have. While these backwards ideas can be found in every society, the difference is that American society doesn’t think its a big deal to set higher standards for themselves. There is such a thing as POSITIVE peer pressure, but this is almost entirely absent in American discourse.

    Because most Americans have this attitude of “Its great to live in a country where so many people can have the freedom to say x, y or z,” then Americans aren’t trying to have any standards for themselves. they’ve all absolved themselves of their responsibility as human beings and as citizens. It is nothing more than cultural nihilism. And so the US is now reaping what it has sown.

  803. 834 Bart 11 January, 2008 at 8:17 am

    You could have picked better known and more unhealthy from Upstate New York like Nick Tahou’s Garbage Plate. Never heard of stuffed French toast, and I’ve spent my whole 29 years in Upstate.

  804. 835 Uncle Billy 11 January, 2008 at 8:20 am

    Re #5 – I’m an atheist myself, but I support the right of anyone to start their own company and do what they want in that company with religious messages. Religious tolerance extends to Christians, too, you know. It’s when it gets mixed into schools and government that we should get upset.

  805. 836 Alan 11 January, 2008 at 8:27 am

    So the french toast really freaks you out? ok we’ll get rid of that but we are keeping everything else.

  806. 837 anon e. moose 11 January, 2008 at 8:30 am

    While I detest fattening food and have a great deal of animosity towards the religious extremists and xenophobes who live all around me (I live near Pittsburgh; never seen that sign), it’s important to remember that America pioneered the right to free speech in the modern world.

    I won’t speak to the political heritage and machinations that sustain such a backwards, close minded attitude among a large percentage of our population. Regardless, you do your country and ours a disservice by scorning the opportunities given to us by our ancestors.

    I know you’re Canadian, so I’ll laugh at everyone else commenting about “people fighting for our freedom” in Iraq (because Iraq was going to invade America AND Canada, amirite?). Free speech is still a wonderment, not something to be afraid of.

  807. 838 charlie 11 January, 2008 at 8:31 am

    wow… most of the american comments posted in response to this thread are quite shocking!
    the OP to this topic is simply saying “5 things i saw in america which, as a canadian, freaked me right out”, not “omg look at these 5 reasons why i think americans are all this….”

    im from england and i can think of 5 things that ive seen in other countries that have freaked me out, like being served a calves head in france for dinner, but that doesnt mean that by saying that im trying to say that all french are crazy baby cow murdering bastards?

    some of you picked up on the “free speech” part, well i hate to break it to you folks but the OP has a right to say whatever and however he feels about america. its the impression he got when he was there, and he cant be scrutinised for that, not matter how much you disagree with him.
    i think some of you need to actually read about what free speech is before you start saying america is tolerant of it but then turn the other cheek and flame this guy for it.

  808. 839 Rizzon 11 January, 2008 at 8:34 am

    Best regards to all of you from Poland.
    Yeah thats right. Poland. That little shi thole near Russia, and Germany ;)

    People, people! Don’t you have anything better to do? “Top 5 things I saw in America…” is funny! So are “Top 5 things I saw in Canada…”, “Top 5 things I saw in France…”, “Top 5 things I saw in Poland…” etc.

    Every country has its bright side, and its dark one. Do you think we don’t have idiots, rasists, morrons and so on in Europe? I’ve been in UK, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, Greece. Shit! Even in Africa. And beleive me. You can find loads of assholes all around the world.

    Who gives the flying shit about them?!

    Make peace not war.
    Study hard and give something back to the society.
    Eat healthy food.
    Love each other.

    And for God’s sake learn to laugh of yourself!

  809. 840 smithy242 11 January, 2008 at 8:37 am

    Casa D’Ice on Google Street View:
    google maps

    Same sign on their web site:

  810. 841 frank 11 January, 2008 at 8:42 am

    All countries have their pro’s and con’s, their intelligent citizens and the not-so. Every person has their own experiences when they visit any country. You take the good with the bad, 9/10 times there is more good experiences than bad.

    I think the biggest issue right now for America is the citizens really need to start thinking about the people they vote in to power and that are running their country. It’s not the actual citizens of America giving the USA a bad reputation, and it’s not the citizens that most of the world hates although it may be directed toward them in anger. The issue at hand is America’s foreign policies, and the government’s “we are a superpower and will do what we want” tactics that spreads the hate.

    I was watching “the View” (I’m not a fan, just and example) some time ago when Rosy was still on the show and they were discussing the war, 9/11 etc… I found it funny and sad at the same time that both Rosy and the dumb blond one didn’t have a clue what they were talking about. Rosy did not have all the facts, but she represented the “9/11 conspiracy” groups and the dumb blond represented the very large population of Americans that really believe that ‘terrorists’ hate America because they just hate freedom BS. These views are representative of what a majority of Americans believe, and until the avg American starts using their mind and reading a little history instead of just taking what their government and media say as fact, your nation will continue it’s downward spiral.

    Some Facts for the “dumb blonde’s” of America:
    * 9/11 was another Pearl Harbour, an event that could have been prevented and that the government had prior knowledge of, that was chosen to be ignored for their own political agendas which provided the perfect excuse to invade sanctioned and oil rich Arab countries (the ones that don’t already have American backed political leaders). If you don’t know what I mean by another Pearl Harbour than you are a lost cause already.

    * There hasn’t been a decade in American history where they haven’t either been at war, invaded another country, assassinated or attempted to assassinate political leaders in order to put a pro American puppet in power, funded terrorists when it suited their political agenda (like that guy, um, Bin Laden, you know the guy who was apparently responsible for 9/11), or bombed and killed innocent civilians and chalked it up to casualties of war. I’m actually surprised it took this long for a retaliation of this magnitude to take place on US soil.

    * This constitution many of you commented on above, is being challenged, your government is stripping away many of your constitutional rights out from under your noses, and yet no one is alarmed.

    Some facts for the “9/11 conspiracy” believers of America:
    * Do you really believe the government would be able to pull of such a conspiracy, with the ego’s and power struggles involved, there would be a very highly unlikely chance of success to pull something like this off without some whistle blower coming forward.

    * There was a plan to invade Iraq before 9/11 happened, this isn’t a conspiracy, you can find evidence of this fact if you just do a little research.

  811. 842 American Dooood 11 January, 2008 at 8:45 am

    Yup, the USA is Kwazy Town…the things you listed are in no way unusual here. There are worse things than stuffed french toast but it’s a pretty good example of american fare that isn’t considered unusual. We have stuffed pizza crust pizza which is just as bad and it’s advertised all over TV. How much worse does it get? There’s a triple bacon cheeseburger at some ball park in Illinois that uses a Krispy Kreme Donut for a bun. We routinely eat fried dough and funnel cake at amusement parks.

    By the way some of the comments here prove your point in spades. We’re a bunch of moronic fuckups down here. We don’t have any free speech – that’s just on the door. It’s bullshit.

    I’m listening to talk radio and the announcers talk about how Baghdad got some snow yesterday, first known snow there in over 60 years. One of the announcers says “Let’s hope it’s a sign of good things to come.” Yeah, it’s divine intervention, dumbass, certainly not global warming or anything bad. It’s a fuckin’ miracle.

  812. 843 Lil Al 11 January, 2008 at 8:50 am

    The USA is like that neighbor with all the cool tools in the shed, the loudest parties, the hottest wife (with fake boobs), the loudest most athletic kids, and arguably the happiest people that us quieter neighbors are allowed to borrow stuff when we need it. It’s true that stereotypes and generalities are often wrong, even within our own countries. I feel more American then Canadian in Vancouver, as I don’t own a snow shovel, I have never tasted poutine, I watch Detroit HD channels, I have a vacation place in the States, and most of the Americans I know don’t own a gun, aren’t overweight, aren’t fundamentalist, can name some other countries on a map, and like me, think we have too many bullets in this world already.

    My greatgrandparents came through Ellis Island too, they were just too cheap to buy land, so they took the free stuff in Saskatchewan.

    Oh, and after playing hockey for 9 years, I could take it or leave it.

    Freedom with accountability!

  813. 844 arm66 11 January, 2008 at 8:59 am

    I think there are still a lot of wrong assumptions here in this thread.
    I don’t think anyone is trying to infringe on Pauliticks freedom of speech. They are just making fun of what he said. There is a difference.
    And no one is really defending the more disgusting items in his list, they are merely admitting that they exist but in no way define us.
    I’m quite sure if that idiot owner of Casa D’ice had a blog and place to discuss it his criticism from US citizens would be so brutal that these comments on here would look like praise in comparison.

  814. 845 Sonny 11 January, 2008 at 9:02 am

    I guess we Americans know who our real friends are and it isn’t the Canadians..

    Feelings mutual, jerk. Nice cheap shot. No go back to running your country PM Harper.

  815. 846 Bill 11 January, 2008 at 9:04 am

    I am all for freedom of speech and I would defend the owner of the eatery outside Pittsburgh to post any ignorant opinion he or she may have on a bill board outside their place of business. But I think the number one problem in America today or shall I say over the past six years ( The George Bush Dumb Dumb Era) is that the press has giving these mindless twits to much attention! You see and hear these type of morons all over the air waves, 24/7 if you watch that rag of a news outlet FOX News! I can’t wait for the 2009 elections!

  816. 847 Corinne 11 January, 2008 at 9:05 am

    I wouldn’t say those ideas reflect all Americans, just enough to get Bush into the white house.

    My great-great grandparents came over from Europe. Of the 3 I have records for only the husband learned English but the women never did. Which makes sense. Plus there were enough European immigrants to talk to at the time to get by, as it is now for Mexicans. Tangent!

  817. 848 communists 11 January, 2008 at 9:06 am

    Pretty funny stuff, i like how 825 comments later you all still think posting on the internet is going to make a difference.

    computers r 4 babies

  818. 849 Robet R. 11 January, 2008 at 9:10 am

    Left america is not responsible for right america

    I wish people like the ones that represent america as a holy land that is justified in everything it does would get a damned education.

  819. 850 Leah (from South Africa....thank god) 11 January, 2008 at 9:10 am

    This is simply amazing! Hundreds of people arguing about which is more disgusting- stuffed french toast or poutine!! How bout you don’t put extra cheese on anything for a second and be disgusted with the fact that 15 million children die of hunger every year.
    There is a much bigger picture people….please, open you eyes.
    Yes well, Good luck. I hope you don’t all resort to eating each other.

  820. 851 Mike 11 January, 2008 at 9:16 am

    You are a fucking canadian faggot

  821. 852 Bobby 11 January, 2008 at 9:18 am

    Pretty lame post, actually…..

  822. 853 Max Power 11 January, 2008 at 9:20 am

    I don’t care about 5, 3, 2, 1, because if these are your first experiences dealing with ignoramouses, I suggest you leave your house more often. They exist everywhere, in every country, and many of them have different agendas.

    Instead, I’m going to talk about the stuffed french toast. I’ve had it a few times though never as you’ve described it. The stuffed french toast I’ve had, and not only in my home state of Pennsylvania, has always been french toast stuffed with cream cheese. There’s never been any bacon or American cheese (American cheese in french toast doesn’t even make any sense.) And for the record, I’ll guarantee you I’m in far better shape than you.

  823. 854 adam 11 January, 2008 at 9:28 am

    Embarrased as a Canadian by this lame blog spam.

  824. 855 Howard Beale 11 January, 2008 at 9:29 am

    Blah blah blah. If it scares you so much, then stay the fuck in Canada, and save us from having to listen to all your Canadian WHINING!

  825. 856 To a smug Canadian 11 January, 2008 at 9:31 am

    I’m not quite sure what’s wrong with three of these five supposedly terrible things, since they revolve around the freedom of expression. The trucking company has the right to put their Christian message on their trucks, just as a Muslim, Jewish, or Hindu company would. If it was a say, Buddhist message on the truck, would you be so shocked? The guy who has his opinion on immigration, and the billboard are also just statements of opinion brought out to the public forum…there’s nothing wrong with that. The point of freedom of religion and free speech is not to look through all speech and then censor everything that isn’t pleasing, because that defeats the point. To be truly free you have to see things you don’t agree with, but you have to realize that other people do agree with this. Where do you draw the line? So many of the “super tolerant” Canadians and Europeans who take such pleasure in endlessly criticizing America do so by basically condemning free speech as something that must be limited and censured. Let people say what you want…if you want their right to do so to be limited, and if you’re so appalled at their expression, then you too are intolerant.

  826. 857 AmericanDave 11 January, 2008 at 9:32 am

    Hey, look, it is another American hating Canadian. Big surprise there.

    Things that surprised me on my trip to Canada:

    Beer delivery with no ID check.
    All the women were cheap, easy sluts.
    6 month wait for medical procedures.
    16 month wait for dental procedures.
    The second largest industry is phone sex.
    There is no such thing as Canadian culture.

  827. 858 Jack 11 January, 2008 at 9:38 am

    Top Five Things that Freaked Me Out When I Lived in Canada

    5. Canadian bacon
    4. 3 of 5 people on welfare
    3. Epidemic inferiority complex
    2. American dependence
    1. The continued selling of indulgences

  828. 859 Mike 11 January, 2008 at 9:38 am

    A few of these embarass me as an American. We’re not all idiots, i promise.

    By the way, most of you douchehats who’re flaming him for this post, you’re only reinforcing his ideas. You’re close-minded fools.

  829. 860 Bobby Lee 11 January, 2008 at 9:39 am

    Is this cheapass QuebecoiS serious? He needs to learn how to drive and spend a little money on himself before he can talk about “what scares him”
    Canada Gucks, there is nothing notable that ever occurs in that empty place. Go back to Quebec, you cheap, stupid Canuck!

  830. 861 Karl Frank 11 January, 2008 at 9:40 am

    Ah. Another jealous Canadian. “Why does everyone think America is so great? Look at the five things I found wrong with it. God, how can anyone like America?” (In the voice of Napoleon Dynamite, while sitting on the toilet.)

  831. 862 Danielle 11 January, 2008 at 9:42 am

    I’m so pleased that I don’t live in America anymore. ^^ Thank you for reminding me of why I moved overseas.

  832. 863 Nate 11 January, 2008 at 9:43 am

    The article was funny, the comments on it frightening. I try to remind myself that a lot of Digg users are U.S. high schools students just trying to stir shit up- and that the overwhelming majority of Americans I have known in my life are not stereotypes. I can only hope that the people posting the “Americans are all idiots, hope there is another 9/11…” garbage are likewise marginal losers in whichever countries they live in.

    I run a nonprofit, am educated, and work hard to make the world a better place. The amount of shit I take from Europeans and Canadians when I travel abroad is unfair and disgusting. The anti-U.S. shtick is getting pretty tiresome. If you think you are so much more enlightened and accepting don’t tell me. Show me.

  833. 864 Sonny 11 January, 2008 at 9:46 am

    You are welcome. Now go shave your armpits you nasty b1tch.

  834. 865 proud US citizen 11 January, 2008 at 9:46 am

    People speak, shout, and complains and it seem to me they know nothing,
    if other nations call the US, imperialists, rednecks, arrogant, infidels etc on any tip of a hat…. than why others are shocked when we call them bunch of camels ? well I find it to be common courtesy….
    and as for the shocked Canadian, OMG please…..once I was watching the news on CBC on Canada day (1st of July) and there was a journalist asking Canadians that were celebrating on Parliament hill in Ottawa and the journalist asked some of them “why are you proud to be Canadians” she answered and I quote “because we have medicare” that is a shocker, is that the only thing you are proud of is the free medicare ?
    I’m from Lebanon and I’m glad my parents migrated from those worthless fanatics muslims that destroyed my country, Lebanon…

    In the US if you want a french toast fried with butter and on top a piece of butter, you can have it, if you want a little piece of sprout for breakfast you can have this too, if you want halal slice of pizza you can have this, in other countries if I want a Hawaiian piece of ham with a pineapple on top I might be hanged for enticing the devil…

    for all the reasons/experience that I learned traveling in over dozens of countries and 6 languages under my belt (learned during my traveling)
    the most courteous people I’ve met, were Americans…

    God bless this country that I love so much with all it’s special hickups

    A dedication to my fellow Heroes our Soldiers:

    My very dear America
    Indication are very strong that we shall move in a few days, perhaps tomorrow lest I should not be able to write again I feel impelled to write a few lines that may fall under your eyes when I shall be no more, I have no misgivings about, or lack of confidence in the cause in which I ‘m engaged and my courage does not halt or falter, how great a debt we owe to those who went before us, through the blood and suffering of the revolution, I’m willing, perfectly willing to lay down all my joys in this life and to pay that debt, but something whispers to me that I shall return to my loved ones unharmed, If I do not my dear America, never forget how much I love you and when my last breath escapes me on the battle field, it will whisper your name, my beloved America.

    In the same Spirit and Love of Sullivan Ballou

    God bless America
    a proud US citizen

  835. 866 Anthony 11 January, 2008 at 9:50 am

    So is the price for Freedom of Speech

  836. 867 kaykfrink 11 January, 2008 at 9:55 am

    As somebody who lives in Upstate New York (way upstate, on the American side of the St. Lawrence) I can say I have never heard of Stuffed French Toast. However, it does sound disgustingly unhealthy. In fact, it sounds like it goes along with with the bacon cheeseburger that uses two donuts for buns.

  837. 868 paulitics 11 January, 2008 at 9:58 am

    I should point out yet again to the 400 people who’ve posted in the past 12 hours that I attack Canada just as good as I attack the U.S.. Read through the rest of the blog and you’ll see.

    The only difference is that when I attack Canada, Canadians are more likely than not to join in with the fun while Americans will, judging from above, write 800 replies here and over 1000 replies elsewhere saying ‘how dare you attack us with your horrible, insensitive words.’

  838. 869 Jenna 11 January, 2008 at 10:00 am

    I just wanted to say, as an American, of course, that it is slightly appalling to me that there are people here that are SHOCKED (INCESENSED even) that anyone is saying anything about this country. (Oh, and just for reference, I’ve never heard “aboot,” either.) I have seen for quite some time that this country has been following a pretty scary path of bigotry, ignorance, and behaviour that is nothing short of antagonistic.
    #5–Frankly, terrifying to me, as well, seeing as I would rather not have everyone else’s religion pushed into my face (believe what you want), please leave me and mine out of it.
    #4–Also disgusting. There is sucha thing as food without a bunch of grease and crazy thrown in. This is why American children (oh, yeah, and their parents) are obese.
    #3–With my husband being from the south himself, I can say that we both agree that, while there are good things about the south, they tend to be bigoted, exclusive, and they truly believe that they should have won that war. Also, when my husband’s mother told me what was the ‘black’ neighborhood (with a whisper), I couldn’t believe that anyone really still talked like that.
    #2–While, obviously, this man is an idiot, he does have a point from a purely economic standpoint at least. While I am a direct descendant from Irish immigrants who came over during the famine, I do think that immigrants are getting far too many handouts. However, don’t get me wrong, if it were up to me, I would get rid of the handouts altogether (with the exclusion of being actually sick) not just the immigrants. And, I don’t think the immigrants are any more or less “greedy,” I think that they do what we show them that they can do.
    #1–Stupid. Just plain stupid. (While I do agree that to come to this country, you should speak English, just like you have to learn other country’s languages to move there…)

    Really, I have seriously considered getting out of this country, simply because of the constant infringement on rights (like the right not to be wire-tapped, and the right to believe any thing I want without getting told that I’m going to hell). But, considering that every country has problems, I figure I may as well try to fix what’s here when I can.

  839. 870 STEEEEVE 11 January, 2008 at 10:08 am

    lol at the people who got mad.
    Americans take everything so seriously and will shout and yell about everything that even remotely criticizes there way of life (which this list doesn’t at all).

    especially down here in Texas. (i live in Austin)

    P.S. i went to Ontario once, the place was awesome

  840. 871 Joe 11 January, 2008 at 10:10 am

    American cheese is great. I guess I forget sometimes that it’s not common anywhere else. There’s all different types of American cheese – I don’t like the Kraft Singles at all, but I love the Land’O’Lakes American Cheese. It’s fantastic for cheezeburgers and sandwiches.

    Because American cheeze is a “processed” cheeze (it was originally a mix of other cheeses, but now is generally just made on it’s own) there’s no TRUE flavor for the cheese. However, most restaurants and deli counters sell decent American cheese – like the Land’O’Lakes.

    Give it a try! You’ll like it!

  841. 872 Anton 11 January, 2008 at 10:10 am

    Did you find anything good about our country?

  842. 873 nova 11 January, 2008 at 10:11 am

    Hey guys, If u really wanna just enjoy a trip to america all u need to see in nyc and california lol. Honestly the rest of it is all bullshit with uneducated ppl telling everyone how to think and live. I myself live in NYC and those 5 things are rare here. Most ppl are chill and know what they are talking about when u have a conversation with them. Im ashamed to be living in such a country but we gotta all start with ourselves i guess. The whole world is going crazy. Smoke a joint and relax ppl why is there so much bs going on these days?

  843. 874 RobbieCrash 11 January, 2008 at 10:11 am

    After spending the first 24 years of my life in Winnipeg, then moving down to Baltimore, I’ve got to say that those five are the tip of the iceberg.

    There are a lot of things I really like about living here, many of them the benefit of the massive population supporting a much larger arts and underground music scene (not to mention the amount of museums, art galleries, dance shows, and other cultural events and venues). However, there are many more things that I don’t like about living here, the attitude of the casa d’ice being accepted publicly without massive outrage being one of those things. Then there’s the casual racism, the disdain for science, the disregard for religious freedoms, the love it or leave it attitude.

  844. 875 AnonymousChicken 11 January, 2008 at 10:11 am

    Yeah… now that I’m reading this… I wonder if Canada has an asylum program, and if atheists like me can get in on it. Quickly.

  845. 876 madlift 11 January, 2008 at 10:14 am

    Check out this story from Maclean’s (Canadian version of Time or Newsweek) about the rise of bigotry in Canada and compare it to the author’s observations. Illuminating, eh?

  846. 877 Dan 11 January, 2008 at 10:14 am

    As a Vermonter I feel a kinship with all Canadians. There are times when I wish I just move there and be done with things here, but I doubt that things are really that much different when you look at it. Religious slogans on trucks and the whole Camel Jockey thing.. those are the crazies of the US. I feel the same as you!

  847. 878 psycho 11 January, 2008 at 10:16 am

    It makes me wonder why, out of all the places in the world you could go on holiday that you chose America. Yea, that’s right the good old USA. You remember the bottom side of Canada. The Country that give’s away 1/4 of their National GNP to the well deserved 3rd world countries Canada included to the tune of 22.6 Billion in 2006 (latest figures available)
    The USA, that is there for every natural and un-natural disaster in every country around the world. The USA that has defended other nations against tyranny no matter how foolish or how costly to us as a nation both in terms of money and in the lives of our country men and women. The USA, home of many a Canadian actor or actress that couldn’t find or didn’t want to work in their beloved Canada.
    If you don’t like our “racist” attitudes, or our religious freedoms, or our interesting cuisine, then go somewhere else. Why not go somewhere that has the equality and political correctness you crave. Iran, or the Middle East, it’s a great place. Where you can stone your daughter to death, marry as many wives as you can afford, and most of all, do it in the name of Allah. You can hate and kill your neighbor just because his idea of Allah doesn’t conform to yours, and do it yet again in the name of Allah. Or, let’s talk about such exotic places as South America, where Kidnapping runs at about 40%. And the political leaders in some countries (Venezuela) are so far out there in left field (American term referring baseball) that he actually believes that the mean ole USA is going to attack his crappy country. Yet, he still allows those hated Americans, to have multi-billion dollar companies in his country, as long as they pay him!
    Screw you Hosier! You Canadians always think that you have such high morals to stand upon; yet, your country is so screwed up, you can even decide on a common language. Get real; if it wasn’t for the good old USA, you would still be the step-child of England.
    Piss off. Go somewhere else next holiday season!

  848. 879 paulitics 11 January, 2008 at 10:18 am

    Anton (#854), you wrote “Did you find anything good about our country?”

    Yes, I found lots very enjoyable. I wrote about multiple times it in about 4 different comments above which you can look for, if you’re interested.

    I loved the climate. I loved the food (most of it, some of it I can’t believe your FDA allows to be consumed by humans). I loved swimming with dolphins, which I got to do in Key Largo.

  849. 880 danny 11 January, 2008 at 10:22 am

    Go to upper New York and check out a ‘garbage plate’, by those standands french toast is positively healthy. I’ve always thought it was neat that in the US every city seems to have a signature dish, but yes, quite often it is quite disgusting depending on the area. In Canada of course, the kinds of restaurants that HAVE signature dishes have gone the way of the dodo (which people probably ate in some kind of disgusting dish). There isn’t that ‘local’ flavour to most canadian cities partly because there is very little local flavour. When i was at school there was never even such a thing as a high school band, but that is slowly changing. In the US there is much more local democracy, which makes ‘life’ more public. In Canada, municipalities really have no power, and few people bother to show up to vote. Cities are ‘owned’ by the province, and local governments essentially rubber stamp developments and plow roads and thats it.

    So I’d agree that those things make the US more colourful, as mentioned (probably, I’m not reading 800 comments), that means you get some real whackjobs, and of course even wackier people who gripe at people on blogs for pointing out the whackjobs. Why they are wacky though isn’t discussed-the US is supposed to be the ‘free market’ leader (though thats disputable), which means its odd to see businesses with policies that they have to know are going to cost them some business. Obviously it encourages a different kind of business, but thats also quite unusual, to use religion as a selling tool. That is unusual in Canada, and probably most of the world. But as we’ve seen the US is a very christian state.

    One final point about immigration-how soon we forget. Immigrants were given land that didn’t belong to them, and housing. They were given jobs and the opportunity to create jobs. Coming from the east coast of canada I can easily sympathize with the idea of ‘handouts instead of handups’. What is sadly ironic is virtually all the money ‘given’ to immigrants pales in comparison with what is ‘given’ clear channel or microsoft. You want to see handouts, look to corporate america, recently tens of billions has been handed over to investment houses to cover their losses in the mortgage futures fiasco, while americans lose their homes.

    If you want to stop ‘handouts’ to immigrants, first, stop funding their criminal governments so they don’t have to flee their god forsaken countries. Second, take the orange groves away from the criminals who run them with virtual slaves and give them to the workers. You don’t know much about the immigration issue if you think they are living in suburban neighbourhoods getting a big fact cheque and smoking cigars. Again, thats corporate america, the guys who own the media and want you to THINK that the biggest issue is ‘damn immigrants taking money’. If you want to find the real issue, go read the Fortune 500-you know, the guys laying off all the americans.

  850. 881 norcal 11 January, 2008 at 10:22 am

    anyone can stereotype here’s an example based on what i’ve seen in the us on canadiennes

    1. they all eat back bacon
    2. they all say “eh” after everything
    3. “hoser” is used frequently
    4. they pronounce “about” “aboot”
    5. they live eat breathe hockey
    6. they all either drink one of two beers molson’s or labatt

    i’ve been to canada i know that not every canadienne is like the six stereotypes listed above but they can be seen in some aspects of society but if one just goes off of us media’s portrayal of canadiennes then that’s how they’re perceived but i can say that most americans don’t view our northern neighbors that way. besides canada has produced some of america’s funniest comedians. i’m sure this post will be ridiculed but what the hell am i really worth wasting your time responding and if i am what’s that say about yourself?

    btw the french toast bit is nothing compared to southern cuisine did you try fried twinkies while in the south or how about funnel cakes or corn dogs or fried cheese? and i know some places in georgia consider mud to be great food. if one thing is true about southern americans we’ll fry anything hehehe.

  851. 882 craftycow 11 January, 2008 at 10:23 am

    You’ve gotten a billion comments so I probably shouldn’t add to them, but what can I say, I’m the kind of person who can’t keep their mouth shut.

    The stuffed french toast is icky, but also somewhat tasty (from what I’ve heard, I would probably puke if I even tried to eat it). And honestly, as someone from the land a poutain (which is awesome in it’s own really scary artery clogging ways) I’m not so sure you can judge on that one.

    As for the christian company thing – it’s a little weird, but all the more power to them. I imagine they get a lot more business that way. (For the record I am neither that kind of christian, nor pro-life, but I like the fact that I live on a country where someone can express their beliefs even when I think they’re idiots).

    Anyway, I spent two months living in a country that is certainly not known for its freedom of speech (former Soviet). Coming home after that, I realized that I love free speech and everything that goes along with it a lot more that I previously thought possible. Yes those people are idiots (or rather I don’t agree with them so I feel that they are idiots). But they are allowed to have and share their opinions.

    And I’m curious where that stuffed french toast was from. I have only ever seen them stuffed with cream cheese or fruit of some sort. Also American cheese is a type of cheese. It is processed by nature (but truthfully, most cheese these days is processed). But anyway it’s processed because it is traditionally a mixture of several types of cheese (don’t ask me which ones, I just know cheddar is involved in some way).

  852. 883 paulitics 11 January, 2008 at 10:27 am

    norcal (#863), read the post again. I never said all Americans were like the 5 things I listed, nor did I say that these were indicative of a majority of the U.S. population.

  853. 884 AnonymousChicken 11 January, 2008 at 10:28 am

    To follow up, an interesting parallel I just realized: Canadians (at least, by many of these comments) look at Americans (like myself) as though they were uneducated, unskilled worthless sloths clinging pathetically onto silly religions and superstitions…

    All the while, accusing Americans of doing the same thing to Mexicans.

    I wonder how it will be when we’re knocking at Canada’s door. :)

  854. 885 jonolan 11 January, 2008 at 10:30 am

    Please DON’T hurry back, eh?

  855. 886 Tee 11 January, 2008 at 10:30 am

    Please don’t generalize and say that all Americans find these things normal and acceptable. As an American, I feel sick in my stomach reading some of this. I have never eaten “Stuffed French Toast” (Besides, is the popular Canadian food “poutine” healthy? I don’t think so.)

    Also, I am against the war and married to an immigrant.

    Not all of us are “rednecks” and I think it was unfair to point out these 5 things from our culture when there are so many people trying to do good.

  856. 887 okron1k 11 January, 2008 at 10:31 am


    you most likely wouldn’t really want that. do you have any idea how much the americans consume that is from canada? think pork and beef alone. yes the US has their own growing as well, but if the US stopped buying canadian pork and beef, they would need to grow a lot more. prices of those meats would sky rocket until the demand could be met.

    and that’s just for those meats.

    canadian pig farmers are also shipping pigs to places like china.

    i dunno. i do believe this blog post has been over reacted to by many americans, who in turn start to get all defensive and try to prove how they are the best country to live in. like i mentioned in a previous post, there is no “best country to live in” it’s all relative to the person. and someone can’t just visit a country and say “i would never want to live here”. you would actually have to live there for quite some time to be able to have a real idea of what it would be like to live there.

    i’ve spent a lot of time in the US. and personally if i had to choose to live in the states, i’d probably go for florida. i liked it better than california.. but i drive a truck and going 55 every where is fucking retarded. florida doesn’t have that limit. california has too many restrictions.

    last i checked, being limited and restricted and told when and where to do anything isn’t freedom. the smoking by-laws for instance. they are in canada too, but they need to be revised. there is no reason to not be able to smoke at a bar.

    “yeah i want to go and get shit-faced and destroy my liver, but the smoke bothers my lungs..” smoking is bad, yes, but having the choice to be able to smoke or not, that’s your own freedom.

  857. 888 Jim 11 January, 2008 at 10:32 am

    I love my freedom fries. Anyone?

  858. 889 danny 11 January, 2008 at 10:32 am

    THe comment above was pretty benign, so I’ll respond to it. Those aren’t stereotypes mentioned, those were five things that the blogger saw on his trip that he’s commenting on-thats it,thats all. It wasn’t meant as an allegory or metaphor, although they could probably be turned into one. One thing people here should agree on, and thats that unfortunately the views of both countries are pretty much formed by six or seven mass media companies, and thats unfortunate-so stop watching and reading them. Actually, the people who say ‘aboot’ and ‘eh’ are all from Minnesota and North Dakota, NOT canada. It wasn’t until I was grown up that I even knew what ‘back bacon’ WAS. I do like to say ‘hoser’ because I thought Strange Brew was one of the funniest movies around-it didn’t go over in the states so well, perhaps because it was a satire of CANADA, not the US.

    THere’s no doubt about the hockey and beer. What is sadly ironic is ‘Molson Canadian’ isn’t even a canadian company-neither is labatts, so what does that say?

    Hockey, like all sports, is a game, and when you elevate any game to the level of nationalistic metaphor you are in trouble. A game means nothing and accomplishes nothing, it says nothing about your hometown or the ‘spirit’ of your hometown. I think it would be more useful if localities and even countries adopted a sexual position-at least thats interesting.

  859. 890 okron1k 11 January, 2008 at 10:33 am


    poutine is just fries, gravy and cheese. it’s not bad.. not one of my choices tho.

  860. 891 avljeff 11 January, 2008 at 10:36 am

    this post and comments are funny. i am american and love canada. i also like freedom. read the signs and think. eat the food and die. if you want to eat radioactive waste – go for it! want to shoot yourself – go ahead! keep america free.

  861. 892 Random American 11 January, 2008 at 10:37 am

    To any American who is bashing Paul or other Canadians because of this post:
    Calm down, it was a pretty funny list of 5 things that are messed up with America. You should all be able to admit that. Although I really don’t get the problem with the french toast thing. Disgustingly greasy fried food tastes good. The availability of this food is not a problem, the inability of many people to control their own eating habits is the problem.

    To any non-American who is bashing the US:
    You don’t seriously believe that the 5 things listed in Paul’s post actually represent Americans as a whole do you? There are plenty of us who appreciate tolerance and are ashamed of our country’s actions on a regular basis. That doesn’t mean that America is a terrible country. It means that we are imperfect and have work to do.

    @ drunkyGriffin (comment # 20):
    Fat Cats and other “Fat” sandwhiches are great, my favorite was the Fat Moon. The “grease trucks” (where those sandwhiches are sold) are what I miss most about my time at Rutgers.

    In response to #5 on the list:
    Yes, it is pathetic that anyone would be this racist/intolerant/ignorant but that last one about the Walmart was pretty funny. If a comedian said that in his/her act we would all be laughing about it.

  862. 893 paulitics 11 January, 2008 at 10:40 am

    danny (#871), your point hit the nail on the head. I can’t believe so many right-wing reactionaries don’t even bother to read through the whole thing before commenting. I never once said that this was indicative of ALL or even a majority of Americans. In fact, in several of the comments above, I explicitly said this was a MINORITY of Americans.

  863. 894 Sal 11 January, 2008 at 10:42 am

    Canadians have always been easily offended. Things American just seem to offend their sensitive natures like an upleasant odor. Curiously, they didn’t seem to be offended when my father was freezing at the Battle of the Bulge. Perhaps they like to act superior, as if they’re British. Ufortunately, they just don’t have the credentials.

  864. 895 deadline416 11 January, 2008 at 10:44 am

    My five pet peeves about my interaction with Americans in the South, and I’ve lived here for eight years:

    1. They assume I am from Quebec and am fluent in French. They say, ‘Parlez vous francais?’ and I reply, ‘Un petit peux,’ and then there is silence and a blank stare.
    2. They mock me for saying ‘eh?’ and think they’re brilliant for replying, ‘B?’
    3. Been asked if the Queen is our president.
    4. Been asked if I live in an igloo.
    5. “You’re from Canada? Isn’t that, like, in the Caribbean?”

  865. 896 frank 11 January, 2008 at 10:45 am

    @ 869
    The reason smoking laws exist, for public places like bars, is not because of your choice to smoke, but because of a non-smokers right to not have to inhale your exhaust. 50 people in a bar can drink without being forced to drink what every other person is drinking. If half of those people are smoking, then everyone in the bar is smoking whether they choose to or not.

    I am Canadian, I am not a drinker or a smoker, and I can go to a bar in Canada without having to do either. Plus, I don’t smell like an ash tray when I leave.

  866. 897 Kevin 11 January, 2008 at 10:48 am

    Well, just for the Record…

    America is not a Country, Canadians, Mexicans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Brazilians, and a lot of other Countrys on the AMERICAN CONTINENT are “AMERICANS”

  867. 898 JJT 11 January, 2008 at 10:50 am

    My family came to America from Cuba and Spain over the last thirty to sixty years. Everyone in my family save my grandmother speaks fluent English. Everyone in my family works. None of them take a single red cent. If you want to live in America, learn to speak English and go out there and make something of yourself. My grandparents aren’t college educated, but you know something? They worked damn hard so that their children and their children’s children could be. They didn’t sit around whining about how bad they had it and pleading with the government to support them. It shames me to know that so many people who share my heritage lack the pride to make a living for themselves rather than take from everyone else.

  868. 899 plf 11 January, 2008 at 10:51 am

    So, you are defining someone expressing their religion as ‘backward behavior’? yes, I do find that to be fascist and bigotted. Hitler had issues with those with religions different from his own as well, so you are in fine company, young Fuhrer. Sig Heil!

    Comment by Dr. William Bennett — 10 January, 2008 @ 2:37 am

    It seems that Godwin’s Law was proven true in this online conversation. There is always a moron that resorts to Nazi analogies.

  869. 900 tab in pittsburgh 11 January, 2008 at 10:57 am

    I literally live across the street from Casa D’Ice (#5). I HATE THAT PLACE. Everyone I have ever talked to around here hates that place. I’m sure they must be going out of business because the parking lot is always empty. I can’t wait for those douche bags to run out of money and get the hell out of town. The vast majority of people here in Pittsburgh do not share the same feelings as the Casa D’Ice dick holes.

    By the way, the stuffed french toast sounds delicious. haha.

  870. 901 Cain 11 January, 2008 at 10:58 am

    This threat just show the problems with the world today. Many people who have posted on both sides of this argument have very valid points. Stereotyping has been ingrained in all of us, all around the world. It is only the ones who realize it and learn to acknowledge and control it that can begin to make a difference. btw #5 they are his beliefs and are not hurting anybody else. yes they are required, if someone doesnt like that they dont have to work for them, Its one of the benefits of owning your own business. If it was the same message as on the signs it would be a different story. imo

  871. 902 norcal 11 January, 2008 at 11:00 am

    ah you did not explicitly mention that but one can infer that as i’m not the only respondant to your blog that caught that inference. the inference comes from your use of the word locals. since you discussing america one can infer from your use of the word locals that you are stereotyping all americans. i suggest you edit what you write and brush up on your critical thinking skills and learns some boolean logic.

  872. 903 norcal 11 January, 2008 at 11:00 am

    looks like i could use some proofreading too. lol.

  873. 904 Jordan 11 January, 2008 at 11:02 am

    I think that next time anyone visits the United States, they should focus more on what they directly experience and the people they meet.

    PS : Who goes to the US and visits the South East?

  874. 905 Stroger 11 January, 2008 at 11:10 am

    I fail to understand why everyone’s argumentative logic must include self justification based on comparison. Truth is truth, regardless if “the other guys does it too” or “oh ya, well you are worse than us”. Those statements are irrelevant and do not change the facts. Just because both sides are wrong in varying degrees does not change anything. Also, the “its like that, get over it” comments do nothing but affirm your complacent attitude and comfort with inaction and can only lead to further social decay.

    I say this with utmost sincerity. Learn to think properly. The illogical statements throughout these statements is astonishing.


  875. 906 Cain 11 January, 2008 at 11:17 am

    ps I meant thread not threat. Also my comments are not directed at Paul, they are directed at some of the people who post here without relizing the meaning of this entry. I love the US but I could walk two blocks and find more disturbing things than listed above.

  876. 907 Andrew 11 January, 2008 at 11:17 am

    First off, wow: Relax everyone. The OP didn’t say “ZOMG!!11! America is terrible, look at these things I saw.” He said “These things are odd, to me, as a Canadian since they are so wildly different from MY experiences.” Most of the world differentiates little between Canada and America, but these little things point out the differences.

    Secondly, I have a really hard time believing Dr. William Bennett has a doctorate in anything other than logical fallacies from Big Bob’s Internet School of Halfwittery.

  877. 908 dbartho 11 January, 2008 at 11:24 am

    I’m an american. Those thinks freak me out.

  878. 909 Jesse from Tulsa 11 January, 2008 at 11:29 am

    lol @ the entire list:

    Religious “trucks” and other random crap happen all the time. I take mild note, especially when someone with a Jesus fish cuts me off, but it is not unusual.

    I have eaten a deep fat fried twinky. The notion that foods of such nature exist is far from shocking to me.

    I can’t say the Southern Pride billboard wouldn’t turn my head. That seems odd to me on several levels (who pays for such a thing?)

    The letter to the editor is not unusual. Many people have bigoted immigration views and somehow think their immigration was better than someone elses. It is also, mind you, far from an greed upon point. Such extremism is a vocal minority as you notice we allow more immigrants than any other country in spite of such attitudes.

    And the billboards made me laugh. I assume they are designed to be controversial or it wouldn’t garner any buzz for the restaurant. I’m guessing more Americans find then politically incorrect than virtuous. I would find it unusual, if not unheard of.

  879. 910 Paul 11 January, 2008 at 11:29 am

    I just want to add my voice to the chorus of Americans who hate this crap, too. I know it’s hard to see past Bush and the nutjobs who “elected” him to the good America, but believe me, sane people still live here… We’re suffocating under the enormous weight of anti-intellectualism and stubborn ignorance (and obesity, thanks to the butter), but we’re still here.

  880. 911 Justin 11 January, 2008 at 11:30 am

    I’m sure you are quite the decent fellow.

    If THOSE are the things that disturbed you about America, however, You should have sent a little more time here. How about the Depressing ineptitude of our elected officials (and those that are trying to get elected for that matter)
    How About the No Child Left Behind Act that not only normal students to achieve a very minimal level of knowledge (a good idea) but also requires that students born with severe mental handicaps achieve those same goals. the Schools that don’t meet these standards lose funding. That’s right, the schools that really need the money to improve instruction, facilities, supplies, etc. are the ones that LOSE funding. How about the fact that Professional athletes that play games for a living make far more money than those that protect our lives, houses, families, educate our children, and clean up our messes that other folks are too good or to important to clean up.

    That is what is wrong with my country Not some truck with a slogan or some Greasily delicious breakfast concoction.

    I Love my country and would not live anywhere else. And Yes I have been to many parts of the world. But I am Home here.

  881. 912 david 11 January, 2008 at 11:34 am

    I think there are way too many federal agents at this blog. Think about it, a canadian social ist blog that is lucky to get five comments to a thread, suddenly gets 800 because of a list of five things that surprised him. Hmmm. Most of these people don’t sound like socialists to me, so why exactly be at a socialist blog? The venom from a pretty innocuous post shows just how intolerant of, well, everything, americans can be (and lacking in a sense of humour). I especially love the ones that begin ‘how dare you stereotype americans….here is my reply to all canadians’. Either that or else the FBI,which of course doesn’t just monitor phone conversations and mail, is making it sound like americans are bigoted, racist, intolerant, pricks. I especially like the world war 2 reference above….Dude, ‘our’ grandfathers were in that war three years longer than yours. But of course as soon as an argument hits the ‘my country is better than your country’ stage then I think we know where it has regressed to. I’ve got news for everybody, your ‘country’ is nothing but your federal governments, neither of which have any relation to you. Your ‘country’ is about as reprentative of you as your local football team, in other words not at all. You are programmed to think your country is this or that, hell, just over half the populations of both countries bother even to vote federally.

    As for immigration, ever listen to an old person? They always say they did everything themselves..thats horseshit. When do you think ‘the new deal’ came into effect? 1979? Not likely. I get a kick out of those people who want to skip a generation and go back to how tough it was for their grandparents, oh, sorry, they only want it to be that tough for OTHERS.

  882. 913 Auctoris 11 January, 2008 at 11:34 am

    I am a southern, conservative, republican Christian so I should be the epitome of everything that is wrong. But what I realize is that people who find these things intolerable are the ones who are close minded. Maybe people in other countries truly don’t grasp American freedom and tolerance. For example:

    #5. Those statements are perfectly acceptable to me. Why? Because I also accept the bumper stickers that say “I was born right the first time”, “Allah is great”, “Support a woman’s right to choose”, “Bush sucks”, “Anyone else for president”, “God is dead”, “America is a terrorist nation”, etc. And why do I accept those? That’s best expressed in a quote from a movie, “You want free speech? Let’s see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who’s standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.” That’s free speech. That’s America. If you cannot tolerate ideas diametrically opposed to your own, then the U.S. is not a place you would want to be.

    #4. I have been all over the world and people eat garbage everywhere. The U.S. doesn’t hold a monopoly on this vice.

    #3. Again, a) free speech, and b) not exlusive to America. Anywhere there has been a conflict of territoriality, there will be lingering feelings of divisiveness for some time. While the American Civil War seems like ancient history and something that only happened in history books, it is still living history to people alive today. I am in my 30s and my grandfather would tell me stories about his grandfather fighting in the Civil War. It will take a couple of more generations before all of those wounds are healed. Most people don’t take the “I’m Southern” thing too seriously but it’s just as much a mark of pride as someone saying “I’m British” or “I’m French”.

    #2. Unfortunately that individual’s letter did not express the situation accurately but the sentiment is true. The immigration system today is much different than it was 100 years ago which in turn causes immigrants to expect different treatment than they did 100 years ago. Good or bad? That’s up to the individual to decide?

    #1. See #5.

    There you go. Since I am a southern, conservative, republican, Christian, I’m sure everyone will take my words with a grain of salt because, after all, I’m really just a “Fundamentalist Redneck”.

  883. 914 jackson 11 January, 2008 at 11:36 am

    Boolean logic? You just deduced that the use of the term ‘locals’ justifies making an assumption that it means ‘all americans’. And you think HE needs a lesson in boolean logic?

  884. 915 Scott 11 January, 2008 at 11:38 am

    I like your comment in # 2 “I guess the purpose of the letter was for other people to read history, not for the letter writer to read history.” The same would apply here wouldn’t it? You (as the writer) obviously didn’t find anything good about the USA so I guess it’s up to the readers to do that.

    These sort of comments just spark flaming and discust among the people who actually believe everything they read without any facts to back it up, I’m sure some of those signs were put up as a joke. Did you bother to interview the owners of those establishments to see what there agenda was? Probably not. By the way, I know for a fact I could find 5 things that disgusted me in Canada if I drove 5 hours north. BTW keep all your nickels, dimes, and quarters on your side of the border please. ;)

  885. 916 Finamore 11 January, 2008 at 11:40 am

    Get over it and stop trying to be so morally superior. Trying to say there are no religious nuts and right-wing a-holes in Canada?

  886. 917 frank 11 January, 2008 at 11:50 am

    Here’s what freaks me out about America. I don’t care about what signs people put up, I don’t care about the views and expressions of other people as long as it isn’t forced upon me. I don’t care about how bad a particular food is for you. All those things are choices and freedoms of expressions. But what I do find freaky and down right scary is the people who run for presidential election and actually get voted in to power.

    I find it scary how so many people in the US equate a persons opinion as being Left or Right, but no in between. I find it scary how many people will vote for a particular party just because that’s the party they have always voted for without actually looking at the agenda of the person they are helping put in power.

    The very first moment Dubbya was announced as the new president of the USA, I knew for certain that there would be bombs dropping on some country in the oil rich mid-east. That your country’s laws on religion, abortion, human rights for gays and lesbians, etc… would go back 20-30 odd years instead of progressing.

    Clues that you should have picked up on:
    * he is a gun-toting, racist bigot from the South
    * probably the dumbest least intellectual moron to ever grace a podium
    * did I mention he was from the South
    * deeply religious (politics and religion should not mix)
    * has a pissing match with his brother jeb on who can execute the most prisoners
    * family ties to oil and the bin laden family (oh yes, the Bin Laden and Bush clan go way back thanks to ol’ granpa Bush)
    * has no credentials that would make anyone think he could run a country, except for the fact that his family has lots of money
    * has a record of failure in running business prior to jumping in to politics

    And here we are almost a decade later, with still many Americans thinking he is a great president doing a great job at keeping those “evil do’ers” on the run. That is what I find FREAKY about America.

  887. 918 Joe Guy 11 January, 2008 at 11:54 am

    i hate the united states..they are all pieces of shit who dont have respect for anyone

  888. 919 loves weed 11 January, 2008 at 11:55 am

    mabye some of you canadians should sneak down that canadian weed. that seems to make me feel less religiously intolerant lol….

  889. 920 loves weed 11 January, 2008 at 11:58 am

    i hate the united states..they are all pieces of shit who dont have respect for anyone

    Comment by Joe Guy — 11 January, 2008 @ 11:54 am
    this guys need some fucking weed. seriously wow being racist agianst a whole country? hmmm sounds like he has alot more in common with america than he thinks.

  890. 921 virginia werewolf 11 January, 2008 at 12:01 pm

    As an American living in Canada I’ve heard it all when it comes to slamming the US. Most of it I agree with sure but the fact is Canada is just as backwards as anything you will see in the States – especially when you move into the interior. For every 10 absurd, offensive oddities a Canadian finds in the US I can find at least 1 in Canada. Makes sense eh? Canada has 30 million people, the US has 300 million. Go figure. Canada also has blood hungry troops in Afghanistan, drive huge freakin suvs, have alarming youth obesity rates and watch Fox News. When a Canadian asks and American to explain some crazy ass Christian war-monger bumpersticker ask them to explain the vehement hatred of French Canadians by English Canadians.

    I love Canada, the people are great and BC is the most beautiful place in this hemisphere – and I think its great when people from another country are able to point out the senseless crap that happens in the US – we need that. But don’t for a moment think that they aren’t just as guilty. Steven Harper is a Bush backer and they voted that maniac into office. What’s more Barack Obama could not get elected in Canada, no way no how. In the States it could actually happen.

    As a wise Canadian friend said to me once – “everyone is different, everywhere is the same.”

    Also, while I love some of the things Michael Moore has done, dont believe everything he says about Canadian health care. It’s better than what we have in the States in that everyone is covered. But it’s not better in that if, for instance, you find a “lump” you’d better head for the border because it could be 2 months before you get to see anyone. No kidding, it happened to us on a couple of occasions.

    ps – Education here is also kinda bland. On average it kicks America’s ass but just as there are no valleys here nor are there any peaks and I suppose that sums up the socialist model in Canada pretty well. At least Canada doesn’t go around saying it’s the greatest country in history, America has to stop that shit – that’s half the problem right there.

  891. 922 Justin 11 January, 2008 at 12:02 pm

    Sigh CAN we stop saying things like”They are all” and “From The South”

    Come on people. I was born and raised in the south. I don’t tote a gun. I don’t go around shouting bible quotes. I don’t get pissed when people speak other languages. Most people around her don’t. You people speak of the southern part of the United States as if no one but morons and bigots live here.

    I am Ashamed of all of my countrymen who say these types of things.

  892. 923 JohnnyR 11 January, 2008 at 12:02 pm

    #5 – Even though it might be a Christian trucking company (pretty silly, not to mention literally impossible), the owners cannot – literally, cannot – refuse to hire a driver who is not Christian. Besides, nobody is forced to do business with those idiots.

    #4 – Timbits, poutain (already mentioned) and maple-friggin- syrup. We Americans aren’t fat. They’re pleasantly plump!

    #3 – I was born and raised, and still live, in the American South. Before passing judgment on that sign (not that I agree with it personally), you must have an accurate understanding of (i) the American Civil War, including its causes, and its socio-economic effects on the American South, and (ii) just as important, the Reconstruction period. Hint: what you learned in public school isn’t accurate by any stretch.

    #2 – Every large wave of immigrants into the U.S. has suffered bigotry and discrimination at the hands of reactionaries. Ask the Irish, Italians and East Europeans (notably the Poles) who came to the U.S. by the millions over the last 150 years. And the fact of the matter is: the U.S. is one of THE most liberal, open and welcoming destinations on the planet when it comes to immigration. Try becoming a citizen of Germany if you don’t believe me (it’s next to impossible). And besides, despite its significant Inuit and Quebecois minorities, Canada is FAR more racially, culturally and linguistically homogeneous than the U.S. How do you thing your average Canadian would feel if millions of French-Algerian immigrants (picking a demographic that is racially different from the Canadian majority, but speaks a minority language) started paddling across the Atlantic to Canada? Oh, and they’re inundating the government’s social services network, without paying taxes, going through customs or becoming citizens …

    #1 – Every nation has idiots. They’re having a masturbate-a-thon in Denmark, for Pete’s sake!

  893. 924 Attention Irony 11 January, 2008 at 12:02 pm

    The majority of you are spewing candy-coated ignorance. Please shutup.

    Andrew, and replies like his: I applaud you.

  894. 925 Kit 11 January, 2008 at 12:05 pm

    I didn’t read all of the hundreds of comments, but a couple threads did amuse me:

    Paulitics (repeatedly): “I don’t know why you guys care about a country. I don’t even believe in countries. Countries don’t mean anything. Countries don’t exist. We’re all individuals and our country doesn’t specify us.”
    Paulitics’ original entry: “Look at my blanket observations about an entire country.”

    Paulitics’ original entry: “I am horrified by the fruition of your free speech. You guys are crazy and should be muzzled. We wouldn’t stand for that in Canada.”
    Respondents: “We like having free speech, even if some of the speakers are idiots.”
    Paulitics and other Canadians: “Oh, we have just as much free speech in Canada. By the way, I am horrified that you would dare speak on this web site. You guys are crazy and should be muzzled.”


  895. 926 Longhorn 11 January, 2008 at 12:09 pm

    Edlund, you are correct. Your military is a joke. No wonder you lost so many men per capita. If you had a respectable military, you wouldn’t have lost so many men. As for breaking the Enigma code, sure Turing was in large part responsible, but saying he broke does a large disservice to the work of the Polish people that his work was based on. To say that Turing won WWII is an asinine statement and does another disservice to every single serviceman that was killed fighting for freedom. Its stupid to say a geek won the war when he didn’t once set foot on the battlefield. He provided valuable intelligence to the Allied forces, but information does not win wars. Someone has to fight the war (which Canadians appear to have been only slightly more effective than the French). Say what you will, but without the Americans, the Allies would now be goose-stepping. Well except for the Canadians who would have enjoyed freedom because the U.S. would have repelled any attacks on the North American continent. Sure the Americans didn’t do it by themselves, but don’t forget the Americans also gave their lives for someone else’s war.

    As for Iraq, you prove you are just an a$$clown with an unfounded belief. The U.S. wasn’t and still isn’t alone in Iraq. Britain, Australia, and several other countries stood alongside the U.S. in the fight against Islamo-fascism. You Canadians were cowering in the corner not wanting to offend Bin Laden. I find it hilarious that Poland has been a better ally in the war on terror than our “friendly” neighbors to the north who have allowed multiple Muslim terrorists to cross their border into the U.S. I guess Poland truly understands the value of freedom and more so than a bunch of socialists drinking Canadian whiskey and eating Canadian bacon.

    So, yes, you can thank the U.S. for your unappreciated freedoms (however few there may be). For without us, anyone wanting a nice frozen wasteland could have walked in and taken your country just like your limp-wristed brothers in France.

    For all of you northeasterners and left-coasters, I’m sorry you can’t all live in God’s country – Texas. Just like the Canadians have penis envy of the U.S., you left-wing a$$hats have penis envy of Texas. Get over it. Texans might look down on you, but we do pity you.

  896. 927 paulitics 11 January, 2008 at 12:14 pm

    Kit (#907) nice revisionism. Stay up all night coming up with that one?

  897. 928 clichekiller 11 January, 2008 at 12:18 pm

    Interesting thing about One Nation Under God bit is that it was only tacked on in 1954. Prior to that there was no mention of God at all in the pledge.

  898. 929 r 11 January, 2008 at 12:20 pm

    who cooks french toast IN butter? do you boil it in butter? I use some butter but only to make the pan slippery.

  899. 930 clichekiller 11 January, 2008 at 12:21 pm

    @Andrew: I couldn’t have said it any better.

  900. 931 irwin 11 January, 2008 at 12:27 pm

    And you vacationed in the USA for what reason? Oh, you needed to have elective surgery and didn’t want to wait 18 months.

  901. 932 Minion4Hire 11 January, 2008 at 12:50 pm

    As a Canadian living in Alberta (Canada’s answer to Texas) I can honestly say I’ve only seen two outright offensive religious/political displays of any kind. One was a semi-racist quote (more likely paraphrased) from Revelations done up with magnets on his pickup, and the other was also a pickup decked out in Confederate flags, 9/11 truther claims and something along the lines of “feel god’s wrath”. Otherwise most Canadians aren’t very outrageous. I don’t know if we’re necessarily more tolerant, but at least we’re polite and somewhat considerate of others.

  902. 933 Cark Johnson 11 January, 2008 at 12:53 pm

    I live in the US and have never seen any of that stuff, and I agree that it is all kind of crazy.

    Is it possible that the Casa D’Ice people do that as a joke? I find it hard to believe that those messages are serious. They seem more like satire to me.

  903. 934 Mike 11 January, 2008 at 12:53 pm

    Canada has such a chip on its shoulder about us. You don’t like how we do stuff. Big deal. Canada is so insignificant, we don’t even think about you enough to make fun of you. Find more shit we do that annoys/scares/shocks the shit out of you. We’ll keep on doing whatever the fuck we want whenever the fuck we want.

  904. 935 zOrkkkKK 11 January, 2008 at 12:54 pm

    lol, USA Sucks! poor brainwashed ppl.

  905. 936 Kit 11 January, 2008 at 12:56 pm

    @Paulitics (#909):

    “Stay up all night coming up with that one?”

    You’re right, it wasn’t very original.

  906. 937 Kit 11 January, 2008 at 12:58 pm

    Well shoot, cutting links out got rid of my joke. Poop.

    Results 1 – 10 of about 261 for “Stay up all night coming up with” . (0.28 seconds)

  907. 938 Elmer Fudd 11 January, 2008 at 1:02 pm

    Those signs are GREAT! Do you think they could open a restaurant in NY? They could post signs about NY being the biggest welfare state in the nation that’s mostly full with spear chuckers that dont want to work! What’s that?…dont like it?…well thats just “tough shit!” as the sign states!

  908. 939 reenpeery 11 January, 2008 at 1:04 pm

    see, what you are missing, is that the stuffed french toast probably tastes wonderful. really i bet it’s great.

    not healthy, but who says one has to be healthy?

    seems like a silly thing to have on your list.
    kinda like “they put gravy on french fries in canada, how stupid” pointless comment.

  909. 940 Elmer Fudd 11 January, 2008 at 1:12 pm

    Hey…just be glad you dont border on Africa! At least we offer a 1500 mile buffer betwween you and the wetbacks! Stay home, you Canadian Looney Tooney!

  910. 941 frank 11 January, 2008 at 1:14 pm

    The issue with America is that people like Longhorn (post #908) & Mike (post # 917) are the ones who end up running for politics and becoming the faces of media (Bill O’Reilly for example). It is that self-righteous, ignorant, we are better than everyone attitude that grows the anti-american movement all over the world.

    Every empire eventually crumbles under it’s own greed and corruption, so enjoy it while it lasts. The crumbling has begun.

    Also remember that what goes around, comes around. I doubt 9/11 will be the last time something like that happens. Unfortunately, people like Mike and Longhorn are like Homer Simpson, they don’t learn from previous mistakes.

  911. 942 Mike 11 January, 2008 at 1:25 pm

    Frank, you’ve deluded yourself into thinking you can figure out someone’s psychology by reading a few posts on a stupid message board. America isn’t an empire and we don’t want it be an empire. If it were, the 1st thing we would have done is annexed Canada and straightened you dumb asses out. Instead, we just ignore you and leave you to your little toys like socialism and craptacular universal health care.

    Get this: We don’t care what you think.

  912. 943 Dawn 11 January, 2008 at 1:32 pm

    Hey Paul: As a card carrying full-blooded Native American, I must say I got a HUGE kick out of your observations about this country.
    It is obvious to me that many of the people posting to this blog have NO sense of humor, and those who are complaining about the thin skin of the Canadians should take a look in the mirror. Now don’t get me wrong, I love this country, even with all its faults, but one has to be able to see the truly stupid things that we do on a regular basis. I’m not going to “Bush bash” (although I could), instead I’m going to take this piece of stuffed french toast, slather it with butter and maple syrup, and eat the hell out of it!

  913. 944 Joe Canada 11 January, 2008 at 1:35 pm

    Not that anyone is still reading comments this far down but I wanted to throw my 2 cents in.

    I am Canadian and I think that poutine is disgusting. So is Chicken fried steak

    I never heard anyone say aboot until it was on South Park. Then after further consideration, how is that any more odd than pronouncing roof as ruf? If you have one of your teeth fall out, do you leave it for the tuth fairy?

  914. 945 Welly 11 January, 2008 at 1:37 pm


    I thought it was interesting that you posted this in one of your comments:

    “Why should everyone be entitled to free handouts when they don’t deserve it. Socialized and welfare programs are a BAD idea.”

    Don’t deserve it? Who doesn’t deserve the right to healthcare when they need it? Why are only the rich deserving of healthcare? I can’t believe you have the gall to say that. Everything that was mentioned in this post about American people I can just about tolerate but the incredibly selfish nature of you people is disgusting. It’s all about me, me, me in the USA.

  915. 946 LadyJane 11 January, 2008 at 1:42 pm

    Holy shit!! This raised some ire, didn’t it……

    I’m a very proud Canadian, I have American family, I go to the States a lot, I smoke weed and will never be sent to jail for it, I hate our PM, I hate the US president, the restaurant on the way to Spokane called the “Hog and Jog” freaks me the fuck out, I hate poutine, I watch CNN, I blog with many Americans, I think the war is wrong, I would never move to the States… But I do NOT apply a blanket stereotype to people due to their nationality… and I am pretty sure the guy who wrote this doesn’t either.

  916. 947 tyr 11 January, 2008 at 1:46 pm

    Nothing more fun than an international pissing match. I’ve been to the states, and even after traveling through Ukraine, Turkey, Italy, Morocco, it is the only place I’ve spit on for walking with my black friends down a street. I believe that everyone deserves a fair shake, so we went to the states to see for ourselves. Not only have I seen blatant racism shouted at people in the middle of the street, I have never seen such rudeness being dished out for simple things such as bumping into someone. Not only have I seen such behavior in the states, but abroad as well. They are so damn close-minded and have a complete lack of respect for other cultures and sensitivities. No lie, I have had prices on my bill be dropped by 15 euro after the server learned that we were Canadian rather than American. So, its not just us that think that you are rude, obnoxious and only want to eat big mac’s rather than the local fare. Dont get me wrong however, I know some Americans, and they are seemingly nice people, but I find that I can only like individuals rather than the lot of you. Remember, America is the only place in the world you can go where you smile at someone for no reason and they think you are crazy/rapist/pedo. As for Poutine, its delicious, but I guarantee you that you dont get the proper type of cheese in the states.

  917. 948 Wil 11 January, 2008 at 1:47 pm

    As an American you have just witnessed some of our stupid people.

    They’re loud but relatively harmless. If you just ignore them and don’t give them any attention they eventually crawl back to whatever hell hole spawned them, drink cheap whiskey, and work on their 1978 transmission / lawn decorations.

  918. 949 thiago 11 January, 2008 at 1:57 pm

    Hi Paul,
    I liked your article, and the comments within. Here are my random thoughts:
    It seems that some of the comments were even more freakish than the 5 things themselves. As such:

    “stupid foreigner, u should be ashamed to be white”

    “Americans like you who lick the boots of foreigners in a vain attempt to seek their approval deserve your fate. Enjoy the taste of boot black.”

    “SOCIALISM SUCKS, and needs to be dealt with by any means necessary.” – I bet this guy basically wants to invade Canada and give them some “freedom”.

    “Or, let’s talk about such exotic places as South America, where Kidnapping runs at about 40%.” – I live in Brazil, a place this guy surely thinks is a huge jungle with spanish speaking natives. Typical close-minded person to which any different thing is “exotic”. So he basically is saying that, given any random south-american country, almost half the populace is currently
    being held hostage?

    Why don’t you guys change your philosophy about the United States? From the “Love it or leave it”, to the “Love it or change it?” Otherwise, you’re basically letting the ship sink.

    And by the way, all this “freedom this, freedom that” stuff is just scary. Sounds like brainwashing. If those americans who live to say that (not all, please) REALLY had the so hyped freedom they are so proud of, you would have removed the president who made so much damage before these 2 mandates came to an end. But apparently, as free as the population thought they were, they were bound and unable to change the major problem with their country.

    As someone wisely said in an earlier post, its a shame that a few loud voices, that do not represent the majority, are truly damaging the united states abroad. The good guys should do something while there’s still time to repair it.

    I still have high hopes to visit the U.S when things get more “friendly” over there. All the americans I met during a recent trip to Europe were really really nice and communicative people, and I look forward to meeting more.
    I also plan on visiting you country, Paul, but I admit I’m a bit hesitant because of the cold (its around 35 Celsius here right now).

    Regards to all!

  919. 950 tyr 11 January, 2008 at 1:57 pm

    Thankyou Wil
    That was the most sobering comment I have read yet. Feel free to visit.

  920. 951 Francois 11 January, 2008 at 2:01 pm

    Visit the west coast next time, many more level headed individuals…

    As for this post, seems like a fun trip, let’s travel to a country with the intent to make fun of it’s least educated and ignorant individuals…

    I’ve been to places in Canada that are right on par with southerners and apalachians as far as i’m concerned. Case in point, pancake sandwiches (bacon, crisco, sausage) floating in syrup… but i understand, with all the cold crappy weather, you guys need that layer of blubber… we don’t have an excuse unfortunately (well, middle america doesn’t have such an excuse, we try to take care of ourselves out west)…

    “stupid” is everywhere, but allowing canada’s irrelevance and little brother pettiness that comes with living next to a larger country is, well, petty. Hope you dedicate more time to making your own life enjoyable, less time using other’s ignorance to provide some self worth… unfortunately, the only identity left in Canada is US bashing… your only place of cultural significance is Quebec, and we all know how much they like you guys… Once they leave, you are a minature version of america… a direct reflection of race, social activities, living habits. Gov’t is all that seperates you, and unfortunately, your gov’t relies on big bro down below you for many of the things that make your life so wonderful. your lack of resources don’t allow for autonomous living, so it’s in your gov’t’s best interest, whether you want to believe so or not, for us to get along. But don’t get me wrong, america needs you too… just not as much, and that is in all truthfulness.

    I guess i’m sensitive to what you are saying because my locale is different from how you described America. Just like you hate being that small, insignificant country up in the arctic, i hate being labeled as the fat, ignorant, war mongering american… so we have more in common than you think, we both hate how we are viewed. just try to resonable in your own ignorance toward others, ignorance being that which scares you so much about america, because what you are doing is right on par…

  921. 952 Cody 11 January, 2008 at 2:02 pm

    Heh, I got told twice to leave the country I was born in. How’s that for American compassion? Can’t you rabid patriots find something less cliché than “If you don’t like it, leave”? As I told one of you (who was ballsy enough to actually send me an email about this), I’ll live wherever I damn well please. If me living in the United States pisses you off, all the better.

  922. 953 frank 11 January, 2008 at 2:05 pm

    Well Mike, if you go by the exact definition of the word empire, it is true that the US isn’t an empire by rule. But since you have trouble understanding what was implied, I’ll dumb it down for you.

    Throughout history, there has always been a culture or nation, that has striven to prove that they are the superior. They have done this through slavery, politics, wars, deception, basically by whatever means necessary without any regard of which culture or nation they are suppressing, destroying, killing or bombing, as long as it justifies their end goal of power and control. America is simply the latest version of this. So believing that this can continue and last, when it has failed in every other instance in history, is a pipe dream.

    And when you make statements like “Get this: We don’t care what you think.” you simply add to the growing resentment around the world. eventually this resentment becomes part of other nations political agendas, and I don’t mean just the sanctioned nations that can’t afford a typical military battle but must resort to whatever means they can to fight back. You call them terrorists.

    If you think the USA can continue it’s path of destruction and self-proclaimed world police attitude without consequences, you are sadly mistaken. You think your leaders would have learned from that debacle called Vietnam. But alas, the greed and corruption runs deep, and black gold is or more important than the 4000+ lives of soldiers dying to make corporate shareholders wealthy not too mention the hundreds of thousands of innocent lives of Iraqi’s and Afghan’s.

    So you keep the “We don’t care what you think” attitude, because the rest of the world cares about what America’s leaders are doing. Eventually, maybe not in your ignorant life time, but eventually, something will happen to turn the tides.

  923. 954 hockeydad16 11 January, 2008 at 2:10 pm

    Hey Longhorn, maybe you should cross the border sometime. It’s your own Border Security that lets the terrorists INTO your country. The border guards are there to control people coming into the country not getting out.

    What bothered me the most when I was traveling in the South (especially Georgia) wasn’t the “Defend the South” attitude (remember the Civil War…), but the way the Negro Americans were treated by MOST of the people I encountered. It was extremely rude and was totally shocking to me.

  924. 955 Chris L 11 January, 2008 at 2:14 pm

    I agree that all are scary except for #4. Are you really going to complain about greasy American food? I’d take taht from a svelte European but not a Canadian for gods sake. I’m spent some time in Canada…we’re fat but you’re fatter. When your country gets off of its Tim Horton’s habit, come back and complain about our food, mmm k?

  925. 956 frank 11 January, 2008 at 2:21 pm

    Francois needs to do some homework. Lack of resources, lol. If the US had so much resources they wouldn’t be illegally invading other countries for oil. Outside of the mid-east, Canada has the largest supply of untapped oil in the world, not too mention the 2nd largest supply of fresh water, and a vast quantity of minerals, and a thriving forestry industry. California was going through rolling blackouts some years ago because they couldn’t meet the demand for energy. Where did they get that extra energy, hmm, anyone know, must have mysteriously been pulled out of thin air. Or maybe they had to ask the insignificant Canadians to help them out. Or, do you remember the blackout in 2003 that affected much of the Eastern US including parts of Michigan and NY? That was caused by a failure at a hydro plant in Cornall Ontario. Too bad we Canadians don’t have enough resources to for autonomous living.

    Wake up call, there is more to the world than America dude! So keep living in your little bubble.

  926. 957 LadyJane 11 January, 2008 at 2:27 pm

    Way to go FARK!!!!! Thanks to you, this blog has more hits than Paris Hilton’s vajayjay on a Saturday night……

  927. 958 Dave Millar 11 January, 2008 at 2:31 pm

    Matt Edlund, you’re way off base.

    “it is time for you Americans to wake up and realize that in the rest of the western world such religious extremeism (sic) is looked upon in a very dim light.”

    I hate to bring this up, but… a few years back, a significant amount of people were taken out by religious extremists in NY… no one was really looking at that in a good light.

    That’s quite a generalization you’ve made. I live in Philadelphia, have traveled around most of the States and a good part of western Europe. There are religious zealots everywhere. Rural parts of the US south have freaked me out, but rural parts anywhere will have their share of backwards-ish people.

    I believe that many of the posts here have already verified that at least some portion of the population of the US would be freaked out by the trucks (They tend to make me laugh rather than be freaked out). From my experience, I would guess that they sit less than comfortably with a substantial proportion of the population.

    The Casa D’Biggot sign is absurd, and hopefully there are enough sensible people who will not eat there because of the offensive sign, and the establishment will have dug it’s own grave.

  928. 959 adam 11 January, 2008 at 2:32 pm

    Okay, I get to weigh in on this too.. as a person with dual citizenship (Canadian and American) by birth, not application, lets give this a try. 1st, Poutine is not a Canadian food, it is a Quebecois food, some thing like Gumbo is to the south. Secondly, while it does say that you have the freedom of speech, it is worth noting that signs like the Casa Dice ones incite violence. As for the Christian trucking company, had that company decided to claim it was a Islamic company, it would have gotten the same treatment from this writer I am sure but a rather different response from the rest of my fellow Americans. Look, I know that there is a lot of long simmering issues in the but what is easy to see is that the majority forget that 1) all Americans are immigrants, whether it is your generation, your parents of your great great great great grandparents. Unless you are a native American, your family came to this country like the Mexicans, Chinese and Polish too. 2) Freedom of speech is heavily suppressed; think of the Kent State massacre or the more recent infiltration of peace groups by the US government, it is free alright, unless what you have to say goes against what someone in power wants to be said. 3) People treat Americans with hatred because of the policies of a few, unfortunately those few have a very loud voice and usually are the ones in power, either in a government position or as the executive/management of a corporation which just took someones job to increase their stock price through “greater fiscal efficiency”. As Americans we open ourselves up to this by going around trying to convert everyone to our way of life, if the rest of the world came to the
    US and did the same, we would be outraged! 4)Attacking someone for point out our faults goes against the whole principal of freedom of speech.

    And to be fair, Aboot is something you hear in one province, not the other 9 so before you begin to start attacking the regional stereo types as the norm for Canada, think of whether or not you would like someone from outside the US making fun of our 50 states regional dialect differences as being how you speak. A little food for thought.

  929. 961 Soon-to-be-expat 11 January, 2008 at 2:35 pm

    “As an American you have just witnessed some of our stupid people. They’re loud but relatively harmless.”

    They aren’t harmless. These are the same people who vote Bush, who were ready to kick Iraqi ass, who think universal healthcare is evil communism, who think science is bunk and therefore also global warming, can’t locate Australia on a world map, who think that the only thing that matters is looking after Number One. And these are the people that have shifted the entire political spectrum so far to the right that even the so-called “left” in the US is to the right of politicians in other countries.

    Its because of morons like this that the US is in the sorry state its in and its because of morons like this that they’ve allowed the destruction of hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people. When you live without giving a damn about no one about anyone but yourself, multiply that by several million, and add to that others who tacitly condone it, then YES, these people are very harmless. They have helped to enable the American government for what it has done, is doing, and will continue to do. the government is an extension of the American citizenry, being elected by them.

    Americans fell asleep at the wheel and this is what this country has been reduced to– a bunch of jingoistic, narcissistic yahoos.

    And they wonder why the rest of the world has such a low opinion of America!

  930. 962 LadyJane 11 January, 2008 at 2:36 pm

    ☺ Thanks Dave!!!

  931. 963 will 11 January, 2008 at 2:37 pm

    As an American, I have to say… I’m sorry? We are pretty screwed up here, particularly in our southern states.

  932. 964 lawlcat 11 January, 2008 at 2:38 pm

    Yeowch. Come to Oregon… we’re much more… er, civilized and progressive.

  933. 965 tarbet 11 January, 2008 at 2:40 pm

    There are crazy people everywhere.

  934. 966 frank 11 January, 2008 at 2:41 pm

    Chris, get your facts straight, don’t post on something you believe is fact until you actually confirm it is. According to a ranking listed on of the world’s fattest nations, the US ranks 9th and Canada is ranked 35th. So once again, an American know-it-all posts a comment without knowing what he’s talking about.

  935. 967 LadyJane 11 January, 2008 at 2:47 pm

    Oh, and Dave???? Damn!!!!! Yumyumyum.♥
    Oh, wait, not the place for this? Fuck you, then. FREE SPEECH FREE SPEECH!!!!

  936. 968 frank 11 January, 2008 at 2:49 pm

    Great post Adam

  937. 970 RichPort 11 January, 2008 at 2:51 pm

    C’mon people…. let’s be civil. The US needs Canada badly, as you are to us what the marsh and wetlands should have been to New Orleans: a buffer zone, if you will. Geographically, casting missles over the North Pole woul be the most efficient way for some Russian wacko to Aushwitz any US major city, so you Canukians serve the great privilege of getting hit first. You cooperation is always appreciated. Many thanks! Now I can hear some of (literal) rocket scientists say “Uhhh, dude (inhales BC bud) they’re computer programmed (exhaaaaales)… they won’t hit us you moron…” To which I say “that kinda talk will not bode well for you application to be the 51st state. DO YOU HEAR ME PUERTO RICO??? Canada’s out, you’re in!!!” Will (#947), you’re a surrender monkey. France wants you. But Rush will not be pleased…

  938. 971 Soon-to-be-expat 11 January, 2008 at 2:53 pm

    Other things the US can take pride in:

    It is the 2nd worst newborn rate of developed nations

    Out of 19 developed nations recently, the US ranks LAST in preventable deaths (France, Japan & Australia are in the top 3, all three of which have teh evul commie UHC!)

    THe WHO’s report on the world’s healthcare system ranks France first as well, the US at #37 (on a list that includes most of the world’s countries, a list of 190 countries).

    Most Americans have no idea how much they are screwing themselves over. Keep that head buried in the sand!!

  939. 972 LadyJane 11 January, 2008 at 2:53 pm

    Rich, that was pure poetry, mang. *wipes a single glistening tear away*

  940. 973 adam 11 January, 2008 at 2:53 pm

    Thank you very much Frank, I am glad you thought so. I think very highly of my two countries, i just wish that common sense would prevail a little more often, in both places.

  941. 974 But..... 11 January, 2008 at 2:56 pm

    …..Didja see how we pony up all that foreign aid to get things like Play Pumps installed in remote villages in South Africa where there are millions without access to suitable drinking water so they get access to water? Or, how private Americans donate millions of their own money to get malaria and AIDS drugs to those who need it most…let’s not forget the search and rescue teams and other forms of aid we send within hours of a disaster such as the earthquake in Bam, Iran and the tsunami two years ago…..I’m sure you wouldn’t want your entire country graded on the actions of a few… the Homolkas….that would make you a nation of sadistic child rapists and killers….

  942. 975 joe 11 January, 2008 at 3:00 pm

    Good… please stay the fuck out of my wonderful country. A land of prosperity for those who choose to make it that way.

  943. 976 Wil 11 January, 2008 at 3:00 pm

    Then we’ll just have to agree to disagree. Personally I’m not giving the fundamentalists any credit for what’s happened to America the last 8 years. The people that set in motion the problems we’re facing today in International politics, conservation of natural resources, and economic failure have been in government for DECADES and have steadily used whatever segment of the population believes them in that time period to progress their careers.

    There was a time when Bush couldn’t win in Texas because he was too East Coast, Cheney was the sober sane person carefully fixing the department of defense after a defeat in Vietnam, and Rummsfield did everything he could to prevent war. The fundamentalist right witnessed in this article were used as pawns and a voting block by the same people that would proclaim atheism in a second if they could win an election with a voting block of young anarchists spitting on crosses. But they can’t, so they focused on the low income, educated in mega churches portions of our country and their pandering paid off.

    Now these sects are seeing how little political power they really have and struggling to come to terms with their status as low rung pawns in a hyper aggressive society that prides economic success while coming from some of the poorest regions of America. Of course you’re going to witness high calorie food porn, fascist bumper stickers, and “USA #1 #1 #1!!!” signs from these people. They control such a small spectrum of the US and even their own lives they reach for whatever power there is, and unfortunately looks like small indulgences like expensive meals and offending foreigners are exactly that to them.

  944. 977 Elmer Fudd 11 January, 2008 at 3:01 pm

    Your all missing the point you butt pirates! America is a free for all, bought Police society where money is king and calls all the shots. Why do you think they are all lining up to live here?!! We truly do what we want, when we want, and for the most part (especially if we have money…OJ ), we get away with it! We are truly the amrpit of the world! Our children and teens have nothing to look forward to. I hope I am dead by the time they are old enough to run this country!!!

  945. 978 But..... 11 January, 2008 at 3:06 pm

    Then move. It’s that easy. Pack it up and move it oot.

  946. 979 Soon-to-be-expat 11 January, 2008 at 3:10 pm

    Working on it.

  947. 980 jim 11 January, 2008 at 3:12 pm

    I’m glad Canada doesn’t have any right-wing idiots. All Americans are fat, stupid war-mongers who eat 4 pounds of butter for lunch.

    It is such a relief to know that there are no fat, stupid people in Canada. No bigots either. Canada is a fucking paradise on earth.

    I’m glad all you learned from your time in the US is how to reinforce all of your stereotypes.

    Sorry, gots to go now. Must eats a pound of butter and tune my banjo.

  948. 981 RichPort 11 January, 2008 at 3:12 pm

    Janey, if I hear one more armchair pundit swear the know the US I just may explode. We love Canadians, even though they are ceremonially still part of the long defunct British Empire. Many of us can locate any country on the map, we just don’t care to. For all of the condescending remarks I’ve read on this forum, it amazes me how just about every Western country desperately attempts to emulate the best of us. I remember a UK paper had a headline along the lines of “How can 43,000,000 people be so stupid?” when our idiot president was re-installed; this from a country that still retains, reveres, and relishes in its monarchy. And, as always, when the shit hits the fan, our boys are there to yank our allies out of their quandries. You find me a perfect country and I’ll find you a natural 36DD that doesn’t show a hint of sag of a single stretch mark. In other words it’s a fairy tale.

  949. 982 ryan 11 January, 2008 at 3:13 pm

    This guy is so right. America sucks. It is the WORST. And their are so many dumb asses here too. I wish I could live in Canada!

  950. 983 damon 11 January, 2008 at 3:14 pm

    i dont see any problem with numbers 5 or 3.

    whats wrong with showing people how you feel? If you’re upset at this then you should also be upset by other things like political campaign signs.

    diversity is a great thing about this country and number 3 is about southern culture. celebrating one’s culture is good, not freaky. (and for all the ignorant people who will mash their keyboards regurgitating what they heard from biased sources, southern culture is not slavery, it’s the food, hospitality, natural geography, speech, etc.)

  951. 984 Mike 11 January, 2008 at 3:14 pm

    This is why I don’t entirely understand the concept of “American culture.” I know a lot of people in a lot of parts of the U.S. really are into the stuff you’ve mentioned here, but it’s so remote from my experience (except when it trickles down to me on TV/in the papers/on the internet) that it might as well be from another planet. I always cringe at these things because the right wing that used to call itself “the silent majority” is now so out of control that they see fit to speak for the rest of us. The lot of them can take THEIR president and go straight to hell.

  952. 985 frank 11 January, 2008 at 3:15 pm

    @ 962
    And again, the same “if you don’t like it, then leave” attitude. Must be nice to be able to lump every major decision into a black or white choice. There are people living in dictatorship countries who are dying in the streets for the right to vote, they are told where they can go, what they can do, and many other aspects of their lives. Do they move? No, they fight back because they have pride, and love their country, but greatly dislike what has happened to it.

    And then there’s the “But…’s” of America who just figure anyone who thinks things should be changed, that people need to be shown the light before it’s too late, well, they are told they are anti-American and their solution is simple, “get out then”.

    Wow, if life were so simple.

  953. 986 RichPort 11 January, 2008 at 3:19 pm

    I think #962 just wanted to say “move oot”.

  954. 987 Fiftyone 11 January, 2008 at 3:19 pm

    Ihave to say as an American… this is pretty typical. Ignorant, bastards without a clue. By the way, I think I will email Casa D’ Ice and ask them why they dont use a friggin AMERICAN name for their shithole.

    The rest of you… Take a shower you smell up the joint :D

  955. 988 LadyJane 11 January, 2008 at 3:25 pm

    Guess what? I’m really fucking proud to be a Canadian. I’ll wager every one of you Americans are really fucking proud to be Americans. It’s ok to love your country. It’s not ok to bash the fuck out of another person’s country because of some long-standing (and generally misguided) stereotypes. I am sick of it.

  956. 989 LadyJane 11 January, 2008 at 3:26 pm

    And, BTW, that goes both ways, to the Candians on here calling our neighbors names as well as the Americans calling us names. Jeezus…… shaddup already.

  957. 990 But..... 11 January, 2008 at 3:27 pm

    On the issue of American Culture… Because we’ve incorporated the ancestory of our citizens to make what we have we’re a bunch of jerk offs with no culture or our own? But if we did things like the French –whos ministry of culture literally banned non-French words and passed out fines for using words that weren’t approved by that governement agency–we’d be xenophobic jerk offs. Bah….It’s a rock and hard place.
    And you say American’s are hateful? HA! Listen to yourselves….you base your hatred of American people on the actions of an administrationd. Do you hate all Sudanese because of what their goverenment sanctions? Did you hate all Afghans when their country was lead by the Taliban? I betcha didn’t. Or the Chinese for their human rights abuses? Can you say double standard?

  958. 991 Fiftyone 11 January, 2008 at 3:31 pm

    AS an American, I’m proud to say I’m moving to Canada. Fuck the red white and… what was the other color.? oh yea… Blood.

  959. 992 Eddie 11 January, 2008 at 3:31 pm

    The fact that rednecks are a universal can easily be proven by watching the Canadian program “Red Green”

    I’ve always been amazed at how people hate Americans so much, but they are willing to risk their lives by the million in closed cargo container and trodding across the desert to get here because they want a future for themselves.

  960. 993 But..... 11 January, 2008 at 3:31 pm

    if you think pride and love for your country is to join in on the bashing of it, then you have a very warped sense of patriotism….and I don’t care where you’re from.

  961. 994 Nick 11 January, 2008 at 3:31 pm

    Oh the Humanity… If this is the best you can come up with then you really need a new travel agent. There are much more disturbing things than what you listed.

    Any Denny’s after 2 AM – The staff is usually more F’ed up than the customers eating Moons over my Hammy after a night at the bars.

    Baltimore, MD – Murder rate of 2007

    Britney Spears

    Jerry Springer.

    God Bless this great country.

  962. 995 LadyJane 11 January, 2008 at 3:33 pm

    Let me tell you what, that French Toast thingy? The Ultimate Hangover Remedy.

  963. 996 rubbber 11 January, 2008 at 3:34 pm













  964. 997 jim 11 January, 2008 at 3:36 pm

    >>Do you hate all Sudanese because of what their government sanctions? Did you hate all Afghans when their country was lead by the Taliban? I betcha didn’t. Or the Chinese for their human rights abuses? Can you say double standard?

    You don’t get it: all of those countries are filled with poor brown victims of American imperialism. That explains everything. The Chinese can run their own people over with tanks and somehow it is the US’s fault. “Just like Kent State!!” Laughable.

    The US government certainly does a lot of stupid invading Iraq (something it could have never done, by the way, without the UK’s backing). But this Euro-Canadian obsession with “stupid, fat, religious Americans” is pathetic. Half of Europe thinks 9/11 was planned by Bush — they are just as fucking stupid as the Americans who think Saddam planned 9/11. I’m sorry to tell you, the US doesn’t have a monopoly on stupidity.

  965. 998 frank 11 January, 2008 at 3:40 pm

    @ 976
    Eddie, it’s not the avg people of America, not is it the ‘living’ in America that leads to these heated arguments of America bashing. People risk their lives on boats to get to America because of a dream. typically, these people are coming from very poor, communist, dictatorships, and sanctioned countries (usually enforced or imposed by the US, Cuba for example).

    It’s corporate and political America that creates the bashing. Unfortunately it usually gets directed towards the avg American. And it’s not all USA’s fault. All of the industrialized nations are responsible for much of the poverty around the world. Why do you think everything gets out-sourced to China, Mexico, India, etc… The industrialized nations don’t want the poor countries to not be poor. This would cause wages to increase, which causes production costs to go up which cuts in to the profit margins. Corporations control industrialized nations.

  966. 999 LadyJane 11 January, 2008 at 3:46 pm

    Let’s ride this whore to a thousand. Even that psycho up there that can’t spell the word NUMBER.

  967. 1000 frank 11 January, 2008 at 3:47 pm

    @ 977
    bashing, if you want to call it that, is just the result of strong opinions. Strong opinions are formed because of beliefs and interest in the topic at hand. If no one was criticizing and bashing and commenting on what the US stands for and everything else that has been mentioned on this blog, then I’d worry about patriotism. So to me, the close to 1000 posts means Americans and non-Americans are concerned and interested. I think that’s a good thing.

  968. 1001 tyr 11 January, 2008 at 3:50 pm

    @ Eddie
    “I’ve always been amazed at how people hate Americans so much, but they are willing to risk their lives by the million in closed cargo container and trodding across the desert to get here because they want a future for themselves.”
    Those people head towards an idealized version of America that they know from what they see on TV and hear from others. When they finally get there, what do they find? Naught but dust, ashes and racist remarks. Read the Grapes of Wrath. Its relevant.

  969. 1002 rubbber 11 January, 2008 at 3:54 pm
























  970. 1003 Amber 11 January, 2008 at 3:54 pm

    What’s worse a small section of complete morons in America or the people who assume that the few outspoken morons speak for all 350 million of us. Probably the first but the second isn’t great either. Those signs are awful but they speak for one American only not the rest of us.

    To Sebastian — do you realize your post is EXACTLY the same attitude as the signs in the original posts. You don’t think much of us? I would never presume to say anything about what I think about people from Singapore because I only know a tiny tiny fraction of people yet you feel it’s okay to call us all idiots. Nice.

    Why is it okay for everyone to completely trash the entirety of America based on such a small fraction of people?

  971. 1004 Seb 11 January, 2008 at 3:55 pm

    I may not agree with the signs but they certainly don’t freak me out. It is unfortunate that you find free speech so shocking, maybe next year you’ll be better off staying in Candania.

  972. 1005 paulitics 11 January, 2008 at 3:55 pm

    @ #977

    you wrote: “if you think pride and love for your country is to join in on the bashing of it, then you have a very warped sense of patriotism….and I don’t care where you’re from.”

    I don’t know who that’s being addressed to, but as evidenced by the comments here, on digg, reddit and on fark, I think that swallowing the myth that ANY country is a good country and developing ‘pride’ for one’s country does more to stop critical thought than anything else I can think of.

  973. 1006 jim 11 January, 2008 at 3:56 pm

    >>Naught but dust, ashes and racist remarks.

    I encourage you to actually live in a few countries and compare how “racist” they are compared to the US. My wife is non-white. I am white. I hate to tell you: go live in Asia or parts of lily-white Europe like we have. Those countries are TEN TIMES more racist than the US. But, of course, if you come from an overwhelmingly white country in Europe, feel free to complain about how “racist” the US is..until a few Turks show up in your home country and your Neo-Nazis come out in fucking droves.

  974. 1007 Brent 11 January, 2008 at 3:58 pm

    So you’re upset that americans have freedom to do these different things?

    What I find weird is that anyone would find it strange that other people don’t think like they do. It’s a big world out there. Maybe you should get off the internet and visit a few more countries.

  975. 1008 LadyJane 11 January, 2008 at 4:01 pm

    8 more to go……

  976. 1009 Amber 11 January, 2008 at 4:04 pm

    by the way i am definitely not excusing it. I think the signs are awful

    Also I think it’s interesting that everyone seems to be completely comfortable being completely rude, assanine and disrespectful to other people on blogs like this. Perhaps we should all think about what we say before we submit it (or stick it on a sign for that matter). Why when I’m pretty sure most of us would NEVER say this stuff to a person do we stick it on the internet for everyone to read? Why is that okay?

  977. 1010 Amber 11 January, 2008 at 4:05 pm

    sorry that’s “asinine” :)

  978. 1011 LadyJane 11 January, 2008 at 4:06 pm

    I think you should have kept it spelled ASSinine, Amber, because that is what many of these posters are.

  979. 1012 Soon-to-be-expat 11 January, 2008 at 4:11 pm

    And speaking of The Greatness of teh USA: Its the seven year anniversary of Guantanamo! Woohoo! Aren’t you f-ing proud?

    Oh, which reminds me, Maher Arar was Canadian too. Boy, didn’t we give him a taste of the American dream!

  980. 1013 Michael 11 January, 2008 at 4:16 pm

    Fuck it! I posted # 401. I take back the “just kidding” part.

  981. 1014 LadyJane 11 January, 2008 at 4:17 pm

    I’m going in….

  982. 1015 LadyJane 11 January, 2008 at 4:17 pm

    1000!!!!! Congrats everyone.

  983. 1016 Soon-to-be-expat 11 January, 2008 at 4:18 pm

    999… *sigh*

  984. 1017 Soon-to-be-expat 11 January, 2008 at 4:19 pm

    damn the canuck beat me LOL

  985. 1018 AaronB 11 January, 2008 at 4:19 pm

    While I may disagree with.. well pretty much everything on this top 5 list. It does not make me ashamed of my country.
    one of the prices I pay for my freedoms (well whats left of them anyway) is that others have the freedom to say and believe things that I find abhorrent.
    If the owner of a company wants to put pro/anti god stuff on their trucks or billboards, I would rather they be able to do that than have Government regulations make it illegial.

    I’m not a big fan of the profanity on the billboard, and would rather kids not see it, then again, if I lived near there, every time I drove by the sign it would be a good way to converse with my kids about the importance of freedom, and how awesome it is that we can all voice our opinion. And how profanity is the last refuge of the ignorant.
    And that we can voice our opinion by not eating there, EVER.

    As for the crazy french toast thing, if thats the worst thing you’ve seen, then you havent looked hard. Every industrial country has it’s fair share of extreme food.
    Hell, competitive eating is a sport in many countries.
    The french toast thing just makes the poster sound more like a troll than someone actually shocked.
    i mean, while it’s not what i eat, having eggs W/cheese, bacon and french toast apart on a plate wouldnt be a shocker, would it?

    And in Georgia theres this thing called a Luthor Burger, THATS extreme.
    Just seeing pictures of it makes me feel like I need to see a doctor.

  986. 1020 jrh 11 January, 2008 at 4:23 pm

    “In the town of Georgina, Ont., police have been investigating incidents of “nipper tipping,” the ugly term for assaults on Asians in the quiet cottage-country area around Lake Simcoe.”


  987. 1021 rubbber 11 January, 2008 at 4:35 pm
























  988. 1022 vk 11 January, 2008 at 4:36 pm

    WOW. I’m from San Francisco and it’s truly amazing how I can’t relate AT ALL with the kind of hick crap you encountered during your visit. Alls I can say is that you would have had a completely different experience had you visited California.

  989. 1023 Soon-to-be-expat 11 January, 2008 at 4:42 pm

    Isn’t it funny how a there are a lot of Americans posting here sound just like those billboards in #1?

  990. 1024 Eddie 11 January, 2008 at 4:44 pm

    Yeah, we’ve got a lot of retards. I don’t know what to do about them and neither does anybody else. Just try not to judge everyone else by their actions – there’s a few “good Germans” amongst us, after all.

  991. 1025 Kev 11 January, 2008 at 4:49 pm

    John, #733 – I hear you. I’m very aware of the ‘brain drain’, however it does seem that the system here is coping and attempting to adapt, an example of this is the fact that we still have reasonably decent health care. Its not perfect, nothing ever is. Its not static, nothing ever is. But I’d take ‘brain drain’ over the wack of trouble I see going on to the south.

    When the collapse does come, its not going to change things just in Canada, its going to change things all over the world. There’s no insulation should that happen – anywhere. Why do you think it’s such an issue and such a concern? Even considering this, I’d prefer to live in an economically depleted Canada than the shell of a country the States will evovle to. At least here, even across political party lines and cultures, I know that the people I live with have my back, and they know I’ve got theirs. We don’t have nearly the level of bigotry, hatred, and coflict within our culture.

    The U.S. thinks that’s its so strong – its not, its an incredibly divided country. A whole Canada is much stronger than this divided U.S. we are seeing. Compare the dollars, and consider that we have a TENTH the population! So how is it that we’re more productive? Maybe cause we’re more co-operative?

    Brain drain? Oh well, I’m sure we’ll carry on jsut fine. They’ll come back when it goes to shit down there.

  992. 1026 hunter 11 January, 2008 at 4:54 pm

    I’m from Massachusetts, and I apologize for your encounters with the US’s severe right-wingers.
    Not only are they the dumbest Americans, they’re also the loudest.
    I’d like to say there was something we could do about them…but unfortunately, they won’t stop breeding.

  993. 1027 hmmm 11 January, 2008 at 4:56 pm

    the big problem i see with all that is this is how a lot of people will see USA
    so, it kind of contradicts itself
    if you go out and say that this is america when I’m completely the opposite
    it’s like you stereotype americans in that they stereotype other people

    that casadice place
    strange, I wouldn’t have guess PA to be hicked out but I went there once and stopped in my tracks when I started hearing southern accents?
    wow, okay I guess I went too far
    The West coast and New York, new jersey maybe and Mass/RI/CT are propbably the more normal places
    and the rest is so spread out it’s about the same amount of people
    you have to figure that in those farmland areas there’s a few hundred people at best in a large area
    now, even if they think they are not inbreeding
    they probably are
    which brings another theory
    wouldn’t it be sensible to mix races so that you could insure less blood line mixing?
    so therefor racism is really ignorant

    I can’t really even fathom americans behaviors
    it’s really insane for the most part
    we’re so far from united and growing at that everyday
    it’s a matter of time before it collapses and I’m not sure if I’m even concerned

    having an opinion these days makes you less american
    but only by the lower intelligent species
    so i don’t take it personal
    they’re like subhumans
    little animals but with guns

  994. 1028 hmmm 11 January, 2008 at 5:07 pm

    and I’m from MASS too
    i know a few idiots here
    a lot of closet bigots and such
    but none of them seem to go seriously into it
    I just ignore it when I hear it. People in my area are basically too busy to care really. Sounds bad but it’s good. there might be a lot of them who don’t like gay marriage for instance
    but most of them won’t care enough to vote on it or protest it etc.
    not really apathy, just at the end we know that alot of issues that are blown way out of proportion are just not significant enough
    i have bills to pay, family to care for, friends to visit
    these things just don’t measure up to my personal values

    I like Mike Gravel
    I’ve had people tell me I was unpatriotic for one thing and then they tell me they’ve never heard of him
    I am for whatever’s clever but if you don’t know ALL of your options for president(!?!)
    that’s about as unpatriotic as you can get
    I’ll never let the media or anybody feed me a decision
    USA is not bad, and even though some people are bigots and ignorant monkeys
    it’s part of being diverse I suppose
    balance the lost souls

  995. 1029 semper fi 11 January, 2008 at 5:09 pm

    In other parts of the world having conversations like these are punishable by law. I guess that is why most of the Canadians have chosen this forum for their rebuttal. I am from the South and have multiple college degrees and to be frankly honest most Americans especially in the South go on to higher education. We have the ability to exercise our Constitutional rights to express ourselves without free of punishment from our government. You know why because hardcore Americans have fought and died for this great country. So how many wars has your country actually won? You can have your own opinion when you earn it. If America would stop bailing out the world and their problems and let them take care of themselves including “Canada” then maybe you guys would appreciate what we have done. The United State of America had the courage to stand up for the world during World War I and World War II if we would not have where do you think it would have stopped. You are welcome. The next time you have the honor of entering into this great country drop to your knees and thank God for the privilege. I don’t mean to be inflammatory, but where I am from a Marine would stomp you ass for such insults.

  996. 1030 Dee 11 January, 2008 at 5:10 pm

    I don’t see anything wrong with an opinion. I don’t agree with a lot of the Casa stuff, but that doesn’t mean they “freak me out.” That doesn’t make me ashamed to be an American. Now if they said, “Kill all immigrants,” then yeah, I would definitely have a problem.

    A private company can put anything on their own trucks. What’s wrong with that? Suddenly, because in your mind you would never do that doesn’t mean that’s wrong. “God loved us so that he gave his only son.” WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO? Do you mean, that people, a large quantity, believe something, and get this, put it on trucks? Surely, we’re going to hell.

    I can’t believe free speech is being attacked. Is that why other countries hate us? Because we can say what we feel, no matter how controversial, without punishment, and listen to others say what they feel?

    I bet you guys would’ve called MLK a “radical.” He was saying some unpopular things, and many people agreed, so much so they were willing to do something about it, bringing about social change.

    This is the most absurd thing I’ve ever read.

  997. 1031 Jessie 11 January, 2008 at 5:17 pm

    Although I found the blog post itself mildly offensive, what irks me the most were the reactions from everybody else. Nobody seems able to deal with a little criticism. I thought civilized adults read blogs but I stand corrected. Why don’t you all get your panties out of the mega-bunch they’re in and take it like grown-ups? Seriously, not everybody in this world is going to think just like you and the difference in opinion is what makes things interesting. Sheesh.

  998. 1032 tfish 11 January, 2008 at 5:20 pm

    dumbshit canucian

  999. 1033 semper fi 11 January, 2008 at 5:25 pm

    Maybe we should just calm down and lord forbid we get offended when someone criticizes your country. So if I follow your logic calling someone on their irrational opinion is childish. I thought that was debating isn’t that what you are attempting to do?

  1000. 1034 uncle bob 11 January, 2008 at 5:27 pm

    That shit scares the hell out of a lot of us down here too. I’m actually impressed you were able to keep your list to 5. I would have tried to suggest that maybe the cold breeds sanity… but then I’d have to explain Montana and you’d have to explain Quebec.

  1001. 1035 Wil 11 January, 2008 at 5:28 pm

    1014 Semper Fi – Read history.

    The United States population hated WW1 and called it Wilson’s War. It is often regarded as the first time the US illegally entered a war for the benefit of an administration, and the US had little effect on the outcome of the war. If anything the United Stated prolonged a war the Spanish Flu was effectively ending long before the US entered.

    WW2 – We didn’t really join to “Stand up for the world”. We had interests in the security of Britain, wanted a change in Japanese leadership, and actually joined the war AFTER Canada joined the war. There are multiple arguments to the US completely staying out of it and just funding European armies from the sidelines with industry, but the Japanese attacked ending that.

    So tell me more about being more educated and worldly compared to the rest of us dumbasses?

  1002. 1036 louley 11 January, 2008 at 5:33 pm

    Oh my god. I’m so ashamed to be American after reading this.

  1003. 1037 Bill Whittle 11 January, 2008 at 5:52 pm

    I have long maintained that anti-Americanism, like anti-Semitism, is driven by the two mst ugly and dangerous emotions a society can produce: envy and shame.

    There isonly one thing I find shocking about Canada, and that is this: never has such a large territory been occupied by such a small-souled people. This post proves what is obvious to everyone except Canadians: you have no identity, no spirit and frankly nothing to talk about without the United States. We define everything you are and are not.

    Any idiot could do what this idiot did with any country in the world. I could tell you about the five things I was most freaked out about during my trip to Canada, but no one would read it BECAUSE WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT CANADA?

  1004. 1038 bob 11 January, 2008 at 5:52 pm

    Look you guys. I agree that the US says and does a lot of stupid/very questionable things. For the most part though, these things are negated by all of the really good things about this country.
    All of you that live in other first-world countries have almost as much say in our policy as we do. So if our policies bother you that much then stop consuming things that originate here. Boycott all of the cars, electronics/games/software/OS’s/web tools/most web sites, media/movies, etc. Do you really think that the wealthy (who do have significant political pull here) would really sit by and do nothing if all of our exports stopped making money?
    Once you cut our products out of your life and convince a significant number of your countrymen to do the same, then complain all you want and someone might actually listen. Until then, shut your hole and take the good with the bad just like everyone else does.

  1005. 1039 semper fi 11 January, 2008 at 5:55 pm

    History lesson. Yes we learn this in the United States Marine Corps. I don’t believe I said we enjoyed WW1 or WW2. The United States wanted to stay out of the war publicly and initially stated that we would remain neutral. The Germans were the aggressors and raged war against Europe. Do you remember when the Germans declared unrestricted submarine warfare and sand the cruise ship Lusitanian and killed 1198 passengers including 128 Americans? Germany was a dictatorship fighting against the great democracies. Have you ever heard of the “Zimmerman Note” where German ambassador Zimmerman sent a secret message to the Mexican government that was intercepted by the British? The message asked Mexico to attach the US if war broke out between US and Germany. After this Germany re initiated the practice of unrestricted submarine warfare violating the Sussex Pledge. There was debate in Congress about entering “Europe’s War,” but April 6, 1917 by vote of 82 to 6 in the senate and 373 to 50 in the house of representatives the United State of America declared war against Germany. Shall I go on?

  1006. 1040 Kaiten 11 January, 2008 at 5:59 pm

    Canada isn’t so sh!t hot either and this is coming from a Canadian.

    #5. Drug addicts receive free needles and free mouth pieces for their crack pipes while those who suffer from diabetes have to pay for their medical supplies.

    #4. Canada’s worst serial murderer ever will serve 6 “life sentences” concurrently meaning, once his 25 years is up he can actually walk out of jail having “paid his debt to society”.

    #3. You can lie and enter the country illegally and be slated for deportation and as long as you have enough of your friends protecting you the RCMP and Border Services Agency will not force you to leave. However, you can be gainfully employed and be from another Commonwealth country and still have to prove that you are not a burden and explain why you deserve to stay.

    #2. We are a gas producing nation yet we still pay $1.15 a litre.

    #1. We have two official languages yet in the one province that they speak the other language it is OK to not have bilingual signage. wtf?

    No country is perfect, we live where we live. But look in your own back yard before you poke fun at the anomalies in cultures that are not your own.

  1007. 1042 Peter 11 January, 2008 at 6:07 pm

    As an American, I just want you to know that no, you’re not alone in this: this whole country is batshit crazy. That’s what makes us so simultaneously dangerous and awesome.

  1008. 1043 Chris 11 January, 2008 at 6:08 pm

    “What you don’t seem to understand here is a concept called “Hate Speach”. In Canada if one would publicly say the things that were posted on that billboard, there would be serious legal concequences. It comes down to the old saying;

    “Your right to extend your arm ends at the tip of my nose””

    Those 5 American things are nothing compared to Canadians.

    As an example look at number 13. This guy scares the crap out of me. Read it. He is SERIOUS. As are other Canadians. To top it off he actually says Americans don’t understand Freedom of Speech.

    He advocates suppression of citizen speech and then says they have freedom of speech. The amount of mental flips that has to occur is astounding.

    Apparently in Canada, you get power, protect some privileged class and then prosecute anyone who goes against the state sanctioned ideas. In Canada you don’t fight words and ideas with words and ideas. You get power, forbid certain ideas and then prosecute those you don’t like.

    To top it off, some religions you can bash, others you can’t. For example the top 5 this Canadian is so concerned with was pretty negative on a Christian putting a quote on a truck. Oh, no. The world is ending! Why is he not prosecuted in Canada for hate speech?! Because Christians are not protected in Canada. Other religions are of course, but the guy who wrote the original article is full of hate for Christians.

    Canadians are scary and should stay out of our country. It is the only sane one in the ‘West’.

  1009. 1044 Monica 11 January, 2008 at 6:09 pm

    Wow, What a post. I live here in the U.S. and the things you posted disturbed me as well. I cannot say that I live somewhere where I am not going to see things that disturb me. Freedom of expression (in some forms) is a welcomed thing here in the U.S……..but you cannot really say that the things you listed wouldn’t disturb Americans and that is somehow disturbed you more because you do not live here.

    I am disturbed everyday. I am American. I love where I live and this country. In my opinion(and many other Americans feel this way)the things that have transpired in the last 8 years have changed the whole worlds view of this country. Capitalism and American arrogance aside, the there are some really great things Americans have fought for one way or another. I cannot in any way shape or form condone a war, whatever lies they have concocted to try to justify it are wrong. People are dying and inevitably it is for nothing, much as they would like to tell us otherwise. I hate what is going on, but there doesn’t seem to be anything I can do about it because as you may notice our freedoms are being restricted more and more each day. Also, let’s not forget what really runs this country not withholding the press either, it comes down to money….big money. Things are no longer as they seem and much to the dismay of conservative christians, GWB was not ever really elected!
    Opinion of this country is trashed and it now has been for years. I had one memorable experience while visiting Victoria, B.C. clear back to 2003…..My husband and I went to a cold beer and wine store and when we were checking out the clerk said our president was a jackass, although we agreed with him it didn’t stop there. I began to get heckled by the clerk and then his associate(previously stocking shelves) chimed in with him all about how americans were stupid, and was I going to be doing table dances for my husband like the other american hussys…….yea you can be disturbed just about anywhere…..and seemingly by any ignorant minded person. Similar to the racist pig posting on the board of that restaurant on your post.

  1010. 1045 Peter de Jong 11 January, 2008 at 6:10 pm

    @Cark (Clark?) Johnson (#916)

    Satire ? Not really. Bill Balsamico, the owner of Casa D’Ice, puts up these signs when he is annoyed, outraged or simply frustrated by the way things are going in America. His position may not be so different from other Americans (or Western Europeans for that matter who now have to cope with similar issues).

    The free market allows for the exchange of cheap foreign labour and cheap foreign goods. This threatens American jobs and businesses. So America cannot relax on innovation, which in itself is a good thing as it means progress, but bad news if you think you work hard enough for your money already !

    Also the immigrant workers have arrived in such large numbers that there is no longer a pressing need for them to fully adapt to American culture. They can live in the US while maintaining their own language and cultural habits. This is awkward for people in areas with a large immigrant population who now suddenly seem to be living in a foreign country. That’s probably what annoys Bill the most. He does not feel at home in his own country anymore, so it seems.

    Finally and probably most importantly, the welfare system is mainly used by these poor immigrants. That way Americans are paying for people who shouldn’t have come to the US in the first place if they cannot make a living by themselves.

    If a country has no welfare system there should be no limit at all on immigration as each immigrant that can make a living on his own clearly adds value to the economy and contributes to society.

    But when a country does have a welfare system there should be a strict immigration policy with very tight border control and swift deportation of all illegal immigrants. Otherwise the number of people using the welfare system will completely grow out of hand and welfare cost will skyrocket (as can be seen in Western Europe).

  1011. 1046 Dan 11 January, 2008 at 6:15 pm

    I thought the author was relatively neutral with his article: He doesn’t do much bashing of his finds, and even notes that both Canada and America are “comparatively sane.” What follows is a healthy discourse of different culture.

  1012. 1047 Chuck 11 January, 2008 at 6:17 pm

    The last sign was funny c’mon. I’m glad you were scared and bothered eh Mr. Canada and the rest of you self righteous left wing imbeciles. Thats the beauty of America, the nationalist spirit lives in all of us, and our beliefs and views are open to interpretation by each individual. Therefore the goal is achieved by one means or another by bands of people acting together for their common purpose. People act on how the feel and perceive; naturally some groups take on the responsibility of leadership and they expedite the whole ordeal until a solution is reached. Without this freedom and the pressure that correlates, progress occurs at a rate that eventually degrades to entropy, ultimately leading to the end of the world as we know it.

    There’s a whole lot of us over here, who sweat our gratitude and equality in every heartbeat and each step of our lives. Sometimes it means accepting that a person or persons is upset, perturbed, etc by an event or occurrence. Our way of life will prevail because it is the epitome of progress.

  1013. 1048 Dr. phil 11 January, 2008 at 6:24 pm

    At least we’re not devoid of personality you bland self righteous motherfucker. Go eat a hockey puck.

  1014. 1049 joshgeek 11 January, 2008 at 6:53 pm

    If this freaks you out, you dont want to know what amuricuns say candidly to eachother. That is just the tip of the iceberg, oh unexposed one. We’re dripping with hate and resentment for anything we percieve as a threat. Its a side effect of having our economic nucleus destroyed out of the blue (for most). If an offense is a trap, we’re all in a pretty fucking huge cage, canucks and americans alike.

  1015. 1050 Marsello 11 January, 2008 at 7:15 pm

    Of all the places to travel in the US, why would you choose to travel in the South or medieval Pittsburgh for God’s sake? Just stick with the normal & safe tourists spots such as L.A., NY, Vegas, DC, or Florida. There’s a reason why those places are not necessarily popular with tourists. I think you’re cherry picking Mr. Canadian, as there are many bad spots in every country including Canada.

  1016. 1051 Nephersir7 11 January, 2008 at 7:24 pm

    Its funny how you stupid ignorant capitalist united-statians react to an article only talking about funny facts about your hated country. Don’t base your counter-attacks on Toronto because everyone in Canada hates toronto (except those toronto idiots). youre not the center of the world. You are not america. America is not the united states, it is canada, usa, mexico, south america, etc… so stop using it like you own that name you arrogant self-centered bigot assholes.

    I bet you fatasses were too lazy to read everything i wrote.

  1017. 1052 swede 11 January, 2008 at 7:38 pm

    #917 thats the reason the rest of the world is starting to hate on usa people like you.
    get over yourself.

    Great article…. Keep up the great work.

  1018. 1053 Joe 11 January, 2008 at 8:06 pm

    Nephersir7, what the hell is South America, Canada or Mexico?

    Oh, I know, South America is where we get our coke, Mexico is where we get our landscapers and
    Canada, that’s where we get Canadian Bacon.

    But WE are America, the rest are just third string losers.

    Nobody says America and thinks, “Canada.”

  1019. 1054 LadyJane 11 January, 2008 at 8:14 pm

    All you guys are no better than those monkeys that fling poop. Come ON! Nobody is better than anybody for fuck’s sake. Get a grip.

  1020. 1055 Peter de Jong 11 January, 2008 at 8:33 pm


    You missed out on some of Bill Balsamico’s best work, the slight bias your posted selection provides really doesn’t do the guy justice !

    Check out the Casa D’Ice website for his comments on the rotary phone, Speedy Gonzales, Toyota surpassing GM, conservatives electing Bush (‘our mistake’ he calls it), seatbelts, and the mafia. All these make perfectly good sense and are great fun.

    So while Bill seems as sane as they come, these girls are probably not (great sense of humour though).

  1021. 1056 Chris 11 January, 2008 at 8:39 pm

    By the way, America is not the only country still using the “Imperial” system. Lyberia, Myanmar, and The US do not use the metric system.

  1022. 1057 NoDuh 11 January, 2008 at 9:14 pm

    To think that these are the most shocking 5 things in the US you have to be a retard (or a Canadian, I guess)

  1023. 1058 Pete 11 January, 2008 at 9:21 pm

    I agree completely with all the signs. I’ll have a bacon double cheeseburger, please. Then I’m heading home to my firing range in my Supercharged 1 ton truck to shoot my 45.

  1024. 1059 Ewen 11 January, 2008 at 9:40 pm


  1025. 1060 Mike 11 January, 2008 at 10:01 pm

    Heh- I like the signs.

  1026. 1061 anonymous 11 January, 2008 at 10:06 pm

    I went to the casa d’ice website and that guy really is a nut job. I mean spaghetti AND a salad for $3.99? That’s pure lunacy!

  1027. 1062 Mike 11 January, 2008 at 10:10 pm

    Americans trolled into defending scum because they can’t seperate taste from freedom of speech? How typical!

  1028. 1063 De 11 January, 2008 at 11:05 pm

    This doesn’t surprise me. You took a bunch of ignorant and sarcastic American personalities and tried tried to represent them as who we are.

    As an American I will defend my country by saying stop coming here looking for drama. I know too many Canadian “America Haters.” If you don’t like it, stay the hell out!

  1029. 1064 Ron 11 January, 2008 at 11:13 pm

    One thing you fail to point out. I dont know any American, anywher, who doesn’t feel a kinship with Canada, There isnt an American soldier, or an American citizen for that matter, who wouldn’t fight to the death to defend Canada or its interests if something ever happened.

    You can make fun of the south all you want. Those of us in the north do all the time. Fatty food? guilty? Nitwits with message boards? The same as in Canada (Drive thru Guelph some day).

    You are a pompous ass. The average Canadian is just like the average American. We work hard, we play hard, and we despise douche bags like you. I will bet you anything you have a goatee. Assclown.

  1030. 1065 Asif 11 January, 2008 at 11:14 pm

    I pity the fool. pity their ignorance….

  1031. 1066 Mary Lou 12 January, 2008 at 12:18 am

    I say, stay in Canada. Our troups are protecting you, and you know will always protect you. And you just go along and whine about us. You are plain rude.
    Oh you Canadans. It’s just sour grapes.

  1032. 1067 anne 12 January, 2008 at 12:26 am

    Don’t you americans see how nuts it is to be flipping out because a guy points out five things that freaked him out on a trip? At first it could be assumed some of these people were crackers, but many posters here have proven that at least a percentage of americans are as crazy as a bag of hammers. American travellers probably do the same, the difference is that we canadians don’t give a shit what you think-but obviously people here have proven that many americans care way too much.

  1033. 1068 paulitics 12 January, 2008 at 12:27 am

    Mary Lou – Care to explain how ‘your’ troops are protecting Canada (or from what, for that matter)?

  1034. 1069 alien 12 January, 2008 at 12:52 am

    With regard to #5: I’ve haven’t trusted anyone who trumpets how religious they are since my neighbors reaction to getting convicted of child molestation (sentenced to house arrest) was to put up a little Jesus shrine in their front yard and hope that no one heard about it. His niece was my best friend and the one he was convicted of molesting.

  1035. 1070 Don 12 January, 2008 at 12:58 am

    Why haven’t you Canandians solved the Korean Nuclear Crisis or the Middle East Crisis yet? It’s not like you have anything else to do?

  1036. 1071 Gary 12 January, 2008 at 1:07 am

    Good way to kill an hour or two. Very entertaining. Kudos to the creator.

    I think the biggest point here is enjoy your freedom while you have it and remember why you have it. I am a dual citizen (Canada and US), and can see pros and cons in both countries and the people who make up that country, but like many people have pointed out, just because you are born here doesn’t require you to defend everything which is American. (like my run on sentence? :) ) Chau.

  1037. 1072 Reset Smith 12 January, 2008 at 1:29 am

    Canadians suck lots of dicks

  1038. 1073 kr 12 January, 2008 at 1:37 am

    “American soldiers protect Canada” Riiiiight. Just like how I’m up here in Canada, all 210 pounds of ass kicking hockey playing hard-boy, protecting your weakly yankee soft gutted life – right? It makes about as much sense. Besides, we’re Commenwealth, mo’fo’, look it up. The British army IS the Canadian army. So there.

    And #1057 – The “Korean Nuclear CRISIS?” Good Lord – I’d hardly call it a crisis. Logically each of these situations requires the intervention of the United Nations. Its not up to any one country to act as some kind of global cop. Its a global consensus to handle this stuff, something that Canada understands and is a key component of.

    Why are you in Iraq anyway? Hello Vietnam 2000.

  1039. 1074 Jimbo 12 January, 2008 at 1:40 am

    Anyone notice how most Canadians are on the same side, yet the Americans are divided? Some agree, some disagree. Truth is the U.S. is about due for another civil war. Thank God.

  1040. 1075 nap 12 January, 2008 at 3:37 am

    Paul; you are total clown. Your pretentious, uninformed, arrogant attitude and illogical mind are amongst the reasons your country is constantly parodied/satirized on South Park. Whether the writer of the letter to the editor was aware or not aware that government social programs virtually did not exist prior to FDR, the point is that they didn’t need to ask for help, and by circumstance and environment, (old world concepts of shame and lack of social programs), they took responsibility for themselves without relying on the government, which btw, in our NON SOCIALIST country is supposed to be very small and limited in it’s power, etc. BTW, social programs were mostly implemented by FDR to help AMERICANs out of the Great Depression and to carry us , not to turn our country into a welfare state (i.e. Canada and the homeless Vancouver) for the “perceived” lazy ass self serving immigrants.

  1041. 1076 Frank L 12 January, 2008 at 6:02 am

    Haha. You see how Americans get offended when we’re talking about bad stuff in their country? You can talk sh*t about Canada here, but I don’t care, ’cause I do what I have to do and I won’t take personally if you say the restaurant next to my house is crap. If you think it’s crap, don’t eat there. Tell your friends not to. And you’re just saying stupid things like “Canadians suck” because of your stupid pride, and have nothing else to think about. The idea of “Free Speech” was your idea, and now you can’t even spell it correctly…

    Why do we call your country America anyway? Mexico and Canada are ON the America too. Now we need a goddamn passport to cross the border because your own government bombed your own trading center, killed your families and friends, all of this to create laws to control your lives. United States is a free country… yeah right. I bet the CIA’s gonna end up at my house when they’ll track down my IP. Guantanamo, here I come.

  1042. 1077 NotSure 12 January, 2008 at 6:48 am

    Hey paulitics, I have an interesting observation. It is about this quote, and all the other idiot rednecks in USA who believe free speech is something they have a right to, but no one on the left of politics is.

    “My second point is about your first “crazy” example. Why can’t a private company put slogans on their own trucks? In America, any private company can do that. Muslim owned companies can quote the Koran. Hindus, Buddhists … any company owner can push whatever philosophy they want on their own equipment. It’s called freedom. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?”

    Now if you can find a copy, please please get a copy of the “Top Gear” episode where Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May drive from Florida to Texas in three cheap cars (Series nine, episode three). You will find in that show just how “Open” and “Free” the southerners idea of speech really is. When they spray painted each others cars with the following slogans,
    “Man Love Rules OK”, “I’m Bi”, “Country and Western is Rubbish”, “NASCAR sucks”, and “Hillary for President”, they were literally run out of town by a pickup truck full of weapon wielding rednecks who were pelting them and the camera crew with stones.

    Yup, those rednecks LOVE free speech. Well as long as it praises Jesus and the republican party. They hate all other forms of free speech, and will tell other Americans to get the hell out of their country if they disagree with the southern redneck point of view. Are the American rednecks running for “The Biggest Pack Of Hypocrites In The World Award”? Maybe not, the cliche is that the rednecks do not know what a hypocrite is.

  1043. 1078 Murphy 12 January, 2008 at 6:54 am

    One more comment on the “aboot” thing.

    I find it ironic that the President of the United States, with the capacity to unleash nuclear hell, can’t even pronounce the word.

    It’s not pronounced new-cue-lar. It’s new-clee-ar. Just like it’s spelled. You President look like (even more of) an idiot every time he mis-pronounces it.

    And if the USA is so terrific, why don’t you try sewing the Stars and Stripes to your backpack when you travel? Instead of PRETENDING to be Canadian? Could it be that…

    You’re afraid?

  1044. 1079 Peter de Jong 12 January, 2008 at 7:15 am

    @ kr (#1061)

    People have the right to protect their life, liberty and property. It’s fine if you are willing to outsource that to others (i.e. a national government or the UN) but if these organizations do a bad job, surely you can do the job yourself. It’s what you are responsible for in the first place, nobody else is (although others can help, off course).

    Unfortunately, the global presence of American military forces, interventionist policy and powerful American media endorsing the American way of life seem rather intrusive on the rest of the world. Not everybody is happy with that, 9/11 didn’t come out of the blue.

    Obviously Americans differ on the kind of foreign policy that protects their interests best: pre-emptive strikes, or non-interventionism. Presidential candidate Ron Paul (Rep) supports the latter.

    And Bill Balsamico does too, if I’m not mistaken ;-)

  1045. 1080 Peter de Jong 12 January, 2008 at 7:29 am

    The official Canadians-for-Ron-Paul link:

  1046. 1081 paulitics 12 January, 2008 at 9:44 am

    Ah, there you go. An internet thread is not fully exploited until somebody injects hyperlinks to Ron Paul sites. I was expecting that to happen sooner. What happened? I guess the Ron Paul fanatics are slipping.

  1047. 1082 Eric Brooks 12 January, 2008 at 11:27 am

    This is really way too judgemental and it makes me feel embarassed to be Canadian.

    You act as if America is overflowing with bigots –wrong! I’ve lived in Asia for most of the last 10 years and you have no idea how ‘open minded’ an American you would consider ‘close-minded’ or ‘intolerant’ is compared to the average Asian or European. And really, picking on peoples’ food is in very bad. I see Europeans make similar comments about Asian food in Asia all the time.

    Please, please, travel the world (and I don’t mean a 1 week Caribbean vacation on the beach)…mix in the down and dirty areas of America, Europe, Asia and all the rest…that way, you can stop picking on stupid signs, local food, or religious businesses…and you will quickly learn what tolerant people Americans truly are…

  1048. 1083 brian 12 January, 2008 at 12:05 pm

    The only one that really bothers me is #1. #4 sounds delicious!

  1049. 1084 paulitics 12 January, 2008 at 12:20 pm

    Eric Brooks, in your travels, did you happen to learn to read? If so, can you please point to me where I “act[ed] as if America is overflowing with bigots”?

    Can you show me where I explicitly said that what I saw here is not indicative of a majority of Americans? I can. I wrote it many times, including here:

    “So, just to clarify, yes I support free speech because (and this may be news to the more reactionary people who’ve posted on this blog), Canada has a long tradition of it as well. But I don’t think I have to apologize for being genuinely disturbed by what I saw to be a large segment of the U.S. population who has become so rabid as to spout white-supremacist or christian-supremacist venom.”

    Top 5 things I saw in America which, as a Canadian, freaked me right out

    and here:

    “I never said all Americans are the same. In fact, I would rather disagree with this statement.”

    Top 5 things I saw in America which, as a Canadian, freaked me right out

    and here:

    “The post was talking about a specific segment of the American population (what percentage it is, I don’t know, nor did I make any claims to know) that proudly spout christian-supremacist and white-supremacist garbage. I was commenting on the phenomenon itself as frightening, not making any prescriptive statements.”

    Top 5 things I saw in America which, as a Canadian, freaked me right out

    Read. Then think. Then, if you must, comment. But always do it in that order to avoid embarrassing yourself.

  1050. 1085 Joe 12 January, 2008 at 12:35 pm

    Who cares Paul?

    Canada sucks.

    In fact, we should invade. We need the room for parking.

  1051. 1086 paulitics 12 January, 2008 at 12:43 pm

    Joe, hope you don’t mind your cars not starting in the 8 month-long winter. :)

  1052. 1087 anne 12 January, 2008 at 1:47 pm

    Joe, go ahead and invade…like you personally. We’ll kick your asses. Who do you think makes a good percentage of the weapons the US uses? And hell, you guys regularly get your asses kicked by third world backwaters. You fled from Somalia because one unit got hit. Not to mention too chickenshit to ever take on the russkies. Plus, you saw what happened when guys from the other side of the world came over with your own plane, now imagine that happening every damn day of the week. Of course I”m not serious, just showing just how stupid you sound. I think a number six can be added of the things that ‘freak out’ Paul: dozens of americans go spouting venom just because somebody actually used their freedom of expression to say things they don’t like.

    And if you really don’t care…why exactly are you here and posting?

  1053. 1088 Peter de Jong 12 January, 2008 at 2:19 pm


    Come on Paul,

    Wouldn’t it be a good thing for Canada if Ron Paul got elected ? I cannot think of any other candidate that advocates free trade this strongly and that genuinely wants the US to coexist peacefully with other nations, starting with an immediate end to the Iraq war.

    In fact, if you saw Bill Balsamico’s video message (#1068) you’d know this American ‘bigot’ wants the same things (i.e. bring the troops home, reduce taxes, reduce the size of government, etc). I’ll bet Bill would even agree with Ron Paul on free immigration if the burden immigrants place on state welfare was reduced. Bill would still have a problem with ‘dialling 1 to proceed in English’ but heh that’s the free market for you and Bill can always shop at an English speaking supplier.

    I also feel Eric Brooks (#1071) has a point, despite your cited reply. In #1041 I pointed out your posting is a little biased. This is okay if you want to use this bias to support your own opinion as it is the responsibility of other people to check on the facts. What you think is “christian-supremacist and white-supremacist garbage” may in fact be a perfectly normal opinion which many less outspoken people share. Remember everybody has his/her own way of saying the same thing.

    So maybe you shouldn’t lecture other people (such as Eric) if they accuse you of an unbalanced view ? ;-)

    Great thread though, over a 1000 comments ! WOW !

    I also saw the Top Gear episode Oh Hi mentioned in #588. Great fun ! :-D

  1054. 1089 Guido 12 January, 2008 at 4:25 pm

    Yank (USAmerican) Myths (or “why the world hate us”):

    “We work hard”: sure, that’s why you outsource everything to sweatshops around the world where they actually exploit people, and it’s documented. so get informed and get your fat asses to work for real someday.

    “We love freedom”: the freedom to bomb anyone who doesn’t accept you as world rulers. Collective inferiority complex and weapons is definitely a bad mix.

    “We are wealthy”: US economy is clearly sinking and you have the biggest foreign debt in the planet. Good luck.

  1055. 1091 PushBiker 12 January, 2008 at 8:50 pm


    Maybe someone already said this in the thousand comments but:

    I guess it wouldn’t be as funny (?) or inflammatory to list the 5 things you liked the BEST about the good ole USA, but these days we sure could use a friend. And it’s not as if we haven’t extended our own hands in friendship in the past.

    I’ll start:

    I have visited Canada many times in my life. I’ve always been impressed with the cleanliness of the countryside and the courtousy of the inhabitants.

    My wife and I once bicycled from Calgary through the Canadian Rockies. At one point, while ogling the surrounding beauty, my wife bumped into my bike and rather gently fell over. No harm, no damage. But 5 cars pulled over to see if she was okay. We were amazed. Here in southern California the best she could have hoped for would have been for them to swerve to avoid hitting her. Not all of them would have.

    Sorry you found our country so offensive.

  1056. 1092 Geoff 12 January, 2008 at 8:58 pm

    I don’t think Paul is making any sweeping generalizations, as some readers assume. There are many things we like about Americans. There are just some things that jump out at us when we travel there, certain attitudes that stand out, because you’d never come across them here, at least displayed publicly. To us they are… scary.
    Again, maybe in the U.S. people just have more freedom to voice opinions that are obviously bigoted or offensive to others. Americans are diverse bunch, and it is true that a certain stereotype is played up here in Canada.

  1057. 1093 Colin 12 January, 2008 at 9:00 pm

    Wow, This has really taken on a life of its own.
    Talking about (this) stuff can be good…but

    To reset who said “Canadians suck lots of dicks”

    I think that the point is that Canadians do NOT WANT YOUR LIFESTYLE…

    To KR….

    who thinks that US forces are not protecting Canada and that Canadians are not in Iraq.

    There are US forces in Canada…folks are not afraid of us Canadians because we can throw snowballs. Check out Comox Air Force Base, check out the DEW line etc….Canadian d/n have nukes…we are protected by our big brothers to the South.

    By the way, just because Cretien had said that Canada would not be in Iraq d/ n mean that we aren’t. I know of people in the know who will quietly say that Canadian tech and intell has always been there…..Don’t be so naive and never believe politicians.

    /Col-A US citizen and a Canuck….God Bless all countries

  1058. 1094 KR 12 January, 2008 at 11:01 pm

    Peter and Colin – calm down there, boys. I made a very sarcastic comment about Canada being part of the Commonwealth, in response to someone’s suggestion that Canada needs the American military to protect us. This was a joke. My mother worked on the DEW line as a civvie, when the system was still relevant, and so I’m well aware of it’s existence.

    Honestly, do you guys really believe Canada is under threat from any other nation in the world? Who? We need the American military to ‘protect’ us? Give me a break. Does the U.S. military also offer proxy military protection to other nations that don’t invest huge resources into this? Like Costa Rica? Who’s looking after Costa Rica? And Greenland. I wonder.

    And I never made any comment that Canada wasnt in Iraq. I’m sure JTF 2 is over there, but surely you can understand that there’s a rather huge difference of scales. Our involvement isnt sucking our country into a third world nation, is it? Its another Vietnam for you guys. Its unwinable. You can’t get out cause you’ll lose face globally, so you keep pouring money into it instead of using that money to look after your own people. What’s more important? Your parents, your kids, your friends and families, or spending that cash on occupying some country for no logical reason? When will you learn? Its like a country of 7 year olds.

  1059. 1095 KR 12 January, 2008 at 11:09 pm

    Me again, KR. Just wanted to quickly say that what I wrote above relates to the American leadership, and definately not to all the people that live there. I know many Americans, and they’re pretty much exactly the same as my Canadian friend’s – good people, and not at all differnet from us up here in the north.

  1060. 1096 Joe 13 January, 2008 at 12:07 am

    Starting the car is fine, I have a block heater.

    To Anne: You confuse lack of political will with a lack of military superiority.

    A few hundred of our guys killed thousands and thousands of retarded muslims in Somalia.

    An overwhelming win shown as a loss by weak politics.

    Hell, a few states worth of National Guardsmen could roll up Canada like a burrito.

    Canada never wins or loses wars, they only “help.” That’s why you guys suck.

    You have to risk losses and take a few to win.

    Your GDP is like what, smaller than Brazil’s I believe?

    Hell, California by itslef could whoop you losers.

  1061. 1097 Reg 13 January, 2008 at 1:07 am

    Jim – I don’t think the U.S. should be cited as an example of a ‘winning’ country when it comes to war. Look at our track record. Its, uh, not so good. We got invovled in WW2, sure, but that was quite a critical amount of time after countries like the UK and Canada were stepping up and taking care of business. The histroy shows that we seem to have a habit of not getting involved early enough in the wars that matter – WWI and WW2, while getting way too involved in the ones that don’t – Vietnam, which we lost, and Iraq, which we’re losing.

    Most of the Canucks I know are one on one quite a bit tougher than a lot of us. I hate to say it, but that’s what I’ve noticed. I love the U.S., but we’ve got our heads on crooked right now.

    What’s worse is that I’ve been giving change back on the Canadian dollar for purchases made from my business. For all the strength of our GDP, our dolalr is worth shit.

  1062. 1098 Geoff 13 January, 2008 at 1:36 am

    What’s up with these guys like Joe? Their racist derogatory remarks say more about them than anyone else. What they call other people is what they’re unable to see in themselves. It’s ironic. Fortunately, they’re usually a minority, so we shouldn’t get too worked up over it.

  1063. 1099 Cody 13 January, 2008 at 5:03 am

    I want to point out something I think a good deal of people here need to realize: this is one person’s opinion.

    Seriously, everyone’s entitled to their own opinions. That’s what free speech is all about, right? Stop spouting off about freedom if you don’t have the decency to let someone practice it.

  1064. 1100 Mike 13 January, 2008 at 6:15 am

    I am not at all bothered by most of he comments made about my country by people who do not live here. It does amaze me at the comments made about the south by US citizens does give validity to all the comments about the USA’s arrogance. US citizens criticizing the south because we are stupid, uneducated, bible thumping, inbred, rednecked idiots? You do this, and at the same time try and defend the US from the bashing that is present on this blog? Let me try and understand the superior logic that evidently comes from the privilege of being born at a slightly different set of geographical coordinates. If it were not for all the uneducated in-breeders in the south, these Canadians would certainly see that the US has a superior quality of people than anywhere else in the world!! You tell the Canadians that they should not judge the rest of our country based on french toast and billboards, yet you imply it is ok to let a few rednecks characterize the entire south.
    I was knee deep in blood this afternoon in the emergency room trying to put 3 surviving members of a family back together, after the car crash they were involved in claimed the lives of the 2 youngest children. Did I mention this is a Mexican family that are not legal residents of the US? It is really weird, but when I was putting an endotracheal tube down the mothers trachea (because all of her teeth were knocked out, and all of them went into her windpipe), she looked up at me and did not mention any concern whatsoever about the fact that she was in Texas. You know, down here in the south, being treated by a physician who attended medical school and 2 residencies in Texas. No, she did not say much at all until later, after getting her hooked up to a ventilator, she wrote a small note that simply said, thanks. Even though she had just lost her 2 children, she was grateful for being helped by a redneck. You know, she did not seem to flinch at all when she heard my Fort Worth, Texas drawl. Can you imagine that? I mean, if she had the benefit of the wisdom contained in this blog concerning the “truth” about ignorant un-educated southerners, she could have refused the treatment until a “smart doctor” could be found in another part of the country!
    I do not apologize to any of you for being a US citizen or being born and raised in the south. I do not apologize for being a physician in a free market system and supporting my family. I worked my ass off to get my education-nobody walked up and just handed me a diploma to practice medicine. An education that resulted in $150,000 in student loans and much loss of time with my own family. I contribute more time and money to indigent health-care than many of you make in a year!
    This does not make me special or superior to anyone wherever they live, so don’t start in with the rich, high and mighty american doctor bullshit. My friends are blue-collar workers and we have mutual respect for one another’s abilities. Some of my friends are not even white or christian! Can you believe it!
    One thing I am proud to say about my southern friends, is that none of us would ever knowingly degrade, attack or belittle anyone else based on color, nationality, religious preference, gender or education. I am ashamed to be associated with so called “americans” that show their own hatred and bigotry, and all the while not even realizing how judgemental, ignorant and arrogant they appear.
    The way I see it is I do not give any credence to the US bashing that has taken place here by people who do not live here. Any of the non-US critics that want to know the truth about my values, ethics and morals as a southerner can come down here anytime and I will show you what they are. You “american” guys and gals that feel you are superior to us in the south, your claims need to be backed up with credentials and accomplishments and not worthless lip service.
    With all said, I will leave these all important complex issues being discussed here (french toast!!???)to those that know best-all non-US citizens, and all highly intellectually evolved non-southern US patriots. This dumb ass southern doctor needs to get back to the hospital where all people bleed the same red blood.

  1065. 1101 NotSure 13 January, 2008 at 6:41 am

    @ Dr. Mike

    You do not come over as the saint you think you do to anyone who has any experience at all. You see and judge people on where they are from, the colour of their skin, and how much they make. Just because you are trained to fix people, and you have a responsibility to help no matter what, does not make you judgmental. Someone who truly did not see skin colour would not have noted that these were Hispanics, or noted that they were illegals. Someone who truly does not care about the incomes of their friends, does not see their friends as “Blue Collar” people.

    You even seem to believe the town you grew up in sets you apart, for better or worse, in other peoples eyes.

    You are not an enlightened soul. You are just a doctor.

  1066. 1102 Slim pickens 13 January, 2008 at 10:54 am

    We are a weird nation.I have nothing more to add.

  1067. 1103 Steve Mulholland 13 January, 2008 at 11:03 am

    Awesome billboards! They’re not afraid to tell it like it is. God Bless America. Watch out, those pieces of crapp liberals are hell-bent on ruining this beautiful country, so don’t listen to them please. If America is so bad, then why does everyone come here from countries all over this world? It’s easy to complain or critisize the U.S. however it’s only the slimy, low-life human scum that finds it good to put down the most preferable place on the earth. If you don’t like it here, please get the hell out, we don’t want you.

  1068. 1104 John Wayne 13 January, 2008 at 11:06 am

    Just please don’t let anymore of your Canadian brethern come to New Jersey and hyjack anymore planes.

  1069. 1105 paulitics 13 January, 2008 at 11:13 am

    John Wayne – you’re joking right? You’re really not so naive as to believe that are you?

  1070. 1106 Auctoris 13 January, 2008 at 11:20 am

    @NotSure: It was obvious that his inclusion of those specific classifying details about race or socio-economic status were included *specifically* because of the nature of this discussion and their previous inclusion in other people’s comments. However, your comment has shown that this “discussion” has devolved into arguing for the sake of arguing. Time to move along–at least that’s what I’ll be doing.

  1071. 1107 Joe 13 January, 2008 at 11:56 am

    Geoff, there is no such thing as racism. You godless liberals should have figured that out long ago. Evolution and survival of the fittest. Races can be ranked like anything else. Noone is equal to another and no race is equal to another race. For those that push evolution so damn hard you should get that.

    “Equality” is just made up to fit what you think, doesn’t mean that’s reality.

  1072. 1108 Geoff 13 January, 2008 at 1:41 pm

    Joe, you’re like a fish that can’t see water because you’re swimming in it. As far as evolution goes, survival relies as much on cooperation as competition. Have you studied biology or ecology lately? You’re just using popularized notions of evolution to justify what’s convenient, and it looks like you might not even believe in it in the first place. And what do you mean when you say liberals are ‘godless’? Look up ‘liberal’ in the dictionary. It’s not a dirty word here in Canada.

  1073. 1109 Geoff 13 January, 2008 at 1:56 pm

    John Wayne: The hijackers were Canadian? That’s news to me. I thought everyone had decided they were Iraqis!

  1074. 1110 Vax 13 January, 2008 at 4:51 pm

    “Press 1 to speak English”…
    hmm, that doesn’t seem right.

    Shouldn’t that be “Press 1 to speak Iriquois, 2 to speak Navaho,” etc.? English should be five or six at the highest I would think.

    -An American, and (sometimes) proud of it

    PS that Stuffed French Toast sounds AWESOME. As I live in upstate NY, can you tell me where I can try it?

  1075. 1111 Ann 13 January, 2008 at 7:43 pm

    You know how to keep from being “freaked” on your vacation to the United States? Don’t come back.

  1076. 1112 Joe 13 January, 2008 at 8:52 pm

    Geoff, the current use of the word here has nothing to do with the dictionary definition.
    Liberals are the democrats, the left and far left of the political spectrum here.

    And yes, they are godless, most by either their own admission or by the politics they support.

    Equality is a joke. It is a construct of the human mind that does not exist in nature.

    You think different species of monkeys all consider themselves equal and have politically correct relationships?

    It is convenient and expedient for fools that believe it.

    Any claptrap about the races being equal is pure fantasy.

    Equality is an idea created by humans using language, not a fact.

    A true liberal would be able to entertain that idea ;-)

  1077. 1113 fredfromhockeytown 13 January, 2008 at 10:54 pm

    Poutine? “Smoked meat” has to be the most vile thing north of the Rio Grande. I assume smoked meat is getting harder to find up there as your growing Asian population uses more stray pets for their own culinary needs.

  1078. 1114 Big Guy in TB 13 January, 2008 at 11:12 pm

    I too have recently returned from vacationing in the US. While all of this stuff should be taken as “light-hearted”, I do have some comments.

    I was tempted to jump in with some of the stupid things I enountered with various sales clerks (both male and female BYW) (ie the Holiday Inn reservation clerk who asked me “what state Chatanooga was in” when I was trying to make a reservation with them), but on the other hand I encountered just as many sales clerks who were genuinely professional in their approach to me(ie the front desk clerk at the Embassy Suites Hotel – SFU campus location in Tampa FL).

    What I don’t understand is the driving habits of many folks down there. The speed limit on the Florida Turnpike is 70 mph. I was going 85 mph and was one of the slower cars on the road.

    The accident that occured in Florida on Interstate 4 last Monday was reported widely in the media as being caused by smoke and fog. BULLSHIT!!!!!! The real cause was that the drivers did not adjust their speeds to their surroundings. There is only one reason it was a 70 car pileup – everyone was bumper to bumper and following too close to react to a dangerous situation.

    Other than that, I rather enjoy visiting the US.

  1079. 1115 Geoff 14 January, 2008 at 12:47 am

    Joe – your use of the word “Liberal” is still one that is not common outside the U.S. That said, Canada’s Conservative party is said to be to the left of the Democrats, and we go a lot further left from there.

    The ‘godless’ label doesn’t mean a whole lot to me. There are a range of religious or spiritual beliefs from all regions of the political spectrum. In Canada, even the left leaning NDP had religious as well as socialist roots. Looking out for the poor doesn’t strike me as ‘godless’ either, and doesn’t look too bad when compared to the other things people worship (the ‘god’ of materialism and what have you). As for big ‘G’, everyone subscribes to their own view of what ‘God’ is, or isn’t, as the case may be. That’s their personal belief, and as long as they don’t try impose it on others that’s fine with me. If it’s a God that leads to ideological wars, I’d rather do without, thank you very much.
    And I’m not a fan of political correctness either. I prefer honesty – people may as well express their beliefs. But I still think the competitiveness aspect of evolution is overplayed. Monkeys may not have too much of a concept of cooperation, but they don’t have much a concept of racism either. That’s more of a human thing that’s got more to do with social conditioning than anything else.

  1080. 1116 Geoff 14 January, 2008 at 12:51 am

    And by the way, I would defend the restaurant owner’s freedom to express his beliefs. I just wouldn’t eat there myself.

  1081. 1117 Colin 14 January, 2008 at 1:14 am

    KR Dude….Let me say that I am enjoying reading and participating in this. Unfortunately, this as saddens me as there is a lot of racism and bigotry being vented here (by a lot of ppl in this post thingy) . And Dude (KR) you were right, you didn’t mention (apparent) Canadian un-involvement in Iraq… But dude, I gotta call you out on you mention in a post that your remarks are intended for the US Gov’t, not the ppl…but earlier, you wrote:
    “Keep drinking the Kool-aid, inbreds Yanks. What’s the most despised country and people in the world? Why do you think that is? And its not cause everyone’s jealous – guess again – its because you’re ignorant and facsist and a plague on the welfare of the planet.”
    I also point you out to another post
    “American soldiers protect Canada” Riiiiight. Just like how I’m up here in Canada, all 210 pounds of ass kicking hockey playing hard-boy, protecting your weakly yankee soft gutted life – right? It makes about as much sense. Besides, we’re Commenwealth, mo’fo’, look it up. The British army IS the Canadian army. So there.

    Canada has been threatened and there have been plans thwarted by ‘outside influences’ in the last few years. Yes there was a (lame and ineffectual) attack on the west coast of Canada by Japan during WWII. Direct threats by Osama. The Commonwealth forces do not get involved in Canada’s issues and vice versa. The link to the Commonwealth is now ceremonial only (since Canada has her own constitution now). US forces, intell and might DO protect Canada (or the threat of US intravention against a foreign or terrorist threat does) ….and yes, the United states, (like me, you, companies other people) does look after its own interests…called self preservation and self promotion…if you don’t look after your own interest…well, you don’t survive! Canada has no real physical might in it’s military…its strengths lie in diplomatic ties, intell, and technology..which are all admirable qualities. Again, the US ain’t perfect but what I am seeing here ( in a lot of posts) is RACISM and BIGOTRY against the US AND its citizens. This is tolerated in Canada..America-bashing…and encouraged by the media. (yes, I have seen it, lived it) It is damn sad and quite honestly, illegal but tolerated in Canada.
    It is a damn shame, saddens me and makes me feel ashamed to be Canadian, because if there were ever a 9/11 or Katrina in Canada, American help would there before next Canadian could find a way to blame the US. Actually, you know what…how about this…we make geographical changes so that Canada is surrounded by Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia, North Korea and Iran. Perhaps then we could see how well Canada fares…Soon, there would be ardent pleas for stuffed french toast!

  1082. 1118 RPJ 14 January, 2008 at 1:56 am

    Just what is the US supposed to be protecting us against??? For the last remaining superpower they sure seem to feel they still don’t have enough protection. Why all the paranoia? As far as who helps who out, I’d like to remind some folks who helped protect US hostages in Iran and get them to safety at risk of their own lives… yep Canada. And who was it that that took in all the US planes and gave them safe harbourage during 911… yep Canada. In some remote airports there were almost more folks on the planes than were residents in the little communities but they took them into their homes and shared bed and board with them, no questions asked. This hissy fit about how mean Canada is to the US is just plain nuts. Hell most of us have family on both sides of the line for crying out loud, how removed can we be from each other? And yes Canada bashing goes on all the time in the US. You can’t watch a full day of American TV without hearing some shot or some joke about Canada. So what. So chill folks. You can’t all pop an aorta every time someone levels some pretty innocuous jabs at you or are we all to believe you are perfection itself? You know, if Paul’s vacation was to Western Canada or the Maritimes, and he posted the 5 things he found the most freaky on his trip there, he would have had folks chiming in from each province saying “if you think that’s weird you should see such and such”. Reading this thread has been like Alice falling through the looking glass. Everything is topsy turvy in here (this thread). What an overreaction to one of this site’s minor posts.

  1083. 1119 Baracus 14 January, 2008 at 4:32 am

    Down right idiocy. Thats the basic point of my comments. Its easy for Cananda to sit back and critisize American beliefs and ways, because who the hell really of any importance lives in a country where their police are called “mount”ies? Thanks for Celine, but ya can have that whiney ho back now. Thanks for Canadian Bacon, oh wait its only pork and some canadian figured it’ll be funny to have that be cnanada’s claim to fame.
    Only thing Cananda has left to offer is the Edmonton mall, and the olympic sport Curling. But as I said its easy for cananda to sit back and mock, but wait till the spics begin entering canada, then we’ll see how tolerant you are when you have a bunch of moochers liveing off your half ass social programs.

    1. Build a wall North and south and keep all the illegals out both Mexican and Canadian.
    2. Priase the Casa D’Ice man for haveing the decentcy to show Americans just what is going on, and yet some are still blind.
    3. Comercial, or personal… God is the same as the tooth fairy…Imaginary, sneeks in when your eyes are closed, takes your faith, and disappears while the whole time thinking how gulible the cristians are.

  1084. 1120 paulitics 14 January, 2008 at 10:22 am

    Baracus – hate to break it to you but it wasn’t ‘some Canadian’ who decided to make ‘Canadian bacon’ our ‘claim to fame” as you put it. In Canada we don’t call it Canadian bacon (and I’d never even heard the term until I went to the states). In Canada it’s called back bacon.

    But I understand.. it is hard to think when you’re filled with rage, isn’t it?

  1085. 1121 Paul 14 January, 2008 at 12:40 pm

    I’m from Alberta and do not agree in the least with the author of this blog. Most of these American haters are from Ontario and have been brainwashed to hate Americans by the Liberal party of Canada. And of course the CBC. They demonstrate their pettiness by watching Rick Mercer disrespect Americans ( you can be sure he edits out the answers that aren’t what he wants) Is this censorship? Yes it is, but these brainwashed bigots think they are so enlitened. Freedom is dieing in Canada with the blessing of these types. I love visiting the U.S. I know, now I will be told to move there by these brilliant intellectuals.

  1086. 1122 Alli 14 January, 2008 at 1:25 pm

    This was enjoyable reading although I must confess I got tired of reading all of the complaints that were sent in. #16 by JCY, your comment was great! My gosh people, get a life. Do you really think we should have to press 1 to continue in English? If my memory serves me right I was born in the United States of America which, as far as I knew, was an English speaking country. I was born in Miami, FLA in the 50’s and DO NOT live there anymore because I DO NOT speak Spanish. It is pretty bad when you can not go to different parts of your own county because they don’t speak the language. If a person comes to the United States, for whatever reason, you are going to have to learn our language, or don’t come at all. Bring our boys home from the middle east and spend the money on our own people who need help here in the USA.

  1087. 1123 Col 14 January, 2008 at 1:27 pm

    RPJ…I don’t know about threats to Canada, you should you read the news….CANADA has been THREATENED by Osama. (Read slowly, you might get it this time), Tamil groups in the midst of plots broken up in TO, Fellow arrested in BC …never mind..
    And dude, you mentioned…JOKES made by Americans about Canadians…..JOKES…as in ..not in “kidding” While there is HATRED of the US and its citizens in Canada…I experience it firsthand….so do friends of mine, there are strong benevolent feelings about Canada in the US. I am professionally licensed in both countries and a citizen of both and lived in Canada 40 years…. Face it, it is not ok to prejudge or hate any group in Canada (nor should it be) except the US and its citizens….you would NEVER see the type of blog that was posted (with the restaurant signs) posted by an American about Canada. Canada and a high percentage of its citizens love to rant/complain/bitch/whine/wimp and pee pants about the big old bad America..(Evidence….more than half of these postings in this blog) …while listening to their Bruce Springsteen albums which they first heard advertised on US TV, wearing their Levi’s and Timex watches….GET A LIFE!!!! or get one that doesn’t depend on US culture that you surround yourself with and then wimp and whine about or better yet, get a dog and beat it (meant for only allegorical purposes only).
    By the way, what is the OS on your system…wasn’t written by Electronic Arts in Burnaby, was it? or the hard drive…made in where? Medicine Hat?
    /Ashamed to be Canadian at times/Col

  1088. 1124 Baracus 14 January, 2008 at 2:29 pm

    Paulitics, I would expect no less from a person who’s country already has hundreds of “national Languages” But then again it could be worse….you could Nigerians…lol

    Damn Foriegners.

    But lets not forget ABOOT the idiot Americans who still believe in christ, and actually think Mexican’s have a right to invade our borders and suck up all the free programs just because they have nothing better to do then pop out 20 kids and demand America pay for them.

    Over all it would just be best if anyone who cant praise the Casa D’Ice man just get the f*ck out of America or to those outside of America…just dont come here. We already have enough moochers from both our northern and southern neighbors. Try Cananda they seem to bend over when told.


  1089. 1125 BHC 14 January, 2008 at 3:58 pm

    Paulitics wrote: “Well actually it’s a big deal. It’s workplace discrimination against every non-Christian and progressive Christian and pro-choice Christian who might have issues with spreading such filth yet would fear speaking up against their Christian company’s Christian bosses.”


    He called the following words filth: “It’s not a choice, it’s a child”
    “God loved us so that he gave his only son.”

    Huh. Pretty tame stuff, even to an atheist.

    Your reaction says a lot about you.

  1090. 1126 Trotter 14 January, 2008 at 6:44 pm

    ENGLISH ISN’T OUR OFFICIAL LANGUAGE!!!! We don’t an official language because this is a nation of immigrants. Our (smarter) founding fathers planned it that way you backwards ass, south of the Mason-Dixon, poorest, biggest hand out accepting, greatest number of divorces and pre-marital birth having, dumb fucking southerners. If the Civil War had happened 25 years later, the north would have left you folks to inbreed all century long. Go ahead and leave. The northern states hold this economy in tatters together. You folks leave, we can actually get some work done.

    I have never met a person who didn’t hate the U.S. South, a.k.a. Dumbfuckistan

  1091. 1127 Geoff 14 January, 2008 at 7:47 pm

    Canada may have terrorist threats within its border, but this isn’t conventional warfare, and the U.S. isn’t going to save Canada from that. Some may even believe the U.S. is making it worse by stirring up the hornet’s nest in the Middle East. The vast amount of resources poured into that war could have been used elsewhere.

  1092. 1128 Geoff 14 January, 2008 at 8:03 pm

    #1111 –

    Canada does like to poke fun at the U.S., for the very reason that it is bigger, and we feel dominated by its culture which is threatening to a lot of people. A lot of it I wouldn’t call hatred, but more along the lines of rivalry. It’s also easier picking on a country that’s bigger.

    There is a stereotype of Americans being stupid, but there may be some truth in there somewhere. Not that I think that they’d do any differently on an IQ test, but their educations system must suck or something if most of them can’t find their own country on a map. There’s so much focus on things American in their media, that they end up having little or no knowledge about other countries, to the point of being xenophobic. (There are more than a few examples of that on this thread). Half of them mistakenly believe the 9-11 hijackers were Iraqi, and this guides their multi-trillion dollar foreign policy. That is scary!

    That said, I think that Canadians actually need to travel around the U.S. to see they’re not all alike. We buy into stereotypes a little too readily. There’s a lot of cool things about Americans too. They’re friendly, outgoing, generally likeable and they speak their mind. Canadians dislike their political system and their foreign policy (as do a lot of other countries), but most of the time it’s not about the people, it’s about a few of the things they believe. I wish some people here would stop taking things so personally, and lighten up a bit.

  1093. 1129 NotSure 14 January, 2008 at 9:21 pm


    Are you sure you are not American? From here is seems like you are arrogant and stupid enough to be. The “Internets” are sometimes connected to this little place we call “The World”.

    Many people who are sick of the redneck American crowd are from places far far away from your frozen wasteland.

    We feel sorry for many Canadians, just as we feel sorry for the small group of Americans who are intelligent enough to see how their country is being dragged down the tubes by these redneck chickenhawks who believe that the rights in the constitution apply to only them and their friends, but apply to no one who disagrees with them (political and/or religious).

  1094. 1130 Rick 14 January, 2008 at 9:25 pm

    To say that all Christians are fundamentalists, or that all Christians are intolerant is extremly stereotypical. It is like saying all Muslims are terrorists. It is not a fair statement. However as a Christian, from the deep south, I do not believe in religion. Religion is man made, all about how good and pious one can appear in an attempt to put yourself above others. A holier than thou attitude if you will. What I, and most christians that I have known, believe is that a relationship with Jesus is the answer. Most people who are not christians use their pre-conceived notions to dismiss God so they can live life as they see fit. And guess what, that is why God gave us choice when he created us, so we could choose him or not. Don’t lump everyone in any category into a stereotype. It doesn’t work. I would love to discuss this further if anyone would like.

  1095. 1131 Col 14 January, 2008 at 11:53 pm

    Uh…I am NOTSURE where YOU are coming from. I will stand up and be counted…suggest you do the same if you have the ‘nads. I am a dual citizen. Raised, born etc in whinyland (Canada) for 40 years now living as a citizen (as is my birthright) in the (not perfect but friendly, and honest.. )USA…where most folks aren’t afraid to speak their mind. About me being arrogant and stupid. It ain’t arrogance when you are as good as I am. I make no apologies unless I am wrong which I was and I did (check earlier posts if you have time before your parents call you up for dinner….(read the last part slowly as I have typed it slowly just for you and your ilk.)

    Now, before you all have to go beddy bye but not before listening to the CBC news coast to coast….Know this:
    Bigotry and hatred are practiced by a large number of people in Canada, aimed at Americans. It ain’t joking when a stranger verbally attacks you based on your citizenship alone…yes it happened. Americans will poke the rare joke at Canada…usually having to do with hockey and “Eh”. Most western countries, if not protected would be under some sort of attack. Canada and US do look out for each other’s interests and both have survived and yes, even flourished due to this comfy arrangement. If anyone out there who is obviously fresh from their first Star Trek convention high and just collapsed in their room in parents’ basement, disagrees…fine…After you are released from your fantasy, you can grow up, become literate and I might give you the time of day. See…told you I am arrogant :)
    Now I am going to see to my tortoises who are much cuter and smarter those that have posted RACIST comments here.
    God Bless ALL countries/Col

  1096. 1132 Morgaine Swann 15 January, 2008 at 1:11 am

    Yep, we’re all nuts down here. I love Canada – people are so much nicer and saner there. I tried to move there, but I can’t because I’m disabled. Just as well, I suppose, since I’m not crazy about cold weather.

    Hope you had a nice trip anyway.

  1097. 1133 Baracus 15 January, 2008 at 2:43 am

    Ahh the Bible, Probably the best FICTION book out there. Full of criss croth messages, and its use of jibberish is really awesome alright. But over here in the real world, ya know where we have actual proof Evolution happened, can pinpoint right when life actually began. How over a course of millions of years we adapted, evolved, and eventually became intelegent enough to write the Bible. A tale of two naked people running around happy till the “loveing” god threw them out for eatting an apple…Plot twist… Their sons were the only kids they had, so someone has to screw Mommy to keep the cycle of life going But wait now over 2000 years later thats wrong and has NEVER been tolerated… Religion, God, Bible come on as the Casa D’Ice man would say…Its all a crock of sh*t.


  1098. 1134 NotSure 15 January, 2008 at 4:15 am


    Try Australia. Not that it matters. Oh, yes, we have nads here, so do not go insinuating.

    You seem to have a real problem with your countrymen, something most people around the world do not share with you. There are good Americans, in fact some Americans are the nicest people in the world. Unfortunately they are outnumbered by the ugly Americans.

    Your final comment says everything about you. There is a damn good possibility that most people around the world do not care to be blessed by your imaginary friend. most have their own imaginary friends, and others have none at all.

  1099. 1135 NotSure 15 January, 2008 at 4:39 am


    I am happy to accept that not all Christians are hypocrites. Unfortunately I have found in my experience that only one out of one hundred are true Christians. I respect the true Christians as much as any person can respect another. The false Christians though make me sick to my stomach. People who will walk right by someone in desperate need for aid, and the next person, and the next and the next… on and on throughout their lives. The American churches go one step further and believe that Jesus taught us to kill and plunder. Of course these false Christians are well respected in their churches, because it is OK to ignore the needy and it is holy to have a bloodlust, as long as it is someone else’s children doing the dying.

    These false Christians and false churches are terrified of the Jews, and the Jewish influence, so have pushed for decades how important Jesus is and the new testament is. You only find salvation through Jesus. How hypocritical can you be? To blame the poor for their lot in life, to wage war, to scream for the death penalty, all in the name of Jesus who was a pacifist who told his followers to care for those less fortunate.

    The funny thing is that the false Christians in my experience have always been the ones who have to advertise their club (if it were a belief they would not behave this way), who try to convert people with the hard sell, who look down on others because they are not pious enough (in their eyes, not in the eyes of any loving God), and who will forgive any sin, no matter how heinous as long as the person who committed the sin/crime is, or has converted to their club. That excludes the death penalty, they can convert to the club, but watching someone die, well it is just too much fun to pass up.

    If it were not for the few true Christians I would not associate with anyone who called themselves Christian.

  1100. 1136 Cody 15 January, 2008 at 5:47 am

    Funny how all the Canadian-hating ultra-nationalists here don’t even bother to post URLs. It’s easy to act tough when you’re completely anonymous.

  1101. 1137 Geoff 15 January, 2008 at 12:02 pm

    Well, I for one don’t have a URL.

  1102. 1138 Baracus 15 January, 2008 at 1:44 pm

    Theres a URL for ya, and all the Christian Hypocrites.


  1103. 1139 Marilyn 15 January, 2008 at 2:58 pm

    Re comment number 4 – that no other country expects its citizens to conform to immigrants’ way of life. I think you’ll find that Europe is even worse than America. There are so many laws protecting immigrants and there is no freedom of speech here any more. If you say anything in the slightest bit racist you’re almost certainly breaking the law and all around you will cringe at the fact that you have dared to speak the unspeakable – even if what you are saying is true and perfectly reasonable. The Casa d’Ice scenario would never happen here. They’d be in jail before they knew what hit them. I’m not condoning racism – I am lamenting the death of free speech and good old fashioned common sense.

  1104. 1140 Rick 15 January, 2008 at 6:35 pm

    I am sorry that your experiences have been poor ones with other Christians. However that is no reason to make a blanket statement about what christians believe or to use it as an excuse to not seek God. I understand that you may have trouble believing the Bible and what Christianity teaches, that’s okay. But let me ask this, if you knew that someone was dying, and had a way to save them would you? Just so you know that is what I believe, and I am not an uneducated man, who believes anything I am told. Let me pose one more question, if I am right and when you die you either spend forever in heaven with God or in hell with Satan and you have not accepted Christ as the Bible teaches what have you lost? I would think the answer is everything, now if I am wrong and everyone goes to heaven or it doesn’t exist, then I have really lost nothing by accepting Jesus and living as a christian. Sure I gave my time to help the church and other people in the church, and maybe didn’t chase life the way others have, but truly I have tried that and there is nothing to it. So where does this lead? I have a proposition for you, but it may take a little while to explain. So if I have piqued your interest let me know. Thanks

  1105. 1141 Rachel 15 January, 2008 at 8:27 pm

    How embarrassing as an American. I live in the South too so that’s double the shame. America may be my home and it is filled with some wonderful, kindhearted people but I’m too ashamed to say I’m proud to be from here. I just happened to have been born here.

    Free speech is taken for granted. Saying *whatever you want* should have consequences depending on what is said. And I may be a follower of Christ, but even I know that organized religion was one of the worst things that has ever happened to the world. Look at all the hate is has created.

    God bless America, indeed. We need it.

  1106. 1142 Rachel 15 January, 2008 at 8:45 pm

    Geeze, and reading some of the comments on this board it’s easy to understand why the world hates us.

    To the rest of the world, please remember that there are Americans who are sane, rational, and intelligent people. We might be a minority but we are still here.

  1107. 1143 Undefined 15 January, 2008 at 9:16 pm

    hmm, I live in Wisconsin, USA and I can tell you that the USA does have some pretty widespread point of views on things. I’ve never seen a billboard like those that you listed up there, but i believe that some towns down south would have ’em (wierd right of free speech thing). And those christian messages were kinda wierd, but the separation of church and state allows that.

    Remember, only 1 in 3 americans supports the president and the way the American government is run.

    People want change, and it will (hopefully, with the elections), be coming soon

  1108. 1144 Geoff 15 January, 2008 at 11:57 pm

    Rachel – don’t be ashamed for being what you are. You just have a role in showing people that not all Americans are the same. I for one wouldn’t hold a grudge against anyone who was American, before I got to know something about them.

    I’ve read a lot of editorials in Canada criticizing U.S. foreign policy, and I was surprised to see, when I travelled to the U.S., the same views being expressed in the newspapers there. It’s too bad that criticism of one’s own country’s actions can get slammed as being unpatriotic, when it’s a healthy part of a functioning democracy. That’s what’s scary about some of those signs.

  1109. 1145 londonmidland 16 January, 2008 at 6:29 am

    This is why the rest of the world laughs at america. Not because of the points you raised specifically but a lot of what people have said in response.

  1110. 1146 Marilyn 16 January, 2008 at 3:09 pm

    My god, your comments have certainly wound a few people up! I thought it was a very entertaining blog and reading the comments has given me hours of harmless fun! It’s great to laugh about the differences between our various nations but in reality we’re all the same! We Brits have made a national sport out of knocking ourselves but if any other nation knocks us we can be proud, arrogant and extremely defensive. Isn’t it just the way the world is??? I love America so much – you Americans are crazy, wonderful, scary people with big hearts and a great talent for creating fun…. and conflict…. and the fact that you are the greatest power in the world is unbelievably frightening. I still love you though!

  1111. 1147 Pete 16 January, 2008 at 4:52 pm

    I was reading a few posts earlier, and I noticed I forgot to comment on the metric v. english system of measurement. Traveling to the US you will mainly see the english system used. Speed limit, local forcast, etc. But metric is used widely in commercial applications. I was working as an archaeologist and all projects, government and commercial, did everything in metric. The only thing commercial I can think of that regularly uses the english system is construction, because for some reason a stud is always 16in apart. They probably still do that because all the old houses were built using the english system and it helps to be standardized. I know everything I buy comes in kilos :) JK. But we just keep it because we are used to it. I and most americans know how to use metric, but its hard to visualize how fast 120kph is or how cold 7C is. Its just not what we’re used to. And we have a lot of roads, thats a lot of speed limit signs to repaint. And you think thats weird, as an archaeologist we had to do historic record searches and they did things in rods and chains in the 19th century. Now thats confusing.

  1112. 1148 Pete 16 January, 2008 at 5:28 pm

    Sorry, I have the day off and it’s canada cold outside, I live in Northern ND, so I’m only and two hours from Winnepeg. (four when I have to deal with the border patrol, sorry I really like canada and almost everyone I met there, but those border patrol are assholes, they are both ways, probably just border patrol.) But as for post 899 by frank. Yeah, I got that feeling when he was elected too, and to tell you the truth many many americans don’t think he was fairly elected, either time. I only associate with the democratic party because they are the more liberal and the lesser of two evils. I think the democrats are don’t, well, have enough balls. Thats why it should be Obama in 08. As for that video, I need to go watch it, but I’m not surprised you were run out of a southern town, that wouldn’t happen where I’m from, and that is illegal to chase people out like that, but legal to paint whatever you want on your car. Please, please keep in mind thats not what all americans are like. I’ve known a lot of people living here on visas and they have a very different view of america than those who have just visited or only read about it. The person who commented about falling on their bikes and all the people pulling over to help. I can believe that in canada, and that it wouldn’t happen in CA, but i’ve never been to CA. I live in North Dakota and that would happen here as well, I almost always stop to help (sometimes you just can’t). I don’t think a lot of foreigners really understand america all that well. We are a very unique country. It was originally the plan that each state was to be more like its own country with a smaller central government and governing would be largely left up to the states themselves. This is still somewhat true, every state is very different. I moved from North Dakota to South Dakota for a year and have traveled all over the two. They are completely different, and I though SD was somewhat backwards and a shithole.

    I’m currently not a fan of the way things are going in the US, but things in this country change drastically very quickly. People shouldn’t bitch about those things, but should do something about them, thats what this country is based on. It’s not if you don’t like something get out, it’s if you don’t like something, get off your ass and do something about it. Thats why I practice my freedom of speech. I don’t like bush, I don’t like the NSA, I don’t like “Free Speech Zones”, Gays should be allowed to marry, I’m allowed to own a gun, I can say whatever I want to piss you off, if it does tell me its your right to disagree with me, we shouldn’t be in iraq, north korea is mainly a threat to our ally japan they have good reason to be nervous about north korea. Why are all the americans so up in arms about being insulted while so many other countries let it roll of them. Well, I don’t think anyone likes it when someone criticizes their home, but we face a lot more of it than most people, not just our neighbors. So thats my two cents. America is not perfect be we can always make it better.

  1113. 1149 Daniel 16 January, 2008 at 7:28 pm

    Some of those signs are just Hilarious!

    Honestly cracks me up how Canuks take everything so seriously…

  1114. 1150 Matt 16 January, 2008 at 7:47 pm

    Ok, I don’t remember how I came here anymore because I’ve been reading the comments for the last hour (and I didn’t finish). Here’s a few thoughts of mine (I’ll try to make them at least a bit coherent, I’ll probably fail, though):

    re: Patriotism: as has been noted here before(I presume) patriotism is a construct of the 19th century (Of course the concept was around much earlier. I do believe, however, that its modern, “US” form is mainly a product of 19th century nation-states). It was use to coerce people into supporting unpopular decisions by a small group of people. More often than not, these decisions were about war-efforts (I’ll try to stay apolitical (as best I can) but does that ring a bell?). As a German I can’t really understand that concept (As you can imagine we can’t really be proud of basically the first half of the 20th century) of blindly following the flag of your country and even pledge allegiance to this dead piece of cloth (or nylon or whatever most flags are made of…). Now don’t get me wrong here, I don’t think patriotism is a bad thing. In fact, here in Germany, we pretty much replaced national patriotism with a regional one. Everybody in Germany will tell you that their particular region or state is the best and all the others suck. But this brand of patriotism is only used tongue-in-cheek (while I’m a proud Franconian I don’t actually think we should secede from Bavaria, although you will hear me telling every Bavarian otherwise). When people tell you to die for your country patriotism stops being fun. Why die for a few arbitrary lines someone drew on a map hundreds of years ago? If someone tells you this you know they’re using 19th century patriotism to get you to fight for their cause, which isn’t necessarily yours, although you may happen to have been born in the same country. Which brings me to my second point:

    re: Militarism: The scariest thing I read on these comments was from a guy calling himself “semper fi” (what else?) who wrote: “where I am from a Marine would stomp you[sic] ass for such insults”.
    The direct result of blind patriotism is militarism. In the US becoming a soldier seems to be considered to be a honorable career. More honorable even than those of people actually helping others (like, say, nurses). Again this is a concept I can’t quite grasp, I’d just like to point you to historic precedents like WW I where exactly this kind of militarism (in all of Europe) dragged the world into a horrific war. And people were cheering that this war had finally begun!
    Of course I know that your answer is going to be: “We saved your a#@es in two world wars. You should be more grateful”. And I am eternally grateful to those American, British, Canadian, Russian, Australian, Polish, etc. soldiers who liberated us. But unless you actually served in WW II (in which case you probably wouldn’t know how to use a computer) YOU didn’t save me.
    A society where the military is considered something good and honorable instead of a necessary evil is bound to head towards war…

    re: Spelling: English is my second language and yet I manage to keep my spelling at least legible. It can’t be that hard when it’s your first language, can it? Also: Capitalization is your friend, believe me.

    re: “It’s called freedom of speech, tool!”: Do you actually think only the US has incorporated Freedom of Speech in its constitution or actually even invented the concept? (Quote from the official English text of the Grundgesetz, the German constitution, Article 5:”(1) Every person shall have the right freely to express and disseminate hisopinions in speech, writing, and pictures and to inform himself without hindrancefrom generally accessible sources. Freedom of the press and freedom of reporting by means of broadcasts and films shall be guaranteed. There shall be no censorship.”)

    As I had feared this post developed into an incoherent rambling which is why I stop here (it’s two in the morning here) and apologize if you can’t follow my (probably flawed) reasoning,

    PS: As a point of personal interest (and please don’t take this seriously):
    re: #1137: Being an archaeologist myself I find it highly amusing that you are concerned with the 19th century, a time so recent, we here leave it almost exclusively to the historians. My own area of interest and study goes from early Roman imperial times to the late Middle-Ages. And I have archaeologist friends who tell me I’m too much into recent stuff. At least the Canadians have L’Anse aux Meadows ;)

  1115. 1151 Rachel 16 January, 2008 at 8:31 pm

    Thanks, Geoff. I have the feeling the Founding Fathers of America would be quite ashamed of our current behavior. Hopefully, come November, the image of America will start to change. I’m ready to be proud of my country again.

  1116. 1152 Geoff 16 January, 2008 at 9:32 pm

    Matt, I think he means the archaeological records were in different units, not what they were actually digging up.

    And yes, your spelling is a lot better than that of many people on this list.

  1117. 1153 Ogre 16 January, 2008 at 10:33 pm

    While I appreciate your observations, I have to disagree with some of your assertions. I was amused by some of what you saw, yet not surprised. To address the biggest offense, according to many comments, it’s not a disproportionately large percentage of people that spew the kind of horrible and hateful speech that you saw on your trip here. It’s a relatively small, yet loud, percentage of people. We do tolerate it here, we are taught from a young age that we are free to say whatever it is that we want. The only limitation to that rule is that it must be either true or an opinion. We are not allowed to spread false facts. We tolerate the bigots and xenophobes here because we know that’s what they are, and they have a right to their opinion, and the right to express it in public. We self limit this kind of thing by ignoring it, or by poking fun at it as you did.

    The biggest issue, in my humble opinion, is the way in which you presented your article. You insinuated that we Americans are not perfectly sane. I have to disagree, a large portion (dare I say “majority”) of Americans are so sane that we’re boring. We recognize the idiocy as idiocy, and we appreciate that idiots so readily identify themselves. That one man has available a sign in which to display his idiocy, has no appreciable consequence. That one man has posted his xenophobic letter to the editor, which was surely published to show him as a fool, on his door has no appreciable consequence. That a private trucking company chooses to express their religious beliefs on their vehicles has no appreciable consequence. That some southern organization mustered together enough money to express their non-descript southern pride on a billboard has no appreciable consequence. These are all things that some idiots do, and that the majority of us recognize as idiocy. None of those things do harm, they actually serve us by helping us to recognize the idiots. We don’t consider them dangerous because they aren’t. The fact that you traversed over 1000 miles and only saw 5 instances that compelled you to reflect should be a good indicator of that.

    As for the food, I can point you to many horribly unhealthy and disgusting locations across all of North America that serve equally heinous dishes.

    The way you presented this is what got so many people up in arms. Nationalism is ridiculous, I can agree with that. But casting aspersions as you did is very similar. You presented this in a nationalistic way, so you are as guilty as some of the morons who posted before me.

  1118. 1154 Robert 16 January, 2008 at 11:05 pm

    This is all absolutely hilarious! Who’da thunk that so many Americans (with their Big Dicks, and all) would be such sensitive pussies!

  1119. 1155 JohnDee 17 January, 2008 at 8:20 am

    You know, the greatest thing about the United States of America is that we can say/do these things without fear of government reprisal. We do have to worry about personal reprisals from those idiots who don’t get it (like the guy that said he would throw the Casa owner over the border). We have freedom of religion and freedom of speech (which is really the right to speak out against the government more than anything else). Oh yes, we also have the freedom to think of, cook, and serve Stuffed French Toast. We even have the freedom to NOT eat the aforementioned delicacy. We have the freedom to patronize, or not, those establishments that post political messages that we may or may not agree with. This is what makes the USA the greatest country in the world. Our freedoms cannot be matched anywhere else in the whole wide world. One of our greatest freedoms is the one whereby we can change out our government every four years. We don’t always do this, granted, but we have that right. We don’t have to wait on some prime minister in some office way down yonder to say “Let’s have a Parliamentary election next March”. It is written in our rules of government that we must do this.

    Yes we have some kooks, but so do you and you don’t hear me complaining about them. As my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said, remove the log from your eye before you remove the splinter from your neighbor’s eye.

    Oh, by the way, I must disagree with those folks who call Southerners and/or Christians idiots. We believe that the South is the greatest part of a truly great country, and the simple fact that we believe in a benevolent God and his Son shows that we have faith and strength. Unlike way too many people, at the very least we believe in something!

  1120. 1156 Baracus 17 January, 2008 at 8:34 am

    Bottom line is this: America is so focused on “fixing” the rest of the d*mn world that America is suffering. Last president who did anything for US was Regan. Bush Sr. started a war he couldnt finish, Bush Jr. continued daddy’s war, and Clinton tried but was blocked at every turn because he is a southerner. America needs a wake up call, maybe when Mexico finally dominates Us without even fireing a shot (which is what their doing now) maybe then people in America will realize just how far the govenment and its leaders have failed us.
    That Casa D’Ice guy is trying to open up America’s eyes because if you do any research you’ll find although vulgar and sometimes blunt…he’s right! We care too much about being seen as friendly and helpful that we are not seeing the true intent. Mexico is invadeing, just without guns and armor. Instead their changeing OUR government into the same as their sh*tty one. Bilingual, paying for their 5-15 kids, useing our money made by Legal americans (American, Mexican, African, Japanese, ect.) who have taken the time to do everything needed to become a legal citizen to support their illegal families.

    And here I thought anything “illegal” was wrong. Americans cant go to Mexico and live without first becomming a citizen, so why should it be different here?


  1121. 1157 paulitics 17 January, 2008 at 11:36 am

    Baracus – yep, your government really is altruistic. It’s good to know that you really believe that.

    I guess you guys really did a great job “fixing” Iran’s democracy by installing a dictator in 1953.

    Likewise you gues really “fixed” Guatemala’s democratically-elected government in 1954 by installing a military junta in 1954.

    You guys did a great job in “fixing” Spain’s democratically-elected government in the 1930s by blocking their oil and selling oil to the fascist would-be dictator Franco.

    You guys did a great job “fixing” Chile’s democratically-elected government in 1974 by installing a brutal dictatorship.

    You guys did a great job “fixing” Panama throughout the 1980s by supporting Noriega and then bombing the shit out of them.

    You guys did a great job “fixing” the Phillipines in the early part of the 20th Century and turning it into a colony.

    You guys did a great job “fixing” the Indonesia by supporting the dictator Suharto.

    Who guys did a great job “fixing” Argentina’s economy in 2000, 2001 and 2002.

    Seriously, when are you guys going to just think of yourselves for a change. You give and give and give without any regard for your own needs.

  1122. 1158 Bo 17 January, 2008 at 2:50 pm

    Love the Burn them all reference… can’t believe people could be this way. I feel like I’m a passionate person and I guess everyone needs a passion.

  1123. 1159 marcel 18 January, 2008 at 9:40 am

    Dont tread on me

  1124. 1160 Mark 18 January, 2008 at 10:51 am

    As an even as a pro-choice atheist, I see nothing wrong with #5. As long as they aren’t lynching doctors or trying to push creationism in schools, their views are their own. They certain have the right (in this country) to announce them.
    I would probably never eat #4, but I’m sure other people would, it’s all about choices.
    #3 is the only item that’s even moderately disturbing, if for no other reason than the fact that many southerners (though not nearly a majority) still look back at the pre-civil war period with nostalgia.
    #2 and #1, this is a big country, there are consequently many people with fringe views. Should we shoot them?

  1125. 1161 RPJ 18 January, 2008 at 12:24 pm

    Okay, the parts of these 5 items that are the freaky parts are not the ones you seem to be focussing upon.

    #5 is freaky because it is not possible for a corporation to be either religious or atheist. You have to be a person to have beliefs. Free speech has nothing to do with it. (Almost all countries have that). It is the absurdity of ascribing religious views to a non-person. Again how that is a slam against the USA as a country is a puzzle to most of us and I’m sure not intended as such by the blog’s author.

    #4 is freaky only because it is just one more example of unhealthy things piled onto unhealthy things to an extreme level. It is not because it is the only example of this, just the newest example encountered by the author. Every country has these kinds of items. No big criticism here. How can you see this as an attack on the entire USA?

    #3 is freaky because it seems ridiculous that “your Southern heritage” would need defending. Against what? And what part of your heritage is at risk? Is the grudge still carried 150 years after the battle? Of course then the comments came in and we found that yep the South is still disparaged and viciously so. So although I’m sure the blog’s author was not making a terrible accusation about the USA here, now that the comments have come in, it leaves the rest of us really wondering WTF.

    #2 is freaky because it is odd to post an offensive sign of any kind on the door of a business where you are trying to invite and make welcome your customers. Kind of defeats the purpose of the welcome mat don’t you think? Free speech has nothing to do with this either (as that can be found almost everywhere). It is the juxtapostion of the “welcome to our business” approach and the sign’s FU message. By the way, does that business owner not realize that the immigrants of 100 years ago also settled in their own neighborhoods so they could speak their own language and retain some of their own culture etc. It was always the younger generation who became assimilated into the adopted country’s culture and language. The older folks have always found it difficult. So again it is no surprise that this moron would have the right to post this stupidity but that they would shit on their own doorstep so to speak. (Again, how is that a blanket condemnation of the entire USA)?

    #1 is freaky because of all the same reasons as #2 above plus the added feature that some of these are so extreme as to qualify as hate speech in most places. I’m sure the point the blog’s author is making is that he is amazed that this establishment would still have any customers after some of those signs had appeared. With the exception of some of the extreme ones that might qualify as hate speech, the signs could be posted as free speech almost anywhere but again it would be dumb to do so if your objective is to attract customers rather than piss off and turn away a lot of them. You’ve really gotta be committed to your desire to have a hissy rant to do it at the door to where you earn your living. Especially when you realize that attracting customers is already challenging enough without farting in their general direction before they even get in the door. Now is this a blanket condemnation of the USA? I don’t see how since this is just one guy posting these signs. There is a huge difference between having the right to do or say something and the advisability of taking advantage of that freedom to advertise just how obnoxious you can be. That is the part that is freaky.

  1126. 1162 John Doh 18 January, 2008 at 12:37 pm

    Here in America we have the right to:

    East lots of food that is bad for us,
    Respect our own heritage and take pride in who we are,
    Hold unpopular views,
    Best of All, we can express those views…

    …On our property, in the newspaper, on the internet or in a public square.

    Please stay in Canada if the U.S. bothers you.

  1127. 1163 paulitics 18 January, 2008 at 1:39 pm

    RPJ – you hit the nail on the head. I’ve mentioned this several times in the comments section above, but it’s so huge that I don’t blame people for not reading through it all.

    But, nevertheless, long story short, there’s a reason why I didn’t write about some guy’s Christian or racist or anti-immigrant bumper sticker on his personal truck. I talked about these things being placed on business fronts. It’s the “business” part of that that is crucial.

    As I wrote here:

    Top 5 things I saw in America which, as a Canadian, freaked me right out

    “Well actually it’s a big deal. It’s workplace discrimination against every non-Christian and progressive Christian and pro-choice Christian who might have issues with spreading such filth yet would fear speaking up against their Christian company’s Christian bosses.”

  1128. 1164 paulitics 18 January, 2008 at 1:48 pm

    John Doh wrote “Here in America we have the right to: East lots of food that is bad for us, Respect our own heritage and take pride in who we are, Hold unpopular views, Best of All, we can express those views…”

    Yet another American who thinks America is special in the world in permitting such things. Hate to break it to you, John, every industrialized country in the world has those same rights, so I don’t know why you’re patting yourself on the back so hard.

  1129. 1165 Marilyn 18 January, 2008 at 3:00 pm

    Well said, paulitics!

  1130. 1166 Глупав 18 January, 2008 at 8:05 pm

    Though I live very far from the US and Canada. I would like to point out that businesses generally tend to keep as near to the mood of the public as possible. So these profane and spiteful ads are not exceptions that inevitably result from free speech. They have to be typical of the mindset of the majority in the US to be put on a billboard like that. Or the majority feel afraid to speak their minds and let a loud minority command them. Either way, it doesn’t speak well of good old America. That is why the author has every right to freak out. I wonder when Americans will begin to recognize how much they they have lost.

  1131. 1167 jonolan 18 January, 2008 at 8:16 pm


    You’re thankfully in error; approval of the masses is not required in America. We have the right to speak as we will – at least for now.

  1132. 1168 Baracus 19 January, 2008 at 3:49 pm

    You got a nice list there Paul, but the common occurance in every one of those is the U.S. benifited in some way. So yeah those were great “fixes” for us. Why dont you let me “fix” your car so the U.S. can benifit once

    By all means necessary!


  1133. 1169 Bill Dueease 20 January, 2008 at 2:43 pm

    The reason you did not or will not see the same 5 things in Canada is because the Canadian Thought Police would prevent them from being said or arrest the people who said them.

    Welcome to the land of more free speech. You are permitted to be disturbed, just as the people who wrote them are permitted to saying what they said.

    Now if any of these statements were made in a Muslim country the person saying them would be shot. Give me free speech anytime.

  1134. 1170 paulitics 21 January, 2008 at 9:13 am

    Bill, I always love it when I hear right wingers quote Orwell. It’s kinda humbling. Makes me realize that no matter how hard some of us may try, there’ll always be people who just don’t understand what the word “irony” means.

  1135. 1171 BHC 21 January, 2008 at 5:07 pm

    Paul, you’re rather inane if you aren’t aware that Orwell wrote warning of the dangers of IngSoc– SOCIALISM. The despotic inroads of the communists, the allegiance to the party, the dialectic of beourgeoisie and proletariat… wow, If you think Orwell was warning against capitalism and free markets, you really should return your diploma.
    Read Hitchens’ “Why Orwell Matters.”

  1136. 1172 BHC 21 January, 2008 at 5:13 pm

    [deleted as duplicate post]

  1137. 1173 paulitics 21 January, 2008 at 6:21 pm

    BHC, you do realize that Orwell was a socialist, right? Please tell me you’re not that ignorant. You do realize that Ingsoc is not actually socialism, right?

    Well at least right wingers are so consistent in their errors that now I only have to copy and paste replies at this point.

    This is a comment I posted in a thread here I believe it more than addresses your point:


    Yes, I suppose you’re right. I only quote from 1984 ad nausem and it’s only my single most referenced book (more so even than Marx and the Communist Manifesto) on my bookshelf. Yeah, I guess you’re right: I really don’t know what 1984 is about.

    I really didn’t know that 1984 is actually (and openly) about the horrors of Stalinism and about how the only hope against such horror is socialism. Remember the whole: “If there is hope… it lies in the proles” motif throughout the whole freakin’ book?

    Okay, seriously now, go run along back from whence you came and go play with your friends. My parting words to you are that: if you feel like re-reading 1984, you might want to pay attention to, you know, the slight insignificant details like that one as well as the whole motif of the Newspeak redefinition socialism (Ingsoc) to mean the exact opposite (just like the Ministry of Love etc…) of what socialism actually means according to proponents.

    “By 2050 — earlier, probably — all real knowledge of Oldspeak will have disappeared. The whole literature of the past will have been destroyed. Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Byron — they’ll exist only in Newspeak versions, not merely changed into something different, but actually changed into something contradictory of what they used to be.” -1984

    Also, remember the whole section with Goldstein’s book wherein he wrote?

    “[Ingsoc] rejects and vilifies every principle for which the Socialist movement originally stood, and it does so in the name of Socialism” -1984

    So Ingsoc, of course, was just as much a type of socialism as the Ministry of Truth was an agency concerned with truth or the Ministry of Peace was an agency concerned with peace.


    Thanks, BHC, for illustrating once again that the more ignorant right wingers are on a given subject, the more likely they are to write things on internet threads like “If you think Orwell was warning against capitalism and free markets, you really should return your diploma”.

    Well done. Bravo.

  1138. 1174 wow 22 January, 2008 at 2:21 am

    How bad ass is the US that most other nations can just point at us and say “look, evil!” to distract their idiots. If only the day would come an American politician with the power would withdraw our troops. Not just from Iraq – from the world. Lose all that global stability and economic flow to minor pissing contests over extending the border another 10 miles to the next river.

  1139. 1175 Ron Paul Patriot 22 January, 2008 at 6:15 am

    Why are you shocked? The south also gave us George Bush and still havent learned a lesson, theyre brewing a Huckabee to back it up! You had to know were in serious fundamentalist trouble long before you came across the border.

    Remember, this could happen to you as well, every country gets lazy and looks the wrong way while the seeds of freakdom are being sown, then when harvest time comes its just too late.

    P.S. Sorry in advance we know were like having Quasimoto as a neighbor, but were working on it, and just think, when the North American Union Bush and your government traitors have planned comes along, well all be citizens of the same country and you can share in the humiliation!

  1140. 1176 paulitics 22 January, 2008 at 10:30 am

    Ron Paul Patriot – I guess I was just surprised that it would be as bad as I’ve heard. I mean you hear things on TV all the time about this fringe minority in your country, but I guess I just couldn’t believe it was as bad as I’d been led to believe.

  1141. 1177 jonolan 22 January, 2008 at 6:42 pm

    The Paul Bot is spewing the normal Ron Paul anti-Americanisms; ignore him as the world ignores his candidates. Huckabee is over; his campaign warchest is depleted and he can no longer compete.

  1142. 1178 Missourimule 25 January, 2008 at 10:57 pm

    Sorry . . . we’re TRYING to be perfect – if we ever achieve it, can we be Canadians?

  1143. 1179 pseudanko 28 January, 2008 at 2:28 pm

    “You know, the greatest thing about the United States of America is that we can say/do these things without fear of government reprisal. ”

    Unless you happen to be of Arab – or even Arab seeming – descent. In which case what you say, or even what you don’t say, can easily land you in a secret location with electrodes hooked up to your scrotum.

  1144. 1180 General Patton 28 January, 2008 at 9:58 pm

    I think you are pissed off because canada is not worth the bother of invading. But hell, maybe Hollywood will make a movie about it and you will not feel left out. We could call it “Rambo does canada”.

  1145. 1181 Geoff 29 January, 2008 at 12:04 am

    Wasn’t there already a movie about the U.S. invading Canada? By Michael Moore?

  1146. 1182 David 29 January, 2008 at 5:17 pm

    I know it may come as a shock to you freeloading Canadians, think drug invention, security, etc. but America has a thing called freedom of speech, not just politically correct free speech but free speech for everyone. Though I do not agree with much of what is said it is GOOD that it be allowed to be said. So, stay up there polluting the world with your green house gasses and think you are superior, but you are not, you are a bunch of wussies that can’t even take a dissenting opinion without throwing up your little handsies in despair. There used to be adults up there, I guess no more.

  1147. 1183 Emma 29 January, 2008 at 6:12 pm

    There were two brothers from England one went south and the gay one went north.

  1148. 1184 Red Jenny 31 January, 2008 at 11:57 pm

    Wow. I must say, Paul, I have never seen this many comments on any blog ANYWHERE. Impressive!

  1149. 1185 paulitics 1 February, 2008 at 9:44 am

    Red Jenny, I know it’s pretty crazy. I’ve never seen anything like this either.

    There are an additional 2500 comments spread across, and This post made it to the front pages of all three.

    Overall, the post generated approximately 250,000 hits in 48 hours.

  1150. 1186 JuJuBean 1 February, 2008 at 2:00 pm


  1151. 1187 A Friend to Everyone 2 February, 2008 at 10:48 am

    As an American (yes unfortunately I am born into that country of bullies who go around dominating the world dictating to everyone that we are the only ones who can rule and operate the world theatre), I don’t know what all this fuss is with french fries and gravy but I like french fries and gravy and have ALWAYS liked french fries and gravy. In fact, I never really liked plain french fries with ketchup (or catsup, however you want to spell it, but that tomatoey stuff sucks, won’t even keep it in my house). Give me a plate of fried potatoes with gravy, some seasonings and now we have something that has some flavor.

    Good article btw – your points are well-taken. That cafe/bar/restaurant owner who puts up those ignorant signs is an idiot and probably should be strapped to the post of his sign with a body bomb and timer. I’ll keep the rest of my thoughts to myself… :)

  1152. 1188 sammie 3 February, 2008 at 10:03 am

    Wow, those comments from Casa D’ice reflect the mentality of the people there. If such ignorance and brashness are found in that one restaurant, it begs the question; just how many more like that are out there?

    Those comments are absolutely uncalled for, and I pity the selfish and crude perpetrators behind it. The world needs to wake up to the reality of such racism.

  1153. 1189 jonolan 3 February, 2008 at 12:40 pm

    1st Sign = My sentiments exactly

    2nd Sign = Don’t care for it and it’s ignorant; it wasn’t until the 1950s that God was referenced on the currency or in the Pledge of Allegiance.

    3rd Sign = I could get behind that sentiment. It’s honest at least.

    4th Sign = Absolutely right and true!

    5th Sign = Fine as long as we secure the oil first, otherwise there’s point in having gone over there in first place.

    6th Sign = I’d rather not funnel that much to China.

  1154. 1190 saskboy 7 February, 2008 at 12:57 am

    Congrats on attracting a media frenzy. I see it pushed you above me in the Top 25 rating by R. Jago :-)

  1155. 1191 Patricia 7 February, 2008 at 10:09 am

    Well, as an embarrassed American, I officially apologize for the stuff you experienced. Personally, I think we should have let the South secede 150 years ago, but too late now–we’re stuck with them. Fortunately, the majority of Americans are better than this, it’s just that they’ve been brainwashed and divided by 20+ years of a right wing effort to dumb down the public. I’d move to Norway if I could. My hope is that with the extremism of the Bush administration and the further decay of the middle class, many former wingnuts are beginning to see that their needs are not being served. If the next election is fair (and that’s a big “if”) we will get a new direction. I’m not expecting miracles with Obama or Clinton, but anything is better than what we’ve got.

  1156. 1192 Patricia 7 February, 2008 at 10:28 am

    Funny thing about people like David–he doesn’t understand the difference between hate speech and free speech. Is David aware, I wonder, that people are being removed from republican political events for wearing anti-bush tee shirts? A father and son were asked by security to leave a suburban mall because one had an anti-bush shirt and the other an anti-war shirt. I doubt David would rush to their defense. People like David only rally for free speech when it’s the sort of hate speech that justifies their own fears and prejudices. David also doesn’t seem to understand that no one is saying Casa d’Ice should be arrested or forced to take down their signs. They are being posted I assume as a sad commentary on the level of hate and ignorance in this country. There was a time when bigots were ashamed to air their hate in public, but with the advent of Limbaughesque broadcasts and FOX “news”, they now feel comfortable to enough to put them on billboards. The tide is turning though and soon these damaged souls will slink back under their rocks.

  1157. 1193 Bob 9 February, 2008 at 5:06 pm

    I am Canadian, and here is what i think.

    #5 It’s the owners company, he can put what he wants on his trucks.
    I see nothing wrong with the religious advertising. I have seen religious bill boards in Canada.

    #4 We have Canadian bacon. Greasy and proudly Canadian. Whats the difference?

    #3 We have LAWS in Quebec which prevent english from being posted above french on all signs. Private of Government.

    #2 I think what the letter writer is trying to say is that immigrants now get handouts, immigrants then didn’t. As for this being shocking because it wasn’t historically accurate, go to Canada and ask people randomly to name our Prime Ministers through history. You would be lucky if any named more than 4.

    #1 The owner isn’t afraid to print his opinion on his privately owned buisiness. Big deal. What you need to ask is not are those signs offensive, but are they right? People here are scared to voice their opinions because they might offend someone.

    In summary, this clown from my own country needs to grow up and put on his big boy underwear the next time he leaves the safety of his home.

  1158. 1194 paulitics 9 February, 2008 at 7:13 pm


    #5) Well actually it’s a big deal. It’s not just some guy’s truck, it’s a public company. Therefore, it’s workplace discrimination against every non-Christian and progressive Christian and pro-choice Christian who might have issues with spreading such filth yet would fear speaking up against their Christian company’s Christian bosses.

    #4) Canadian bacon isn’t Canadian anymore than a pig is Canadian. Moreover, I don’t know what part of Canada you’re from, but in Ontario, we don’t even call it Canadian Bacon, we call it Back Bacon

    #3) Those laws have been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Read up on it if you like.

    #2) Who said it was shocking because it was historically inaccurate? It was shocking that somebody would put that on a PUBLIC BUSINESS’s front door. Notice that I never made a comment about what somebody had put on their own private property, only businesses. That might be a clue for future reference.

    #1) The issue again, is that it’s on a business. Read through #5 and #2 again, if you like.

    Hope this clears everything up for you.

  1159. 1195 Bob 9 February, 2008 at 7:42 pm

    5,2,1 Are the buisinesses you are talking about here publicly owned or privately owned? Because if the owner of a buisiness wants to advertise his opinion or religion or whatever, he can.
    I suspect you wouldn’t have a problem with it if you saw trucks or billboards promoting secularism or pro-choice.
    If someone has a problem with the owner of the company promoting his religion, then don’t work for them or hire them.. I am sure there are no shortage or trucking companies.

    4 Some call it back bacon, some call it canadian bacon.
    I imagine not everyone in the states calls it american cheese either. Was that in every restaurant you went into or just one?

    3 I missed that law regarding signs in Quebec being overturned.
    Haven’t been east in a while. That it even happened though, is probably enough to freak people out.

    I am freaked out a bit though that you would call someone that is anti- abortion “filthy”.

  1160. 1196 Geoff 9 February, 2008 at 10:02 pm

    I am stuck on your terminology, too, Paul. What do you mean by a ‘public business’? Those signs might freak me out too, but not for the reasons you mentioned.

  1161. 1197 paulitics 9 February, 2008 at 10:55 pm


    You wrote “I suspect you wouldn’t have a problem with it if you saw trucks or billboards promoting secularism or pro-choice.”

    You suspect wrong. In my opinion, no corporation has the right to discriminate against its employees or force morals onto them. The difference is that there aren’t companies that do that from the secular perspective, so your point is moot.

    Moreover, my girlfriend’s father used to be a trucker in his younger days and I can tell you that there most certainly ARE shortages of trucking jobs. So, if you’re starving, you don’t exactly have a choice as to where you work and you most certainly will not be able to stand up for your rights against your Christian bosses if you feel you shouldn’t have to support their political ideology.

    As for the issue with bacon. The fact remains that it’s not Canadian even though it’s called Canadian bacon in the states (and apparently in whatever Canadian community you live in).

    Lastly, if you’d like to read up further on the French sign law in Quebec, you can read further about the law in question (Bill 101) as well as the case before the Supreme Court where the sections in it pertaining to signage were declared unconstitutional. The case in question is Ford v. Quebec [1998].

  1162. 1198 paulitics 9 February, 2008 at 11:00 pm

    Geoff, I use the term ‘public corporation’ not in reference to whether the board of directors has any fiduciary duty to external shareholders as a result of the stock being publicly traded. Rather, corporations are legally considered public entities irrespective of whether they have shares that are publicly traded.

  1163. 1199 Bob 10 February, 2008 at 12:03 am

    Well, It is your opinion. In my opinion, you are driving a truck that your employer also uses as a billboard. Who cares if his truck is a rolling billboard? Do your job, collect your paycheck and go home. Unless he is advocating illegal activity, it isn’t a problem.

    You might be right about a shortage of trucking jobs in the south,
    but if they hire you to drive despite your religion, how is thier trucks having billboards on them discrimination?
    What if you worked for a billboard company that posted ideas you didn’t agree with? Is that discrimination? It’s no different than advertising on trucks.

    And the issue with the American cheese and the greasy food? Why is it even an issue at all? I just don’t get how that freaked you out.
    And yes, it does get called Canadian bacon in Ontario too.
    Whether it actually is Canadian is no matter.

    I googled the english/french thing and came up with this fairly recent occurence from last october.
    It might be law, but that doesn’t seem to matter to much in Quebec.

    Really, I don’t have a problem with you having an opinion, everyone is entitled to one. But you put that “As a Canadian” in the title, which is irritating because you are insinuating you represent all Canadians. You are stereotyping Americans, and in doing so, come across as a stereotypical, pontificating, holier-than-thou, Canadian know-it-all.

    We have plenty of problems to deal with in our Country without looking down our noses at the U.S.

  1164. 1200 paulitics 10 February, 2008 at 10:38 am


    Actually lots of people care about workplace discrimination. If you don’t, that’s fine. But even the Conservative government says it’s a big deal as there’s a new law that they recently passed about truckers (I get up to date on all this news when I speak with my girlfriend’s father) and smoking in their trucks.

    Clearly you’ve never been so desperate as to have to work for a company that does things which extend well beyond the realm of propriety. I have. I can tell you that even with the laws, its punishingly difficult to risk unemployment and stand up for what you believe to be right. In Canada we at least have laws to forbid overt action like that, and I was shocked that they wouldn’t have that in the states. That’s all

    As for the issue of the stuffed French Toast, it’s a top 5 list. “Freaked out” was intentional hyperbole. It’s called humour. If you didn’t find it funny, then that’s fine.

    As for the issue of the Quebec sign laws. If you want to do some serious research other than a google search, you’re welcome to it. I started you off by giving you the name of the bill as well as the legal case before the supreme court which challenged it.

    Also, you wrote “We have plenty of problems to deal with in our Country without looking down our noses at the U.S.” I don’t even know what this means. I write about the ample problems I see with Canada all the time. Nor did I “look down my nose” at the U.S.. I never once said that these items were indicative of all Americans, indeed as I’ve written now at least 4 times in the comments section of this post, I hold that these items were most definitely NOT indicative of all Americans. I took a trip to the states and took ten minutes to write a blog post to inform my readers that I’d returned. I don’t know why I shouldn’t be able to write about what I saw down there.

    Lastly, get over yourself. You wrote “But you put that ‘As a Canadian’ in the title, which is irritating because you are insinuating you represent all Canadians.” Nowhere in the English language can that be construed as saying I represent all Canadians. I could have said “As a male” I took offense to (fill in the blank), I could have said “As an unmarried person”, I could have said “as a Marxist”, “as a grad student”, “As an Anglophone”. Not one of them would imply that I was speaking for the component group with which I identity — be it all males, all unwed people, all Marxists, all grad students or all Anglophones. The use of the phrase in the English language is to suggest which component part of one’s identity is important in any given regard. Thus, I didn’t say “As a male” these are 5 things that I found weird in the states because there wasn’t anything which offended my masculine sensibilities.


    P.S., I’ve lived in both northern and southern Ontario and I’ve never once heard anybody other than Americans use the word “Canadian bacon”. So I don’t know where in Ontario you live where they say “Canadian bacon”, but even if they do use that phrase, you’re missing the whole point that I’ve outlined now three times: “Canadian bacon” isn’t Canadian.

  1165. 1201 Geoff 10 February, 2008 at 1:47 pm

    For the record, I’d never heard the term ‘Canadian Bacon’ until I travelled to the States. I don’t think I’ve heard the term used here even once. And I’m from Western Canada.

    As for your other point about corporations being public, that was interesting. I don’t find myself being that freaked out about a truck being used as a billboard. (I assume it’s the company’s truck. Don’t know much about these things). I think there are worse ways a company could exploit or discriminate against its employees.
    And as for the French Toast, American breakfasts are huge! Has anyone done a study comparing portion sizes between the two countries? It would be interesting.

  1166. 1202 paulitics 10 February, 2008 at 3:08 pm

    Geoff, I think you’re absolutely right to point out that there are far worse forms of exploitation and discrimination. However, I don’t believe that changes the nature of the fact that it nevertheless remains a form (albeit not the worst form) of discrimination.

    I don’t know if anybody’s done a survey on American breakfast portions, but from my subjective experience, I can say that both my girlfriend and I both felt that the portions were disproportionately bigger there than in Canada. It would be interesting to see a survey to that effect though.

  1167. 1203 april 10 February, 2008 at 6:37 pm

    Then someone explain to me why we have hundreds of thousands of people trying to sneak INTO the U.S. each year.

    I was recently in Toronto and was disgusted to find a young guy lying on the sidewalk among his own vomit and feces. The next day at the Molson Center, I walked out to my car to discover a couple of canadians URINATING next to it because the lines at the restroom were too long. I only know this because they commented on my license plate being from the states. Crazy is everywhere, dude.

  1168. 1204 jonolan 11 February, 2008 at 8:21 am


    They hate Americans with every fiber of their beings – but they’d sell their children into prostitution to get our stuff. That’s why they keep sneaking in.

  1169. 1205 saskboy 12 February, 2008 at 2:19 am

    “to get our stuff”

    What stuff would that be? Not the stuff made in China, right?

  1170. 1206 jonolan 12 February, 2008 at 9:10 am

    No, not the stuff made in China. The Chinese made stuff they can steal from either their own shipping docks or off the trucks bringing it to America. Since a growing portion of Chinese imports are shipped to the US via Mexico to avoid tariffs, they have plenty of change to “acquire” all of it that they might want.

    I’m talking about general economics and consumerism. The Mexicans sneak into the US because, while they hate us, they want to be able to get 1st world goods and make the money to do so. You have to realize that remittances – money sent home by immigrants (legal and illegal) – is the 3rd largest source of foreign currency / trade in Mexico!

  1171. 1207 jonolan 14 February, 2008 at 6:18 pm

    Your site suck! Lawyers should have the eyes gouged out, bleach poured in ragged sockets, and be forced to tap dance naked on the street where people can spit on them.

  1172. 1208 Niki 15 February, 2008 at 5:10 pm

    upstate NY? who would ever go there? you barely even leave canada…upstate NY, Canada’s retarded cousins

  1173. 1209 Geoff 16 February, 2008 at 1:16 pm

    Have I missed something in this conversation? I’m not sure what jonolan is on about. He must be rabid. I can see it in his eyes.

    And what is the Molson Center? (april’s post) Is that where the Toronto Maple Leafs play? Are we talking about some drunk hockey fans setting an example for the rest of us Canadians?

  1174. 1210 Carl 16 February, 2008 at 11:03 pm

    You are doing alright. I highly value other cultures other than our own. We need a slap in the face to wake us up. We indeed are losing our values exponentially. I hear culture shocks like your own all of the time. “why are your women so fat in this country” “wait until you are eighteen and you are out of the out” I personally will never say that to my children. Countries where families cling to each other of necessity and culturally that can never bear to hear those words.
    The United States has been losing its magic so to speak. We are also losing our ability to accept with open arms the rest of the world.

  1175. 1211 Amanda 18 February, 2008 at 12:31 am

    There has been a lot of talk about the US vs. Canada, a lot of stereotypes flying, and many things said by both sides that have me shaking my head. As an American, born and raised in the South where many of these stories have taken place, I can tell you about the real United States of America:

    We drive down the street and see bumber stickers, both for and against every religion, race, sexual orientation

  1176. 1212 Amanda 18 February, 2008 at 12:57 am

    Sorry, accidentally hit the button.

    Anyway, we see these things, we agree or disagree, and then we FORGET ABOUT IT, at least the smart ones of us. We would point that heart attack on a plate out and shake our heads, then order something else. We are taught in our elementary schools that immigration is what made our country great and we are taught in our college classes that it is what will keep our country running. We are taught by chain e-mails that illegal immigrants who cross the border to have babies get better health care, on the taxpayers’ tab, than American citizens. We, especially the Southerners, understand that the Confederate flag and attitude is a sensitive subject, especially to the poor fools who still think the Civil War was about slaves. We are too uninformed have a significant opinion about Iraq or the Middle East, unless it is related to gas prices because the places we are really concerned about, we can drive to. We know that our government does a lot of stupid things. We know that our country is far from perfect, but we also know that our people on welfare are still considered some of the wealthiest in world and that in our country there is NO LIMIT to what we can accomplish. We line up to give blood, we clean up parks and beaches and we help people when we can, just because it is the right thing to do. I’ve never been to Canada but I’m willing to bet it’s much the same: good people doing the best they can with a few backward ideas to keep them interesting. So yes, in case you are wondering, I am damn proud to be an American, greasy breakfast food, opininated people and all.

  1177. 1213 Mark 7 March, 2008 at 9:17 am

    You came to the U.S. and that’s all you saw? This is horrible stuff from horrible people. But hardly everyone is like this. If we were, Barack Obama wouldn’t be getting so many votes, he’d be lynched. Any American with a conscience is terribly embarrassed by these displays. But if this is all you saw, you weren’t looking for anything but negativity. I’m sure we all can find awful stuff and awful people anywhere on earth. It’s important to expose the darkness, but it makes no impact without the context of light. Come on back for another visit anytime, and may you find the folks here who work hard against such bigotry and hatred.

  1178. 1214 Mark 7 March, 2008 at 9:28 am

    By the way, note to Amanda from a fellow Southerner: The Civil War WAS about slavery, no matter how the historical revisionists try to spin it. The first step to overcoming a problem is to admit you have the problem. If we Southerners can’t even cop to the fact that the Civil War was about keeping slaves (and not the state’s rights red herring), we can’t possibly begin to understand the deep pain those “poor fools” you speak of feel when they see a Confederate flag decal on the back of a pickup truck.

  1179. 1215 paulitics 7 March, 2008 at 9:35 am

    Mark – please tell me where I wrote that this is all I saw in the United States. Also please tell me where I wrote that everybody was like this.

  1180. 1216 Darren 27 March, 2008 at 12:29 pm

    Visitors to the U.S. see what they want to see, I suppose. I dare say most Americans 1) Do not support the war in Iraq 2) Are extremely diverse in their opinions regarding government-supported welfare programs 3) Are generally proud of their Southern heritage for reasons that have nothing to do with slavery (if they happen to be from the South) 4) Have never heard of “stuffed French toast,” and 5) Do not own nor do they work for so-called “Christian companies.”

    I realize you’re not presenting your observations as an all-encompassing view of the United States (to do so would be rather dull), but you can’t deny the overall tenor of your post portrays your neighbor to the south in a rather negative light. Frankly, Paul, you come off as rather elitist and rude. If I traveled to Canada on vacation, I hope I would at least be gracious enough to point out more of the nice and/or pleasant things I observed, instead of only focusing on negative stereotypes. I’m not suggesting we should all walk around with blinders over our eyes, but most people (U.S. citizens included) are well aware of America’s warts.

    Beyond the obvious elitism, your post comes off as rather pedestrian. I mean, your observations are not particularly original or insightful, and play right into all the same old tired rhetoric about American excess, xenophobia and Puritanism. Yeah, yeah, we know… America is all screwed up. Also, were you really that “freaked out?” I hope this was hyperbole thrown in for the sake of humor. If not, you really do need to get out more. I mean… your chosen vernacular here makes you sound rather childish.

  1181. 1217 Darren 27 March, 2008 at 4:11 pm

    P.S. – Again, if these are the “top five” things you saw in the U.S., you only saw what you wanted to see. This post really does make you sound very insular and childish and basically narrow-minded.

  1182. 1218 Suzanne 27 March, 2008 at 7:00 pm

    Crazy, hateful, selfish, narrow-minded people are everywhere. Just as sane, loving, unselfish, open-minded people are. We see what we want to see, when we want to see it.

  1183. 1219 Libertarian,say WHAT! 7 April, 2008 at 12:33 pm

    It sounds like you went to America looking for faults. I went to Canada for vacation and loved it. I didn’t dwell on the fact that everything was more expensive. I could make the assumption that since the gas is very expensive, then obviously the oil companies have a huge monopoly, and I was ripped off. I accept that there are differences. I do not agree with the billboard, but I wouldn’t give them business, and just keep driving. What is so hard, but to live and let live?

  1184. 1220 paulitics 7 April, 2008 at 9:19 pm

    It sounds like you didn’t read through my comments.

    I’ve said many times now that I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the states.

  1185. 1221 Karas-kun 10 April, 2008 at 6:57 am

    WTF? I agree with EVERYTHING!
    This restaurant have balls, fuck Mexicans and Iraq.
    Only Left wing hippies can deny Muslim invasion of US.

  1186. 1222 Frank 25 April, 2008 at 9:50 am

    I can see your list sure got a lot of comments. I think it’s funny that everyone feels they are in the majority. I’ve been to Canada on vacation, I didn’t notice any difference, if it wasn’t for the border I wouldn’t have known I left the U.S.A.. I don’t meen that as an insult ha,ha. I think everyone should look at the rest of your site before going crazy over a few comments. Nice list though.
    Don’t take all the comments personal, eveyone just likes to vent.
    Peace to our northern neighbors.

  1187. 1223 Ailie 26 April, 2008 at 8:47 pm

    All I have to say is “live and let live” when you visit other countries.

    Instead of making a list of the negatives, why not enjoy the positives?

    You must be a very angry person. Try some deep breaths ~ and stop & smell the roses, dude.

  1188. 1224 paulitics 27 April, 2008 at 2:07 pm

    Ailie – who said I didn’t enjoy the positives? And who said I was angry? I enjoyed writing this post and seeing the negative reaction from people who can’t take some friendly criticism. Also, I’ve mentioned the many things I enjoyed on my trip now about 5 times. Read more carefully next time.

  1189. 1225 auntdebboise 9 May, 2008 at 9:20 pm

    The only thing better than stuffed French toast would be, oh, I don’t know, Nanaimo Bars? With an insulin chaser.

  1190. 1226 Khaos 4 June, 2008 at 1:58 pm

    As an american that is both funny and sad to me. I take little pride in some of my fellow country men, and even less so in my government. But being someone who has tried to educate people who prefer a simple lies to the sometimes difficult to obtain truth. It is a far better and less stressful practice to laugh at the dumb asses and just prey to the sweet powers that are, that you will find one who isn’t brainwashed, retarded, or completely miss informed and under educated. They are out there I know they are I’ve seen them.

  1191. 1227 JimBob 18 June, 2008 at 8:28 am

    “Also, Dr William Bennett. Being shocked by some backward behaviour is fascist and biggot is it? Oh… let me think… oh yeah. At least we’re not burning down abortion clinics, and sending military expeditions halfway across the world to ‘teach em camel jockeys a lesson in tolerance’”

    Do you have a true military to send half way around the world? Or do you depend on the US for defense?

  1192. 1228 RPJ 18 June, 2008 at 1:45 pm

    Well JimBob actually we do have a military to send half way around the world. As a matter of fact they are currently fighting and dying over in Afghanistan helping do the job you should be doing instead of pulling your military out in order to bomb the shit out of Iraq solely to enrich your rapacious big businesses. I assume you meant to include the thank you in your message and just forgot. Oh, and by the way, don’t believe the Disney/Hollywood spin your government and media puts on your actions. The only reason you want the line of defense in Northern Canada (built when Russia was the big threat to you) was so that the bombs would be falling in Canada and not in New York etc. You can call it “defending us” but you folks are the only ones who buy your own bullshit. (I know you think you own NORAD but actually it is a joint effort and I personally have family that work for it.) I’ll assume that your thanks for allowing the line of defense to be on our land is forthcoming as well. And finally, I don’t want to embarrass you but your country and mine only fought each other once (in 1812) and um er shhh, don’t tell anyone but we won that one. So now that this is all cleared up, you might want to check with those other countries that you are helping out with your “protection”. May I suggest you start with Iraq? Of course the list is long but that is a good place to start.
    PS: Please don’t get rammy and attack Iran because we don’t want to have to bail out your ass like we did in 1979 when we put our own lives on the line rescuing some of your embassy staff there. I don’t think the Iranians will fall for it this time.

    And yet still we keep extending the hand of friendship out to you. On 9/11 when you guys stopped all air traffic from entering your air space or trying to land at your airports, it was us who stepped up and took the risk and welcomed them all to our air space and our airports no matter how tiny the community that played host. Our people took yours into their own homes and gave up their own beds and fed and welcomed you with open arms. No matter that nobody knew at the time how many more planes might have been flying death machines. We couldn’t just abandon you. Again, I’ll assume that the thank you is just temporarily missing.

  1193. 1229 TSR 23 June, 2008 at 9:53 pm

    If Covenant wants to put that on their trailers
    they paid for them.
    I have that same saying on my truck, and I dont drive for them. Maybe the truth hurts sometimes.

  1194. 1230 Dave 3 September, 2008 at 2:23 pm

    RJP is right. And so is TSR. And so are so many others. So who’s wrong? The narrow-minded bigots, the offensive few that force all good and just people to make a hard line in the sands of time rather than rationally settling their differences.

    BTW – thank you RJP.

  1195. 1231 Whitney 27 October, 2008 at 4:39 pm

    FYI, re: french toast, the Indiana State Fair offers deep-fat fried Twinkies and, as if that weren’t enough, deep-fat fried candy bars. You can’t make this stuff up…

  1196. 1232 duchessofmalfi 13 November, 2008 at 12:23 pm

    I’m an American and all those things freak me right the f*$% out too, man. Even that French toast. Although I will admit to having French toast stuffed with marscapone cream cheese once and it was heaven. Yes, it’s true…
    But the Xtian trucking companies (and other companies too, ewww) are just… a total mind-f*$% to see.

  1197. 1233 US Citizen 24 November, 2008 at 3:23 pm

    Fuck off canadians. Oh, by the way. How’s tourism these days…

  1198. 1234 Mike 6 December, 2008 at 4:47 pm

    It neither breaks my bones nor picks my pocket so what concern of it is mine. Let them put up whatever sign they want they aren’t beating your door down forcing you to believe what they do. If you don’t like it stay in Canada and stuff your northern rules up your A*#.

  1199. 1235 Scrobo 1 February, 2009 at 10:20 am

    Well another Canadian makes the rest of us Canadians look like a group of socialist, panty wearing sissy retards. Thanks alot.

    #1 if someone has an opinion and writes to the editor, uses a truck to carry a message or uses thier billboard sign to let others know how they feel about political issues then it’s thier buisness. WHo are we to say they do not have a voice?

    Stuffed french toast sounds good. I wonder if you could deep fry it?

    I spend 3-4 dasy a week in the US and I consider myself an honorary American born and living in Canada. US is a wonderful place to visit. And it’s sad that others whine about the opinions of the right. They’re just as bad as you. Maybe they sould come on up here to Canada and see what it’s like to live in a country run by Liberal dictation.

  1200. 1236 What the hell 15 April, 2009 at 6:35 pm

    I live in upstate NY and have for 29 years. Right in the middle near Syracuse. I have NEVER heard of stuffed french toast, ever. I have a brother in Buffalo a sister in Rochester and another sister in Saratoga near Albany, and im near Syracuse, so WHAT “upstate” are you talking about. Do you ALWAYS some up a region, state and now country with what one hole in the wall crappy cheap restaurant sells? Who’s the ignorant bigot here?

  1201. 1237 What the hell 15 April, 2009 at 6:36 pm

    I live in upstate NY and have for 29 years. Right in the middle near Syracuse. I have NEVER heard of stuffed french toast, ever. I have a brother in Buffalo a sister in Rochester and another sister in Saratoga near Albany, and im near Syracuse, so WHAT “upstate” are you talking about. Do you ALWAYS sum up a region, state and now country with what one hole in the wall crappy cheap restaurant sells? Who’s the ignorant bigot here?

  1202. 1238 ZIplock Nooga 15 April, 2009 at 6:38 pm

    Fuck canadians, you’re not even a real country anyway.

  1203. 1239 BugsBunny 26 May, 2009 at 3:57 pm

    Well I did find the Casa signs funny in a twisted sort of way o_O

    Yes I’m a Canadian & an American, and proud of them both. What I find annoying, is how you saw 5 minor things that freaked YOU out, sad you had to mention your Canadian. I was born in Sudbury, Ontario, leave through out the US until mid twenty’s, and then came back to Canada. I served in the USMC, and in the 1 RCR.

    Know I’ve experience the wrong end of the S Fan in both countries, but more than not, I’ve met some fantastic people, most who are still close friends in the US and in CDN. This Canadian vs American arguement is old, and bullshit. And for Canadians who don’t think we don’t have troops overseas helping our brothers and sisters in arms, look again.

    For those of you US citizens who hate Canadians (for whatever reason), and you Canadians who hate Americans (again for whatever reason) give your fuckin’ heads a shake, there’s bigger problems in the world instead of listening to your pathetic rants.

    Sadly it’s the Canadian way, not all mind you, but a high majority, and most youth in my personal day to day experience. Who like to make themselves feel superior by verbally knocking others down. When I put them to task, I find they don’t know any facts, the biggest response I get back is usually, “well I heard it from a friend” or “don’t you watch CNN” (yeah there’s a trust worthy source)

    My rant is done, and I’m sure I’m going to get slammed from all sides now, but seriously get off the US vs CDN trip folks, it’s a dead end street, filled with empty headed whiners, wondering what to complain about next.

  1204. 1240 BugsBunny 26 May, 2009 at 4:23 pm

    ZIplock Nooga Says:

    15 April, 2009 at 6:38 pm | Reply
    Fuck canadians, you’re not even a real country anyway.


    ROFL now that’s entertainment folks. I’d challenge you to a battle of wits, but it’s unfair to pick a fight with an unarmed opponent.

  1205. 1241 Diana 9 June, 2009 at 2:31 pm

    So why is it that you vacationed with us?

    Just, FYI…I am an American world traveler and did not find the need to publish my disapproval of isolated behaviors. IE. While in France, many rumoured personality traits seemed to be quite apparent. They also eat raw eggs & smoke like chimneys, everywhere!

    While in Canada, I observed similar evidence of whidespread uniqueness.

    In the Yucatan, and toher impoverised areas of the world, the crime is the disparity between the haves & the have nots!

    America is wide & long & full of rich unique tolerated diversity the unlikes of anywhere else in the world. Yes we have prejudice & problems, but still a comparitively young nation & a work in process & I regret some of the progress. But alas…Love art, but could not live in Paris!

    Southern folk, hard nuts to crack, but heart felt if approached individually.

    How many people do we have here? It’s amazing that we have had only 2-3 revolutionary squabbles.

  1206. 1242 mark collins 15 June, 2009 at 12:13 am

    It is easy to find unpopular views, opinions and even menu items in a country when its citizens have the strength, courage and moral compass to place freedom on a pedestal and keep it there. The cowards way is to only defend an individuals freedoms and rights when they are popular, America is the greatest nation in the world because of the simple fact that while I may not agree with or possibly even directly opposed to something someone believes I will stand up for their right to say it. Talk about tolerance? You take pop shots at individuals because you personally do not like because you do not have the courage or strength of character to engage those individuals in discussion. To every American who either bashed those who’s opinions they did not share in this post or expressed a feeling of shame for living in the same country on them I say you have lost clarity on what it means to be and American. America, land of the free, home of the brave.

  1207. 1243 Delmar Jackson 16 June, 2009 at 5:39 pm

    As a southerner with a smidgen of French Canadian ancestors I like Canada and most canadians. I don’t find your items very Freaky. I may disagree with some things being said by those you reported but am willing to die for their right to say them. It will be a sad day when we have hate speech laws enacted in the usa the way they have been enacted in most western countries. In Canada, you could probably go to jail for saying things about Muslims that are commonly said about White Southerners here.
    Regarding the Southern Pride thing. Everybody wants to feel good about themselves and the group they belong to. In America white southerners get no respect at all.. Interesting side note. a guy tried to trademark the phrase White Pride Nationwide and was denied his request as the US Patent and Trademark office said the words White Pride was offensive. However, upon investigating the matter further, it was found the phrases Latino Pride, Black Pride, Asian Pride, and the Gay and Lesbians of Santa Monica Pride were trademarked.

    Overall, I think you could have found much freakier things in the usa and am glad you did not, sometimes the truth hurts.

    What i am finding freaky right now is there are millions out of work yet we keep bringing in over 100,000 legal immigrants a month on work visas and 100,000 a month from legal immigrants bringing in relatives, etc. On top of this the government refuses to make E verify mandatory which is an easy way to keep down illegal immigration because when they can’t get jobs illegaly they are less likely to come. That Stimulus money is going to politically connected contractors that will be hiring the cheapest illegal labor they can find.
    Also quite freaky is how we let the banksters issue triilions of dollars in highly leveraged financial instruments called derivatives that no one understood very well and provided no or little oversight to make sure nothing would get out of hand. The world economy is now like Wily e Coyote just run out over the cliff and hasn’t looked down yet. We are not even allowed to audit the Federal Reserve that loaned two trillion last year but refuses to tell us to whom. That is Trillion with a freakin TEE!!!

    Also freaky how we keep re electing the same bastards time after time.
    Come back down to Hollywood florida and you can show us how to eat french fries with mayo, LOL

  1208. 1244 R. Wright 31 August, 2009 at 7:55 pm

    WOW!!!! What a shithole. No wonder canada is the most powerful, most popular country on earth. Those assinine americans. ANY study of history clearly shows how much better the world would be if the “screwed up” americans had never existed. That whole misguided right from wrong thing they do. UUUHHHH!!, and that stand up, having a backbone thing. Twisted idiots!!! What kind of MORON would die for someone elses freedom?!?!?! Hey! Heres an idea!!! STAY IN canada. You don’t wan’t to get any of that on you. I heard it gives inlightend condicending canadian COWARDS a rash. F.U. an Amarican Veteran.

  1209. 1245 James 18 June, 2010 at 11:35 pm

    OK you had your say, Now its my turn. Take your sorry pussy no playing football because we suck and play soccer ass back to bacon land and stay in the land of wimps! This is america its ok if we talk about our presidents and such but YOU cant do that. WHY? Because you SUCK you fucking pussy canadian worm LOL Teach your kids how to throw a fucking football ok!

  1210. 1246 kerry 2 October, 2010 at 11:48 am

    The only one that disturbs me is when I feel a religious statement is condoning everything I might possibly do. People do wrong or undesirable things. Countries sometimes are also wrong in their actions. Wording a religious statement where it makes me feel as if anything they do is good because god is guiding them is scary. This may not be intentional but I think it would be best if they were conscious of the effect they may be having.

  1211. 1247 Davis Powell 19 February, 2011 at 11:55 am

    Why are Canadians so freaked out by America? I libe in Australia and people always ask if you are canadian instead of American because if they ask a canadian if they are American….they freak out and get all offended.

    Get a life.

  1212. 1248 handicap ramps 11 April, 2011 at 11:58 pm

    Oh my! What are you all talkin? You’re to boastful… No matter how powerful are you…you have nothing in the eyes of God…

  1213. 1249 Top 5 Things 20 November, 2011 at 1:48 am

    I always wondered what Canadians (and other foreigners) thought about America. For some reason it interests me, lol.

    Anyway, if you were surprised by the stuffed french toast, you should see the hamburger that is sandwiched between two doughnuts, with butter and cheese on it! Crazy…but I guess that’s why we’re the obesity capital of the world.

    Anyway, good read – would love to hear more.

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  1216. 1252 Countries That Speak French 26 November, 2012 at 12:25 am

    Next time I read a blog, I hope that it won’t disappoint me as much as this particular one. I mean, Yes, it was my choice to read, but I really thought you’d have something useful to say. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about something that you could fix if you weren’t too busy looking for attention.

  1217. 1253 doop 12 December, 2012 at 1:02 am

    As an American i’m sorry that’s what you had to see it’s better up north. I’ve never once seen that kind of stuff ever! The political and christian stuff is over the top by far!

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  1225. 1262 Josh 25 May, 2013 at 9:14 pm

    All countries have their ups and downs, and it’s sometimes a bit unfair to compare completely different issues. On the other hand, as an American, I do notice that unlike some other places, as a general population we are for some reason extra ignorant of our own faults, or try to twist them into some sort of thing to be proud of. There are bigots everywhere in the world. Still..I am so moving out of this shithole haha..maybe to Sweden to live with some family..or Canada..

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  1243. 1281 Tracy 5 July, 2014 at 10:31 am

    I really don’t get this! First of all, we have signs all over Canada stating scriptures and pro-choice statements! I’m not sure what you were getting at there!
    Secondly… Butter squares? You have never had a butter squares? That’s odd!

    I couldn’t read on!

  1244. 1282 Proud American 12 July, 2014 at 7:16 pm

    At least in America we get to voice our opinion. I thought you did in Canada too. Guess not…I mean you certainly wouldn’t want to offend people. Oh wait…you just offended most of America. Now I see…YOU can express your ideas, it’s just we Americans who shouldn’t. Sure…that seems like a GREAT country!!!

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  1247. 1285 Anti-ricer 23 October, 2014 at 12:28 pm

    I never seen anything wrong with anything posted above. Freedom of speech

  1248. 1286 Fred 24 February, 2015 at 3:00 am

    America land of the dummies lol. I think this country’s message is quite clear to the rest of the planet. It says hey look we’re a bunch of dumb honky idiots that like to bully others. We do discriminate but we make up for our sins by attending church on Sunday. Now you see how stupid Americans are? Now you can understand why our government is also just as stupid. You Canadians won’t have to worry much longer I can assure you thanks to all our war mongering politicians up in Washington, Bush being one, America will probably be nuked off the face of the planet. Gee thanks America! What a country!

    • 1287 Mitch 29 September, 2015 at 4:16 pm

      Dumb honkey idiots, U w0t?
      You said Americans in general discriminate when you just called all Americans honkey idiots. That’s by definition discrimination you uncultured swine.

  1249. 1288 Mitch 29 September, 2015 at 4:13 pm

    Southern born American here, thought I’d chime in.

    #5, living in the south I’ve seen some colorful shit, this is news to me. As a business they have a right to have whatever they want plastered on their vehicles so long as it doesn’t call for the eradication of an ethnic group, free speech is a right I value and I’d be a hypocrite of I said they shouldn’t be able to spout off their religious nonsense.

    #4 farthest north I’ve gone which is also the farthest west I’ve gone would be Central Michigan, small town not far west of Lansing. Never been to NY but processed cheese is disgusting, from what my friend’s told me people from up north have even more disgusting eating habits than southerners, and on average fried chicken is eaten for a meal or two a week in some homes, some it’s a average lunch.

    #3, I haven’t left Florida for any reason other than “hur dur wrong turn I’m in Georgia now” since I was about nine, so it’s been a good thirteen years or so since I’ve been to the “deep south” since I live in North Florida it’s less so country and more so “my parents have money so I’m going to pretend to be country”, lots of people pretending to be christians so they can hide how shit a person they are. The south’s full of people like that, but I’ve never seen something so blatantly fucking stupid in my life. My ancestors were from Gaul, they were honorable warriors worthy of respect, they never raped, they never enslaved others. Southern fighters were defending states rights to own people which is a disgusting rational, and I’m proud one side of my family who were citizens at the time fought in the Northern Cavalry. When people around me brag about having relatives that fought in the Confederate army I talk about how my ancestor survived getting shot in the chest with a light cannon, after his commander told him to go home, he took a battle standard home and used it as a door mat until the day he died, his son burned the standard the day after he died.

    #2, a lot of small business owners are pissed off larger corporations get bailouts while the little guys are shafted with the larger cuts, they don’t have the resources to get out of paying a lot like the big guys, so they’re jaded by a system that used to encourage enterprise, but now demonizes it in practice while trying to place it on a pedestal, it’s shit. My grandpa on my dads side grew up during the depression, hard drinking Irish father, he was a first generation, my grandpa was second, they believed in the american dream but I guess it never happened because during the time everybody hated the Irish. My grandpa worked hard, harder than a lot of people I’ve known and probably will ever know. Problem is media has convinced business owners immigrants are the cause of their problems rather than the cunts in charge.

    -Boarder solution (that’s pretty funny actually) better than the great wall of Trump

    -About bringing the troops home, yeah, let them solve their own problems, wasn’t our fight to begin with. Our government fucked up big time, and now we’re locked into a shit storm we can’t actually get out of.

    -Press 1 for english, granted it gets annoying, however we’re a nation of many different groups, we’re the most ethnically diverse country in the world. Wouldn’t kill anybody to learn another language, it doesn’t belittle people to learn language, it broadens your horizon.

    -Yes because invading a nation on false pretenses, murdering civilians and funding the most tyrannical “democracy”, and most of the rebel factions in the middle east all while under the guise of “protecting muh freedom” entitles this shit to a nations natural resource so he can pay $2 per gallon of gas. Nobody tell this guy OPEC controls the price of gas across the board.

    – Fun history fact for non americans and americans who aren’t intelligent to use google, Under god was added in the 50’s at the height of the gold war to combat communism with faith in a mystical sky daddy. So, it’s like that because some twat that was elected decided to not abide by separation of church and state, so no, that’s now how it should be, and he doesn’t like it he can move to a country that forces church and state together, like the middle east.

    – Protesting unjust wars is a fundamental right we have as citizens, if we don’t like what our government’s doing we can talk about it, and protest. We haven’t been in a justifiable war since WWII, and technically we went to war with Germany on false pretenses. So fuck this guy.

    Not all of america sucks, Disney’s pretty dope, just don’t drink the sweet tea, so much sugar you may get cancer or diabetes (>mfw not even real sugar) and it’s cold, Murika’s one of the few places I learned drinks cold tea. I have no preference since I like coffee better.

  1250. 1289 jadkimi 11 January, 2016 at 5:18 pm

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  1251. 1291 Wade Burtch 23 July, 2017 at 5:24 pm

    There are some awful people in this country, and at least one of the things you mentioned (the Casa d’Ice signs) illustrates that. However, I can’t say that we have a higher or lower percentage than other countries. A quick web search, for example, can find you images of hate groups in Canada or Sweden. If I traveled to Toronto last week, took a picture of the White Supremist rally that occurred at Queen’s Park and posted them online saying, “sheesh, these Canadians are messed up”, would I be justified in concluding that Canada is off the rails? In one of your first paragraphs you presumed that the locals find these things to be perfectly normal. But the Casa d’Ice signs drew national media attention, which means these signs were perceived as anything but normal. BTW, I suspect you didn’t “see” this sign in America; I think you found it on the web. And it is true that we’re having some problems with popular support of political extremism right now, but rather than smugly observing it from a more stable country and seeking to make us look as bad as you can, come get to know some Americans and see that there are many many millions of good people here. Try to find the good and be a supportive neighbor.

  1252. 1293 zudnic 2 August, 2017 at 10:18 pm

    I find it funny Canadian liberals freaking out over things, that not so long ago where even worse in Canada. How about mandatory boarding schools for kids with “Indian” in them. Run by the Catholic Church, a group with a not so great rep with kids. Ontario still fully funds Catholic Schools. Up until the late 1970’s, blacks couldn’t stay at the Hotel Vancouver. A hotel owned by government owned CP Rail at the time. Yep, and we make fun of the South for wanting to promote the good parts of their heritage. Canadians proving the hypocrisy of the left daily with their ignorance of their own countries past “values”! The last Catholic indian residential school closed in 1995. So our racism of teaching the indian out of the savage kid, was very recent!

  1253. 1294 grandparent 19 September, 2017 at 5:07 am

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  1254. 1295 Mike 26 September, 2017 at 2:37 pm

    Fuck you, if you dont like our country stay the fuck out. We dont need to apologize for every cocksucking queer that crosses our border, and we arent apologizing for your snowflake feelings being hurt.

  1255. 1296 vlad 15 January, 2018 at 11:24 pm

    pride culture and honor doesn’t matter to you Canadian cucks,you have given away your country to greedy asianws and indiabns and muslim blacks,why would you give a shit about Christianity or white pride.i can tell this is written by some leftist shithead by the idiotic examples shown.let me ask you a question,whats your problem with southern heritage?is it because you consider it racist?if you do that makes you a racist too,you hate proud whites,and thats something you will never stop so keep guilting all you want,you will drop dead of exhaustion before we feel any guilt.long live the confederacy,foriegners coming in here accusing the only culture America had racist,and trying to silence my opinion is tyranny,whites are disorganized now,but we hake been awakened to your bullshit sneaky agenda and will meet you liberal assholes head on in which you will inevitably lose.banning a flag is just that,you cant take away the pride in our hearts and the hate we have for this new generation of colored turncoats.

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  1258. 1299 Wayne Mann 15 August, 2018 at 12:00 pm

    wow evgen is an idiot.!! you are absolutely right Rob you hit the nail on the head. Never realized there were so many stupid idiots in America. the Canadian is even more stupid he needs to stay in that lousy country. These liberals and progressives keep pushing and Tucker Carlson is right we better keep our guns loaded and ready. We can partially thank Bush the muzzie and obamy the nigra for all of this crap. Recently had a black woman tell me they wanted Whitey dead because they can deal better with the hispanics and had a hispanic guy tell me that we stole their country and they are taking it back. Wake up America.

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